Red Box Wildlife Shelter | Wildlife sanctuary
Red Box Wildlife Shelter
Phone: +61 3 5473 3484
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25.01.2022 So early morning reading/listening <3
25.01.2022 The male kangaroo is so important in the life of the youngsters. They are role models and protectors. They lead their families to food and water and are often seen keeping watch as the little ones play and their mothers rest. Photo: Little V and Mr Boo
23.01.2022 Ginger is very unsure about the new arrival (Milly) and would like an explanation :)
22.01.2022 Flashback: Holly with Little Prune. Anyone like to caption this? :D
21.01.2022 Roo Rangers from everywhere & anywhere <3 Mr Boo, you have changed lives!
21.01.2022 Ok- who here is from Europe? Please stand up and take a bow <3
20.01.2022 Today was Finn's big day. After arriving in July unable to walk due to hanging upside down on a wire fence where his feet were tangled, today he left for the forest with Mumma Holly, V and Eddy. This is always an anxious time for all but inevitable. Finn's natural mother lives in our forest. Will he find her and never return?... Will he continue to return to the house each night whilst his confidence grows? He's been ready for weeks but we've held off as it would've left Ginger alone but now Ginger has Milly. I sat with him in the forest for a time and he kept an eye on me. Once I saw him settle down with the others I left. The forest is now his protector <3 Hope to see you later today little man... More photos in the thread. See more
20.01.2022 Getting into mums pouch these days takes precision. Duke assesses the situation before going for Gold <3
19.01.2022 The Australian Government not only condones the horrendous cruelty inflicted on little joeys like Ginger every, single night but they have legalised it! Have you watched the trailer for "Kangaroo a Love Hate Story"? Or better still, watched the entire movie? Australia has a wildlife trade where just a handful of people get incredibly rich off the back of slaughtering kangaroo families every night. Ask your MP if they support this industry! And please help raise awareness. These gentle, kind and loving ancient ones need your voice <3
19.01.2022 Boo has had a best friend named Mawson for over 4 years. These two handsome lads hang out together in the forest. A few months ago, we realised that if something happened to Mawson, we were not equipped to help him and the idea of sending him or any other large family member away terrified us. So we decided to build an "emergency wing". Scott and our good friend and doctor to the roos, Dr Mark got stuck into this a few weeks ago to "tweak" what had been started. A small woode...n shed with fake turf grass on the roof to muffle rain. Individual foam mats inside for easy removal and cleaning. Solar powered lighting. A small yard for sun and grass. The ward has been set up so we can isolate to clean and/or sedate to tend to the patients needs. Where it is situated had to be away from the house so that limited access to the today Scott built a gateway (to be completed tomorrow) which leads out. We can open the gate to the ward, allowing any patient to find their way "home" without (hopefully) any intervention. We also planted a few native trees to make the area more "cosy". Like any idea, we can see the need for improvements as we go. This is a work in progress :) See more
18.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS #1 PARRA WARIPA ON THE AMRAP REGIONAL CHART The song is a powerful tribute to the magnificent kangaroo and I am proud to be singing in my mother’s Wemba Wemba language."... - Jida Gulpilil
17.01.2022 Day 3 and Milly appears to have settled in well wouldn't you say? Bottle had, snacks had and head in food whilst sleeping would seem to indicate this :D
17.01.2022 July 28th - couldn't stand or hop December 2nd - strong and confident Holly has arrived this morning to collect Finn. He had a few days back at home after his first big day out and apparently no more dawdling allowed (according to Mumma Holly). They are all in the backyard and will indicate to me when they are ready to leave.... I miss them when they head off. Last time he left for the day I nearly cried seeing his empty big bum pouch sitting alone in the joeys room. Que Sera, Sera <3 See more
15.01.2022 Our entire mob has been absent for 24 hours. I've been worried but hopeful they were attending to kangaroo business. Slowly last night a few trickled in. I remember telling a friend I was still waiting on Uber and Winky. Their behavior, routine and normal pattern was off. This morning I woke up to the mob on the lawn (except Boo that I suspect is off chasing girls). Uber and Winky had returned.... Going outside to check on them I could see both girls were exhausted and Ubers coat was in total disarray. So unlike Uber. Plus, she was soaked through unlike the others. Winky was too tired to stand and drank a a warm bottle I offered her laying down. Barely lifting her head. Checking on Uber I could see she was limping, had a swollen foot, a nasty gash and evidence of wire wrapped around her leg/foot. She had been fence hanging :( How terrifying for her. She is a wild one so all I can do is monitor her. With extra food and water available she re-hydrated herself and ate until the cows came home. We need to watch her to ensure she does not succumb to myopathy and that her wounds heal. Winky stayed with her. Trapped, she stayed with her friend until she was obviously able to free herself and more than likely escorted her home to safety. Surrounded by love we hope Uber will heal both mentally and physically. Thank goodness she made it home. So many don't. Please check your fences and their conditions and run a white tape along the top so they can see the height they are required to jump to clear it. Here is a photo of Uber and Winky. (Taken a few months ago by Dr Nadine Richings, National Kangaroo Campaign Manager for AJP) Friends. Yes friends. Kangaroos have friends and are loyal to their family. Winky proved this by not abandoning Uber in her time of need. We are sure the entire mob stayed with her until it was time to get Eddy home so he could check-in. **More updates in the thread**
14.01.2022 **RESPONSES IN THREAD** Who speaks to you today? The Fairy Penguin? The Willy Wagtail?... The Turtle? Check back later for their messages which will be added to this thread <3 See more
13.01.2022 When a treasured friend comes to visit you will find yourself saying things like; "It's so good to see you!" "It's been too long!" "You look great. I've missed you" "How is the family?"... "How have you been?" And then you fuss about ensuring you offer up a drink and perhaps even a meal. Do you care what they are wearing? No! Because a treasured friend is a treasured friend no matter how they look, what the cultural differences are or how they communicate. LOVE transcends it all <3 Photo: Mr Boo home to visit and focused on the forest as he waits for his family to join him Don't forget to check our Mr Boo's FREE educational program:
13.01.2022 Pop outside to say hello to everyone and get a cuddle from Eddy
13.01.2022 Someone asked how does Duke get into his mum’s pouch. The answer is just
12.01.2022 7am and the Australian bush is awake and a hub of activity
12.01.2022 Ginger wants to remind everyone it's World Animal Day today (October 4th) and asks you all add a selfie with roo ears to this petition. She made her cameo a few days ago <3
12.01.2022 Totally enjoyed the sun today. Peace out. - Mac
12.01.2022 Nullah and Eddy are still little boys (juveniles) and although they live in the forest with the mob, every now and then they come 'home' for some R&R. Yesterday bottles were had, a few sneaky almonds were given and they napped soundly on the mattresses out front. Here they are waiting for those sneaky almonds I was digging out of my pockets. Both stood up when they saw my hand go into the pocket. They don't miss a beat! Eddy thought he'd try to get one first by putting his out for a cuddle <3 Almonds are obviously not a native food for our beloved kangaroos but they are used as treats. On more than one occasion I've chiselled out an almond to stuff it with a medication. (For those that don't take bottles) Both boys arrived at 4:30am for the breakfast buffet and I watched them bound off with Mumma Holly and V a short time later. All headed for the safety of their forest... See more
12.01.2022 With Milly's beauty and Tamara's talent, you are bound to get an exquisite photo <3 Thank you Tamara Kenneally Photography! **Milly was bitten by a spider late yesterday afternoon and has been a little under the weather but is now coming good.
12.01.2022 Today is World Animal Day (Oct 4th). Nullah wants to know if you have uploaded a selfie to support his kin? Just follow this link:
10.01.2022 v2food has a new mince out. We'll be enjoying this for dinner! Curried mince with veg. I've added the recipe in the thread :) #v2mince
09.01.2022 Have a look at Duke now <3 Winky still allows him to get into her pouch and when he does, there are arms and legs dangling out everywhere :D It's common for first time mums to spoil their babies x
09.01.2022 Little Milly's ear was a bit of a mystery until our shelters vet team took a look. Milly was found in her dead mothers pouch at 985 grams and was taken into care with her ear already like that. More often than not, the babies will stick their heads out to see what is happening. Why they are not moving. Why they can no longer hear their mothers heartbeat. Why they are no longer being checked on. It is then that crows (or other predators) attack. Her ears would've still been, soft and supple. Something a crow could easily tear at. We all agree that this was the most probable reason. It is also the reason why you should always stop to check a pouch and/or phone a wildlife organisation. Our native babies do not deserve to perish in fear and pain and none of them want to die. Milly's life-force is strong <3 See more
07.01.2022 Prune rests in the late afternoon sun with her baby Pecan, tucked up safely in mums pouch <3 Trigger Warning - do not continue to read.... "Did you know the Australian Government thinks it's ok to shoot Prune to feed to cats and dogs and Pecan would be ripped from the pouch, have their head smashed on the ground and then flung away like a piece of garbage? This is the approved slaughter and cruelty by the Australian Government of our native animal. The largest land based slau...ghter of a native animal IN THE WORLD!" Ask your local MP if it's true and let us know what dribble they send back. If you live across the pond, please contact your local government representative and tell them you do not want your country to import any kangaroo products and why. Your voice counts x
07.01.2022 Anyone want to read my column "Wildlife Whispers" in the summer edition of Elpho Info - The Community Newsletter of Elphinstone? This edition I talk about World Kangaroo Day, extinction and touch on statistics. Plus Nullah features in "Meet the El-Roos" :D There is a scroll bar just on the inside of the screen, next to the actual newsletter you can use. Some people don't find it and use the page scroll bar. Just an FYI for those not quite awake yet. Might be a nice read over... breakfast or if you catch public transport to work? Just click on this link: See more
06.01.2022 Milly opted for her big-bum pouch yesterday due to the shenanigans going on within the mob. Someone is in season so Boo is spending a lot of time giving stink-eye to a few of the lads that are hanging around and occasionally needs to sort them out with a display of 'bossiness' by standing over them. They retreat pronto. Little George has been showing up but being at the bottom on the pecking order stands off in the background waiting for a snack bowl to free up. Holly has bee...n hiding in the patio area and Dobby is trying to blend in with the babies when it's bottle time. Mac on the other hand is oblivious to it all stretched out on fresh straw under a blanket with some hot water bottles and snacking on freshly picked grass. These are the Days of our Lives :) See more
05.01.2022 Finn arrived home late afternoon after his first big day in the forest of freedom. Eddy also came home for a cuddle <3
04.01.2022 Thank you to those that emailed in. We have enough wonderful volunteers for now We need a family with primary school aged children to put their hands up and volunteer to put the online Mr Boo program through it's paces. There are four programs: 1. Kinder... 2. Junior 3. Primary 4. Mature Each one will need to be critiqued and completed with feedback supplied. Who is up for it? Eddy Spaghetti put his hand up but he knows all the answers If you are interested and would like more details, please email us at: [email protected] See more
03.01.2022 This is Australia <3
03.01.2022 Finn - makes up enough bottles for 2 weeks of quarantine. Drinks them in 2 days ;) (Joking!)
03.01.2022 According to Holly the tree started it. V was a sketchy witness when questioned.
02.01.2022 How to pick a happy roo
02.01.2022 Time for a weekend Spring Clean? Please donate pre-loved goods to this new venture between 10am and 4pm next Monday. Let's help get this great business off the ground <3 (Can anyone take a box from here to there for us?) " Kindness for Critters Thrift Shop raises funds for animal welfare and rescue groups through the sale of pre-loved goods. We are dedicated to sustainability and recycling pre-loved goods and clothing, as well as, reducing our carbon footprint. "
02.01.2022 When Finn arrived back in July he had no feeling in his feet. They had been caught in a fence and he was hanging upside when found. Circulation had been cut off and the feet were freezing. We laid him down in a quiet, darkened room with his feet on heated wheat bags and about an hour later, he moved a toe. That was his signal to us; "Help me". At first he could only crawl on his belly like a frog but that terrified him so with some little slippers we made him and daily suppor...t, we used to help him stand. This helped his mental state. Soon he could stand on his own but then as the dead skin started to fall off, sores appeared. His feet were quite a mess. I used turmeric paste on them and regularly changed his bandages. I also massaged pressure sores daily. Soon they healed up and then began his road to hop again with confidence. Finn is now close to a soft release. He has made friends with most of Boo's mob and Mumma Holly has spent time with him regularly. He will not be alone. All we are waiting on is a sign that 'today is the day'. Patience is all he needs right now. He's been a brave and patient little boy <3 See more
01.01.2022 Can you imagine how beautiful areas would look if all Councillors loved and respected our native wildlife? The consideration for natural corridors by planning departments would occur. Safe havens granted and tourism could be promoted helping local accommodation owners and cafes etc. Our good friend Charlie is a trail blazer and we wish her a safe and meaningful journey <3 (Dobby was unavailable for comment)
01.01.2022 Animals Australia do wonderful, wonderful things but until they make kangaroos a core campaign, our precious funds will be re-directed to Kangaroos Alive <3 Click here:
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