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to load big map

Southern School of Reiki

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to load big map

25.01.2022 The Symbol Sandwich To increase the effectiveness and power of any symbol, you can use the Sandwich technique: 1. Draw Power symbol 2. Draw the symbol you want 3. Draw Power symbol again... Now you have a tasty sandwich, sealed with the Power symbol - making for a power-sandwich :) See more

25.01.2022 I came across a post that read If you have a bed to sleep, food to eat, a family to share your joy and sorrow with and a roof above your head, you are richer than you think.

25.01.2022 Always draw life size, huge symbols while using symbols to manifest your daily needs. This not only creates an energetic atmosphere around but also a mental impression for your brain to comprehend that IT IS DONE (like I am safe/House is safe/Car is safe/Negativity is out, etc)

25.01.2022 I would love to help you with Binge Eating. Book an appointment today. 0438000366

22.01.2022 Reiki Thought for the day Always add for the highest good of all concerned. Am sure I do not need to add why or do I? Rosanna Francis

21.01.2022 I am a magnet for miracles !

16.01.2022 Thinking is difficult!

14.01.2022 To all my students I am sending Reiki energy every night for the next 30 days to Australia especially the ares that are suffering right now from fires and floods. If you can spare 1/2 hour or more then combine with my energy - together we CAN make a difference. If you are a level 2 than find a map and place your distant healing symbols over it and let the energy flow. ... If you are a level 1 and want to send energy then join me at 8pm by finding a private spot and a map of the area you want to send energy to and then draw in the Golden Reiki energy through the top of your head and into your heart. Then bring up the earth's energy (green) through your feet and into your heart and out through your hands and let the Reiki flow onto the map. You don't have to be with me in person, all you have to do is have the intention that you are joining my energy and it will happen for you. Remember to offer your healing for the highest good of all and let the energy flow. Have no fear you will be under my mantle of protection. Blessings The image is your heart chakra open and active at 100%

10.01.2022 Anyone interested in learning Reiki I or Reiki 2 please get in touch with me please

10.01.2022 Well worth a read

06.01.2022 Transform your life!

06.01.2022 Hello one and all. I hope you enjoy the following read. "The word pyramid is formed by combination of 2 Greek words PYRA+MID wherein PYRA means fire and MID means core. It means an object with fire element at its center core. Pyramids are formed by four equivalent triangles on a square base. The four sides of pyramid are surrounded by bio-magnetic field and hence it is unaffected by outside negative force or lower energies. The top point of the pyramid is called Apex. From... the apex the pyramid centers and gathers all the energy at its base (law of gravity). So, for healing/manifesting, write your intention on a slip of paper and keep it beneath the pyramid, healing/manifestation takes place faster. Like I said earlier, from apex the energy gathers at the base at the very base of the pyramid and that is where we have placed our wish. Hence, the outcome is manifested faster. " Rinke Patal How to use pyramids for healing or manifesting goals? Firstly, if you don't have a pyramid download the following and copy ...... make it as per instructions and now you have your very own pyramid. Now depending on what Reiki level you are you can decorate the sides of your pyramid with the Reiki symbols. If you are Level 1 student, take the pyramid in between your hands and Reiki it for about 15 mins. As you are sending Reiki into it, think about your intention and program this into the pyramid. Then place the pyramid inside your Reiki box, Money box or Wealth box to magnify and amplify the energy. Pyramid Dome You can place pyramid domes over crystals that needs cleansing or charging, can place over programmed stones, can be placed over grids, food or anything that needs energy. Pyramid Protection This is a visualization technique in which you imagine self/ family/ friends/ house or anyone inside a purple pyramid. Start by relaxing yourself, take few deep breaths, imagine a huge purple pyramid in front of you. Step into it. You can imagine your family, friends, house, office, car or anything inside the pyramid. State your intention that all negativity and lower energies stays outside of this pyramid and only positive energies can enter the pyramid. You can chant any mantra if you wish. You can fill pyramid with Reiki energy and symbols too. Miscellaneous Uses Place directly over a wound or hover it over a wound and see the magic. Start using pyramids in your healing sessions .... place a pyramid under your treatment table and feel the difference! If you have any specific uses for pyramids I would be happy to hear from you. Please share with us.

06.01.2022 Empower Your Affirmations by drawing the symbol or saying C K R

06.01.2022 This is a great read. Enjoy,

06.01.2022 Simply wonderful!

02.01.2022 Your visions will become clear!

02.01.2022 About H S Z S N Take a picture of this symbol and save it it your phone. Activate it whenever you talk on the phone, to send Reiki to the situation you and the other person are talking about, or to that person, should it benefit and be accepted by their higher self. You can start sending as soon as the phone rings, and let it flow "on autopilot", i.e. intending that the flow either ends when you hang up, or it continues for a while if required by the situation at hand. Remem...ber that Reiki is an intelligent energy and it's perfectly capable of turning itself off at precisely the right time. After a while, this will become automatic, and you'll become a beacon, beaming more light and energy into the world and into everything you're a part of See more

01.01.2022 Cell phones are such necessity in todays time that we seldom realize the harmful effects of its low vibrations which disturbs our healthy equilibrium. Ever felt dizzy, drained or zombied (!) after a long phone call? 1. Draw a CKR every morning on your phone and intend that its low vibrations do not affect you. Alternately, filter the vibrations of a cell phone from affecting you. Draw a HSZSN intending that the filter is on for the next 24 hours. I read an article where we were advised to Reiki our cell phones so that conversations over the phone are calm and happy.

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