Sally Prosser Voice | Sport & recreation
Sally Prosser Voice
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24.01.2022 Ready for my motivational Ted Talk? Nobody cares about you.... (Not true, you know I care about you). BUT this sentiment is a great way to approach public speaking - stop overthinking remember it’s not about you you’ll never please everyone Catchy song by Nina Nesbit! #publicspeaking #speaking #tiktok #speakingtips #presenting #voicecoach #tiktokmarketing
24.01.2022 When I finished high school, I did what any sensible girl would do ... Went to Brazil not speaking a word of Portuguese ... and dyed my hair purple I worked hard to learn the language and be part of conversations - ignoring those impatient sighs and comments - Meu Deus Que Gringa! When I became quite fluent I was still embarrassed about my ‘sotaque’ My ACCENT! I soon got over that and realised speaking another language is a superpower. Many of my clients feel blocked by their accent, and I’m passionate about changing that. So, this Friday I’m hosting a FREE virtual chat about all things accents. This is for you if - are worried your accent holds you back want to learn how to reduce your accent feel ready to be heard have killer strategies to share with others about embracing your accent want to meet people facing similar challenges Totally free No replays Friday Nov 27th 12.30pm AEST register at link below #accent #voicecoach #publicspeaking #brazilianportuguese #brazil
23.01.2022 Put a finger down if you can... This is a #tiktok trend I jumped on. It’s not the 200k views that blows my mind.... It’s the fact that almost 700 kids have made their own vids using the audio! So cute Can you do all six things I mention? #speechcoach #voicecoach #tiktokmarketing
22.01.2022 Posed photo. Real caption When I was little I wanted to be a librarian Very bizarre considering being quiet is NOT my forte In fact you couldn’t shut me up. ... I loved public speaking and used that love to - Run a Speech & Drama School Report for major TV and Radio Networks Act as spokesperson for one of Australia’s largest water companies I emerged like the Phoenix from the ashes of a very toxic relationship and two deaths in my family This is when I rediscovered my own voice and realised my purpose was to help others find their voice and speak with confidence - and SOUL A beautiful client recently told me I have an indescribable ability to replace a fear of speaking with a JOY for speaking. This made me smile more than a good Netflix binge with & I identify as a teacher, a healer, a leader and an entertainer and I totally believe your voice deserves to be heard. I would love you to slide into my DM’s and let me know how you feel about your voice. Sal x
22.01.2022 "Even just roll call at school was crippling. Every single morning I would sit there and get so worked up and so anxious - all I had to do was call out my name and I couldn't even do that. I was so scared." In ep52 of That Voice Podcast, the fabulous Lisa Bourke generously shares her struggle with public speaking. Tune in to find out -... - What brought on the fear. - The lengths she went to avoid it. - Lisa's motivation to tackle it. - The key part of her strategy. - And if you really ever beat that fear of public speaking. Runs=15.32 #publicspeaking #speaking #publicspeakingpodcast #podcasting
21.01.2022 I'm running a free class next week, called ... 7 Secrets to Speaking with Confidence. In this class you'll learn ...... The 7 secrets to speak with confidence in any scenario Strategies to improve your speaking immediately Practical exercises to strengthen your voice. I'd love to see you there. Register below.
21.01.2022 Does speaking off-the-cuff put you on-the-cusp of a panic attack? Do your words tumble out in a hot mess like me from a nightclub in my younger years?... And you wish they cruised out with that 'start-of-the-night' style? Well, Ep55 of That Voice Podcast - Speak by Design - is for you. I cover three easy templates you can use to 'plug n play' your content when: - pitching - asking someone to do something for you - matching people with products / services. Runs=10.14 And if you want more where that came from make sure you're in Members Only for the complete Masterclass on Nov 1. #publicspeaking #communicationskills #voicecoach
21.01.2022 Does your #accent bother you? Do you feel it affects your #confidence to speak? The way you speak your mind? This Friday, come along to our Members Only (virtual) Open House to talk it through!... We'd love to see you there. Register below -
19.01.2022 Last day to join the cool FOUNDATION MEMBER kids in my new community. get a free one on one ... save serious coin come to the exclusive launch party And once you’re in ... monthly masterclasses live one on one coaching heaps of good vibes You also get one of these lip stress balls featured below (sanitised first don’t worry!) Why? Because you’re so .... COOL DM me for the link! #voicecoach #publicspeaking #community #communicationtraining #tiktok #tiktokcreator
19.01.2022 Do you present with slides in your role? You might be - - pitching to a client - leading a committee meeting... - delivering training - presenting to your team - doing a uni lecture Do you make any of these common mistakes? "What mistakes Sally?!" Well, you'll just have to commit 10 mins of your time to ep51 of That Voice Podcast - Five mistakes presenters make. (And how to avoid them).
18.01.2022 If your voice was a person how would you describe them? Confident? Competent? Commanding?... There are no rules about it being C words What about warm? Strong? Kind? Is your voice the kinda person you’d be proud of? For more around the Science of Voice and how it’s perceived tune into ep56 of That Voice Podcast with Dr Noc. Runs=20 mins #voice #speaking #presenting
18.01.2022 Ever feel like you're on mute? Like you're speaking, but not making much sound?... Like you're speaking, but your inner voice is somewhere else? Like you're speaking, but not commanding attention? Isn't it about time your voice was truly heard? Um, hell yeeeesss! Check out my Speak to be Heard course. (You can get module one for just 27 bucks at the moment - AND 50% off if you're in Members Only). #voice #speakingskills #voicecoach
17.01.2022 Here's advice that proves why they pay me the big bucks .... If you want your speech to be clearer ... Open your mouth.... Yep, the main cause of mumbling is a clenched jaw. So right now. Enjoy a beautiful wide YAAAAAAWN. And feel that freedom and relaxation in your conversations today. For more check out the brand new ep of That Voice Podcast - How to Speak Like a Boss. Runs= 8 mins.
16.01.2022 - Ooo I'm excited for this one, great concept! - Am already loving the topic. - The podcast intro is brilliant, forwarded it to a friend to entice her to join. This is what our Members Only are saying about the big... Speak by Design Masterclass which is happening THIS WEEKEND. Ep55 of That Voice Podcast is the perfect taster. Take a listen, then come join us in MO! #publicspeaking #speakingtips #presentationskills #membersonly
15.01.2022 Does public speaking bring up feelings of fear? anxiety? A general yuck kinda vibe?... Let's change the story! In ep 49 of That Voice Podcast I share public speaking mindset hacks that send me into every speaking scenario brimming with confidence and excited to be there. (Warning: the last one is pretty full on). Runs=8:20
14.01.2022 Why do men have lower voices than women? Why do we lose our voice when we get sick? Why can’t you sing on the letter s? In ep 56 of That Voice Podcast -... The science of voice TikTok-Famous Scientist Dr Noc answers all these questions and more. You'll feel so much smarter after listening to this one! It is thoroughly fascinating. Runs=19.57 #voice #science #podcasting
14.01.2022 This might surprise you... In That Voice Podcast this week, I asked TikTok-Famous Rapper Sarah Maddack how she keeps her voice in tip-top shape.... Her answer - CARDIO. Yep, good old-fashioned heart-rate-up exercise. Makes total sense. Our voice is powered by our breath. So if you want to improve your vocal fitness - work on your actual fitness. (Spose this means I should actually ride the bike, not just pose on it). #voice #fitness #voicecoach #podcasting
14.01.2022 When it comes to preparing for a speech, I find there are two types of people: 1/ Those who rehearse obsessively to get it 'perfect'... and then freak out on the day because they're not 'prepared.' AND 2/ Those who avoid avoid avoid and then freak out on the day because they're not 'prepared.' Relate much? Anyone who's worked with me knows I go for option 3 which doesn't involve freaking out. However, there's a lot to be said for option A. While I'm all for getting out there and giving it a go, 'winging it' is a dangerous strategy. When's the last time you smashed something out of the park on your first attempt? Rehearsal is so valuable. That's why I've introduced MO Takeover in our Members Only. Yep, you get the floor. Every single member has the opportunity to practise their presentation, test content or even just check the tech - with the support of other members. DM me for the link.
14.01.2022 Professor Allan Pease aka "Mr Body Language" conducted a simple experiment. He set up a mirror at the end of a long hotel lobby so it gave the illusion that as you entered, there was a really long corridor through the hotel and out the back.... They hung plants from the ceiling so as you came in, it looked like someone else entered the corridor from the other end at the same time. You couldn't immediately recognise it was your reflection because the plants kind of covered it up. So as people walked in, they could see the other person (their reflection) for a good 5-6 seconds before they turned into reception. THEN they were asked if they recognised the 'other' person. The results blew my MIND. Find out what they were in this week's That Voice Podcast - Body Language 101. Runs=10 mins. (I reckon a vain TikToker like myself would have definitely recognised yours truly haha) Photo by Grace Elizabeth Images #bodylanguage #publicspeaking #communicationskills
13.01.2022 So this is 35 I feel - incredibly fulfilled to be doing what I love - helping people speak with confidence. incredibly loved - shout out to my amazing man especially.... incredibly grateful to get away with pants like this - I won’t reveal how long it takes to get into the bloody things. The birthday vibes are strong - so broadcasting tonnes of them your way #birthdayvibes #voice #purposedriven
13.01.2022 This is how kids (and adults) are learning on TikTok. A catchy song with a serving of grammar and a side of sassy.... Posted this a couple of days ago and almost 50k have watched. I have fun making these in case you can’t tell #tiktok #tiktokmarketing #grammar
13.01.2022 Be you. Be you unapologetically. Be the bright, free, joyful light you are. Don't dull yourself.... Don't hide yourself. Don't give a version of yourself you think is pallatable. Do speak your truth. Do ignite your words with vocal expression. Do you. And be bloody proud of it. Disclaimer: Not a poet, not a guru, just a gal who's been through enough BS to rise like the phoenix and enjoy the view.
12.01.2022 How do you feel walking into a beauty salon? "A lot of the time for clients, it is quite daunting. And so a therapist has to be quite emotionally intelligent and have a beautiful voice, which evokes a sense of calm, a sense of relaxation and also a sense of knowledge and experience.... It is really important because within the first seven seconds, as we know, the first impression is made." Tamara Reid of Beaute Industrie explains How to get 'spa voice' in ep50 of That Voice Podcast. A must-listen for anyone in the beauty industry (tag people you know!) Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google or Amazon. Runs=18.27 Thanks so much Tamara!
11.01.2022 When you speak is your mind on the job? Or is your inner voice running a different track? - was what I said right? - are they even listening?... - what should we have for dinner? I know I'm guilty of this. But I also know feeling present when speaking is an absolute game changer. And spending time in nature helps me feel present. When looking out at Lake McKenzie on N'gari / Fraser Island, how could you not feel present?! Seriously, mega gorgeous.
10.01.2022 Do you have 'spa voice'? You know, that lovely slow, low, warm vocal tone that gives you a metaphorical massage with a side of green tea?... In Ep50 of That Voice Podcast I chat with Tamara Reid from Beaute Industrie about: - why a beauty therapist's voice matters - how therapists should use their voice - who's there to teach them? Runs=18:27 #voice #beautyindustry #beautytherapy
09.01.2022 I shared something pretty personal with my mailing list today. The crisis of confidence I help so many people deal with hit me like a tonne of bricks last week. The responses to my email made me even more emotional! ... Awww I love that you shared this Sal Anyone who is willing to put themselves out there the way you do demands my attention I like seeing your content, full on 100% you being real, we need more of it Thanks for sharing - definitely have those days too you are a queen girl If you want more of the story DM me your email and I’ll add you to my inner circle And just know you have totally got this #Voice #voicecoach #publicspeaking #publicspeakingtips #speakingtips #confidence #empowerment #selflove #speech #speaking #believe #believeinyourself #inspiration
08.01.2022 So there’s this new app ... To be heard you have to SPEAK Your VOICE is key to connection The way you SOUND is paramount... Enter ... #Clubhouse Who needs to convince people their voice matters when you have an app doing such heavy lifting!? My inbox has never been busier. My soul has never been lighter. People are realising the power of voice And I’m so grateful to help them realise the power of their own! Thank you for the invite Perfection Chocolates #voice #voicecoach #publicspeaking #vocaltraining
08.01.2022 The mindset hack I use before speaking is pretty brutal. Like, I actually call myself a ridiculous whining little baby... who needs to down a cup of concrete, give myself an uppercut and show (the truck) up. For more info on this and a couple of gentler options, take a listen to ep49 of That Voice Podcast - Public Speaking Mindset Hacks. Listen on Apple, Google or Spotify. Runs=8.20 #publicspeaking #voicecoach #podcasting
06.01.2022 If the term 'public speaking club' makes you cringe. And the whole 'stand up and present to the rousing critique of people who know no better than you' makes you roll your eyes and down a mid-week shot.... BUT you do want to speak with more confidence, and you do you like meeting amazing people outside your network, and you do want to love your voice. Then my new community MEMBERS ONLY, might be perfect for you. Come join us!
06.01.2022 Look familiar? Have I choreographed your pre-speaking routine? Public speaking is such a head game - often won or lost before you even make a sound.... Get your inner voice onside and your real voice will thank you #publicspeaking #voice #speakingtips #tiktok #tiktokcreator
05.01.2022 This is it! Last chance to join my Speak by Design masterclass. I'll explain 7 practical ways to structure your words when -... 1/ Introducing yourself or explaining what you do. Goodbye awkward networking event interactions. 2/ Pitching or selling something. Perfect for biz owners, entrepreneurs or anyone trying to push something up the chain. 3/ Arguing a point. Super handy for meetings. 4/ Highlighting qualities about yourself or others. Think job interviews and performance reviews. 5/ Matching products or services. Perfect for sales calls / enquiries. 6/ Arguing for change or bringing people on the journey of change. Most leaders in any sense will relate to this one. 7/ Answering tricky questions. Think media interviews and heated staff meetings. Once you get familiar with the templates you can 'plug and play' the content, meaning you'll rarely feel stuck on what to say or how to structure your words. This masterclass is exclusively for our Members Only community, so come and join us! (link in comments). I'm LIVE with Speak by Design 11am Sunday Nov 1st AEST. #voice #publicspeaking #membersonly #publicspeakingtips #voicecoach #speakingtips #communicationskills
03.01.2022 HONEY! Never ever apologise for having Bad English or making mistakes ... Do you know how great it is that you know more than one language?! There are people out there who aren’t as cool as you are And nobody can judge you or laugh at you. But if they do ... It’s just because you are better than them And I am very proud of you - TikTok audio from @teacher.aliona It’s your last chance to join our FREE virtual chat about all things accents. Friday Nov 27th 12.30pm AEST (Brisbane time). It will be relaxed, positive and not recorded. Register via link in comments. We’d love to have you! #accent #speaking #speakingtips #voicecoach
03.01.2022 I believe there are superpowers in intersections. My Speech & Drama Teacher meets Broadcast Journalist meets Company Spokesperson background is what makes me the best at what I do in the way I do it. (That - mixed with my crazy movie-worthy string of life events).... What are your intersections? And do you agree? #voice #voicecoach #hybridprofessional
02.01.2022 Better not give up my day job I’ll leave rapping to the experts like Sarah Maddack Have you listened to our chat on That Voice Podcast yet?... You’ll come away with: a super easy (and funny) speech warm-up knowing what bummer sludge and a switch-up serum is (this concept blew my mind) a good laugh! Sarah is so fun! Runs=18 mins #voice #voicecoach #rapping #tiktok #podcasting #tiktokmarketing
02.01.2022 In the first in-person 1-2-1 with me I usually 1/ Hit record on the phone 2/ Ask you a few easy questions 3/ Play it back for you to watch.... The most common piece of feedback I get ISN'T 'I hate listening to my own voice' (though I get that too!) Most often, I hear 'Sal, I thought I was really animated, but I look totally DEADPAN!' Pretty hard to rock an expressive voice with an expressionless face! (I don't have that problem, I'm so animated even botox couldn't save my expression lines haha). For more expression tips tune into Ep59 of That Voice Podcast - Body Language 101. Runs=10 mins #facialexpressions #expression #publicspeaking
01.01.2022 What does your voice mean to you? What role does it play in your - Profession? Relationships?... Growth? I’d love to hear in the comments This profound quote comes from the talented Sarah Maddack - TikTok famous Wholesome Rapper Tune into ep54 of That Voice Podcast to hear her beautiful full answer. #voice #speaking #tiktokcreator
01.01.2022 "Let me just bring up the next slide. *awkward pause.* So, on this slide I'll talk about."... Ugh, the slides aren't the star of the show - YOU are. And a great way to engage is by linking your slides with thought-out segue lines. For more on this and four other common mistakes presenters make, tune into ep51 of That Voice Podcast. Runs=10.40
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