Rotary Club of Busselton Geographe Bay | Community organisation
Rotary Club of Busselton Geographe Bay
Phone: +61 438 273 097
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23.01.2022 Congratulations to former Rotary exchange student Smailliw from Venezuela on the safe arrival into the world of a baby girl.
20.01.2022 Last year, Rotary members in Japan raised $3,000 and supported local farmers by creating End Polio apples.
20.01.2022 Perfect weather for this morning's Rotary Markets at Signal Park. Almost 100 stalls and a good crowd in attendance.
19.01.2022 On a very sad note. Trevor and Jenny Fisher’s eldest daughter Chelsea McCarthy died on the morning of November 7, after 7 years battling cancer, aged 44 years. Chelsea leaves her devoted husband Dave and 2 children, Hamish 14 and Jess 12. RIP Chelsea Deepest sympathy from all members of the Busselton Geographe Bay Rotary Club
19.01.2022 A big THANK YOU to Lotterywest. As a result of the Covid 19 lockdown earlier this year, our Club was unable to raise as many funds as normal due to the closure of the fortnightly Rotary markets and the cessation of other fund-raising activities. But Lotterywest has come to our aid and provided sufficient funds to allow us to continue to support all of the schools in the City of Busselton as well as Capel Primary School with our normal awards and grants. So this year, our Club has supported 11 primary schools and 6 high schools, with the total value of our donations being $2,900. Once again, a big thank you to Lotterywest.
16.01.2022 MESSAGE FROM DISATER AID AUSTRALIA With the ongoing COVID situation we are still working from home. . . . however, the following is still happening: AID DELIVERY... Bhutan - The monsoons and a rise in infection rates has slowed installation progress but we are still anticipating completion of the 120 schools by mid 2021. Bangladesh, Dhaka - A grant to the Rotary Club Dhaka Royal combined with support from Disaster Aid UK and Ireland has resulted in a Bubble CPAP machine being delivered to the Bangladesh Children’s Hospital for COVID affected babies. DAA’s grant also supported 91 food parcels being delivered to deserving families. Bangladesh Agrabad - A grant to the Rotary Club of Agrabad has been used for a food program for the Masajidda, Shitakunda school which takes in orphans and children from poor families who are unable to support all their children with the COVID pandemic. Beirut Explosion - We are working with Disaster Aid Europe to have a SkyHydrant installed at a major hospital and contribute to the repairs. We have also shipped 3 SkyHydrants, including one donated by DAA, to our friends Safe Water for Every Child Myanmar. FUTURE AID DELIVERY We will be continuing to deliver grants for Pandemic and /or Disaster Support to trusted partners until DARTs can travel. With the 120 schools of the Bhutan 2020 project moving towards completion we are Opening discussions about continuing installations in Bhutan but at a slower speed to allow us to commence Safe Water for Every Child project’s in other countries We have started discussions with the RC of Dhaka Royal about the possibility of providing safe water to Bangladesh schools. We are looking at the possibility of providing safe water in Vietnam. DAA FINANCES In spite of the pandemic we are still receiving donations which are running above our worst-case predictions. We also continue to cut our non-operational costs thanks to Cherie keeping an eye on our finances. We also thank Jan Burney who has been working in her families' business, Lee St John, for the last few months which has reduced our wage bill A great boost has been the RC of Greater Dandenong and Endeavour Hills deciding to meet our rent bill for the full financial year. At this stage we believe we will be able to deliver approximately $200,000 of Aid in financial year 2020-2021. In September we took advantage of a discounted membership of the ‘Grant Hub’ that provides information on philanthropic grants that are available. Currently we are looking at making at least one application in the coming months. An interesting consequence of the Pandemic is volunteer Janet Ashworth has been able to raise over $600 by selling her home-made facemasks.
16.01.2022 The Club has a new initiative to revitalise Busselton's CBD. There is nothing more depressing than to see empty shop fronts in what was once a busy, lively town centre, so our Club is hoping to be the catalyst whereby landlords of empty shop fronts get together with home-based businesses that normally couldn't afford a CBD address with the aim of the two parties striking a mutually agreeable arrangement that will see shop fronts filled and people returning to the CBD. Thanks to the Busselton Dunsborough Mail for running the article.
11.01.2022 It was perfect weather for this morning's walk along the Cape to Cape track to raise funds for Polio Plus, Rotary's project to remove polio from the face of the... Earth. Beautiful wildflowers and the odd snake or two to keep you on your toes. Thanks to Garry and helpers for a well organised event. See more
06.01.2022 Applications for RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) for 2021 are open now! RYLA is an intensive eight-day program designed for 18-28 year olds with leadershi...p potential and a commitment to community service. The program is a unique opportunity aimed to bring participants out of their comfort zone and challenge them to think outside the square while actively using and building on their existing skills and knowledge. RYLA includes seminars, workshops, physical activities and team games relating to areas including Communication and Public Speaking, Leadership, Team Work and Group Dynamics, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Goal Setting, Time Management and Self Awareness and Emotional Intelligence. All applications must include the name of their sponsoring Rotary Club, and we expect that applicants have contacted their local Rotary Club to arrange sponsorship prior to submitting the form. The RYLA Committee will assist with this if necessary. Applicants are interviewed prior to acceptance onto RYLA. Successful applicants will have the energy, commitment and motivation to develop their leadership potential and be willing to challenge themselves physically and mentally over the course of the program. Please note: Applicants who have come to us via a Rotary Club will receive priority acceptance onto the program. RYLA is held at the Serpentine Camping Centre from Saturday 9th January Saturday 16th 2021. Rotary Club Sponsorship for a RYLA participant is $850, and the participant contribution is $200. This includes all activities, accommodation and meals for the week. The application form is available online AT - Please get your applications in by 15th November 2020. To assist with our planning, it would be appreciated if you can let me know if you are planning on sending someone to RYLA. If you have any questions, please contact me on 0402 491 139 or [email protected]. Yours in Rotary Service, Ian Ball Chairman (2020-21) Rotary District 9465 RYLA Committee Leadership Through Self-Awareness Facebook: Email: [email protected] Website: Phone: 0402 491 139
05.01.2022 65 today! Congratulations to the awesome team at the Rotary Club of Busselton Geographe Bay, chartered on 27 October 1955.
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