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Safety Connect It

Phone: +61 1300 406 186


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25.01.2022 THE SAFETY CONNECT IT SYSTEM! IMMOBILIZED EQUIPMENT Centralised management of company motorised assets for user verified, immobilisation-based safety compliance, checking and reporting.... OPERATOR LICENCES & TRAINING The system will store and manage operators licences and training to confirm they are authorised to operate the equipment. If not they will be locked out. GENERAL EQUIPMENT All types of tools and equipment can be linked to safety compliance procedures, policies and user or equipment checks. GEOFENCING Geolocate your equipment on site and impose site specific safety functionality. Provide site specific inductions and policies to employees. MANAGEMENT & REPORTING Of all activities relating to operators and equipment in line with company established practices. SITE INDUCTIONS Reporting and recording all of your people, equipment and site based safety data means everyone is responsible for company safety. SAFETY IS IN YOUR HANDS WITH SAFETY CONNECT IT! Making workplace safety simple and reliable by connecting people, sites and equipment with easy to use technology. Find out more: #makingworkplacesafetyeasy #safetyconnectit #siteinductions #easytousetechnology #worksitesafety #equipmentchecks #equipmentmanagement

24.01.2022 SAFETY CONNECT IMMOBILIZATION Safety compliance is key to ensuring a safe workplace, but it can often come at a cost of supervision, time and administration. Safety Connect IT builds into your daily processes an efficient and effective way to ensure your safety checks are completed, your Operators are aware of all current company policies and that they meet licensing or training requirements for the job. Find out more:... #makingworkplacesafetyeasy #safetyconnectit #siteinductions #easytousetechnology #staffcompliance #staffsafety #safetychecks #immobilisation #geofencing #geofencingtechnology #equipmentchecks #workplacesafety #equipmentmanagement See more

24.01.2022 SAFETY CONNECT IT SOLUTIONS! With Safety Connect IT, you can manage, record and report on your company’s safety measures. Ensure your employees are receiving up to date safety policies and procedures, pre-use safety reminders or training and have the right qualifications and licences to ensure only the right people are using your equipment safely. ... If there’s an equipment or training issue, Supervisors and Manager can be notified so that you can respond quickly, or the equipment can be locked down immediately until its fixed. Safety Connect IT makes it easy for you to maintain your required safety compliance. Learn more:

22.01.2022 Happy Australia Day!!!

22.01.2022 Happy New Year Everyone!!!

21.01.2022 MAKING WORKPLACE SAFETY SIMPLE AND RELIABLE BY CONNECTING PEOPLE, SITES AND EQUIPMENT WITH EASY TO USE TECHNOLOGY! Find out more: #makingworkplacesafetyeasy #safetyconnectit #siteinductions #easytousetechnology #hrmanagement #geofencing #geotracking #workplacesafety #hrmanagementsoftware

21.01.2022 GEO FENCING & GEO TRACKING! Use Safety Connect IT to create a geofence around your site or location. Automatically switch on or off buzzers or flashing lights on equipment entering and exiting the zones, so that you comply with road or health and safety regulations. Automatically trigger site based inductions or safety checks based on location via Safety Connect IT’s mobile device.... Find out more: Request a demo: #makingworkplacesafetyeasy #safetyconnectit #siteinductions #easytousetechnology #sitegeofencing #geofencing #geotracking

21.01.2022 Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

17.01.2022 WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU! Company safety checks and compliance met seamlessly and efficiently. Operators can be stepped through safety checks at any location, and video used to assist in safety modelling. Supervisors can ensure compliance takes place by immobilization or geo-fencing. Safety delivered simply and efficiently to mobile devices and recorded, no more paperwork.... Management and Board can have verification on safety compliance and reporting, with reports on licensing, training and equipment safety at the touch of a button. Worksafe can find date stamped and version-controlled policy and procedure sign off. Insurance could be reduced through better compliance and safety. Workplace related injuries could be reduced if users were better informed and safety issues relating to equipment or licensing were reported on. Find out more: #makingworkplacesafetyeasy #safetyconnectit #siteinductions #easytousetechnology #equipmentchecks #hrmanagement #hrsafety #equipmentmanagement #geofencing #workplacesafety #geofencingtechnology

17.01.2022 OPERATOR LICENCES & TRAINING! Does your workplace have good systems of management in place to track employee licences, training and qualifications? The Safety Connect IT system will store and manage operators licences and training to confirm they are authorised to operate the equipment. If not they will be locked out.... Find out more: #makingworkplacesafetyeasy #safetyconnectit #siteinductions #easytousetechnology #workplace safety

13.01.2022 SAFETY DATA ABOUT YOUR SITES, EQUIPMENT AND EMPLOYEES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS! Find out more: #makingworkplacesafetyeasy #safetyconnectit #siteinductions #easytousetechnology #equipmentchecks #hrmanagement #hrsafety #equipmentmanagement #geofencing #workplacesafety #geofencingtechnology

12.01.2022 SAFETY CHECKS FOR VEHICLES! Safety Connect IT can automatically immobilize your vehicles, including forklifts, diggers, stackers and more, until the Operator completes the required Vehicle Safety Checks on the Safety Connect IT mobile app. We can supply the required list of checks recommended by your local Safety Authority or you can build your own safety check lists, by day, week, month or annually and the first Operator on that day will need to undertake the checks to get ...the vehicle going. Find out more: #makingworkplacesafetyeasy #safetyconnectit #siteinductions #easytousetechnology #equipmentchecks #hrmanagement #hrsafety #equipmentmanagement #geofencing #workplacesafety #geofencingtechnology #vehicleimmobilisation

04.01.2022 Does your workplace need a simple site induction process for employees? Workplace health and safety inductions are required to inform workers of the site rules and policies, safe work methods, to check personal protective equipment required and to explain incident reporting and security procedures. Safety Connect IT ensures the required documents are delivered as required, quickly and efficiently via our mobile app and recorded for future reference.... Find out more: #makingworkplacesafetyeasy #safetyconnectit #siteinductions #easytousetechnology

03.01.2022 ALL YOUR COMPANY EQUIPMENT CHECKED WHENEVER YOU NEED IT! Does your workplace have good systems in place to manage the servicing, maintenance and risk assessment of its plant and equipment? Ensure your vehicles, plant or equipment is in good condition before use, and that your users are qualified and trained to do so, through the Safety Connect IT system. ... You set the frequency, the employees do the checks. Find out more: #makingworkplacesafetyeasy #safetyconnectit #siteinductions #easytousetechnology #equipmentchecks #equipmentmanagement

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