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30.04.2022 Wanna learn how to make your own painkillers so you don’t need to get a prescription from a doctor? Wanna take less opiates, other pain killers or other to treat pain or depression? Or none? Wanna learn how to make your own medicines? Literally ANYONE can do this with some simple basic training and practice and with ingredients commonly available over the counter. You don’t need to be a chemist or a genius. I personally used these techniques and ingredients myself starting a few years back and it didn’t take long until I was massively reducing my intake of prescription medicines. I was taking huge amounts of opiates and other medicines Hydromorphone Ropivicaine Baclofen Sertraline Blood pressure meds Ketamine .Things like Lyrica Gabapentin So many more I tried that failed to control my pain The list is HUGE. Most of them I can’t even remember the names because I don’t need to. I don’t care. Once I got this stuff properly figured out almost every day I would realise ( to my amazement and absolute delight) that yet again I needed less of the drugs. Less and less and less. I started reprogramming the pump inside my body that delivered super concentrated opiates and other pain medicines directly up into my spinal fluid and brain in a continuous flow 24 hrs a day. I turned it down a bit. Then a bit more Then a lot Then I started turning it down in huge increments because I found that I just didn’t need it. I didn’t have anywhere near enough pain to be taking that stuff. So of course as my pain levels dropped I kept finding myself sedated. My pain was dropping so fast and by so much that I was effectively overdosing on opiates. I had to reduce it very rapidly which meant pretty hard opiate withdrawals but what could I do I never dreamed that it could work that well I didn’t expect to be dropping my doses by such huge amounts, after all I had been told by all of the experts that I would never be out of pain with the severity of my nerve damage. That I needed to live with this amount of pain forever. I didn’t even tell my doctors what was going on. I know that a part of me was terrified that one day I would wake up and find it was all a dream. Or it would start coming back. Stealing my life away again. By the time I told them that I had my own clinician programmer that I had been using to reprogram the computer and massively reduce the drugs my pump was feeding into me I had reduced it by some 90%. They were impressed to say the least. When I went to hospital to have my pump refilled but it was still full of drugs I had staff members of the pain clinic crowding around my hospital bed, doctors, nurses, anaesthesiologists, the head of anaesthesiology and pain medicine for some of the biggest hospitals in Melbourne .. All asking me one thing How did you do it? And how did you lose over 50kg along the way? Why do you look so happy and vibrant? Why has your tachycardia gone? Why is your blood pressure normal now? Where has your pain gone? Help us understand. It was quite a day. Here is a couple of tips in case you have pain that you struggle with and you would prefer to have less and not need so many medicines. Taking some opiates or other pain medicine may provide the means to be able to improve our skills and ability to produce endorphins (our own naturally produced morphine) through things like exercise meditation visualisation. What is really effective however during the initial period, in my experience is to still be as far away from comfort in as much pain as is practicable during these activities as this initiates an ongoing improvement in the systems ability to release the endorphins on demand. We also need to have our internal lab in good order to be able to supply these substances. That means gut health, adequate nutrition especially amino acids precursors and catalysts such as B vitamins, reduced exposure to chronic toxicity such as endocrine disrupters and so forth. Also an incredible way to hack your system is by taking some phenylalanine prior to these activities to block the endorphinase enzymes that break down endorphins for reuptake so that they are present at the opiate receptor sites far longer. But it must be the D isomer of phenylalanine or both D and L together. You can get phenylalanine at health food suppliers or online from places like iHerb. Phenylalanine is a dopamine precursor. Rather than using drugs this is giving our bodies a huge boost of the natural building blocks that we use to do our own chemistry naturally. Amino acids are just the simple building blocks that our body uses to construct proteins. It’s what we are made of. So you could say that proteins are like the bricks your house is built from and amino acids are the sand that is used to make the bricks. When we eat food we (by which I actually mean our gut bacteria because we cannot do it ourselves) break down or crush the bricks that the plant or animal we ate made so that we can use it to construct our own building blocks to make our body. Our bodies are so incredible. Over 50 trillion cells that are each an entire world inside each one with factories, production, reproduction, conscious sampling and awareness of outside environment, real-time adaptation and response to outside data collection, feedback, waste disposal systems and much more. All going on inside a single cell. Everything that our entire complex human body can do . Everything taking place within a huge human city each cell can do also. Is doing. Billions of these processes took place flawlessly in you while you were reading this. Pretty amazing

27.04.2022 Free yourself from Arthritis pain FAST with CannonBalm ULTIMATE natural pain relief. GUARANTEED to work for YOU ... Just apply a tiny amount to painful joints each day and notice an immediate reduction in pain & inflammation. If you’re not blown away by how effective it is get 100% of your money back On sale now 20% off for a strictly limited time Don’t put up with painful joints any longer Want even more? Act today and get a FREE jar of CannonBalm for a friend when you buy 2 for yourself. CannonBalm ULTIMATE Your ultimate source of pain relief Hit the link in the comments below Say goodbye to pain Say hello to freedom

13.04.2022 Get some concentrated polyphenols in ya!!! . Or better yet, Get ‘em on ya ...Continue reading

24.03.2022 The truth is that happiness is a choice. We have been intensively (although not necessarily intentionally) trained to believe otherwise. ... Western Society is one huge consumer marketing gig. It got so big that it just became ubiquitous with all aspects of life. We’re trained to delay gratification for a goal. Sounds great in theory, however immediate gratification quickly morphs into general happiness, all being bombarded by over 20 thousand pieces of marketing a day on average all telling us we will be (this) . Once we have (that) And it’s crap. We cannot buy feelings We can’t get them from anyone else Nobody can make us feel ANYTHING. Period. All emotions are made right at home inside each one of us. They are made chemically. Using endogenous substances Stress Anger Fear Love Happiness Exaltation A recipe of hormones and neurotransmitters. And guess who makes them all? You. Guess who releases them all? You? And if it’s all you ..Who’s REALLY in charge? . . . Stop living bad Start Breaking Bad. . . . End bad feelings End unhappiness Treat pain Treat depression Treat sadness Be the boss. Be Gus Fring. You ARE FRING. So act like it. Get your lab in order Repair what’s broken Take care of Walter Give him what he needs ingredients wise to cook up a quality product. YES This means OPTIMISING Nutrition Get ahold of Jesse Pinkman Get him dealing out what YOU want. STOP him dealing out crap you hate that makes you feel like crap. Stress hormones Anxiety Pain YES That’s cognitive restructuring. It’s programming. He’s doing his thing due to subconscious programming that you’re not even aware of .. But you’re the sucker that gets to experience the emotions that are chemically induced by what that little shit head deals out (or releases inside you) .. But remember? You’re FRING!!!! You CANNOT let your dealer run your life and decide whether you are happy or sad. That’s not being a boss. That’s being a victim. Now you can get the box cutter out if you like But since you share a body . Perhaps not Or you can retrain that kid. Get him dispensing the good stuff. It’s all in the networks of neuronal connections. The physical structures within your brain. They are the programs that create your reality. They are hidden They are background programs. It is the subconscious. But it is all too real And it’s running your life. Creating your reality. Come on BOSS. Let’s get happy. Let’s beat pain, Physical, Emotional Spiritual . Doesn’t matter, We have the power to create and deliver the medicine that we need. Opiates Cannabinoids Stimulants Sedatives We can do it all ourselves. That’s the only reason we have a receptor that drugs can fit into. . Because we already have something that fits Have an amazing day Feel love Feel happiness Feel good. Bee happy

15.03.2022 Thank you life, For providing me with challenges So that I may grow wise with perspective Understanding ... Experience Wisdom. Really appreciate that very much . . . True success.. is built upon failures past. Resilience. borne of suffering. Strength built upon yesterday’s pain . . . Our scars are our most beautiful parts Cherish them, for they are what our character is constructed from. See the lesson embedded within each, . So that it may pass. Appreciate the wisdom bound within. For there is something to serve you, Something to appreciate within each and every moment. Expect Nothing Appreciate Everything And happiness will bloom within you like an insatiable flower throughout your life. . . . Was not everything you ever did since birth an attempt to move, in some way shape or form Away from discomfort And toward something better? . . . . . To be truly happy, Do not hate those that have hurt you Do not resent those that betrayed you Do not regret that which has passed, For there is no need to. . . .. Those you hate do not care Those you resent do not fare Any better or worse From your thoughts of course It is only YOU that suffers The swirling winds of negativity buffer Your body and soul Remember your GOAL? To feel happy not shit Think about this while you sit And ponder your thought Cause if it’s negative, .. You just bought Another moment of sad When you could have been glad Just to wake up today Alive and not dead And breathe in the air You have love you can share With others in need Trapped in sorrow and greed Addicted most often To stress hormones, Through suffering gotten. Choose happy. Bee happy

28.02.2022 All that difficult stuff that happened? None of it was bad. It was all AWESOME training to become what you are. Go look in the mirror and tell me that human being ain’t phenomenal, I dare ya All that difficult stuff that happened? None of it was bad. It was all AWESOME training to become what you are. Go look in the mirror and tell me that human being ain’t phenomenal, I dare ya

20.01.2022 Sick of not getting enough pain meds? Tired of battling chronic pain? Struggling to get off addictive drugs? Or forced off meds by doctors without first finding something else that works?...Continue reading

06.01.2022 Treat your CHRONIC PAIN more effectively with much less drugs using this one simple thing. In this video I explain how to redefine your relationship with pain and step into a new existence where pain is a friend that only bothers you when it’s absolutely necessary. Below in the comments I’ll drop a link to the full video where I go a little into the latest science behind these things like cell biology, epigenetics and quantum physics. ... These are all proven science based treatments that allowed me to manage pain far far more effectively. If you or someone you know struggles with pain then click the link below and check it out. It could just be the beginning of something incredible. Something you never thought possible. A new existence. A much better one no longer filled with endless suffering. Plus. Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to go through all that drama just to get enough opiates or other meds from your doctor to be comfortable and happy? To never have to ever beg somebody for adequate pain relief again? Check it out, or share it with someone you know that has pain struggles. Click on the link and check it out now!!! See what’s truly possible Much love peeps R.

01.01.2022 A few years ago I couldn’t do SO MANY activities because of chronic pain. So glad to have found alternative treatments I have to admit being extremely sceptical towards many of them. ... In my case it had to get to a life and death point before I could overcome my fear and distrust and just go for it and try something totally different. Something that was beyond the scope of training or expertise of my (mostly excellent) conventional doctors and pain specialists. So glad that I took that leap of faith.

12.12.2021 My Review on life with a busted hand

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