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Sage & Sound

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 7 3184 0656

Address: 2/211 Logan Road 4102 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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23.01.2022 This week we're loving the book "How Champions Think" by Dr Bob Rotella (Yes, he is a psychologist - a performance psychologist from the US). The quote above is from his book. It's inspiring, but it's also kinda interesting. A lot of people understand that showing up, doing the work, day in and day out is what will lead to success/ greatest chance of reaching a goal. BUT. A lot of us get stuck on the first part of that equation: that confidence might be essential to the prac...tice! Have you ever thought that was an important element - believing in yourself? A lot of us actually do the opposite - we blame ourselves for our lack of success, not understanding that in blaming ourselves, we're only decreasing our confidence for the next time. Not sure how do you get confident about something, if you're not already confident? This is the kind of thing we work with people on all the time. If you want to get started on this straight away, send us a DM!

23.01.2022 Do this daily to get a better picture of who you are, and to learn more about your strengths and weaknesses. The easiest way to start to take your own emotional temperature is to set aside time each day to check in with how you're feeling, and what you're telling yourself. Best done either in the evening, or in your lunchbreak, you just need 2-5 minutes where you can be alone and undisturbed. Take a moment to close your eyes and slow down your breathing. Once you feel your ...attention shift inwards, take note of your body. Give a label to how you're feeling, and notice any painful/tense areas. By this point, your mind will be chattering away, so tune in and take note of where it's drifted to. Are you dreading something later in the day? Are you still mad about something that happened earlier? Are you thinking about how many items you've already ticked off on your to-do list, or feeling proud about something you did? The goal here isn't to change (and certainly not to criticise!) what you find, just to be curious about what's most affecting you on that particular day. Over time, you get a pattern of what lights you up, and what brings you down, and you can use this info to bring in more thoughts/activities people that light you up, and reduce the time spent on what brings you down.

21.01.2022 Did you know you CAN’T change when you’re being mean to yourself? It’s against science! Our nervous system has two main modes sympathetic and parasympathetic. These are often called the ‘fight/flight’ mode and the ‘rest/digest’ mode. Fight/flight is designed to protect us and is activated when we’re stressed and feel under threat. Hint: when you criticise yourself, you are stressing yourself and putting yourself under stress.... Stress creates a number of physical changes designed to keep you alive in a life or death situation. Heart beats faster, muscles tense, and brain wise, your attention scatters, you can’t think creatively, and you can’t encode information into memory well. You may already be starting to see how these are NOT the ideal conditions for learning and growth! We need the exact opposite the ability to learn, and to encode that learning. The ability to develop new solutions to old problems (creative thought) as well as sustained and focussed attention to both take new information in, as well as to practice new skills. To get there, you need to be in rest/digest mode, which is only activated when we feel safe. So to create change, you need to feel SAFE. And as a human, you’ll feel safest when surrounded by acceptance and care and that starts with the way you treat yourself. It’s the most important place to cultivate acceptance and care, as you’re always with yourself, and it’s where you can also control the acceptance and care you get too unlike from that unpredictable outside world and other people. So if you’re serious about change and improvement, get serious about being on your own side. Building yourself up, and supporting yourself. When you nail that, that’s when the real change and growth will happen! Inspired from a post by @regen_health

21.01.2022 Why affirmations really work - as long as you do them right! Learn how in the Women's Health and Fitness article Lana was interviewed for (a while ago now, but the advice is still solid!)

21.01.2022 For no other reason but that you need to fill up your own cup before helping others! But really, because you’re worth it. And no one else is responsible for showing you that, but you. Also, because no one else has the same priorities as you do. No-one else, the same mix of values and skills. No-one else can take your energy and distribute it according to what you think is the absolute best use of a person’s energy. ... That’s your job. Don’t outsource it! PS Are you too scared to take time for yourself because you’re not sure what you’d even do with yourself? Are you uncertain as to who you are and what you like? You really need to come join us and find out! Our new offering is called The Slow Life Project , and in it, you’ll learn exactly what your values, priorities and the best use of some ‘me time’ for you would be! DM us for more details See more

21.01.2022 In this week's newsletter: You made it! -

19.01.2022 Do you encourage your friends and family to invest in their selves whilst trawling the internet for free advice for your issues? How many times have you told a friend to prioritise themselves and their wellbeing while putting yours off until tomorrow (and then the next day, and the day after that)? You deserve WAAAY better than that.... Waiting until problems are huge is painful, and sends a message to ourselves that our wellbeing isn’t worth much. Cue low self-confidence and a lack of trust in yourself. Instead, keep in mind that smaller problems are easier to correct and get on top of, meaning it’s less mess and less fuss to take action earlier, as well as being a practical way to boost your confidence. If you begin to prioritise yourself and your needs, your sense of self-esteem will rise. It has to your actions hold more weight than thoughts and words do. I’m glad I waited to prioritise myself said nobody, ever, once they began that process (promise!). What better Christmas present could you get yourself, really, than to commit to your health and wellbeing as your top priority in 2021?

19.01.2022 Do you find most self-compassion phrases too mushy, but still want to support yourself as best you can? These phrases from Caitlin at Salty Souls might be the answer you need! Which one is your favourite? (We loved number 8 the best!)

19.01.2022 Focussing on past success is a great way to ensure future success! Each day, write a list of situations you coped well with, and things you got right. All the little things count here. Often, we take what we got right for granted, and focus on what we didn't get right. That's a big no-no if you're trying to increase confidence. We want you to be full of evidence that you are a success, that you cope really well and get lots of things right. That's the attitude you'll need to ...keep practicing long enough to get success at a new goal. So write down absolutely anything. Making somebody laugh, engaging in polite conversation at school pick up, remembering someone's birthday, forgetting someone's birthday but doing an awesome apology, bothering to exercise, making the effort to read this email all the way to the end - all stuff you could add to your list! Nothing is too small because it's all the same to your brain - you're either focussed on success, or you're not. The more time your attention lands in the success bucket, the more confidence you'll grow. Give it a try this week, and DM us any wins or insights you have as a result!

19.01.2022 When we feel resentful, the most likely culprit is that we’re doing something we don’t really want to be doing putting up with something we don’t like, giving energy to someone we needed to say no to. Resentment says: where do I need to be assertive here? Sometimes we need to tell somebody else about why we’re feeling resentful and ask for a change, sometimes, the only thing to do is to stop taking action and engage in some self-care until you feel balanced again. The worst thing to do with resentment is let it build until you explode, or collapse. Even more reason to practice taking your emotional temperature (check the last post for instructions about this!). The earlier you catch resentment, the easier it is to take action and get back to feeling good again.

19.01.2022 We teach a lot of different decision making strategies at Sage & Sound, like how to act on your values to make the best choice for you, how to create a pros and cons list to engage all the benefits of your rational mind, using a ten step template for big decisions, and how to use your emotional responses to make decisions. But all of these techniques can fall apart if you’re too anxious to hear your thinking or feelings clearly! So when it doubt, say yes. Because it’s not... until after a decision has been made and lived through, that we really gain clarity as to whether it was ‘right’ or not. In fact, a phrase that’s come up a lot recently is ‘you either win, or you learn’, which is a great way of making your choice right: as long as you commit to learning from the experience, you can’t lose So, Just Say Yes. Unless you’re a people pleaser. Then you’ll need to reverse this, and Just Say No! See more

19.01.2022 Liminal means ‘relating to a transitional space, being on both sides of a boundary or threshold’ (perfect for a Wednesday post!). The world is in a liminal space right now we’re definitely no longer in our pre COVID world, but we’re not in a post COVID world either. We’re all figuring things out, learning new ways to be, developing new ideas about the future that can no longer be based on the past, and the ways things were done there. When you book an appointment with us,’re also in a liminal space. You’re acknowledging that you’re ready, really ready, to change. You are now willing to dedicate your time, energy and money to changing (taking the time, doing the work and booking the sessions are all much more powerful statements than simply saying ‘I want to change’). We love seeing people who are liminal! It can feel confusing and murky there. But we stand with one foot in your future, and one in the liminal space with you. We have the tools to help you figure things out, and the techniques to move your from liminal and past it, into your new future. Once you’ve arrive, we’ll wave at you as you step away from liminal and enter your new world. Then we reach our hands out to the next client who’s stepped into the liminal space. So, are you liminal? Are you standing on that threshold, ready to step in? We’re waiting for you.

17.01.2022 NICE things to say to yourself: You deserve it!!

17.01.2022 Connection to Nature is a value shared by everyone who works at Sage & Sound. We aim to bring nature into our workplace through our office plants, having a recycling system, using email and electronic versions of everything we possibly can, and choosing eco products like natural detergents and recycled office paper (because Lana still can’t break the habit of writing hand written notes for clients!). Then on weekends, we look at other ways to engage with nature. Sometimes as... small as standing barefoot on the grass, other times through big gestures like going to the Natural Arch in Springbrook National Park (that’s this picture!). Is Connecting with Nature a value for you? How could you bring that value into your work/study more regularly? What could you do this weekend, to live by that value?

17.01.2022 our new video shows you four different ways to reduce worrying and take more action :)

16.01.2022 Book review!

16.01.2022 Signs you might have social anxiety that would benefit from counselling and learning new coping skills.

16.01.2022 To increase your confidence, start to talk to yourself in a self-supporting way. Confident people don't actually stuff up any less than average. It's just that confident people are better at noticing how well they coped with a stuff up, whereas less confident people focus on the stuff up itself, and how horrible it was (which is like saying how you DIDN'T cope with it to yourself, and by extension, how BAD it would be if it were to happen again). This one difference in, leads to different actions the next time. The former way of talking will bring about a more relaxed attitude to the same situation, but focussing on how bad something was leads to tension, and a focus on the negative. The result - you're one step closer to a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more relaxed, confident attributor will find evidence that again, they coped. The more tense, focussed on problems person will find more of them, and become more entrenched in their position that they can't deal with the situation. To change it - focus on how you coped, instead of the stressor itself. Coping statements, which acknowledge the challenge, but also how you survived the challenge, are great for this (see the pic above).

16.01.2022 Procrastinate much? Waiting too long is often due to waiting for ‘the right time’ ‘the right idea’ or to ‘feel motivated’. But all these states are just excuses! The right time is now, the right idea is the one you have in your head today, and motivation is spelt d-i-s-c-i-p-l-i-n-e Waiting keeps you feeling stuck, powerless, and afraid. By taking action, even though it’s not ‘perfect’ or ‘right’, you change your state. You start to feel powerful. Fear gets smaller. An...d you will fall in love with moving forward, expressing yourself, and beginning to grow and change. What can you take imperfect action on today? Commit by commenting below on what you'll do. I'll start: This post is imperfect action! I don’t think it’s perfect, and it’s not posted at the ‘right’ time for maximum views. But I’m posting anyway Lana

13.01.2022 I had this realisation recently! You can certainly be doing something, but busy as in running from one place to the next, juggling multiple tasks, reacting to what ever's thrown your way? Yeah, nah. Let's aim to be mindful while in motion. Let's drop the frenetic energy that has us rolling lists in our minds, making mistakes and generally not enjoying the moment, and lets breathe, act and enjoy instead

13.01.2022 Good question! The word values means lots of different things to different people. When we talk about values at Sage & Sound, we’re NOT talking morals. And we’re not talking skills or strengths either. It’s not what you’re good at, or what makes you a ‘good’ person. So, what are they? Your values are the things in life that light you up. Values are words to describe the underlying themes in those moments/experiences/situations that make you feel like your life is worth living.... Values are parts of life that you’re willing to show up for, and act on, even if sometimes, the consequences can be more than a little uncomfortable (hello, honesty value or valuing creative expression or parenting). Do you know what those ‘values’ are for you? They’re different for everyone not something you can get from a book, religion, or your parents. You get to choose your values yourself! Figuring out your values is the first part of what we do in The Slow Life Project

12.01.2022 Great end of year activity to do NOW before planning anything for 2021!

11.01.2022 A lot of people are now offering masks for sale but we're loving Anna's because of her focus on sustainability. Anna's masks are created from high quality fabric donated by friends and elastic left over from other sewing projects. Even her sewing machine is powered by solar! Anna is used to making bridal gowns, so she can definitely handle the challenge of making a well fitting mask. If you're interested, you can order from her and pick up from our office, as well as her other pick up/delivery options.

11.01.2022 Let's get intentional -

11.01.2022 What aspect of your life are you working on at the moment? It might seem like a weird question to ask. Surely, with all the uncertainty in the world, now is the worst time to be setting and working on goals? But it's actually the best. Goals give us a sense of purpose, and control. If done right! A goal gone wrong will feel overwhelming and too hard.... So instead, start with a goal that you can break down into steps. Every journey begins with just one step. The very first step. And it continues in the same way. One step at a time. Know that if you try to do too much, you will do nothing. Have you ever tried to change just one thing, and really committed to not moving on, or taking on anything else new, until you’ve reached the goal? Saw setbacks at roadbumps, but not roadblocks? Kept the faith and kept going? The fear is that you might fail. Better not to really commit and blame things other than ourselves, right? But one thing sharpens your focus. And if you start with what’s easiest you can get the ball rolling without too much pain. That’ll make those fears about failure fade a bit further away. What’s your one step? What’s the simplest, easiest thing to do to move towards your most important goal? So easy, so simple, you can’t say no? Start there. If you need more great ideas on upping the momentum in your own life, then you could benefit from The Slow Life Project , our course that teaches you how to set goals that mean something, that are in line with your values, which makes momentum so much easier to achieve and maintain (and if that’s still not enough, there’s a whole section on motivation techniques too!).

09.01.2022 Do you worry about what others think? Watch this video on what it means and how to stop it

07.01.2022 Yes, being altruistic CAN improve your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. But if you continue to focus on everyone else’s needs while ignoring your own needs, you’ll not only be hurting yourself but also those you care about the most. Say you’ve got this friend who’s always asking you for favours (we all have at least one, right?!). You have your stuff to deal with, but that doesn’t stop you from helping them each time. After a while, this arrangement becomes super... draining and exhausting, and you might even start feeling frustrated and resentful towards your friend to the point where you start pushing them away, upsetting them in the process. Why? Because your needs aren’t being met! Your needs matter too. If you’re used to putting others before you, you might be worried about being seen as "bad," "self-centred" or "selfish" for wanting to focus on yourself when really, that ain't it at all (as I'm sure most of you are already aware). When you set time aside to focus on yourself and your wants and needs, you’ll feel so much more content and satisfied because your needs are being met! And because you’re feeling pretty good, you can be more present and available to those around you. So while you're putting yourself first, you're also giving your best and fullest self to those you care about the most. Sounds pretty win-win, doesn't it? if you agree!

06.01.2022 Go on, we dare you! Why? Because you are actually as valuable as anybody else. Your needs matter as much as any other person's needs.... Plus, the most efficient way of each of us getting our needs met is to do it ourselves, rather than getting caught up in "well I'll put myself out for you, as long as you put yourself out for me" type dynamics (we all know how well that works, right?). This week, make it your goal to say no to somebody or something else, just so you can do something to take care of you. Whether you feel you deserve it, think you have time for it, worry about disappointing the other person or more likely, upsetting that inner dictator, do it anyway. Then take note of what actually happens, and how you feel about prioritising your needs. If you don't like it, don't repeat it, but if you do, you just gained a valuable new skill!

05.01.2022 Are you about ready to c-r-a-c-k right now? We want you to know that it’s safe to fall apart. In little ways, start to take the pressure off yourself. Drop those items on the bottom of the list. ... Start to think about what plans and ideas will wait until 2021. Celebrate the last 12 days until Christmas by engaging in a new, neglected or fun self-care activity just for you. Kick out any one who complains, and have a chill party with everyone who celebrates you as you need to be right now. Messy as that might be! Repost of quote originally seen on @biglifejournal #brisbanepsychologist #psychologistsofinstagram #psychologistonline #psychologistsays #mentalhealthcheckin #mentalhealthquote #mentalhealthresource #selfcaretime #yogamindset #begentleonyourself #anxietytreatment #selfcompassionquotes #selfcompassionjourney #bekindtoyou #brisbanepsychology #brisbanewellness #brisbanebusinesswomen #learntorest #mindbodybalance #woolloongabba #southbrisbane #selfcareideas #tacosrock #stressmanagement See more

03.01.2022 Make sure the 5 people you spend the most time with light you up and inspire you to be your best self! Don't know 5 people who elevate you? Spend time with inspirational people and their resilient outlooks by absorbing their posts, books or podcasts. ... Who's your top inspiration online? Mention them below so other people who need support can access them too!

03.01.2022 How does this idea make you feel? Is it scary, or liberating, or obvious? You may feel scared if you’ve been focussing on results on keeping others happy, on achievements meaning ‘you’re worth it’. If this statement is feels freeing to you, know you’re on the right track. You’re closer than you think. You know the things, the only thing left to do is practice more regularly. ... If you thought, ‘yeah, of course’ then congratulations! You’re nailing life, and the secret to true contentment focussing on effort, not results

02.01.2022 How PRESENT are you right now, reading this? Okay, let’s change that! Take a deep breath in. ... Really deep, long, and slow. Hold it just a moment or two. Then let it out, slowly. Notice the sound. Keep going, until no more breath will come out. Now you’re present, what will you CHOOSE to do next? See more

01.01.2022 When other people have a bigger than expected reaction to you/your behaviour (both positive or negative reactions!) it's got nothing to do with you. You might be the trigger, but you're not the cause. That person is just spilling out their own head space onto you. When you really get that idea, you'll react a lot less to the world around you. You'll understand that your own reactions are your stuff, and other people's reactions are their stuff. The external world and its opinions, both positive and negative, then start to mean less to you. Which is great news for your confidence and self-esteem!

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