Raine&Horne Commercial Inner West/South Sydney | Commercial property agent
Raine&Horne Commercial Inner West/South Sydney
Phone: +61 2 9572 8855
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25.01.2022 DEVELOPERS NOTE | Workshop With Enormous Potential This prime corner site is just 170 metres from East Hills Train Station and will be sold at Auction 20th October 2020. https://www.rhcommercial.com.au//14-18-maclaurin-avenue-ea... For further information please contact Luke Smith on 0416 281 577. #raineandhorne #commercial #sydney #opportunity #investor #investment #property #industrialsydney #easthills #CanterburyBankstown #bankstowndevelopment #developersydney #sydneysite #easthillsnsw #auctionworks #rhciwss #forsalesydney #opportunity #Potential #raineandhorne #commercial #sydneyproperty #realestate #commercialrealestat #raineandhornecommercial #southwestsouthsydney #sydneydeveloper #sydneybuilder
25.01.2022 D.A. APPROVED DEVELOPMENT SITE Raine & Horne Commercial and Raine and Horne Projects are pleased to offer 527 Victoria Road, Ryde to the market for sale by auction on Tuesday 13th October 2020. The building is on a flexible lease with a DA Approval for a 15 room boarding home. The approval provides investors and developers with an efficient design and strong rental yields.... For more information on this property Feel free to call Ben Ayers on 0404 097 094. #raineandhorne #commercial #develolment #boardinghouse #auction
23.01.2022 We recognise that the role of your property management team is now more important than ever in maximising the return on your property investments. With that in mind we continue to invest in our management department in various ways to ensure we are very well positioned to deliver an effective proactive property management service. Our property management department incudes two company directors, two senior property managers and a dedicated trust accountant. They are well supp...orted by our administration, sales and leasing teams. We have spent 2020 understanding new legislation, working through its application on a case by case basis, in a practical fashion. As a team we have met more than ever to collaborate, trouble shoot and problem solve. What our clients and prospective clients can be assured of is our teams commitment to providing practical, effective, industry leading proactive property management services has never been stronger. Contact our Directors or Senior Property Managers to discuss how you can maximise your returns with our Proactive Property Management Services. 02 9572 8855 #rhciwss #commercialpropertymanagementsydney #forlease#leaseindustrialsydney#officesydney#managedbyraineandhornecommercial #raineandhorne#commercial#property#sydneyindustrial#business#investment#innerwest#southsydney#building#primelocation#realestate#mixeduse
23.01.2022 OUTSTANDING WAREHOUSE/ OFFICE In a Prime South Sydney Location| Auction 17th February 2021 Raine & Horne Commercial are pleased to offer 17/566 Gardeners Road Alexandria to the market for sale by auction on Tuesday 17th Wednesday 2021. This is a Exceptional opportunity to secure an Industrial unit well located within close proximity to the CBD and Airport in a highly sought-after South Sydney location.... For further information on this listing, to arrange an inspection, or for assistance with any of your property requirements please contact Sammy D’Arrigo on 0414 461 693. #raineandhorne #commercial #innerwest #southsydney #auction #forsale #alexandria #industrial #warehouse
22.01.2022 Position & Potential| Auction 27th October 2020 Raine & Horne Commercial are pleased to offer 31-33 Chalder Street, Marrickville to the market for sale by auction on Tuesday 27th October 2020. This unique industrial holding is the epitome of position & potential. Formerly two industrial buildings, one building remains tenanted on a monthly basis, with the other in a dilapidated state requiring redevelopment. The offering iswithin a highly sought after Inner West location ...offering buyers a range of options. For further information please contact Luke Smith on0416 281 577. #marrickville#marrickvillewarehouse#factoryforleasesydney#industrialsydney#sydneydevelopers#sydneydeveloper#sydneybuilder #rhciwss#forsalesydney#opportunity#Potential#raineandhorne#commercial#sydneyproperty#realestate#commercialrealestate #innerwestisbest#raineandhornecommercial#innerwestsouthsydney#sydneywarehouse#westconnex#sydenham#marrickville2020 #marrickvilleporkroll #marrickvillemetro #marrickvillesydney See more
20.01.2022 *PROPERTIES FOR LEASE* > 38/110 Bourke Rd Alexandria > 1-3 Charles ST Petersham > 3/31 Chapel St Marrickville... > 812 Parramatta Rd Lewisham > 637 Parramatta Rd Leichhardt > 1/5-11 Mellor St West Ryde > 209 Enmore Rd Enmore > 235 Marrickville Rd Marrickville > Shop 2/1 Harrow Rd Bexley > 1/9 Belmore Rd Randwick Feel free to call our team to discuss these properties in detail, listing your property or for an up to date sale or rental appraisal. Luke Smith 0416 281 577 Nicholas Smith 0407 787 288 Sammy D’Ariggo 0414 461 693 #rhciwss #forlease #leaseindustrialsydney #alexandria #innerwestisbest #sydneystpeters #retailsydneyforlease #petershamsydney # #raineandhorne #commercial #property #sydneyindustrial #marrickville #business #investment #innerwest #southsydney #building #primelocation #realestate #mixeduse
20.01.2022 One of our Directors Luke Smith will be taking part in the NYF ski for purpose challenge to raise money and awareness for the School for Life Foundation. School for Life Foundation provides its students with 3 nutritious meals a day while at school. With schools closed and the livelihoods of many families impacted as a result of COVID-19, School for Life has been providing emergency food and hygiene supplies to help ensure that these vulnerable students can still access healt...hy meals while they learn from home. This means that every child can can stay healthy and focused on their learning and won't have to sacrifice their education in order to put food on the table. Luke and his team will aim to achieve the maximum metres possible on the SkiErg in thirty minutes whilst raising as much money as they can for this fantastic cause. To donate and support Luke & team please > Click the link below https://nyf-ski-for-purpose.schoolforlife.org.au/#row--8 Every bit counts! #charity #donations #rhciwss #commercial #raineandhorne #fitness #goals #health #dedication #skierg @nicolealisonsell @simbakingriva @dan.sofo @nyf.paddington School for Life Foundation
20.01.2022 1,667m2 BUILDING WITH MULTIPLE ROLLER SHUTTERS AND PARKING Raine & Horne Inner West/ South Sydney are delighted to bring to 64-68 Shepherd Street, Marrickville to the market for sale or lease. Situated on a large land holding with a 27m street frontage, 64-68 Shepherd Street presents a unique opportunity for a purchaser or tenant to significantly expose and grow their business.... If you would like to know more feel free to contact Nicholas Smith on 0407 787 288 or at [email protected] #raineandhorne #commercial #industrial #marrickville #forsale #forlease
19.01.2022 LEASED BY RAINE & HORNE COMMERCIAL Following our recent campaigns the Raine & Horne Commercial Inner West / South Sydney team have fielded 1,000’s of current logged enquiries from buyers and tenants. Each week we update and add to an already comprehensive database of buyers and tenants. LEASED Properties... > 930a Botany Rd Mascot > 33-45 Buckley Street Marrickville > 29b Chapel Street Marrickville Feel free to call to discuss these transactions in detail, listing your property, or for an up to date sale or rental appraisal. Luke Smith 0416 281 577 Nicholas Smith 0407 787 288 Sammy D'Arrigo 0414 461 693 #rhciwss #transactions #leased #leasedindustrialsydney #raineandhorne #commercial #property #sydneyindustrial #retail #shop #marrickville #business #investment #innerwest #southsydney #building #primelocation #realestate #mixeduse
19.01.2022 A combination of low interest rates and low levels of supply saw some strong results in 2020. Our team are working with many motivated buyers and established tenants. Contact us for assistance in the sale, lease, purchase or management of property, or an up-to-date appraisal of value.... Luke Smith0416 281 577 Nicholas Smith0407 787 288 Sammy D’Arrigo0414 461 693 #rhciwss#sold#sydneymarrickville#marrickvilleindustrial#soldatauction#Industrialtransactions#leased#rockdalesydney#sydneybeverlyhills#sydneystpeters#bankstownsydney#sydenham #raineandhorne#commercial#property#auction#forsale#warehousesydney#industrialsydney#retail#shop#marrickville#business#investment#innerwest#southsydney#building#primesydneylocation#realestate#mixeduse
18.01.2022 Raine & Horne Commercial are pleased to offer 21The Seven Ways, Rockdale to the market for sale by auction on Wednesday 21st October 2020. This property offers its new owners size and potential at possibly the best rate per sqm you will find in such a convenient location. For further information on this listing, or for assistance with any of your property requirements please contact Sammy D’Arrigo on 0414 461 693 or Luke Smith on 0416 281 577.... #raineandhorne #commercial #sydneyretail #southsydney #sydney #opportunity #investor #investment #property #rhciwss #forsalesydney #opportunity #Potential #sydneyproperty #realestate #commercialrealestate #raineandhornecommercial #sydneybayside #stgeorge #rockdale #sutherlandshire #kogarah #roselands #sydneyairport #brightonlesands #sydneyrockdale #rockdaleplaza #rockdalesydney #sydneyauctionhouse #auctionworks
16.01.2022 REFURBISHED WAREHOUSE & OFFICE Raine & Horne Commercial are pleased to offer 22 Ewan Street, Mascot to the market for lease. Don’t miss this opportunity to secure this 663sqm refurbished warehouse and office only 850 metres from Mascot Station For further information or to arrange an inspection please contact Sammy D’Arrigo 0414 461 693 or Luke Smith 0416 281 577.... #raineandhorne #commercial #innerwest #southsydney #industrial #forlease #mascot
15.01.2022 505m2 With Potential | Auction 13th October 2020 This freestanding industrial building zoned B7 Business Park is within a highly sought after Inner West location and offers buyers a range of options. For further information please contact Luke Smith on 0416 281 577.... #raineandhorne #commercial #sydneydeveloper #sydneystpeters #innerwest #southsydney #sydney #newtown #opportunity #investor #investment #property#marrickville #stpeterswarehousesydney #factoryforsalesydney #industrialsydney #rhciwss #forsalesydney #opportunity #Potential #raineandhorne #commercial #sydneyproperty #realestate #commercialrealestate #innerwestisbest #raineandhornecommercial #innerwestsouthsydney #sydneywarehouse #westconnex #sydenham
15.01.2022 *PROPERTIES FOR SALE* > 14-18 Maclaurin Avenue, East Hills > 59 Mary Street, St Peters > 147 Moorefields Road, Roselands... > 39-41 Applebee Street, St Peters Feel free to call our team to discuss these properties in detail, listing your property or for an up to date sale or rental appraisal. Luke Smith 0416 281 577 Nicholas Smith 0407 787 288 Sammy D’Ariggo 0414 461 693 #rhciwss #forsalesydney#opportunity #innerwestisbest #innerwestsouthsydney #sydneywarehouse #sydneydeveloper #developersydney #sydneysite #sydneystpeters #roselands #sydneyeasthills #upcomingauctions #raineandhorne #commercial #property #auction #forsale #warehouse #industrial #marrickville #business #investment #innerwest #southsydney #building #primelocation #realestate #mixeduse
15.01.2022 Factory & Cottage in St Peters 36-40 MAY STREET ST PETERS This freestanding industrial building and adjoining cottage are within a highly sought after Inner West location and offer buyers a range of options.... For further information please contact Luke Smith on0416 281 577. #raineandhorne#commercial#sydneydeveloper#sydneystpeters#innerwest#southsydney#sydney#newtown#opportunity#investor#investment#property#marrickville#stpeterswarehousesydney#factoryforsalesydney#industrialsydney #rhciwss#forsalesydney#opportunity#Potential#raineandhorne#commercial#sydneyproperty#realestate#commercialrealestate #innerwestisbest#raineandhornecommercial#innerwestsouthsydney#sydneywarehouse#westconnex#sydenham See more
15.01.2022 Restaurant operators take note! Click the link below to view this IMPRESSIVE LARGE RESTAURANT TENANCY. For further information regarding Shop 3, 7-9 Cross Street or for assistance with any property requirements feel free to contact Luke Smith on 0416 281 577 or Sammy D'Arrigo on 0414 461 693.... #forlease #sydneyrestaurant #bankstown #bankstowncentral #rhciwss #Office #forleasesydney #opportunity #Potential #raineandhorne #commercial #southwestsydney #sydneyproperty #realestate #commercialrealestate
14.01.2022 A buoyant industrial market saw some strong results in 2020. Our team are working with many motivated buyers and established tenants. Contact us for assistance in the sale, lease, purchase or management of property, or an up-to-date appraisal of value. ... Luke Smith 0416 281 577 Nicholas Smith 0407 787 288 Sammy D’Ariggo 0414 461 693 #rhciwss #sold #sydneymarrickville #marrickvilleindustrial #soldatauction #Industrialtransactions #leased #rockdalesydney #sydneybeverlyhills #sydneystpeters #bankstownsydney #sydenham #raineandhorne #commercial #property #auction #forsale #warehousesydney #industrialsydney #retail #shop #marrickville #business #investment #innerwest #southsydney #building #primesydneylocation #realestate #mixeduse
14.01.2022 SOLD at Auction 31-33 Chalder Street Marrickville . . Following our successful sale of 31-33 Chalder Street Marrickville, our happy purchaser was kind enough to send some words of appreciation. .... . The campaign was well received bringing in excess of over 100 enquiries with 7 bidders attending the auction. . . We appreciate the opportunity our clients give us when they entrust us to represent the sale and lease of their properties. . . Feel free to contact our team for assistance in the sale, lease or management of property or for an up to date appraisal. Raine & Horne Commercial Inner West South Sydney 02 9572 8855 #marrickville #testimonial #rhciwss #raineandhornecommercial #innerwestsydney #kudos #praise
13.01.2022 D.A. APPROVED/FLEXIBLE TERMS The property offers A unique opportunity to purchase a Development Site with DA Approval for four large 5-bedroom homes. For further information please contact Sammy D’Arrigo on 0414 461 693.... #raineandhorne #commercial #development #greenacre #opportunity #forsale
11.01.2022 A buoyant industrial market saw some strong results in 2020. Our team are working with many motivated buyers and established tenants. Contact us for assistance in the sale, lease, purchase or management of property, or an up-to-date appraisal of value. Luke Smith0416 281 577... Nicholas Smith0407 787 288 Sammy D’Ariggo0414 461 693 #rhciwss#sold#sydneymarrickville #marrickvilleindustrial#soldatauction#Industrialtransactions#leased#rockdalesydney#sydneybeverlyhills#sydneystpeters#bankstownsydney#sydenham #raineandhorne#commercial#property#auction#forsale#warehousesydney#industrialsydney#retail#shop#marrickville#business#investment#innerwest#southsydney#building#primesydneylocation#realestate#mixeduse
10.01.2022 Commercial Property Transactions Inner West South Sydney Our award winning team have continued to achieve strong results for our clients throughout 2020. As a team Raine & Horne Commercial are consistently looking to improve and develop our skills and systems, so that we can continue to offer the very best service and achieve outstanding results for our clients.... Our team would be happy to assist in the management, lease, purchase or sale of property, or an up to date appraisal of value. If you require assistance with your property requirements, feel free to call our team for assistance on 02 9572 8855. #rhciwss #forsalesydney #opportunity #innerwestisbest #innerwestsouthsydney #sydneywarehouse #sydneydeveloper #developersydney #sydneysite #sydneystpeters #roselands #sydneyeasthills #upcomingauctions #raineandhorne #commercial #property #auction #forsale #warehouse #industrial #marrickville #business #investment #innerwest #southsydney #building #primelocation #realestate #mixeduse
10.01.2022 Click to view the video for this quality industrial building with rental and development upside. For further information regarding 39-41 Applebee Street or for assistance with any property requirements feel free to contact me on the number below. Kind Regards,... Luke Smith 0416 281 577 Raine & Horne Commercial Inner West | South Sydney See more
10.01.2022 For Sale | 2 Warehouses Leased to an Inner West Brewery Your investment here includes 2 character warehouses on a site that is predominantly leased to Wildflower Brewing & Blending on a new 5 year lease. The property is in a rapidly evolving Inner West location,situated just off Victoria Road benefiting from key infrastructure upgrades and rezoning in the surrounding area.... For further information please contact Luke Smith on0416 281 577. #marrickville#marrickvillewarehouse#factoryforsalesydney#industrialsydney#sydneydevelopers#sydneydeveloper#sydneybuilder #rhciwss#forsalesydney#opportunity#Potential#raineandhorne#commercial#sydneyproperty#realestate#commercialrealestate#innerwestisbest#raineandhornecommercial#innerwestsouthsydney#sydneywarehouse#westconnex#sydenham#marrickville2020#marrickvillemetro#marrickvillesydney
09.01.2022 303m2 Industrial Tenancy | For Lease This affordable business unit is within a highly sought-after Inner West location and would suit a wide range of businesses. For further information on this listing, or for assistance with any of your property requirements please contact Luke Smith on0416 281 577or Sammy D’Arrigo on0414 461 693.... #rhciwss#forlease#leaseindustrialsydney#innerwestisbest#sydneystpeters#marrickvillesydneyforlease#petershamsydney#sydneywarehouse #raineandhorne#commercial#property#sydneyindustrial#marrickville#business#investment#innerwestsydney#southsydney#primelocationsydney#sydneyrealestate See more
09.01.2022 Our team are proud to be handling the sale of some fantastic properties with a range of value packed opportunities on the market. Our October auctions have something for everyone with development sites, investments, warehouses, workshops, offices, and showrooms going under the hammer. Feel free to contact our team for assistance with your property requirements.... #rhciwss #forsalesydney#opportunity #innerwestisbest #innerwestsouthsydney #sydneywarehouse #sydneydeveloper #developersydney #sydneysite #raineandhorne #commercial #property #auction #forsale #warhouse #industrial #retail #shop #marrickville #business #investment #innerwest #southsydney #building #primelocation #realestate #mixeduse
09.01.2022 1,132m2 Industrial Building In Marrickville Sold For more information regarding this transaction, or for assistance in the sale, lease, management or purchase of property contact our team for assistance on 02 9572 8855. #raineandhorne #commercial #industrial #innerwest #southsydney #sold #success
09.01.2022 Following a campaign where our team fielded 128 logged buyer enquiries and issued sale contracts to 18 buyers, 116-118 Noble Avenue, Greenacre was sold in less than 6 weeks. Throughout the campaign the Raine & Horne Commercial Inner West / South Sydney team have added to an already comprehensive database of buyers looking for investment and development opportunities. For more information regarding this transaction or to discuss this sale campaign in detail, listing your ...property, or for an up to date sale or rental appraisal, contact Sammy D’Arrigo on 0414 461 693 or our team on 02 9572 8855. #raineandhorne #commercial #sold #greenacre #success #residential #innerwest #southsydney
07.01.2022 Raine & Horne Commercial are pleased to offer 4/45-47 Applebee Street, St Peters to the market for sale by auction on Tuesday 17th February 2021. This affordable business unit is within a highly sought-after Inner West location and offers buyers a range of options. For further information on this listing, or for assistance with any of your property requirements please contact Luke Smith on 0416 281 577 or Sammy D’Arrigo on 0414 461 693. #raineandhorne #commercial #innerwest #southsydney #industrial #stpeters #affordable #auction
07.01.2022 Raine & Horne Commercial are pleased to offer 147 Moorefields Rd, Roselands to the market for sale by auction on Wednesday 27th October 2020. This freestanding multipurpose building has been recently refurbished and could suit a wide range of uses including offices, storage and/or residential S.T.C.A. For further information please contact Sammy D’Arrigo on 0414 461 693 or Luke Smith on 0416 281 577.... #raineandhorne #commercial #officespace #warehouse #forsale #auction #roselands #kingsgrove
06.01.2022 . . Raine & Horne Commercial are pleased to offer 246 Moorefields Rd to the market for sale by auction on Wednesday 21st October 2020. Offering a high exposure corner position, one commercial tenancy and four residential tenancies the value for money on offer at 246 Moorefields Road makes this an opportunity not to be missed!... For further information please contact Sammy D’Arrigo on 0414 461 693 or Luke Smith on 0416 281 577. #raineandhorne #commercial #sydneyretail #southsydney #sydney #opportunity #investor #investment #property #rhciwss #forsalesydney #opportunity #Potential #sydneyproperty #realestate #commercialrealestate #raineandhornecommercial #sydneystgeorge #kogarah #roselands #sydneyairport #roselandsshoppingcentre #roselands #beverlyhillssydney #bevosydney #oatley #canterburybanskstown #lakemba #sydneyairport #beverlyhillsnsw #2209 #kingsgrove
06.01.2022 *PROPERTIES SOLD* > 2/231 Princes Hwy St Peters > 50-52 Shepherd Street Marrickville > 68 Marion Street Bankstown... > Shops 1-4, 38 Princes Hwy, St Peters Feel free to call our Sales team to discuss these properties in detail, listing your property or for an up to date sale appraisal. Luke Smith 0416 281 577 Nicholas Smith 0407 787 288 Sammy D’Ariggo 0414 461 693 Ben Ayers 0404 097 094 #rhciwss #forsalesydney #opportunity #innerwestisbest #innerwestsouthsydney #sydneywarehouse #sydneydeveloper #developersydney #sydneysite #sydneystpeters #roselands #sydneyeasthills #upcomingauctions #raineandhorne #commercial #property #auction #forsale #warehouse #industrial #marrickville #business #investment #innerwest #southsydney #building #primelocation #realestate #mixeduse
06.01.2022 1,500m2 Yard and Shed | For Lease Raine & Horne Commercial are pleased to offer 510 Punchbowl Rd Lakemba to the market for lease. Opportunities to secure buildings providing a flexible mix of areas with substantial yard areas in central locations such as this are rare. For further information or to arrange an inspection please contact Sammy D’Arrigo 0414 461 693 or Luke Smith 0416 281 577.... #raineandhorne #commercial #industrial #forlease #lakemba
05.01.2022 Raine & Horne Commercial are pleased to offer 255 Canterbury Road, Canterbury to the market For Sale by Auction on Wednesday 16th December 2020. The property offers excellent exposure to over 20,000 passing cars per day, convenient transport links and opportunities for food factories, restaurants/ takeaway, commercial uses and residential. For further information or to book an inspection please contact Nicholas Smith on 0407 787 288 or Sammy D’Arrigo on 0414 461 693.... #raineandhorne #commercial #industrial #innerwest #southsydney #canterbury #forsale #auction #opportunity #investor
05.01.2022 Position & Potential| Auction 27th October 2020 Raine & Horne Commercial are pleased to offer 31-33 Chalder Street, Marrickville to the market for sale by auction on Tuesday 27th October 2020. This unique industrial holding is the epitome of position & potential. Formerly two industrial buildings, one building remains tenanted on a monthly basis, with the other in a dilapidated state requiring redevelopment. The offering iswithin a highly sought after Inner West location ...offering buyers a range of options. For further information please contact Luke Smith on0416 281 577. #marrickville#marrickvillewarehouse#factoryforleasesydney#industrialsydney#sydneydevelopers#sydneydeveloper#sydneybuilder #rhciwss#forsalesydney#opportunity#Potential#raineandhorne#commercial#sydneyproperty#realestate#commercialrealestate #innerwestisbest#raineandhornecommercial#innerwestsouthsydney#sydneywarehouse#westconnex#sydenham#marrickville2020 #marrickvilleporkroll #marrickvillemetro #marrickvillesydney See more
02.01.2022 Restaurant operators take note! Click the link below to view this IMPRESSIVE LARGE RESTAURANT TENANCY. For further information regarding Shop 3, 7-9 Cross Street or for assistance with any property requirements feel free to contact Luke Smith on 0416 281 577 or Sammy D'Arrigo on 0414 461 693.... #forlease #sydneyrestaurant #bankstown #bankstowncentral #rhciwss #Office #forleasesydney #opportunity #Potential #raineandhorne #commercial #southwestsydney #sydneyproperty #realestate #commercialrealestate
01.01.2022 For Sale | 2 Warehouses Leased to an Inner West Brewery Your investment here includes 2 character warehouses on a site that is predominantly leased to Wildflower Brewing & Blending on a new 5 year lease. The property is in a rapidly evolving Inner West location,situated just off Victoria Road benefiting from key infrastructure upgrades and rezoning in the surrounding area.... For further information please contact Luke Smith on0416 281 577. #marrickville#marrickvillewarehouse#factoryforsalesydney#industrialsydney#sydneydevelopers#sydneydeveloper#sydneybuilder #rhciwss#forsalesydney#opportunity#Potential#raineandhorne#commercial#sydneyproperty#realestate#commercialrealestate#innerwestisbest#raineandhornecommercial#innerwestsouthsydney#sydneywarehouse#westconnex#sydenham#marrickville2020#marrickvillemetro#marrickvillesydney
01.01.2022 1,500m2 Yard and Shed | For Lease Raine & Horne Commercial are pleased to offer 510 Punchbowl Rd Lakemba to the market for lease. Opportunities to secure buildings providing a flexible mix of areas with substantial yard areas in central locations such as this are rare. For further information or to arrange an inspection please contact Sammy D’Arrigo 0414 461 693 or Luke Smith 0416 281 577.... #raineandhorne #commercial #industrial #forlease #lakemba
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