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Rock Specialty Coffee Roaster Pty Ltd | Brand

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Rock Specialty Coffee Roaster Pty Ltd

Phone: +61 435 809 402


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23.01.2022 Super excited to *finally* reveal our new look coffee bags! . Featuring our personal and professional ethos, "be kind and drink coffee" . .... #coffeebag #retailcoffee #bekindanddrinkcoffer See more

15.01.2022 Espresso series- Milk texturing and pouring Part one . It’s a crucial part of making milk based beverage.... . . Controlling the time ratio of aeration and agitation. Aerate too long and you don’t have enough time for agitation, you will have over foamy and bubbly milk. Don’t reuse heated milk. It will have unpleasant taste like rough, grainy texture and dryness in it. The reason can be really nerdy (leave a comment below if you want to know) Minimise the wastage. Use small jug to start with. Be aware how much leftover milk is in the jug every time after you finish your pour and adjust for the next one accordingly. No leftover milk, no heated milk reusing Mix your milk and espresso throughly. It will have a consistent beverage from the first sip til the end. Even colour on the surface is a good indicator for it. Don’t just raise the crema to the top (bitter at the beginning and milky later) . . More posts on advanced technique are coming . #espresso #espressoseries #milkbased #milktexturing #pour #milkpouring

13.01.2022 Happy Monday . We love to ease our way into the working week with a tasty filter . What’s your favourite way to start the week?... . . #happymonday #filtercoffee #colombia #fincaelplacer #pinkbourbon #natural #48hoursfermentation #strawberry #redapple #redgrape #vanilla See more

12.01.2022 A beauty in the corner of the roastery . . #bekindanddrinkcoffee

09.01.2022 Introduce our espresso blend, All rounder . Black or white, take your pick .... . #espresso #espressoblend #allrounder #blackcoffee #whitecoffee #hararcafe See more

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