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Revesby Presbyterian Church in Revesby, New South Wales, Australia | Church

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Revesby Presbyterian Church

Locality: Revesby, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 2 9774 5740

Address: 55 Tower Street 2212 Revesby, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Sunday 26 July 2020 Evening Sermon Notes, 6.00 p.m.

22.01.2022 THE LOVE OF GOD The Bible declares most emphatically and repeats it - that ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8, 16). It is a sentiment which resonates with more than just the Christian population, although the unbeliever tends to think more in terms of ‘Love is God’ rather than ‘God is love.’ The world has ever been addicted to slogans, but today we are immersed in them. Bob Dylan sang: Love is all there is, it makes the world go ’round; Love and only love; it can’t denied. It mig...Continue reading

22.01.2022 Sunday 31 May 2020 Evening Sermon Notes

21.01.2022 Sunday 2 August 2020 Morning Sermon Notes, 9.00 a.m.

19.01.2022 Sunday 12 July 2020 Morning Service, 9.00 a.m.

19.01.2022 Sunday 31 May 2020 Morning Sermon Notes

18.01.2022 Sunday 19 July 2020 Morning Sermon Notes, 9.00 a.m.

17.01.2022 Sunday 5 July 2020 Evening Service, 6.00 p.m.

17.01.2022 Sunday 7 June 2020 Morning Service, 9.00 a.m.

17.01.2022 Sunday 17 May 2020 Morning Sermon Notes

16.01.2022 Sunday 24 May 2020 Morning Sermon Notes

15.01.2022 LETTER FROM PETER BARNES, THE MODERATOR-GENERAL OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA PRESSING ON OR TREADING WATER? There is still a strange eerie feeling about the community at the moment. It was present during the bushfires, and it is still here with the coronavirus. If normal life was all about parties, crowds, and living it up, then normality has yet to return. Everything remains disrupted, although to varying degrees. To some, it all seems rather exaggerated, even man...Continue reading

15.01.2022 Sunday 9 August 2020 Morning Sermon Notes, 9.00 a.m.

15.01.2022 EVANGELISM: WOOING AND CONVICTING Once a person becomes a Christian, he or she naturally wants to pass the faith onto as many others as possible. After Andrew met Christ, he then found his brother Simon Peter and told him the good news (John 1:40-42). That seems uncomplicated enough, but it is not always so. Modern evangelicalism tends to have one model for making the gospel known: it seeks to woo by being winsome. There is much to be said for this on many occasions. We are ...Continue reading

15.01.2022 FAITHFUL DISOBEDIENCE by Rev Dr Peter Barnes Intention...Continue reading

11.01.2022 Be sure to like the new Jesus Cares Facebook page! We'll be sharing the latest news about the ministry there!

11.01.2022 Sunday 28 June 2020 Morning Service,9.00 a.m.

10.01.2022 Sunday 19 July 2020 Evening Sermon Notes, 6.00 p.m.

10.01.2022 Sunday12 July 2020 Evening Service, 6.00 p.m.

10.01.2022 Christ Cannot Deny Himself, Matthew 10:16-33; 2 Timothy 2:1-13 (Sunday 16 August 2020 Morning Sermon Notes, 9.00 a.m.)

09.01.2022 Easter message from Peter Barnes Have a wonderful Easter as we remember Christ's perfect, sinless sacrifice and celebrate his defeat of sin and death.

09.01.2022 THE NEW STATE RELIGION Political leaders down through the ages have been subject to all kinds of delusions. In the sixth century B.C. Darius the Mede listened to flatterers who talked him into passing a decree which made petition to any god or man except Darius himself illegal for the next thirty days. Anyone who disobeyed this would be cast into a den of lions. This could not be changed as it was the law of the Medes and Persians (Dan.6). The ageing Daniel, still in exile fr...Continue reading

08.01.2022 A good memory from last Friday, Peter Barnes with JC

08.01.2022 Sunday 28 June 2020 Evening Service, 6.00 p.m.

07.01.2022 Sunday 21 June 2020 Evening Service, 6.00 p.m.

07.01.2022 PAUL: A MAN MISUNDERSTOOD We are all prone to plead that we have been understood, but the apostle Paul was in reality a man much misunderstood. The word nuanced can be a weasel word, but Paul did possess a nuanced mind. He could claim the right to be paid for his labours as an apostle, while yet refusing to take payment (1 Cor.9:1-18); he was prepared to circumcise Timothy in order that he might be able to preach to Jews (Acts 16:3) but woe betide anyone who claimed that ci...Continue reading

07.01.2022 MODERATOR'S COMMENTS - POSTED 15 SEPTEMBER 2020 Knowing our Limitations If anyone is looking for suitable reading in lockdown or in wild freedom, for that matter Blaise Pascals Pensées is indeed food for the soul and for the intellect. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a distinguished French scientist who sought to write an apologetic for the Christian faith, but death took him before the work could be completed. No matter, for Pascals work in its unfinished state outdoes o...Continue reading

07.01.2022 CREATURES OF HABIT We live as those who live not knowing what the next day will bring. We are also creatures of habit, and that works both ways. Once we have developed certain habits, be they good or bad, it is not altogether easy to break them. As we seek to meet together again as a church, this will be something to consider. It is right and good that we take reasonable precautions not to become sick nor to spread any sickness, but the world has always been a risky place. Th...Continue reading

07.01.2022 THREE DEATHS: SOCRATES, STEPHEN, AND JESUS While reviewing some meditations on the cross by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, I came across his summary that Socrates overcame dying; Christ overcame death. It is one of those startling comments which force one to stop and think in order to capture the meaning. It also reminded me of a lecture that Oscar Cullmann had delivered on Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead, which he delivered in 1955 but which I read in the late ...Continue reading

05.01.2022 Sunday 21 June 2020 Morning Service, 9.00 a.m.

05.01.2022 Sunday 24 May 2020 Evening Sermon Notes

05.01.2022 HOW TO DECEIVE WITHOUT REALLY LYING Soon after falling into sin, Adam was confronted by the God whom he had offended: Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat? (Gen.3:11) All good teachers ask questions when they already know the answer, and certainly God did, but He flushed out Adams reply: The woman whom You gave to me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate (Gen.3:12). It constitutes the beginning of all the di...Continue reading

03.01.2022 Sunday 17 May 2020 Evening Sermon Notes

02.01.2022 Sunday 26 July 2020 Morning Sermon Notes, 9.00 a.m.

02.01.2022 Sunday 5 July 2020 Morning Service, 9.00 a.m.

01.01.2022 Sunday 7 June 2020 Evening Service, 6.00 p.m.

01.01.2022 Sunday 10 May 2020 Evening Sermon Notes

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