Riawunna Centre in Hobart, Tasmania | Education
Riawunna Centre
Locality: Hobart, Tasmania
Phone: +61 3 6226 2772
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24.01.2022 Dear Community, Are you thinking about coming to Uni? Have you thought about Riawunna’s Murina Program in 2021? Jacqui and Janice will be promoting the Murina Program over the next 6 months. ... If you are interested, please make contact with them.
24.01.2022 A good break can lead to breakthroughs. Make sure you put aside some time to relax this semester break Check out your social calender https://bit.ly/2Dbo6FA
24.01.2022 This is an Invitation for Newnham Students, Staff and Community. Join the Vice-Chancellor Rufus Black and Provost, Professor Jane Long in a celebration event featuring Aboriginal achievement at UTAS in the Cradle Coast region, which includes recognition of the graduates of the Riawunna murina Program. The University of Tasmania Student Union are providing a free bus trip for 13 people from the Newnham Campus to the Cradle Coast Campus for this event.... Departing: 3:00pm from the TUU Building, Newnham Returning: 7:00pm From Cradle Coast Campus To RSVP please contact [email protected] or via 63243363 asap as spots are limited. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/naidoc-event-tickets-128197
21.01.2022 Dear Students, KEY DATES: 31 Aug - 6 Sept Mid-semester break ... 18 Oct Semester 2 ends 19 - 23 Oct Semester 2 study period 24 Oct - 10 Nov Semester 2 exam period 31 Oct Coursework scholarship applications for 2021 close See more
20.01.2022 REMINDER ON TODAY: 11 am Come and join us https://utas.zoom.us/j/85273525134
19.01.2022 Dear Students, Please see details below for Riawunna's Orientation Program. This will be followed by our NAIDOC events on each campus. Please register via Eventbrite: http://riawunna.eventbrite.com We look forward to seeing you all on the day.... From the Riawunna team. See more
18.01.2022 Aboriginal pride a driving force. Rosie Smith
18.01.2022 Dear Community and students, Thank you for your attendance and participation in the Murina Information Session today. It was good to see new and returning students. A big shout out to the Riawunna Team for pulling a great session together across the three campuses.
17.01.2022 Dear Students, What a great Orientation Week! Thank you for attending our Cultural events held across lutruwita during Orientation Week. ... From the Riawunna team
16.01.2022 Dear Community, Have you been thinking about enrolling in the Murina Program? Why not give it a go. ... The Murina program is held each Wednesday on the Sandy Bay, Newnham, and Cradle Coast Campuses. We offer the following units for semester one 2021: kani sharing Story telling tunapri milaythina Tasmanian Aboriginal history This is a great opportunity to study alongside Aboriginal people, gain skills and confidence to assist you in your academic pathway. Riawunna offers support in Tutoring, Health and Wellbeing, Scholarships, Computer labs, Culturally Welcoming spaces and much more. As an Aboriginal team we would love to support our people to be successful at University. If you would like any more information, please contact us. Hobart: [email protected] Launceston/Cradle Coast: [email protected] or call (03) 6226 2772
16.01.2022 Dear Students and Community members Have you got a feeling that someone you know or care about isn’t behaving as they normally would? Perhaps they are feeling out of sorts, or not quite themselves? What is your gut instinct telling you? Trust that gut instinct and ask the question R U OK? By starting a conversation and commenting on the changes you’ve noticed, you could help that family member, friend or workmate open up and talk and share their feelings.... The message for R U OK 2020 is There’s More To Say R U OK 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and, those who are able, be willing to support those around us lets help each other and ask R U OK and begin a conversation that could save another person’s life. Let’s continue asking the question R U OK not only today, but every day if we feel the need to reach out and start a conversation. Kind Regards Dave Warrener Counsellor and Student Wellbeing
16.01.2022 VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM: In the hold Decolonising Cook in Australian art, performance and text 24th September 9.15am - 4.40pm https://www.utas.edu.au//virtual-symposium-in-the-hold-dec
16.01.2022 Before our NAIDOC week finishes please enjoy wonderful messages from the community on what NAIDOC means to us.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK1KZjvihCQ&feature=youtu.be
15.01.2022 Michael Mansell delivers the 2021 Japanangka errol West Lecture for NAIDOC week: Truth-Telling and Treaty 8 July 6:00 -7:00 ... https://www.utas.edu.au//michael-mansell-truth-telling-and
14.01.2022 Many students are looking forward to returning to campus, and we are too For the second half of 2020 there will be some classes on-campus as well as online - wi...th some opportunities to come on campus in between classes What's open? Newnham campus Student Centre Monday- to Friday 10am-4pm. Morris Miller Library Monday - Friday 8.45am - 5pm. Launceston Library Monday - Friday 8.45am - 5pm. Cradle Coast Campus Monday - Friday 8.45am - 5pm. Lazenby's: 8.30am-2.30pm Mon-Fri Saltz (AMC): 7:00am-7.30pm Mon- Fri Makers Workshop (Burnie): 9am-3pm Mon-Fri. The library has reopened a number of group study rooms for booking. For the latest visit the student support site https://bit.ly/2F8kIfa
13.01.2022 Dear Students, Staff and Community, Greg and his team have facilitated the following events. National Science Week welcomes to Tasmania’s First Scientists Investigations into Tasmanian Aboriginal canoe-making for National Science Week 2020 by Uncle Rex Greeno. https://www.utas.edu.au//too-many-cooks-national-science-w... Enjoy ‘Too many Cooks’ exhibition from your home! An online exhibition ‘Too many Cooks’ starts on the 22 August and is presented by the Plimsoll Gallery, University of Tasmania’s Fine Art Collection in collaboration with the Office of the Prov-Vice Chancellor, Aboriginal Leadership. https://www.utas.edu.au//art-hobart/2020/august/too-many-c For any further information on the events, please contact the [email protected]
13.01.2022 Dear Students, Staff and Community , On behalf of Riawunna, I would like to thank Delia for her good work supporting our students over the last six months in the Aboriginal Student Success Officer role, on the Newnham campus. Delia will be leaving Riawunna this Friday and will be returning to her Aboriginal Health Liaison Officer role at the Launceston General Hospital. It’s been great having her on the team. We look forward to engaging with Delia into the future. From Caroline and the team.
12.01.2022 REMINDER ENDS TODAY: RIAWUNNA'S NAIDOC WEBSITE https://www.utas.edu.au/naidoc... Thank you to all who participated.
11.01.2022 Dear Students, Staff and Community members, The Pinnacle Foundation Scholarships for 2021 are now open until 15 September 2020. The Pinnacle Foundation provides educational scholarships, mentoring and opportunities for young LGBTIO+ Australians to realise their full potential.... https://thepinnaclefoundation.org/about-us/ https://thepinnaclefoundation.org/apply/
09.01.2022 R U OK? https://youtu.be/AAvXqXE75Cw
08.01.2022 The University is very pleased to offer a 'pop-up' of graduation services, to access retail activities that are available at our ceremony venues during graduation, on campus available to students graduating in Winter 2020 Graduation Services Pop-Up - September https://www.utas.edu.au//september-graduation-services-pop
07.01.2022 The Tasmanian Leaders Program delivers lasting benefits to participants, their organisations and the wider community. Delivered intensively over ten months, the Program fast tracks participants leadership capacity through a winning combination of multi-day residentials and linking sessions that explore issues of significance for lutruwita’s/Tasmania's future. The Program is aimed at high potential leaders with a strong drive to become more effective and willing to help make lutruwita/Tasmania a better place for everyone. We are inviting applicants from a broad spectrum of sectors and experiences from now until 1 October 2020. www.tasmanianleaders.org.au
07.01.2022 TODAY 1.30 pm Zoom Meeting ID: 942 4893 2889 Riawunna is opening its doors slowly to Community members and Aboriginal students to participate in our Community Program on the Sandy Bay and Newnham campuses. ... This will be in accordance with UTAS COVID-19 management plans. Community are welcome to join us in both Community Rooms or via the Zoom link provided, to enjoy a cuppa tea and catch up on some long-awaited yarns. Facilitated by Janice and Jacqui.
07.01.2022 Dear Students, Staff and Community, Join in the discussions to form an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scientists/STEM Network. Calling Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people in STEM (science, technology, engineering or maths) who would like to join discussions about forming an Indigenous Scientists/STEM Network.... The initial leadership group on this project is Kamilaroi water scientist Associate Professor Brad Moggridge (University of Canberra), Quandamooka First Nations man Professor Chris Matthews (President of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance and Associate Dean for Indigenous Leadership & Engagement in the Faculty of Science at the University of Technology Sydney), and Kamilaroi scientist Corey Tutt, founder of Deadly Science, University of Sydney). The aim is to create a space for Indigenous STEM leaders and practitioners especially Indigenous scientists to gather virtually to discuss aspirations for this network.Science & Technology Australia the peak body for the nation’s STEM workforce - is supporting this initiative by helping to coordinate a first virtual gathering. To get involved, please [email protected] and we’ll connect you in. And to follow the discussion and Indigenous STEM content: @bradmoggo at @drchris_maths @atsimaAU @corey_tutt @DeadlyScience @ScienceAu.https://scienceandtechnologyaustralia.org.au//superstars-/
06.01.2022 Our Virtual Open Day is now live! Explore our campuses, access key info on our units, pathways, scholarships, and more: https://bit.ly/3g73VqJ
06.01.2022 The Riawunna Team are happy to announce our NAIDOC 2020 Website is now live for viewing. https://www.utas.edu.au/naidoc Thank you to all who participated.
06.01.2022 Dear Community, Students and Staff, **Reminder** This Wednesday Riawunna is holding the Murina Information Sessions along with a soup day on all three campuses. Please join us for a yarn, feed and listen to what the Murina Program has to offer. Register via the Eventbrite link below. ... http://riawunna.eventbrite.com Please contact Emmaleen if you need any assistance with registering - 6324 3363 From the Riawunna Team. See more
05.01.2022 Dear new and returning students, Congratulations! You are now University students. Thank you for attending the Riawunna Orientation Program. It was good to see you face to face and online. ... It is important to get familiar and connected with your campus and you can do this by attending what’s being offered during Orientation Week. https://www.utas.edu.au//starting-at-the-unive/orientation See you around campus. From the Riawunna team.
04.01.2022 Dear Staff and students, The Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Aboriginal Leadership warmly welcomes you to join our Zoom presentation event for the 2020 Indigenous Cultural and Educational Exchange Programme. Please see attached invitation for more details. Please RSVP to [email protected]
03.01.2022 Reminder for tomorrow. Murina information sessions and Soup day. Please register via Eventbrite. We look forward to seeing you all. From the Riawunna team.
02.01.2022 Dear students and potential students, You are invited to attend Riawunna’s Orientation Program, held on 15 February 2021 across the three regions of lutruwita. Please click into the link to register to hear from the team about Riawunna support services and programs. ... See you on Monday 15 February at 12 noon. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/riawunna-orientation-progra https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/riawunna-orientation-progra https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/riawunna-orientation-progra From the Riawunna team.
01.01.2022 This year has been tough for so many people, in so many different ways. Today we remind ourselves to check in with each other, have honest conversations and as...k R U OK? Not just today but BEYOND #RUOK Day Below our Vice-Chancellor Professor Rufus Black shares his own experiences of 2020. Follow this link for some helpful resources https://bit.ly/2FfwrJh
01.01.2022 The Plimsoll gallery is offering special tours for staff and students of the Too Many Cooks exhibition (which has only been online) at Plimsoll Gallery, Hobart. It’s an incredible opportunity to look at Indigenous perspectives of colonisation and Captain James Cook. The final tour is tomorrow, Friday 10-11am, with spaces still available.... https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/plimsoll-gallery-curator-ta
01.01.2022 Dear Community, There are three great Aboriginal positions advertised today to work on Country. The positions area available on the Tasmanian Government Jobs website https://www.jobs.tas.gov.au/ and are open until 14 September 2020.... Aboriginal Fire Ranger https://careers.pageuppeople.com//aboriginal-fire-ranger-7 Aboriginal Burning Project Officer https://careers.pageuppeople.com//aboriginal-burning-proje