Rhiannon Bush | Coach
Rhiannon Bush
Phone: +61 402 249 031
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23.01.2022 I LOVE working in a cafe while organising, planning, strategising. Something about the ambience (or maybe it’s the coffee?!) helps me concentrate without becoming overwhelmed & when a song comes on that takes me back to an amazing place in my history, it reminds me of how far I’ve come & why I’m still going. What’s a song that does this for you?
21.01.2022 It's easy to get caught up in the BS Especially as someone who is ambitious, driven and always seeking growth If that's you, you'll often... Look to others to see how you're performing and what you can be doing differently Take on new ideas to learn, explore and grow Exhaust yourself by obsessively thinking about new ways you can get better results Say yes to people who you believe to be ahead of you because you think it will provide you with opportunities But for what purpose? What is achieved by constantly striving, constantly looking forward and constantly seeking "better"? And at what cost? If you considered that what you do right now will be for the rest of your life, does it feel different? If you knew you were going to get to your destination and have everything you want, would you still be in such a hurry? And what would you start doing more of and stop sacrificing, to balance life a little better, knowing those things? Happiness isn't an end game. Happiness is not a destination. Happiness doesn't lie at the bottom of the rainbow. Living life right now is important and you do what you do, to live your life. So live it as you go. Don't make living your life as you want it to be, the end-game. Start now.
21.01.2022 It takes huge amounts of courage to speak your mind truthfully It takes a huge amount of skill, if you're anything like me, to do it tactfully and kindly, especially if you're feeling hurt But learning to speak my truth and confront situations has been monumental for me because it enables me to... - Energetically remain centred and grounded - Put to bed curiosities that lead to overanalysis and overthinking - Stop the process of questioning the meaning and intention behind things by seeking clarity early I used to stop myself from asking or speaking my mind I used to feel that it was easier and "better for everybody" to let things go and just try to move on But I found the more I asked questions and sought clarification around what somebody meant - or what their intention was behind their actions, the more comfortable I became in my own skin The more confidence I grew The more I listened to my intuition when deciding whether to trust someone or leave them behind I remember witnessing someone I barely knew be bullied by someone I held in high regard It was confronting, it was painful and in my opinion, it was unjustified She was ganged up on, she was belittled and I didn't publicly defend her I spoke with her in private, she said she was strong enough to carry the load on her own, but it still didn't sit right with me I reluctantly reached out to the perpetrator to ask them about it I had to because what I"d witnessed was keeping me awake at night and how I had behaved went against my values and moral code Their response told me everything I needed to know to walk away from the relationship I believe every time you want to say something and don't, it has an impact on - Your soul - Your ability to trust yourself - Your confidence It dims your light - the light you were born with, the light you were given to shine with - to be you and to live your best, most contributing life Where are you hiding? Where are you not sharing your truth? Know that it's ok and this is just something to think about The more you honour your voice and speak your truth, the brighter your light will shine and the more confident and radiant you become
21.01.2022 Looking for sales tips and support to get you growing and contributing? Join our community now for authentic sales that promote integrity and all the good feels :)
20.01.2022 Brushing up on my EQ today... How do you define the difference between happiness & pleasure? ... & which one would you prefer? ... Drop me a line, I’d love to know
19.01.2022 I used to say yes to everyone. It was part of my people-pleasing habit and a deep need to feel special and important (in school I was the one fighting to be the teachers’ pet). In my corporate life, I felt it was part of my role to take pressure off others. This mentality lead me to say yes to anything anyone asked of me.... It left me in the office well after them putting my work after theirs hating on myself for not being strong enough to say no Until I learnt to become very clear on my scheduling, I wasn’t able to communicate and honour my boundaries. Now, I know exactly when everything I have to do in a week is going to be done. It's scheduled. Things will always come up so when everything is scheduled, it's simply a question of "is this a higher priority than what I have scheduled right now?". If the answer is yes, I bump what I've scheduled. If the answer is no, I politely decline. This also helps my "free" time be exactly that. By getting clear with my physical calendar, it helps me mentally switch between work and play which is so important, particularly as a business owner. My free time is rejuvenating because I’m not thinking about work and can remain present. This makes for healthy relationships personally and professionally and keeps me energetically balanced. Schedule your tasks in all of them. Business, home, kids, social, EVERYTHING See the effects of how having a clear schedule leads to stronger boundaries enabling you to have a healthier work/life balance and being able to unapologetically tell people no
19.01.2022 WHAT ARE YOUR BIGGEST EMOTIONAL STRUGGLES IN SALES - LIVE CALL THIS THURSDAY 10AM MELB TIME Only this week, someone insulted one of our pieces of work... I saw red. I've done a LOT of work on managing my emotions and while I wasn't rude to this person, I certainly felt myself become defensive and shut off, which didn't help the progress of my sales conversation.... I want to know what you're struggling with because this Thursday at 10am Melbourne time, I'm going live to give you strategies to overcome your biggest emotional struggles. Are you feeling: overwhelmed with where to start? stressed out by sales conversations? procrastinating from getting on the phone? excited to talk to people? concerned about rejection? what else? Let me know and I'll give you solutions live at 10am on Thursday in our free Facebook community - join here https://www.facebook.com/groups/confidentandprofitable
19.01.2022 After sitting down at my desk this morning, I realised how far off-track I’d come. No, it’s not miles off track but a mere 2mm. And here were the implications of that two millimeters Focusing on money and external success Comparing myself to others I don’t even want to resemble Letting other voices overshadow my own... By coming back to centre, I could recognise who I am now, who I used to be and where I want to be going. I was able to shed the last few months and learn that: It’s ok to want what you want It’s ok to not keep up with the Jones’s It’s ok to go at your own pace and be kind to yourself along the way This business is about providing a conduit for people to practice the thing they love to do, to do the very thing that channels their inner Rockstar, sets their souls alight and enables them in their very own unique way, to make the world a better place through growth and contribution. I’d simply lost sight of the fact that I’d stopped doing the same. Sales is a mere by-product of your level of contribution and the depth to which you serve others. No trickery necessary. Sales is merely the means to you doing what you do, an enabler to your contribution to serve on an even deeper level. Sales should be a no-brainer. Sales should be easy. Sales should be authentic. Are yours?
18.01.2022 New client & within her first month has her first high-ticket sale So pumped New client & within her first month has her first high-ticket sale So pumped
18.01.2022 I just finished up creating this awesome quick class on "How to Triple Your Sales in 6 Months" Comment below if you want me to give you access to it.
17.01.2022 PLEASE!!! Never do this!
17.01.2022 Each Sunday night.. I used to have the tendency to tense up beginning to think about my week ahead. It really was a great way to ruin my weekend. Instead, I had to learn to write down all the things I had to do that week, all the things I needed to prepare for, people I needed to speak with, appointments I had and simply get it out of my head. That way my Sunday night could be as relaxing as the rest of my weekend, I could focus on my family and just enjoy knowing that becau...se I'd written it down, I wouldn't forget and I could schedule things I needed to do and it would get done. Come Monday morning, I would have a list of 3 things to get done (this is every day - I limit what I MUST get done to 3 thing maximum) and I'd also have 1-2 KEY things I wanted to have complete by Friday afternoon (2pm - as that's the latest I clock off on a Friday afternoon). Monday morning is now a fresh start, time to hit the ground running, become efficient and completing what I need to complete. How do you plan your week? Do you run out of time frequently and feel like you're super busy all the time? Try writing everything down - get it out of your head. Let me know if that makes it more manageable and feels any different? You got this - remember, , not live to work. Take your time and enjoy it. Don't let work interfere with your enjoyment of the day-to-day.
16.01.2022 WHEN DO YOU FEEL UNSTOPPABLE? Spend 2 seconds (literally that's all it takes) reflecting on a time when you felt UNSTOPPABLE. Not comfortable. Not safe. Not content or peaceful but UNSTOPPABLE. POWERFUL. FIRED UP. When was this? What had happened to generate those intense positive feelings? We spend so much time trying not to feel negative - sad, exhausted, frustrated, stuck, confused. But because we move away from those, as soon as we're far enough away to not feel ...so intensely yuck, we stop because it's better. But better isn't good enough. It's not enough to get us the results we're ultimately seeking. "Better" doesn't have enough momentum or energy to make the changes we want to see to feel not only ok, fine, good.. but rather STRONG, INVINCIBLE, POWERFUL, ENERGETIC, ENLIGHTENED, PASSIONATE, CENTRED, IN CONTROL... What do you want to feel? Fine? Or UNSTOPPABLE? You choose. Comment below - would love to hear how you're choosing to feel today!
13.01.2022 It takes work for me to internally seek guidance for the right path & answers It’s one of the downfalls of naturally being extrinsically motivated - I’ve spent a lifetime seeking approval & advice from others So when I’m feeling strong & calm - & therefore able to keep external words in a safe perspective, I enjoy indulging in the divine & seeing what it throws my way ... I also seek external influence when I’m feeling lost & in need of reassurance I’ve seen a psychic - that took me 33 years & Kym Corke Psychic was truly incredible, I cannot recommend her highly enough I took a book given to me by Helen, a woman I truly respect, called As a man thinketh & in her words, removed the man & the God part & I’ve never found it to be anything other than spot on At the beginning of each new year I like to seek hope from both internal & external sources. I like to spend some time reflecting, planning & recalibrating Tonight I pulled out my Chakra cards - I purchased them to use when running my first training for life coaches - & tried my hand I was reassured & excited by the result I have a great feeling about 2021, I hope you do too
12.01.2022 Morning rituals are an important way to set up your day. How do you start your morning? Are you a morning person?... Even if you're not a morning person, you can still implement small steps to begin setting yourself up with a morning routine that serves you to smash your goals and grow into the person you want to become. Whenever we're chasing a new dream or target, it's important to accept and embrace that there'll be challenges to come - otherwise we would have already gotten that result. So how you set yourself up for the day, feeling optimal, energised and focused will aid you in overcoming the challenges you'll face on the way to achieving your goal. Do something in the morning that energises you, fuels you and makes you feel great. For me it's going to the gym, wearing clothes I feel great wearing, having a protein-rich breakfast and my one incredible, amazing coffee for the day. I then check my calendar, write down my 3 top priorities and fill in my High Performance Planner. It took me years to develop my full week of morning rituals because on Wednesday morning I treat myself to a walk outside instead of a gym session to let my body rest and fuel my mind. Go steady, implement small changes weekly until you've got a ritual you love and that works for you. Remember, along the way, to throw out anything that doesn't work for you and do something different until you nail it. Good morning to you :)
12.01.2022 If you're feeling "not good enough", take a minute now to read this. It's for you x
12.01.2022 Instant gratification is a devil in business. It causes us to react, seek validation and externally-sourced praise. But if we accepted and welcomed that new levels of success would also bring about negative emotions, instead of simply projecting positives, how would that change our approach? What lessons could we learn? And how much quicker would we meet with success as a result? #salescoaching #businessadvice #ambitions #coachingtips #resultsdriven #leadershipcoaching #leadershipdevelopment https://www.excelleadership.com.au/post/projecting-negatives
11.01.2022 Joined on my morning walk this morning by this friendly pooch. He’s super cute. I named him Bozo. Initially I was annoyed. See... my morning walks are sacred. They’re time for me to wander, listen to a podcast, process what’s going on & find creative ways to solve problems. ... Yet here Bozo was, interrupting me on my precious morning walk. Bozo ran out onto the road & made a nuisance of himself & I didn’t have a way to tether him to me to keep him safe so I had to run around & keep him distracted from going on the road. I locked him in a dog park so I knew he was safe & posted in a local Lost Pets Facebook group. When I left him happily in the park, I realised I felt completely light, reenergised & happy. Which is not normally how I feel on my sacred morning walks. What do you take from this? Go figure
11.01.2022 It's just the way it goes... Never enough time and always so much to do that all I can do is laugh We filmed on location today - had such a great time in such a beautiful landscape and then we realised that - after all my filming was done (of course), I hadn't turned my camera around the right way (which, for those of you who don't know, makes editing for a non-professional REALLY hard)... I'd done my hair, make-up and I'd packed everything to make sure we could entertain Mr P (our busy, curious, now running 18-month old) long enough to get the filming done We're rushing around in the short time we have to develop new content, new marketing funnels and other bits we've had on our never-ending to-do list FOREVER Some days I feel like I'm never going to get there... and I'm not even sure where "there" is But here's where I'm super clear on my boundaries I will not give up time with my son for work, even work I love doing I learn from every mistake to be better next time I'm laser-focused, putting one foot in front of another If it doesn't happen today, it'll happen tomorrow I know which of the balls I juggle are glass and which ones are plastic As a very close girlfriend of mine once said "if you're going to laugh about it later, why not laugh about it right now?" So that's what I'm doing. I hope you're all having a giggly day and have an ability to take your hurdles right now, lightly Talk soon!
10.01.2022 LIVE RIGHT NOW! Follow @rhiannonbush on Clubhouse Loving this platform
09.01.2022 Thanks for the book recommendation Matilda Wand! Can’t wait to check this gem out I’ll have to schedule it in.. otherwise it may end up like the rest of the books on my bookshelf - worshipped but untouched
08.01.2022 36 Ways To Build Your Sales Confidence eBook If you want a copy, let me know in the comments below and I'll send it straight through to you! I just finished... putting together this little eBook to help you be complete confidence with every sales conversation. Confidence is the key to converting more leads, being seen as a trusted advisor, and being more authentic and true to yourself. Take these 36 Sales Confidence Tips and implement them into your next sales conversation.
07.01.2022 This man is an absolute MINDSET GENIUS! Damien is the high-performance and emotional intelligence mindset coach that ignites not only me, but all our clients, to change the way they think and feel to get exceptional results. He is offering anymore on our page a FREE 20 minute mindset breakdown. (Usually he charges $150 for these)... This 20 minute call will completely change the way you think, to help you create empowering emotions and get the most out of every day. If you're just not getting the results you want in life right now, I strongly suggest checking him out and seeing the clarity he can bring to your world. Click the link below to choose a time. https://calendly.com/damien-ryan-ela/call
07.01.2022 Do you have a fear of asking for money? Is this holding you back in your business? Join me, 8pm Melbourne Time to clear out the negative feelings you have around sales and selling, and create your sales brand to get results and build your business... Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us//tZYvcO-tpjwsG9adOqOOLcoMvuBY1TF1Q
05.01.2022 Stop Reading The Script! It's VERY important to have a script, but please don't just read it word for word. Your prospects are not dumb, they can tell. Instead, write your script, learn it, practice it, embody it, and use it as a guide. ... Your script is your dance partner. Flow with it. You're not a robot. People don't buy from robots.
05.01.2022 "In every sales conversation, the buyer will constantly question the intent of the seller. At the point where the buyer perceives that the seller cares more about closing the sale and getting the win than they do about the buyer's position and solving their problem, trust is lost and more often than not, so is the sale."
03.01.2022 WHO RECOGNISES THIS LOOK?! I call this the COVID-19 look. Business in the top, party on the bottom I’m not an all-day-active-wear person.. more of a jeans & T-shirt kinda girl (ugg boots always) but today was one of those days.... Had some filming to do, some client deliveries & wasn’t able to stand up while presenting One of the things I’ve enjoyed about this crazy time is being able to wear no make-up & be super comfortable. It’s been fun but I enjoy mixing it up a little
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