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Rigpa Australia | Non-profit organisation

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Rigpa Australia

Phone: 0415 465 547


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25.01.2022 Monday Evening Guided meditation 7:00pm-8:00pm AEST Join here:

24.01.2022 Contemplating Change Online This runs at 6.00am Australian Eastern Daylight Time. A powerful way to start your day.

24.01.2022 Nourish your meditation this October! Rigpa is partnering with the Buddhist Council of NSW for Stillness in Spring, a month-long meditation event for all, with a fundraising element for those who wish to support both Rigpa and the Buddhist Council . Together we can strengthen our practice, help Rigpa and support essential Buddhist Council programs in hospitals, schools and prisons. Rigpa Australias contribution to Stillness in Spring is: 15 Minutes a Day.

23.01.2022 Delighted that Sydney University is included in this.

22.01.2022 What's On Rigpa Adelaide For the Benefit of All Beings Thursday Evenings-7.00pm to 9.00pm - next session Thursday 26th November... OR Sundays once a month 9.30am to 1.00pm - next session Sunday 6th December Teachings on the classic text the Bodhicharyavatara, which is a guide to cultivating the mind of enlightenment through generating the qualities of love, compassion, generosity and patience. These sessions are suitable for anyone who has some familiarity with meditation practice. Understanding Your Mind Monday Evenings - 7.00pm to 8.30pm - next session 23rd November 5 sessions only (beginning 26th November) - you are welcome to any session Introduction to Meditation - Many people try meditation once or twice and think they can’t do it because the flow of thoughts seems unstoppable. In fact, anyone can meditate. Learn to Meditate - Drop In sessions Wednesdays fortnightly - 7.00pm to 8.00pm - Next session Wednesday 25th November Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Tired of all the drama? Is it hard to slow down, even when you have down time? Are you looking for new skills to deal with life challenges? We will learn a range of mindfulness and meditation practices to help find your own inner peace in any situation. How to Survive Your Mind - Drop In sessions First Saturday of each Month (Except January) - 9.30 to 12 noon - next session Saturday 5th December Meditation practice followed by an exploration of topics pertinent to the modern world.

22.01.2022 Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche Online Saturday, September 26 - Sunday, September 27 Softening the Heart, Awakening the Mind Bodhicitta, the mindset of awakening, has two aspects. With the practice of relative bodhicitta, we soften our hearts; with the practice of absolute bodhicitta, we awaken our minds. Relative bodhicitta begins with contemplating the four immeasurable qualities: equanimity, loving-kindness, compassion, and sympathetic joy. From here, we naturally develop the aspiration to devote our lives to attaining enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings. This supreme aspiration serves as our foundation for all our dharma practice, culminating in absolute bodhicitta, in which we gain insight into the true nature of our mind and phenomena.

22.01.2022 For the Benefit of All Beings How do you open your heart? Is it through witnessing suffering and feeling impelled to action? Is it through being touched by the kindness and love of others? Is it through finding ease and well-being in your true nature? Or is it an unanswered question? Over a thousand years ago a follower of the Buddhas teaching, an Indian man called Shantideva composed a text documenting his journey to opening the heart and freeing the minda personal reflect...ion on how to grow compassion and understanding in order to act in the world for the sake of others. This manual for wisdom and compassion, called the Bodhicharyavatara, is an invitation for us to unlock our own limitless potential and so become a master of ourselves and a servant of the worlda Bodhisattva. Our monthly course, For the Benefit of All Beings, will continue to study and practice Shatidevas advice based on the Bodhicharyavatara. Contact your local centre for details.

19.01.2022 An online live guided group meditation session at 8.00am every day during the month of October. 15 Minutes A Day: Meditation Every Day in October... Completely new to meditation? Want to build a stable meditation habit? Looking for some fresh inspiration? 15 Minutes A Day offers an online live guided group meditation session at 8.00am every day during the month of October. Led by a team of experienced meditation instructors, this series of guided meditations will take you from the very first foundations of meditation through to a deep appreciation of the power of simply letting your mind be, natural and at ease. Kick start your day with these short, gentle, inspiring meditations. With the support of a community of fellow meditators, this flexible month-long program will help you firmly establish a daily habit of meditation. And it offers you the tools to carry that meditative mind throughout your daily life Many people try meditation once or twice and think they cant do it because the flow of thoughts seems unstoppable. In fact, anyone can meditate. It isnt about stopping or suppressing thoughts, but learning to watch the flow of thoughts with compassion, spaciousness and without judgement. Accessible from the comfort of your own home or where ever you are join from a tablet, PC or phone

19.01.2022 Online: Cultivating Compassion: A Practical Guide To Being Kind Saturday 19 Sept, 10:30am

18.01.2022 Digital Well-being Online Bringing awareness and intention to our digital habits With Jonathan Garner and Steve Cope Friday 9 October to Sunday 11 October... You practise meditation, have been on retreats, and have experienced the impact that mindfulness and awareness can have on your life. But now you find yourself working from home, staring at a laptop screen 8+ hours a day, overrun with a diary full of video calls and drowning in collaborative docs. What happens to the spirit and atmosphere of your practice during this time? For Australians, this is one for night owls, but such a valuable retreat to join.

16.01.2022 Tuesday Lunchtime Guided meditation 12:00pm 12:45pm Join here:

16.01.2022 How to Make Clear and Wise Decisions Saturday 3rd October 10.30am to 11.45am AEST

15.01.2022 Working with mind-wandering

15.01.2022 A one off special evening to help everyone in the run down to the end of the year. These days many of us feel overstretched and pressured by the busyness of our... everyday life. During this session (where you can attend in-person or online) we will explore simple ways that we can bring meditation and the compassionate Buddhist view into our daily life to help ease and cut through our stress and worry. In-person at 158 Australia Street, Newtown and online.

13.01.2022 Remembering Kindness: bringing to mind someone who has been kind to us, and savouring the feelings that arise

13.01.2022 End-of-Life Care During Covid: Authentic Presence in a Changing World Sept 27 - Oct 10, 2020 For professionals and volunteers serving patients at the end of life and their families Led by Dr. Ann Allegre, MD; Dr. Angela Anderson, MD; Kirsten DeLeo, author of Present Through The End; John Douglas; Youske Eto, LCSW.... Covid-19 has radically changed how end-of-life care is delivered. How can you continue to make authentic connections with patients? How can you manage the new challenges? How can you stay resilient in the midst of suffering and uncertainty? This live online intensive offers you space to pause, to nourish yourself and discover fresh ways to manage the new challenges. You will learn and experience key compassion practices and meditation methods from the contemplative approach to care. They will support you to stay grounded and can unlock your ability to remain present, authentic, compassionate, and resilient in the face of this changing world. Connect with a like-minded global community and join us as we explore the healing power of presence in a professional capacity.

12.01.2022 Hear more from Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche: 26-27 September online (replay also available from 11 October). Book here:

11.01.2022 15 Minutes A Day starts 1 October Secure your place now:

11.01.2022 Abandoning Anger Why and How Online Saturday 12 September 9.30am to 12 midday (AEST) A - Meditation: Your Mind Your Life - Session Sessions include:... - an introduction on how to meditate led by experienced meditators and instructors - guided meditation instructions to give you time and space to become familiar with meditation -video presentations of teachings from meditation masters on a special topic - discussions on how to bring the benefits of meditation into every aspect of our daily lives - opportunities for questions and answers The session combines a practical introduction on how to meditate with advice from some of the greatest Tibetan Buddhist meditation masters who have trained in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition including Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche and Tsoknyi Rinpoche. We will still be presenting these teachings ONLINE for this month on the topic of Abandoning Anger Why and How. When | Saturday 12 September, 2020 Time | 9:30am - midday (AEST) Connection details |Please join us online via Zoom:

09.01.2022 If you are working from home, this is the perfect way to start your day. Every day through October.

09.01.2022 Hi Brisbane! Starting Wednesday night 7th October is a new 10 week course about the key message of Buddhas teaching - a message which is both empowering and optimistic; that our own mind plays a key role in shaping our world and reality, a message that is as radical and disruptive to us today as it was 2,500 years ago. Find out more now by clicking here: We are CovidSAFE so spaces at the centre will be strictly limited.

09.01.2022 Free online guided meditation every Tuesday evening 6.30 (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Join us for a free 45 minute guided meditation with one of our experienced meditation instructors. Every session is suitable for all levels. You can sit on a chair or on a cushion on the floor, wherever you are comfortable and there are no difficult postures or complicated techniques.... Once an old woman came to Buddha and asked him how to meditate. He told her to remain aware of every movement of her hands as she drew the water from the well, knowing that if she did, she would soon find herself in that state of alert and spacious calm that is meditation.

08.01.2022 For Naidoc (National Aborigines and Islanders Day) Week

08.01.2022 Thursday Evening Guided meditation 6:00pm-6.45pm AEST Join here:


07.01.2022 This live talk is part of a three day online seminar with Christine Longaker on the topic of "Self compassion: reducing stress, avoiding burnout and strengthening resilience"

07.01.2022 Meditate today Monday Evening Guided meditation 7:00pm-8:00pm AEST

06.01.2022 We can use this time of fear and insecurity, says famed Buddhist teacher Pema Chdrn, to connect with the natural warmth of our heart. Read more at Lions Roar:

05.01.2022 This is 6.00am Wednesday morning Australian Eastern Daylight Time for Australian early birds.

04.01.2022 Join Rigpa Shedra 2021 For the first time ever the Rigpa Shedra will be held online, opening vast new possibilities! Are you aged 18-96? Want the chance to ser...iously engage with the teachings, but never found the right opportunity? Can’t afford to be away from home for months? Imagine being able to immerse yourself in the Dharma for three wonderful months, starting January 2021. For the first time, Rigpa’s study college ‘Shedra East’ will be offered online to students all over the world, and we want you to be one of those students. Jigme Kyentse Rinpoche says In order to practice the teachings, we need to know what they are. We need to understand them as clearly and as accurately as possible. We need to be certain of their truth we must be ready to make the effort to understand the teachings for ourselves, as best we can, following the logical arguments set forth in the great texts, so that in the end we too will arrive at a state of irreversible conviction and will be able to follow the path with unshakable confidence. If you have enthusiasm, space and time to immerse yourself for 3 months in the teachings and begin to achieve this unshakable confidence for yourself, here is your opportunity. Become a Shedra student in 2021. At Shedra, 2021, you will study Longchenpa’s Semnyi Ngalso Finding Rest in the Nature of Mind. This text is the basis for The Words of My Perfect Teacher by Patrul Rinpoche and the Yönten Dzö by Jigme Lingpa, two texts that are frequently referenced and used in Rigpa. Your teacher will be Khenpo Tashi Tseten, a brilliant young khenpo who studied at Namdroling Monastery in southern India, and who was personally chosen by Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche to teach us. Khenpo Tashi Tseten teaches in a very enthusiastic and accessible manner, always working to ensure that studying the texts are a means for transformation, not just for an accumulation of knowledge. Like to know more? Check out the Rigpa Shedra website:

03.01.2022 What a beautiful way to wake up to the news of the album, Songs from the Bardo nominated for Grammy. We are super excited, happy and honoured with much gratitud...e. This album is very close to my heart and labour of love with support from so many amazing friends. May it benefit many beings. Jesse and me we had a little spontaneous online celebration. We will do a listening party of the full album and talk about each 14 tracks sometime. Thank you Jesse Paris Smith Laurie Anderson @rubinofkodheli and Shahzad Ismaily, @michaelaskill Huib Schippers @smithsonianfolkways, @recordingacademy and to everyone who made this happen and who has supported us along the way. Much gratitude to all who has believed and supported my musical journey for all these years specially my beautiful Bronwyn and our awesome kids. Now I am officially a Grammy Nominated Tibetan/Australian Artist. See more

03.01.2022 The key message of Buddhas teachings is both empowering and optimistic: that if we turn within, and deeply come to know our own mind, we will discover a kindness, compassion, and fully awakened state that are naturally ours. And through this simple, seemingly insignificant, yet revolutionary shift in orientation we will come to discover our tremendous capacity to benefit ourselves and our world. Understanding your mind - Understanding your worl...d : The wisdom of insight meditation Rigpa Brisbane 10 week course starting Wednesday 7 October. See more

02.01.2022 Wednesday Evening Loving Kindness Meditation 6:00pm 6:45pm AEST Join here:

02.01.2022 The first day of His Holiness the Dalai Lamas three-day teaching on Gyalsey Thokme Sangpos Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva and Je Tsongkhapas Three P...rincipal Aspects of the Path on September 4, 2020 at the request of a group of Southeast Asians. He will also answer questions from the same group during the last 30 minutes of the session. People are requested to please follow their local social distancing rules while viewing the live webcast. See more

01.01.2022 A few moments of nature-based mindfulness, at Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre. Are you a hard-working Australian educator, or school staff? Would you to unwind and reconnect a bit more, in nature? Weve got a one-off special event in October as part of Queensland Mental Health Week, that will give you permission to do just that...

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