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Regional Allied Health Services Pty Ltd | Therapist

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Regional Allied Health Services Pty Ltd

Phone: +61 490 960 583


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25.01.2022 ****UPDATE ALL APPROVED THROUGH THE NDIS WITHIN 10 BUSINESS DAYS SINCE THE TRIAL AND LODGING THE APPLICATION WITH THE NDIS, AMAZING!! THANK YOU ALL INVOLVED AND THE NDIS @nationaldiabilityinsurancescheme WHAT A GREAT OUTCOME!**** Recent trial of a Zoomer off road Wheelchair with a client in rural Queensland. Zoomer Australia #NDIS #regionalalliedhealthservices #occupationaltherapyservice #assistivetechnology #equipmentprescription #powerwheelchairs #disability #alliedhealth #mobility #offroad #communityaccess

24.01.2022 Hi All, if you looking for a Occupational Therapist in and around the Fraser Coast and Bundaberg Regions, our new client referral wait time for new appointments is now mid January 2021. We have now filled up all our spots for new referrals for 2020. Your more than welcome to contact us to book in and reserve your spot with our Occupational Therapist Lee and he will be happy to see you in the New Year. ... Thank you #occupationaltherapist #OccupationalTherapy #frasercoast #herveybay #maryborough #bundaberg #childers #alliedhealth #NDIS #agedcare #DVA

22.01.2022 Home Modifications Approved through NDIS

19.01.2022 Recently modified level access bathroom completed. Thank you Kirkland Family Homes KFH Renovation's Extensions Decks @kirklandfamilyhomes_bundaberg #kirklandfamilyhomes_bundaberg #NDIS #homemodifications #levelaccessbathroom #kirkfamilyhomes #occupationaltherapy #regionalalliedhealthservices

18.01.2022 Seasons Greetings! Thank you for supporting our business this year and we look forward to working with you next year. #Merrychristmas #seasonsgreetings #occupationaltherapy #occupationaltherapist #herveybay #frasercoast #bundaberg #widebay

18.01.2022 Katie Mary's explanation is right on! #OTweek2020 #occupationaltherapy #thisisot #katiemaryOT #occupationaltherapist

18.01.2022 recently installed solar powered automatic gate enabling client to open and close gate whilst seated in a mobility aid. Thank you Str8Edge Construction #str8edgeconstruction #NDIS #homemodifications #occupationaltherapy #regionalalliedhealthservices

17.01.2022 Here is peice of assistive technology you might not see often, a Freedom Trax System. Here is what Freedom Trax have to say....... "Freedom Trax is the only motorised wheelchair track attachment designed to transform a manual wheelchair into an off-road vehicle that can traverse around 8km of sand, snow, gravel and mud". Here is a recent trial of the Freedom Trax System with supplier Motion Specialties Queensland the client and our Occupational Therapist Lee at Woodgate Beach, Queensland.

14.01.2022 A wonderful cause and every dollar helps towards helping our community. Dunga Derby's 'Birds of Prey' Good Luck Team!

14.01.2022 Happy OT week! To learn more about how occupational therapy might be able to help you, visit #thisisot #occupationaltherapy #occupationaltherapists #otweek2020

12.01.2022 Good on you Todd all the best in achieving your goal!

11.01.2022 Another client enjoying their trial of the Exterme X8 Power Wheelchair. Handles the curbsides no sweat! Magic Mobility #powermobility #magicmobility #extremex8 #NDIS #communityaccess #powerwheelchairs #electricwheelchairs

11.01.2022 It sure doesn't get much more Aussie than this! Power Mobility Magic Mobility #strayanimals #straya #kangaroos #occupationaltherapy #powerwheelchair #lovemyjob

07.01.2022 Magic Mobility X8 PWC Trial with Power Mobility and Regional Allied Health Services

07.01.2022 Hi All, The team at Icare Medical Group Australia have kindly loaned us a demo unit of the HydroSense Unit System and Mattress Pad to show clients how it works. Here is what the team at Icare Medical Group Australia say about the HydroSense.... "The Icare HydroSense is a range of unique products designed to manage and maintain a comfortable temperature. Heat sensitivity is common issue caused by disease or immobility including multiple sclerosis, diabetes, kidney disease, reduced mobility, inflammation and climate." Our clients that have been recommended this assistive technology and already have one in place advise the HydroSense has helped regulate their temperature and are more comfortable when sleeping in their bed at night and during the day when they are resting. The HydroSense Unit and Mattress Pad can cool or heat the surface of your bed. Feel free to contact us our OT would happy to show you this great product. #HydroSense #temperture #tempertureregulation #assistivetechnology #ndis #Icaremedicalgroupaustralia

05.01.2022 Friday Tip! When weakened hands or arthritis keep you from preparing food in the kitchen, assistive technology such as these reflex all purpose knifes will assist you with slicing and dicing food with greater ease. This range of knives has an easy-to-grip contoured closed handle with blades set at an angle to minimise wrist movement for the user. #dailylivingaids #assistivetechnology #kitchenprep #occupationaltherapist #ocupationaltherapy #NDIS #herveybay #bundaberg #child...ers #frasercoast #reflexknifes #alliedhealth #dailyliving #regionalalliedhealthservices #equipmentprescription See more

05.01.2022 Pathway installed enabling client a safe surface with a mobility aid to access garden beds and pool. Thank you Str8Edge Construction #str8edgeconstruction #regionalalliedhealthservices #NDIS #occupationaltherapy #homemodifications

04.01.2022 Created a Linkedin Page for anyone that uses Linkedin

03.01.2022 Hi All, Wow we are well into the last 1/4 of the year already! We have a little bit availability left in the last 2 weeks of November to take on new client referrals in the Fraser Coast and Bundaberg Regions. Just a couple of key points on what services we are currently providing in the NDIS Space. - Adult Participants Only. (we are not a paediatric service)... - We specialise in Major and Minor Home Modifications. -Equipment Prescription and Daily Living Aids/Solutions. - We can provide Functional Capacity Assessments for NDIS and produce Functional Report for participants to assist with NDIS Planning and Funding. - We are currently servicing NDIS Plan and Self-managed participants only. (we are waiting on renewal of our NDIS Provider Registration). Feel free to call us on 0490 960 583, email us at [email protected] or message us. #homemodifcations #bathroommodification #regionalalliedhealthservices #herveybay #bundaberg #childers #frasercoast #maryborough #occupationaltherapyservice #assistivetechnology #equipmentprescription #powerwheelchairs #wheelchairs #powerassist #liftchairs #portablepowerwheelchairs #mobilityscooters #fourwheeledwalkers #electricbeds #portablemobilityscooters #ramps #rails #dailyliving #communityaccess #disability #alliedhealth #mobilty #NDIS See more

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