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23.01.2022 Inner child You know those times as a kid when time passes and you didn’t even know where it went ? The contentment and fullness in your heart The feelings of This is who I really am.... forgetting the world around you. We live in such a fast pace Society where we are constantly told being busy is good, we are constantly programmed by the instant gratification of materialistic things, we are reminded by alarms and our 9-5 work and the constant keep up with you social life .. But what about the things that fill up your cup, that enable you to rest, recharge and nurture the inner you! Where you can switch off and focus on the here and now of where you are! Reconnecting with your inner child enables you to find peace with yourself in order to better serve everyone around you! You can connect with the playful you, funny you, happy and content you This helps you to connect with your thoughts, feelings & Emotions and better serve the now / future you Remember before you were faced with this crazy adult life, the hustle, the overwhelm you were a child! What is it that you did in your past that helped you disconnect from the world That gave you a sense of this is who I am What were you seeing, hearing and feeling What’s one thing you can do for yourself to connect with your inner child
22.01.2022 The truth is .. That big life you see for yourself is all a result of change. You cannot get there without change, transformation and growth. ... In order to get to where you want to be.. that dream that life ... You must be brave to choose a different life / a different path ! This is the last day of 2020, go into 2021 with ambition to achieve your goals and that dream life! Even in the face of unexpected challenges! You are the master of your own destiny! Therefore the choice is ALWAYS yours! Keep your head high, carrying yourself strong and know you are capable of achieving anything you put your mind too! HAPPY LAST DAY OF 2020
22.01.2022 SUNDAY Sunday, Monday’s and Friday’s are my favourite day of the week! I don’t even really know why! But I know that once my Sunday is organised it is a ripple effect for my week! Today is a slow day, which is something I consciously make an effort of as I find it hard to slow down, i usually try cram everything in an unrealistic time frame which often creates un needed stress! ... However as of recent I have found sitting down and setting out my weekly goals, habits and to do list has been a massive game changer for my week! Here is a small list of my weekly focus and habits for this week This weeks focus; SLOW DOWN! & Breathe ... This weeks HABITS ; 1. Focus on one task at a time 2. Eat my lunch out side - away from work 3. NO phone before bed - read at least 5 pages of a new book 4. Mirror work - (Non - negotiable) 5. Connect with nature
21.01.2022 The power of positive thinking !! I know this is something I continually talk about and it can often feel really cliche!! BUT! The power of positive thinking has enormous benefits on your mental and physical health & wellbeing! ... A positive mindset can give you more confidence, improve your mood, reduce stress and even improve your overall health. And I know that all sounds really great and probably asking what does the power of positive thinking really mean WELL!! You can define positive thinking as positive imagery, positive self-talk or general optimism, but these are all still general concepts. If you want to be effective in thinking and being more positive, you need to implement concrete strategies to help you through the process. Here is just a few ways to do implement this in every day life; Start your day with positive affirmations I AM Practice graditude however small or big Turn your failures into lessons Determine themindsetyou need and act as if. ... Reframe negative self talk Focus on the present Find positive friends, mentors & co-workers Create new habits to supportyour mindset change. ... Jump out ofyourcomfort zone.
17.01.2022 8 positive self talk affirmations to say to yourself at the start, during or end of your day!
16.01.2022 You know that one thing you really want to do But your Crippled by the fear of failing .. you are scared to take the leap and you are continuing to play it safe?? Ask yourself; if you weren’t afraid to fail what would you be doing ? What would you be hearing, seeing or telling yourself? ... Someone that lives that reality of that thing you really want ? What are they doing ? What small action step can you commit to today to get you one step closer to where you want to be ?
14.01.2022 A thought does not define you Our feelings are a reflection of our thoughts. Thoughts alone can either be good or bad. You need to acknowledge your thought and remind yourself regardless of how you feel you are always worthy
14.01.2022 You are the master of your own destiny You have the power to attract anything you desire & deserve.. you just have to believe in your own transformation! ... What will you commit to this week to get you one step closer to where you want to be & what you want to attract ?
13.01.2022 TIPS FOR MORE CONFIDENCE I am going to share my 4 top tips for cultivating more confidence in your daily life and to boost your own self-worth. . .... 1 Evaluate your day/performance based on you OWN perception of how you’re doing NOT by comparing yourself to what others are doing, accomplishing or societal expectation. . 2Say NO. Respect yourself enough to set boundaries when things don’t feel right, or they drain your energy or waste your time, or you simply do not want to do it. You are the boss of your life, start acting like it. . 3Find what makes you FEEL good, and do It consistently. Dance to your favourite song, read a book, meditate, move your body, call family or a friend. Without intention and a plan this will fail the secret to feeling good about yourself is to feel good on a regular basis. . 4FOLLOW YOUR FEAR. Your fears are lighting the path towards growth, change and transformation. If you are constantly doing the same things in the same old environment that hasn’t got you to where you want to be then you’ll continue to get the same result. . . Step outside your comfort zone, do the things you’ve been wanting to do but your to afraid to take the leap. Everything you want is on the other side of fear and once you do it you’ll have so much more trust in yourself and CONFIDENCE in your ability to do new scary things. .
12.01.2022 Here is your reminder ... it is ok to say no You can still be a good person with a kind heart and say no! NO doesn’t mean you are a bad person it just means you are saying YES to you! Is there something that isn’t currently serving you or seems to zap your energy What will you say NO to .. in order to say YES to you How can you create space in your week for YOU! ... You are priority, NO one needs to know what’s happening below the surface.. no justifications just say NO! When you look after yourself the rest will follow
12.01.2022 What an amazing day yesterday with the incredible Chelsea from @mummy_movement. I want to acknowledge the women for coming and taking the time out of their day! Yesterday we talked all things mastering your mindset, setting goals and managing expectations verse reality! I am so filled with gratitude to be given this opportunity to run this workshop. It is so amazing when women support women. ... There is some really excited things to come teaming up together! Women are the forefront of our mission and we can’t wait for what is to come Stay tuned
11.01.2022 What are the stories you are telling yourself ? In any area of your life it really pays to examine the kind of things you are saying to yourself.. Your inner dialogue, or what you tell yourself, is actually the thing that determines, above nearly everything else, the quality of your life. ... A lot of what we say to ourselves is rarely a conscious choice it’s made up by other people’s beliefs, stories you’ve heard or been told or conversations you are replaying in your mind. Our unconscious mind has a purpose of keeping us safe however a lot of the time it keeps us stuck, procrastinating, having a small life, cycling negative space and being locked up in our comfort zone. This first step of changing self talk is having AWARENESS of it, NOTICING when it’s not helping you and then REPLACING it with something far more powerful!! Next time you are faced with a challenging situation or negative self talk; I challenge you to picture your best friend or a loved one in front of you and say out-loud what you would say to them.. Babe You are stuck with yourself forever, make it the most beautiful place to be
09.01.2022 Ways in which you can reframe your self talk Do you find yourself falling into more of a passive mindset or active mindset ? How will you choose to reframe your thoughts to support you ?
08.01.2022 Are you living & creating a life that feels designed for you ? Are you working the 9-5 job, Are you making excuses .. I’m to tired ? I don’t have time ? I worked to much ? It’s to early to wake up and when I get home it’s too dark ? What if you could create a life designed for yourself, what would you do? if you had infinite amount of time to do whatever you wanted to do.. what would you do? If time and money didn’t exists what would you do? ... It’s worth to examine where you currently are ... where you feel out of aligned with yourself and where you want to be... YOU have the power to create change ... everything comes within.. YOU can create a life you design .. YOU AREN’T programmed to live the life you don’t want to live ... It all starts with YOU and intention! You can’t expect to live this amazing life without doing the work If your ready to make change .. live a life aligned with your vision and values! Then you need to work with a coach! If where you are isn’t where you want to be and you don’t know where to start ... I am here! Comment or DM me ! And I would love to have a chat
07.01.2022 6 reasons why you need to take yourself seriously to get out of your comfort zone. 1 Because if you don’t know one else will. 2 Those dreams inside you won’t come to you - you need to go after them. 3 That nagging inside your gut telling you this isn’t it, won’t go away - it just gets louder and harder to suppress. 4 The throbbing pain of regret hurts more than the brief discomfort of doing something different and new.... 5 You wouldn’t have the dream in your heart if you also didn’t have what it takes to create it. 6 There are people less qualified then you, doing the things you want to do, simply because they decided to believe in themselves. Period. See more
06.01.2022 Its that time again !! SELF - CARE SUNDAY! This is the perfect time to check-in with yourself & plan your week ahead. It is important to remember In order to give to anyone else in your week ahead .. you MUST give to yourself first! ... Check in with yourself today and do something that gives you a sense of This is who I really am Sunday Self - Care idea’s Sleep in a little longer Make your fav breakfast Apply a face or hair mask Take a bath Start a book you’ve always wanted to read Put your phone down Make a to - do list for your week head Practice Stillness ( yoga, meditate, close your eyes & just breath) What will you do today to give to yourself
06.01.2022 Think about it, let it sink in We are what we repeatedly do.. this is an act of habit ... Thinking about where you are ? What you want to do or who you want to be .. are your acts or habits aligned with that end result or goal ?
05.01.2022 Happy Monday I challenge you; What is that one thing that you want more then anything right now however you keep putting it off ... This week; I want you to take a step big or small! That will get you one step closer to achieving your goal. Is it, setting your alarm 5 minutes earlier? Preparing your clothes the night before ? Drinking more water ? Get outside and connect with nature ? Journaling your thoughts ? Affirmations ‘I AM’ Be stronger than your excuses !!
04.01.2022 You are worthy of being treated with love, compassion, gentleness and respect. Let the universe know this by the way that you treat yourself. No one is more worthy of your kindness and compassion than you are.
04.01.2022 8 things to notice throughout your day! There isn’t a lot we are in control of however we are in control of our own; life, choices, decisions and reactions Next time you catch yourself feeling down or stuck here are 8 guides that can help you identify what it is that needs more attention @ Sydney, Australia
04.01.2022 SOMETIMES THE PLACE YOU ARE USED TO IS NOT THE PLACE YOU BELONG TAKE A DEEP BREATH, ACCEPT DISCOMFORT OF CHANGE AND TRUST THE MAGIC OF NEW BEGINNINGS ... Step outside your comfort zone each day. Why ? So many of us live our life driven by fear we run on adrenaline, ruled by anxiety and constantly searching outside of ourselves. So many people want to change but are faced with fear! It’s the security and knowing of your current situation and their feelings but don’t want to change due to the fear of getting uncomfortable not knowing what the outcome is. Well can I tell you. The only way to move forward, discover self-confidence, love yourself, feel grateful for life and to reach your ultimate goals. You have to step outside your comfort zone. You simply cannot heal in the same environment that is destroying you or making you unhappy. It is all done on a conscious level, to create the life that you desire. Is it easy ? No, is it worth it ? HELL YEAH. So what will you do to step outside your comfort zone?
04.01.2022 BODY IMAGE !!! Do you catch yourself critiquing things about your body? Wishing you looked differently? Do you ever say that you would be happier if only you had smaller stomach, bigger bum & more definition?... Are you constantly going on diets and then failing ? What about rather then loosing weight and wishing you looked differently you said to yourself all of the things you love about yourself and the things your body allows you to do ... Sometimes the weight you need to loose isn’t on your body... Sometimes the weight you need to loose is; The weight of others opinions of you and Negativity. The weight of pressure you have on yourself. The weight of food rules and restrictions. The weight of overthinking, questioning + suppressing the signals your body is giving you. The weight of all Criticism and negative self talk you give yourself. I can promise you when you let go of all the weight of these things this will make you healthier ( and happier). I know it may seem so simple however with baby steps, time, honesty and little inner work, you will get there!
03.01.2022 YOUR BRAIN IS A SUPERCOMPUTURE AND YOUR SELF TALK IS THE PROGRAM IT WILL RUN Your brain, your body and your mindset are heavily influenced by the quality of self-talk. The things you say to yourself, and how you feel about yourself, have a big impact and are incredibly powerful.... Positive self-talk is kind, supportive and affirming. It sounds like I’m making progress or I will keep trying Positive self-talk boost confidence helps you succeed, helps achieve goals and gets you through challenging times. Negative self-talk is unkind, critical and upsetting. It can sound like I’m not worth it or my opinion doesn’t matter Negative self-talk lowers self esteem, spoils true relationships, stops you from achieving goals and increases stress. So do you catch yourself talking to yourself into positive or negative way?
01.01.2022 The way we speak to ourselves directly impacts our decisions & choices we make on a day to day basis. In order to see better results in all aspects of our daily life we need to catch ourselves in those moments of negative self talk and doubt. Next time you catch yourself speaking negatively to yourself and questioning yourself I want you to try shift from judgement & shame curiosity & self compassion!
01.01.2022 JUST DO IT! Whatever that may be, just do it. Your happiness is your biggest investment you can make. There should be no price tag on your happiness or whatever makes your heart sing!! Happiness is internal, when you heal internally everything externally will change around you! ... I know what it’s like to constantly look for happiness in external things, i know how great it feels to have that new outfit, hand bag or shoes but let me tell you! You will be happy in the moment and then a couple days or weeks go by your still hurting inside!! In order to appreciate anything around you, you MUST appreciate yourself ! You must give to yourself before you can possibly give to anyone else. Babe, you are your biggest investment ... when you start to appreciate you and do the work within.. watch your world change around it! DM for a chat to get started
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