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24.01.2022 KILLER ISO LEG WORKOUT! Is iso getting you down and like myself, you aren't willing to spend hundreds on a squat rack? No problem. I designed a leg workout that will leave you sore for days! E1: ... Position 2 solid chairs with their backs against a wall and leave a 1 foot gap between them. Treat this excercise like a goblet squat, except instead of holding the load up at our chest, we're holding it just above the knees and squatting into the gap between those chairs. You can use a dumbbell, kettlebell or similar that is heavy enough. (I use a 40kg car jack at 30+ reps and they are a 10/10 on the positive pain scale) E2: Like the barbell variation, except we will be using a volunteer to sit on our lap facing away whilst doing these. I get my partner (100kg) to sit on my lap, but you can use your friend, child, or even a 5kg sack of rice (anything that provides substantial volume). You want to sit against a stable chair or bench with your scapulae resting against it and hold onto the persons lower back whilst doing these. Squeeze and pause for a second at the top. These will build glutes of steel. E3: ( ) On one side of your body, hold onto a solid platform such as a bench or couch. Hinge at your knees and lean your torso backwards. This excercise is testing on balance and gives your quads an intense burn if done correctly! E4: Set up 2 chairs so that their backs are facing the same direction. We will use this as our makeshift bench. Attach a STURDY resistance band (I recommend a material one because rubber ones hurt like fk if they snap) to the top of the chair leg and put your foot inside the loop with its sole facing the sky. Try pulsing it out after your last reps Feel the burn! #workoutinspo #isoworkouts #motivation #yougotdis #supporteachother
23.01.2022 CLIENT'S 8 WEEK TRANSFORMATION! To say that I am am proud of this babe would be the understatement of the century! Her unwavering discipline, hard work and patience have paved the way to a new lifestyle that she loves.... It has been the most rewarding thing to watch her inner happiness, relationships and confidence blossom as a result of feeling great about herself and I can't wait for the next chapter of this journey! #fitnessmotivation #weightlossjourney #strength #femalefitnessmotivation #leanbody #girlswholift #strongwomen
21.01.2022 ? ' !... For 7 days only I wil be offering my online coaching services at a 30% discounted rate + your first week as a FREE trial! I am a qualified Personal Trainer with experience in helping others achieve their body composition goals in a time efficient manner, while regaining their confidence. : Custom Nutrition & Training Plans Weekly Check-Ins Via Zoom Or Phone Call (followed by necessary program adjustments) Daily Client Support, communication & Feedback Goal-Specific Planning Book your obligation-free phone consult Today! [email protected] And together we can devise a plan of attack! #onlinecoaching #fatloss #isofitness
21.01.2022 & - Back In our primitive days as cavemen, fight and flight was a powerful survival tool which protected us from predators, preventing our extinction. This instinct prepared us to run when we saw a saber tooth tiger or relocate when faced with environmental threat... The hormones adrenaline (epinephrine) and cortisol are released in the brain when there is breach of our sympathetic nervous system. Those same stress responses which signal us to avoid potentially life-threatening situations, are also triggered by the ones which only propose harm to our psychological health. Common stressors can include financial, professional or environmental change (this pandemic for instance). By learning to take charge of stress and induce yourself in a state of calm, cool and collectiveness, you will feel more in control of your life even at times when you have zero control over circumstance Here is a few tips & tricks I like to use to cope with stress: 1) This regulates your bodies serotonin levels and increases endorphins! 2) , & Great for letting go of the negative energy that doesn't serve you and claiming back your zen! (If you are at work and these aren't possible, try 6 breaths in a row). 3) & Some of my favourite ones to supplement include: Ashwhaganda, Schisandra, Rhelora, Quality fish oils, Camomile & Curcumin. 4) & (cliché but true) A good night's rest will not only make you feel a million dollars, but will assist in your ability to cope with stress. Staying hydrated is also key as it reduces cortisol, improves cognition and helps our bodies with the production of cerebral fluid. 5) Why not ask your partner for a 10 minute neck massage? or take a long hot bath in epsom salts and essential oils. This will give you a nice dopamine kick and you'll feel refreshed after. Remember that not all bad circumstances are permanent and this too shall pass
18.01.2022 If your goal is to maximise lean muscle growth, then it is essential that your post-workout recovery is PRIORITIZED. Are you getting enough sleep, or is your CNS fried daily? Is your diet rich in amino acids that will facilitate new muscle growth and repair? What kind of supplements are you taking?... ' - ... . After workouts, you want to make sure that you are providing your muscles with a fast-absorbing form of protein. A quality Whey Protein Isolate is ideal. I recommend pairing it with some form of fast-absorbing carbs like maltodextrin or dextrose as they will help to shuttle the amino acids into the muscles straight away and begin muscle protein synthesis. Cereal or white rice with your post-workout shake are a great choice Avoid consuming high fats post-workout, as they can slow down your body’s digestion and prevent the fast absorption of protein. Fruit is okay, but fructose has to go through the liver before it can be turned into muscle glycogen therefore doesn’t support protein transport as well. If you wait too long to feed after training, an optimal window for recovery will be missed- you will not lose all of your gains, , it is the most optimal for max recovery. Similarly, if you eat too soon after your body will not want to go in a ‘rest and digest’ state as the blood will still be in the muscles. I suggest waiting 15 minutes post-workout, but no longer than 1 hour. When we are stressed and sleep-deprived, our body releases the hormone cortisol which puts us in a catabolic state that works against preserving and repairing muscle tissue. You will also have less energy to smash the gym if you are tired. When paired with great nutrition and sleep, supplements can be the cherry on top of the recovery cake. Isolate Protein, Creatine monohydrate, fish oils and BCAA’s are a few of the best IMP for #recovery Shoot me a message if you need some help getting on rhe right path to your fitness goals!
18.01.2022 ? The term 'Healthy' is a blanket term to describe perceived 'wiser, more nourishing food choices'. Ideally, these foods will be richer in micronutrients (vitamins & minerals) and fiber, and as close to their natural source as possible. Many products on the market that are branded as 'Healthy snacks' are often misleading... Despite one's relentless efforts to clean up their diet and frequent the gym, it can be one very frustrating and fruitless mission to achieve their fitness goals or dream physique. For example, Let's take a look at the macronutrient breakdown of 1 (one) 35g Boost Juice Hazelnut Protein Ball: : 200 : 9.9g : 15.2g : 6.1g And compare It to that of an original glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut: : 193 : 23.8g : 10.1g : 2.2g It's easy to make the justification "' , ' ". The supposedly 'healthier' one of the two gets almost 70% of its calories from fats with almost the same calorie content as the glazed doughnut Fats are essential in our diets for a number of reasons; some of these 'good fats' such as omega-3's contain anti-inflammatory properties and aid in your body's production of hormones. Although, as far as and your daily goes, your body has no idea where these calories are coming from and doesn't decide against them being stored just because they are 'healthy fats' Usually being the most abundant macronutrient in pre-packaged health foods, fats contain 9kcal per gram, whereas carbs and protein only contain 4kcal making it easier for a person to consume more calories than they realize and go over their daily caloric requirements. Aditionally, these health snacks can be rich in sugars which spike your insulin, causing everything including glucose (carbs) and fats in your blood to be driven into storage, first into your muscle tissue and liver, but once those are full (which if you haven't been performing intense excercise regularly they will be) any remaining fats or glucose will be converted to body fat. It's important to be aware of what you're putting into your body and its nutritional value if you want to positively change your body's composition. But rather than food '' or '', recognise that they are on a broad spectrum of different energy, macro and micronutrient make ups By seeing this, you will: Make more informed food choices. Build A Healthier and less restrictive relationship with food. Avoid fat loss plateu and frustration.
17.01.2022 . I played arount with ingredients and their ratios, but you can adjust however you wish! Serves 4... KCal/Serve: ~220 P: 37 C: 13 F: 5 Fibre: 7 You Will Need: 400g Diced Chicken Breast One medium Onion, diced 100g broccoli 100g diced Capsicum 200g sliced wombok 100g diced carrot 200g bean sprouts 1 Pack Konjac Noodles 1 Tbs Ginger Paste 60ml Soy Sauce 20g Stevia or 60ml Sugar-Free chilli sauce 15g sesame seeds 5ml sesame oil 1 Tbs Garlic Powder 30g chicken stock powder *Takes deep breath* 1) Heat Sesame oil in a large pan, toss in broccoli & Carrot and sautee on medium heat until tender. 2) Add your capsicum and onion stirring together. When cooked, add in your wombok and transfer contents of pan into a large container. 3) Cook your chicken until tender (check to make sure its cooked through). Combine garlic powder, soy sauce, ginger, stevia & stock powder in a bowl and set aside. 4) combine chicken, veg and noodles in your pan and add your sauce. Stirr well to combine and then remove pan from heat. Enjoy!
15.01.2022 ? We’ve all stumbled across that one google ad Eat this one bizarre/weird/strange food to shed stomach fat fast! ... But what exactly are thermogenic foods and what is the role they play in fat-loss? TEF (The thermic effect of food) refers to the amount of energy your body uses digesting and storing what you eat. Protein, carbohydrates and fats are all processed differently by the body and therefore offer different values when it comes to thermogenesis. While it’s possible to achieve ‘weight loss’ by eating nothing but Krispy Kreme’s, macronutrient makeups play a large role in one’s body composition, here’s why: Let’s take two people in an identical-calorie deficit: Both consume the same number of calories each day, however, the composition of their macronutrients are different- one is mostly protein and the other, mostly carbs. While both individuals will lose weight, the protein diet will lose mostly fat-mass and preserve muscle tissue, while the carb diet loses more muscle and less fat-mass then their counterpart, yielding a different looking physique. The protein may also lose more weight overall due to the higher thermogenesis of protein when compared to carbs. Protein offers the highest thermic effect out of all 3 macronutrients as it has to go through a process known as gluconeogenesis after consumption in order to be stored as fat. Protein also keeps us fuller for longer and is essential for muscle hypertrophy and preservation. Even if your goal isn’t to gain much muscle, it is beneficial in fat loss as the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn just existing. Dietary Fibre also plays a key role in the thermic effect of foods. Ones that are closest to their natural sources like veggies, fruit and unprocessed meats require a greater amount of energy to be broken down and absorbed, whereases with cooked and processed foods, the structure of their cell wall has been loosened making it easier for digestive enzymes to access more calories in a shorter period of time. While calories-in calories-out will always eventuate to weight loss, with the correct makeup of calories you will be able to eat more and stay satiated whilst losing the same amount of weight, as well as ensuring a better body composition. #Nutrition
14.01.2022 It is very common for discipline, motivation and inspiration to peak at the start of any fitness endeavor, dipping down and reaching a hiatus as time progresses. We all have days when we struggle to summon the motivation to train, elite athletes included. But what separates them from the average person? ... Their ability to shut off those "If's" and "but's" their brain tells them and just do the work- even if they don't feel like it. We are creatures of habit, so the more a specific thought pattern is excercised, the easier and more automatic it becomes. If you made a promise to yourself to train 5 times per week and decide to skip training to hang with friends, you are exercising the part of your brain that will try and break future promises to yourself. Is this who you want to become? This doesn't mean that your routine should be completely rigid and devoid of any flexibility, but the key is planning around your training so it becomes a priority and not put on the back burner. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network of people who inspire you and share the same goals is SUPER important. One's motivation to train should be primarily intrinsic, however, the last thing you need is for someone to tip your already tilting motivation scale by asking why you're spending time at the gym rather than with them. Be around people who cheer you on, pick you up when you're in the trenches and roar with excitement when you hit a new PB! How much do you want to reach this goal? do you have a plan of action? or is it just another goal. Training without a specific and measurable plan to reach a goal is like driving with your eyes closed. You'll only be disappointed upon realization that you're back where you've started. Having someone like a coach to hold you accountable, call you out on your BS when needed and motivate you can be highly beneficial in sticking out your goals to the end as there is a plan, clear destination and deadline. If the idea of accountability and beating procrastination excites you then shoot me a message and we will sort something out to get you to where you'd like to be!
14.01.2022 Who Else Loves A Good Back Session? Lat Pull-Downs Wide Grip Pull-Ups Lat Isolations ... Barbell Rows Reverse Flyes It's important not to go through the excercise on autopilot and create mind a muscle connection. You may notice that I touch the muscle on the first couple of reps just to make sure it's being activated properly. I love doing this as a means for providing feedback. Comment Below Your Favorite Excercise For A Juicy Back!
07.01.2022 READY TO BURN SOME ISO FAT AND CHALLENGE YOURSELF? We have the perfect challenge for you! Right now is your chance to register for the 7 week challenge that Anytime Fitness and I have pared up for! ... In this premium version, I use a highly comprehensive style of online coaching that tailors everything to you and your individual needs The challenge is open to anyone from any state and will be a great opportunity to bridge the gap in your fitness before gyms re-open. Registration closes Sunday the 11th of October. To Register Please Email: recompbymatilda@gmail
06.01.2022 , ! :... My name is Matilda, I am of Spanish-American origin and recently moved from Far North Queensland to Melbourne as a means for new experiences and career development. I am a qualified Fitness instructor and level 1 powerlifting coach; It is with great passion that I help my clients to overcome obstacles, achieve their goals and create a lifestyle they love and can sustain. As a Trainer, I learn new things constantly and aim to educate so that people can make informed decisions on their nutrition and stay self-accountable. Since the age of 16, I've been positively obsessed with the fitness industry and its ever-growing trends, I have many fond memories and some not so fond.. e.g when I opening my 4 day old tupperware of spoiled tuna and broccoli in gym class. At 17 I began my first contest prep and developed a competitive side for fitness shows, starting with INBA Tropix, going on to compete at regional events like NABBA QLD title, Melbourne international and Tasmanian classic until the age of 19. Now at 22, I realise that contest prep has taught me the invaluable lessons of self-discipline, sacrifice and perseverance, which I now carry into other aspects of my life. It also taught me about prioritisation- dropping out of a sports & exercise degree to pursue a prep, probably wasn’t the best idea That being said, I am keen for the growth to come both on a personal and professional level. This is my story and I hope it encourages you to chase your dream regardless of what other people think! Thankyou for coming to my Ted talk
05.01.2022 Does Nutrient Timing Actually Matter? Well, it depends... If your goal is fat-loss with little regard for muscle preservation, than nutrient timing won't be of huge importance to you. Although, as far as satiety and dietary adherence goes there are a few factors to consider: ... Eating frequently (assuming the foods are on the low GI side) promotes steady blood glucose and insulin levels and can increases leptin levels (satiety hormone), which in turn may lower food cravings, lethargy and improve mood while dieting. If muscle gain and preservation is the goal (the case for many), then it is essential that our amino acid pool is topped up frequently to maintain a positive nitrogen balance. If we’re in a hypo-caloric state (calorie deficit), then it is crucial that an abundance of amino acids are being consumed through our diet to support muscle protein synthesis, otherwise the body starts pulling them from itself for fuel when needed. It is recommended that adequate protein amounts are consumed around every 4 hrs or so to reduce the amount of time our muscles are being placed in this catabolic (destructive) state. However, when the body is placed in an anabolic state like a calorie surplus (constructive) where carbohydrates are abundant, going for extended periods of time without protein may be slower and less damaging to muscle tissue than in a deficit, as the bodies glycogen stores are full and carbohydrates can work in a protein-sparing manor. On the contrary, many people believe that intermittent fasting is the best way, due to its many health claims like cellular repair. It may hold merit for those who enjoy larger meals, possibly improve sleep & compliance in a dedicit due to its short feeding window. Although as far as body composition goes, is not the most optimal way for muscle preservation research shows. Personally, I advocate nutrient timing for a number of reasons, including its ability to increase physical output while training and maximize muscle recovery. #education #strength #fitness #progress
03.01.2022 My reccomendation for 27 empowering things to start doing in iso If like myself, you're in stage 4 lockdown and only allowed outside for an hour a day, things can start to get pretty stale. I designed these sheets to help those who may be lacking inspiration or happiness in their daily routine right now.... My heart goes out to everyone who has been affected, lost their job, business or loved one during this Pandemic
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