RITE | Community organisation
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24.01.2022 Keep Arm End for the community. See our vision drawings this sunday at the entry to the reserve. Arm End was reserved for its regional significance, cultural and natural and recreational opportunities for ALL the community
22.01.2022 RITE is happy to receive coverage about our concepts, drawings and plans for an alternative vision at Arm End. Our event was successful despite the wild weather. https://www.themercury.com.au//b288ac53b90237caf1753e4d513 RITE questions the validity of the developers comments in the article: The creation of a sanctuary for birds at the spit by the developers is laughable. Earlier this year, a consequence of the developer allowing contractors onto the Spit was the disappearan...ce of the the Pacific Golden Plover at a time when they were preparing for migration. Pipeline: it would be difficult to commence a pipeline. According to our information the proponents are yet to fulfill conditions in their pipeline development permit. We note that they said publicly in February this year they would commence the pipeline in 5 weeks. Weed control: We have observed a very careless approach to weed control, the slashed boxthorn has not been treated effectively and is currently vigorously growing back. The spraying of tussock has been very random, grass in seed was observed to be slashed by contractors.. Rehabilitation: the most significant rehabilitation is by the local South Arm Coastcare group prior to the signing of the lease. We do not consider the developers to value Arm End, if the golf course were to proceed it would destroy the very fibre of Arm End- the aboriginal heritage, the walking experience and estuarine ecology of the Derwent River. See more
21.01.2022 Our much loved Tinker boy, no longer with us. x x x He was the poster dog for our campaign to protect Arm End.
20.01.2022 CALL for Donations for Appeal case RITE is partnered with the Tasmanian Conservation Trust to ensure the protection of the critically endangered spotted Handfish at Halfmoon Bay. DONATE money via the Tasmanian Conservation Trust website link below to assist with our current APPEAL case at the Resource Management and Appeals Tribunal Tasmanian Conservation Trust The Wilderness Society Tasmania http://www.tasconservation.org.au//protect-the-spotted-han
19.01.2022 https://www.themercury.com.au//f15fc0d2d989289d999f7886d46 Read our article published in the Mercury newspaper about the Boxthorn issue and secrecy around the lease of Arm end reserve and sign the petition asking the State government to manage boxthorn and stop the environmental negligence happening at Arm End Reserve.
19.01.2022 The walking experience at Arm End is unique. There are currently over 10 km's of walking tracks If a golf course was to proceed you would not be able to walk the circuit. The current track is interrupted by 12 of the planned fairways.
18.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/friendsofelstercreek/ See how Bayside Council and community group Friends of Elster Creek are reclaiming a golf course.
18.01.2022 Read the opinion piece in the mercury about RITES alternative vision https://www.themercury.com.au/subscribe/news/1/
13.01.2022 A Win for the Spotted Handfish at Halfmoon Bay RITE & TCT have been successful with the legal appeal of the pipeline conditions at the Tasmanian Planning Tribunal and have protected one of only 10 known handfish populations on earth which were threatened by the pipeline proposed for arm end golf course. Give generously to cover our legal costs. Follow this link to find out more. Planning Matters Tasmania Tasmanian Conservation Trust The Wilderness Society Tasmania http://www.tasconservation.org.au//protect-the-spotted-han
08.01.2022 Celebrating our Right to enjoy Arm End without golf. Sunday March 17 Picnic + Walk Rosalie Woodruff MP for Franklin
08.01.2022 Have your voice heard and petition the Tasmanian Parliament #save arm end from box thornHave your voice heard and petition the Tasmanian Parliament #save arm end from box thorn
08.01.2022 https://www.rite.org.au/act-now-petition
07.01.2022 Approvals for Arm End golf course are still required. No permission has been given for waste water effluent to be used for the irrigation of the private golf course development at Arm End Reserve. Please share this.
06.01.2022 Support this petition and take action over continuing neglect of Arm End
05.01.2022 PICNIC not PUTT Planning Matters Tasmania Tasmanian Conservation Trust The Wilderness Society
05.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/ReclaimNorthcoteGolfCourseForPublicOpenSpace/ Lots of communities around Australia have a shared interest protecting and freeing public places from golf activity
04.01.2022 Go to RITE'S petition@ www.rite.org.au/act-now-2 asking the Tasmania government to stop box thorn taking over the Arm End Reserve. Box thorn is an invasive weed which has been left to invade Arm End Reserve. For 5 years golf developers who lease this land have not managed or controlled this weed.
04.01.2022 https://www.rite.org.au/act-now-petition THORNY DEVELOPMENT UNDER FOOT Arm End Reserve is under vicious attack from prickly and invasive Box Thorn. Petition the Tasmanian parliament to SAVE ARM END from Box Thorn
04.01.2022 Developers bungle weed management at Arm End Reserve www.rite.org.au/leaseholders-bungle-weeds Re-Imagine The End (RITE) has been calling for effective control of boxthorn in Arm End Reserve since the local community group formed in 2017. Since the lease was issued in 2014 thousands of young boxthorn have spread across most of the northern end of the reserve. There are hundreds of large boxthorn mainly along the Mary Ann Bay Derwent River coastline. Only token control ha...s been attempted by the leaseholder before this season. Re Imagine The End [RITE] said today that the Arm End Reserve lease holder is currently bungling weed management in the reserve and the state government must force them to do a proper job or revoke the lease. The weed control bungle adds to the further lack of progress, investment, permit complications and necessary approvals for use of effluent from Blackman's Bay.
04.01.2022 https://www.rite.org.au/act-now-getthefactsaboutthegolfcour Go to our website and read the Mercury's talking point about the facts on the 7 year long delayed golf course development. Digital concept image of the new entry below.
03.01.2022 On Sunday 17th Re Imagine The End and the community celebrated Arm End Reserve without golf. A large picnic blanket was inhabited by people where a golf putting green is planned by the developers.
01.01.2022 Petition Will Hodgman to stop the destruction of Arm End from Boxthorn. To sign the petition go here https://www.rite.org.au/act-now-2
01.01.2022 To view or download images of our vision concept drawings at https://www.rite.org.au/vision Help us develop and build our vision where Arm End Reserve can be a place of recovery and recognition of the past. 40,000 years of built indigenous history make these headlands unique.
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