Samitomato | Games/toys
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25.01.2022 Some little cards of my illos arrived today! Inspired by playing Samitomato drawing game with Fashion Animal add-on is this ‘sleepy polar bear wearing long socks’. Happy holidays to all the kids and teachers, stay toasty warm and have fun these hols! Cheers, Sam. Ps- Inspired by @samitomato drawing games, I drew this on iPad using Sketches app by @tayasui and had it printed at @socialps #samitomatopolarbear
23.01.2022 ‘A quiet floral patterned parrot playing football’ playing Samitomato drawing game. So cute, huh? How would you and your kids draw this? #samitomatoparrot
23.01.2022 Not just for little kids, big kids like playing Samitomato drawing games too! They just need a little more encouragement. ‘A happy glittery elephant making pancakes’, by Sam 18. #samitomatoelephant
23.01.2022 **SNAP SALE** Hey lovers of creative fun, it’s my birthday today so I’m giving you all 15% off Samitomato drawing games for two days only, today and tomorrow! Use code word ‘YIPPEE’ at checkout. I would have totally loved Samitomato drawing game as a kid, so if you know any kids who love to draw and craft, click the link in bio to find out more. Today is also a very exciting day as I’m meeting with the graphic designer to design the new game - Cats & Dogs! Early orders will be up on the website on the weekend! Have a great day everyone, enjoy this Spring weather
23.01.2022 How’s everyone’s Friday going? In the Samitomato studio I’m packing online orders of Samitomato drawing games (thank you ) and working on the crowdfunder for my new game ‘Cats n Dogs’, that will be launching in Sept! I’m also listening to DoubleJ - so good on a Friday! This weird Covid year has also given me lots of time to rekindle my love of pattern making and my Spoonflower shop is growing nicely! You can find it on Spoonflower dot com under shop name ‘samdraws’ I can’t wait to see what you guys create with the new game! Happy drawing folks! Cheers, Sam
22.01.2022 Did you know the Samitomato shop has blank postcards your kids can purchase to draw on and post to their loved ones? They are also great for using with Samitomato drawing games, just like this; ‘brightly striped giraffe roller skating’, by (yours truly) Sam. Who do you know who would love to send a hand drawn postcard to their loved ones? At this time it’s more important than ever to receive hand made goodies in the mail. Click ‘shop now’ to shop!
22.01.2022 This shy polka dotted penguin sends love to Melbourne peeps and anyone in lockdown. If you’d love a Samitomato drawing game for you and your kids, to keep them happy and creatively occupied, click the link in bio and we’ll get them out pronto! X
21.01.2022 Thanks to Kate from Art Teacher Life for sharing these great Samitomato drawings from her recent art teacher workshop, about integrating visual art with literacy. It’s great to see adults exploring the fun of playing Samitomato drawing games! I especially love that floral pattern penguin! If only they were a thing!
21.01.2022 My plan with Samitomato was always to add new products that link to drawing and inspiring people to draw and I was waiting for the new financial year to kick things off! Whilst it’s so hard to grow without being able to sell face to face and talk to my customers, (I’m an extrovert) it has been exciting time to immerse myself in the creative process to plan and design! This is one of our new products, framed illustration. The sample frame arrived this week and the giclee print... and frame quality is amazing! These will be added to the website in the coming weeks. So I have a question; as I’ve been spending a lot of time designing repeat patterns for fabrics and creating illustrations, do you think I should create another separate Instagram for these, or keep them here to sit alongside Samitomato drawing games?! Would love your advice! Cheers, Sam x See more
21.01.2022 ‘A joyful glittery peacock eating ice cream’, from playing Samitomato drawing game - 810,000 hilarious fun phrases to draw in each compact pack! Who else is looking forward to ice cream days again? How would your kids draw this?
20.01.2022 Hi everyone! Warm up your midwinter blues with our win a Samitomato drawing game competition and 10% off online! We have teamed up with lovely Denise at Relief Teaching Ideas to give away one of two Samitomato drawing games! Click on the post below for terms and how to enter!
20.01.2022 Flashback to the fun of playing Samitomato drawing games at Briscon 2018; ‘a friendly rainbow beetle eating watermelon’. Love the ‘free hugs’ detail - remember hugs??
20.01.2022 The cutest Samitomato drawing of a ‘dinosaur making pancakes’ by Josephine, who happens to be one of the best and most loyal Samitomato markets customer! Can’t wait for the markets to reopen again, hopefully soonish! Until then, we have plenty of drawing game stock to ship to you, click ‘shop now’ to shop!
19.01.2022 Today in the studio I’m packing batches of Samitomato drawing game - edition 1 to post around the world! I can’t wait to see the drawing delight they will inspire in kids across the globe! US folk, please order for Christmas in the next two days! At this point and with Covid delays, there’s a good chance orders will arrive in 2.5-3.5 weeks, but we can’t guarantee. Cheers, Sam
19.01.2022 Thank you for sharing your kids wonderful Samitomato drawings The Casual Teacher Mumma! They are all so great and I do esp love that hairy duck!
19.01.2022 My thoughts are with everyone around the world in lockdown with this stressful Covid affected year! If you’re stuck in lockdown and need a Samitomato drawing game or two to keep your kids 4yrs+ happily creatively occupied away from a screen for hours, (and you sane), we are fully stocked and will get them out to you ASAP. Click the link in bio to shop! ‘A shy peach sloth flying a spaceship’ is just one of the 810,000 possible hilarious fun phrases your kid could roll to draw in each game pack! Lastly, if you could jet away in a spaceship, where would you jet away to? Me -a tropical Island please!
17.01.2022 Some more Samitomato drawing game magic from the archives: ‘a mean silver spider driving a sports car’ by Maya. If your kids 4yrs+ are bored and can’t think what to draw, give them a Samitomato drawing game! With each compact game pack containing 810,000 hilarious fun phrases they can roll to draw, they’ll never be stuck for what to draw again! Click the ‘shop now’ button above to shop!
17.01.2022 This ‘cheeky red and white spotted duck wearing cowboy boots’ by Sam, playing Samitomato drawing game, is here to wish you a happy Sunday. I hope it’s a good one for you. How would you and your kids draw this?
17.01.2022 Great news! As postal time frames have improved, I have now opened up shipping to the UK, US and New Zealand again! I am also seeking new Samitomato drawing game stockists, both here in Australia and Internationally. So if you know of a cool kids store, who would benefit from the drawing joy of Samitomato being added to their product list, tag them below because that would really help me (and them) to delight more kids with drawing! Cheers, Sam x
16.01.2022 Happy Friday peeps! May there be more ‘kind ice blue peacocks reading’ in this world, drawn by playing Samitomato drawing games Edition1 + 2. What are your kids drawing with Samitomato drawing games? If you’d love a screen free compact game to keep your kids creatively occupied these holidays, click the ‘shop now’ button to shop!
16.01.2022 Just the cutest ‘orange spotted moose making pancakes’ ever! Drawn with Samitomato Game Game - Edition1, 810,000 hilarious fun phrases for your kids 4yrs+ to draw!
15.01.2022 Happy day of ‘a happy cream polar bear wearing a scarf’, by yours truly Samitomato Sam.
15.01.2022 New printed drawing game labels. Which do you prefer; colour or black?
15.01.2022 Just one of the best Samitomato drawings ever; ‘a sly hot pink sloth making pancakes’. What are your kids drawing with Samitomato drawing games?
15.01.2022 Nice one Jarod! What are your kids drawing with Samitomato drawing games?
14.01.2022 Flashback to Samitomato markets fun, family collaborating with Samitomato drawing games. The ‘monster’ card is in Samitomato Edition2. It allows a safe way for kids to draw monsters, drawing on their own imagination, with the added silly fun of Samitomato. A monster that makes pancakes is surely a less scary monster to have around? Who do you know 4yrs+ who loves to draw?
14.01.2022 In the Samitomato studio today, making a batch of Samitomato Fashion Animal to send far across the seas to the Northern hemisphere! Have you met Samitomato Fashion Animal? It’s a fun add-on 10 card pack that you can add in to any other Samitomato game pack to create crazy fun outfits to draw!
14.01.2022 ‘A curious pale grey bear toasting marshmallows’ playing Samitomato Drawing Game - Edition 2. Have your kids added Samitomato Edition 2 to their Samitomato games yet? Did you know that if you add Edition 2 to Samitomato Drawing Game Edition 1, that it creates 12 MILLION hilarious fun phrases to draw?! It doesn’t seem real does it? But the power of my calculator proves it so.How many peaceful, happy, pester-free hours would that create for your home or class room? #samitomatobear
12.01.2022 Thanks so much to everyone who has ordered new Samitomato drawing game - Cat & Dog. Here is sweet little drawing I drew with Samitomato Cat & Dog last week; ‘a spotted dog, with house plants’. I really love drawing cats and dogs in domestic spaces and this new game is designed to help you and your kids to settle on a drawing topic without having to think of ‘what to draw’. As you can see it’s quieter and more sophisticated than the crazy kookiness of other Samitomato drawing games, but Cat & Dog is designed so that it can fit into all other Samitomato drawing games, or you can add the new ‘Pattern Card’ to spice your drawings up! I hope you love it. I can’t wait to see your drawings!
12.01.2022 It’s nearrrrrly here! ‘Samitomato : Cat and Dog’ marks the newest Samitomato drawing game to the stable, or should that be kennel?! It will be released on the website this weekend, the first ten orders will receive a bonus ‘Pattern Card’ for free and other goodies, to be announced this Saturday!
12.01.2022 What are your kids drawing with Samitomato drawing games? I’m drawing ‘a happy golden Spoodle eating noodles’. Would love to see what Samitomato drawings are happening out there! Tag us @samitomato, cheers, Sam
12.01.2022 This week my thoughts go to all Melbourne and VIC folk. Stay safe and hugs from afar. The Samitomato shop is open if you’d love a Samitomato drawing game or two to help keep your kids creatively occupied and all VIC orders will sent express post until the end of Feb. Plus I am FINALLY ordering greeting cards and adding framed prints to our shop this week! Stay safe, Sam
11.01.2022 Can you hear Summer calling? ‘A fluffy glittery parrot sitting in a hammock’, by Rachel, playing Samitomato Edition 1, so fluffy, so glittery, so chill. Who do you know who’d love Samitomato Drawing Game as a Christmas holiday game this year? Click the link above to find out more!
11.01.2022 Hello new Samitomato followers! Competition winners games are going out today and today is the last day of 10% off Samitomato drawing games online! Use codeword ‘MIDWINTERFUN’ at checkout. If you have bored kids these school holidays, now is the perfect time to play Samitomato games, to keep them happily creatively occupied for hours! Stay safe and warm everyone!
10.01.2022 Brrr it sure is cold out there! Stay warm and have fun inside with your kids playing Samitomato drawing games! What’s your favourite Samitomato activity to draw on the yellow card?
10.01.2022 The newest released Pattern card has three fun options to add texture and repetition to your Samitomato drawings! It’s placed at the end of your Samitomato game cards for a twist of fun and is a great way to fill solid areas, backgrounds or to add detail. I’ll be adding it to the website tomorrow, or the first twenty orders of Samitomato Cat & Dog, get the Pattern card for free!
10.01.2022 I’m having fun designing new Samitomato things for the new financial year! I spent a happy few hours turning my Samitomato drawing game illustration of a; ‘calm chocolate brown lion eating watermelon’ into a repeat pattern for fabric, wallpaper and gift wrap yesterday. Imagine if lions were chocolate brown and ate watermelon, how would you draw this? Cheers, Sam x
09.01.2022 Hi friends, I’ve been busy packing drawing game orders and designing gift wrap patterns. These are now added to the Samitomato shop. They are printable A3 files that you can download and print as many times as you like! Perfect for wrapping your loved ones gifts. More fun designs are coming soon...
09.01.2022 Who wants to hop in this spaceship and fly away to a Covid free place with these beetles? The good thing about Samitomato drawing games is they can give you a respite from the real world, letting you & your kids have fun with drawing silly hilarious fun phrases. With the world a very serious place at present, we need as much fun as possible in our lives!
07.01.2022 ‘A cheerful black and white checked reindeer blowing bubbles’, just one of the 12 million hilarious fun phrases your kids can roll to draw with Samitomato Edition 1 + 2! How would you or your kids draw this? Shop 10% off Samitomato drawing games online by using codeword ‘MIDWINTERFUN’ at checkout until midnight 7/7/20 AEST
07.01.2022 Great news! Samitomato drawing games are now available to order in the US and New Zealand again! I am monitoring postal delays with Covid and will let you know when the UK opens again. Click ‘shop now’ to shop. Thanks for your patience and support! Cheers, Sam x
06.01.2022 Okayyyy! Newest Samitomato drawing game - ‘Cat & Dog’ is here! What is Cat & Dog? Cat & Dog is a sweet 20 card drawing game that celebrates the special place our pet cats and dogs have in our homes. It’s aimed at slightly older children 8 yrs+ and adults who love to draw pets in interiors spaces! To play: separate the cards into blue and yellow piles. Roll the dice for each card to end up with a sweet phrase to draw such as ‘a calico cat in a sunbeam’. Early bi...rd bonuses - the first 5 orders of Samitomato Cat & Dog will receive a free hand drawn Samitomato original illustration on postcard - a Samitomato original drawing to keep by Sam Simpson-Morgan + a free bonus ‘Pattern Card’. The first 20 online orders of Samitomato Cat & Dog will receive a bonus special bonus ‘Pattern Card’ for free! Click the link belowto find out more and to order! (Ps- There seems to be an issue with the image quality on the website, am currently rectifying! )
05.01.2022 Check out the quiet creative concentration! Who could do with a fun screen free game to keep their kids 4+ occupied at home this winter weekend? Click ‘shop now’ to add Samitomato drawing games to your kids creative toolkit and give you hours of peace and fun!
05.01.2022 We have winners! The winners of the Samitomato drawing game ‘Midwinterfun’ giveaway with Relief Teaching Ideas are; Ana Liese and Danielle Carroll who both win a Samitomato drawing game each! Congratulations! Please pm Samitomato your postal address so we can get them in the past to you! Remember there’s still 10% off the Samitomato online store til end of 7/7/20, use code word MIDWINTERFUN at checkout! Bid thanks to Denise @reliefteachingideas for hosting this comp, make sure to check out her page for lots of awesome relief teaching ideas! Cheers, Sam
05.01.2022 If you have bored kids in lockdown, give them a Samitomato drawing game pack to while away the time! Kids (and adults) can even play Samitomato by themselves, so perfect for keeping happily creatively occupied, away from a screen, whilst social distancing. Each game pack contains 810,000 hilarious fun phrases to draw like this; ‘hairy pin striped moose riding an elephant’, by Mack. How would you and your kids draw this? Click the ‘shop now’ button to get your pack now, or shop locally from our stockists, listed in our ‘about’ section online.
05.01.2022 How good is it to hear how Samitomato is being used in London by Fresh Art Club? Who wants to join in the Samitomato challenge and draw; ‘a hairy rainbow coloured beetle eating watermelon’? Let’s have fun drawing together, post your pics below!
04.01.2022 Latest blog post features our London Samitomato stockist, Fresh Art Club! Click to read more...
03.01.2022 Who’s having fun drawing with Samitomato drawing games this weekend? Tag us and share your drawings!
03.01.2022 Thanks for all the Samitomato drawing game orders this week! Did you know that each game pack contains 810,000 hilarious fun phrases your kids 4+ can roll to draw? I’d love to see what your kids are drawing with Samitomato! Tag us @samitomato so we can share the creative vibes!
02.01.2022 Giveaway! WIN a Samitomato Drawing Game, plus a 10% off sale! We’ve teamed with with lovely Denise from page Relief Teaching Ideas to give away two Samitomato drawing games! ... For your chance to win simply tag a friend & like both Relief Teaching Ideas page and the Samitomato page. As Denise from Relief Teaching Ideas says: ’Samitomato is a drawing game that is not only fun & sparks the imagination, it’s also fantastic for discussing adjectives, verbs and how to build & create interesting descriptive sentences! You can also use it to create interesting writing prompts. Every time I’ve played this game with classes, the students loved it & I loved seeing what they came up with too. Students can play individually, in small groups or as a class’. Two winners will be drawn this Friday morning 3rd July! Can’t wait to see if you won and want a Samitomato drawing game to keep your kids creatively occupied, away from a screen? We are running a 10% off sale in the Samitomato online shop by using codeword ‘MIDWINTERFUN’ at checkout. The 10% off sale runs from now to the 7th July.Click shop now button above! Good luck! Cheers, Samitomato Sam x
01.01.2022 ‘A hairy pin-striped whale eating noodles’, by Max. How cute is this?! The ‘eating noodles’ card is in Samitomato Drawing Game Edition2 and makes everything more fun to draw!