SA Power Networks | Electrical utility provider
SA Power Networks
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25.01.2022 HAPPY PAGEANT DAY! We are excited to be a part of this year’s National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant and look forward to celebrating the event with you all. For everyone attending, we hope you have a safe and fun time. If you are watching at home, the Pageant will be broadcast at 7pm on Channel 9!
25.01.2022 South Australia’s electricity network is mostly above ground, and that makes it vulnerable to extreme weather. Our crews in regional depots are often responding to weather events, whether it is thunderstorms or damage caused by high winds. Nick at our Pt Pirie depot says it’s hard work, but there are rewards... #EmpoweringSouthAustralia #SouthAustralia #OurPeople #Community #Electricity #ElectricitySafety #Customer
25.01.2022 We’re making progress repairing damage after the Blackford-Lucindale bushfire, including re-stringing a 700 metre stretch of our crucial backbone (33,000 Volt) powerline that supplies Kingston SE. The photo of crews restringing powerlines from a brace pole is just one example of the damage #bushfires can cause to parts of our network resulting in power outages. We expect power will be restored to all customers by early evening. We really appreciate the goodwill shown to us in the community during this time.
25.01.2022 With only a few days left of the school holidays, you might be running out of ideas to keep the kid's occupied. Don't worry though, we've got you covered with some free fun!
24.01.2022 This year, in an effort to spread some Christmas cheer, we asked the kids of SA Power Networks’ families to illustrate ‘what Christmas means to me’. We hope you enjoy their drawings in our Christmas video below. From everyone here at SA Power Networks, we hope you and your families have a safe and happy Christmas.
24.01.2022 "They've brought in the big guns!" Our powerline crew from Holden Hill recently assisted 1300Koalaz to rescue an injured koala so that it could be taken to the vet for treatment. Great job all round!
23.01.2022 ATTN #Blackford and surrounds. We are working with SA Country Fire Service to get approval to enter the firegrounds and surrounds, and to prioritise power restoration based on safety and risk. We have crews standing by ready to assess any damage and to restore power as soon as safely possible. We are keeping those directly impacted informed through our SMS and email alerts service and have sent two updates so far. If you're not receiving these from us, go to to sign up and stay informed. Thank you for your patience and stay safe!
23.01.2022 Outdoors Indoors recently featured a story on our Employee Foundation working with Backpacks 4 SA Kids INC. Backpacks for SA Kids provide colourful backpacks filled with essential items, toys and learning resources such as books, to children who are displaced or removed from their homes, often under difficult circumstances. Watch the segment and find out how the Employee Foundation and staff volunteers have been helping to improve warehouse facilities, refine processes, and support at risk children through hands-on, positive contributions.
23.01.2022 Our new TV ad dropped recently Did you see it? If not, here you go! Find out how to stay safe while on the roads. You'll be shocked by what you don't know!
23.01.2022 If you answered C to last nights quiz, you would be correct!!! Heating and cooling can be responsible for up to 40% of your electricity bill. Run your heating and cooling appliances between 18 and 21 in winter and 24 and 27 in summer for maximum efficiency. Every degree higher or lower adds up to 10% to the running cost. This tip will come in handy next week as the temperature heats up! ... #EmpoweringEngerySavings
22.01.2022 Our website offers all you need to know about vegetation around powerlines. Find info about how to select appropriate trees, your responsibilities, alternatives to tree trimming and a link through to our online feedback.
22.01.2022 Today is International Women in Engineering Day which celebrates the work and achievements of female engineers. With over 20 years experience, Caprice Davey is our longest serving female engineer and remembers when she was the only one back in 1998! She said, surprisingly when I started, there was a view from some people that it was strange for a female to be an engineer. I remember one engineer (since retired) looking at some of my work saying they didn’t know women could such things... Things have certainly changed since then and there are currently 30 female engineers at SA Power Networks, working across a range of disciplines. Caprice has made valuable contributions across the business in different roles as well as trailblazing a path which many others have followed. Well done to Caprice and all our women in engineering for empowering South Australia. #EmpoweringSA #INWED2021
21.01.2022 Our Contact Centre located right here in Adelaide is the main hub for managing customer enquiries. Our team provide information which helps keep 1.7 million customers informed. And what better time to recognise their efforts than in #CustomerServiceWeek.
21.01.2022 All our people are South Australian and are committed to working to provide safe and reliable electricity supply. We are also committed to empowering our local communities. Michael, or Porridge as he is better known, is one example. He’s given a lot to Mt Gambier footy over many years.... #EmpoweringSouthAustralia #SouthAustralia #OurPeople #Community #Electricity #ElectricitySafety #Customer
20.01.2022 Talking Power is our community space where you can share your thoughts about your electricity supply, have your say on different projects we are running, or simply learn more about how we are staying connected and listening to the South Australian community. Check it out at,
18.01.2022 Can you guess which appliance uses the most energy? Out of these options - leave your guess in the comments and we’ll let you know tomorrow! #EmpoweringEnergySavings
18.01.2022 Got a big Christmas tree to assemble? Call SA Power Networks! When the State Library of South Australia rang needing some expertise in working at heights, the crew at our St Marys depot were more than happy to lend a hand to bring some Christmas cheer to the State. Set amongst the Mortlock Wing of the library, it is the largest indoor Christmas tree in Adelaide and took a day to install. ... Why not head down to the library and take a selfie in front of the tree and send it to loved ones who you may not be able to visit this Christmas. Open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm until 4 January, and free to all. #EmpoweringSouthAustralia #ChristmasattheMortlock
16.01.2022 There’s help at hand for the many South Australians doing it tough. The SA Government offers a range of support and concessions, including rebates on electricity bills for households under a range of circumstances. More broadly, there’s help for people grappling with hardship, and concessions for vulnerable households, seniors, and those living with a disability or medical issue. Yet, many people who could benefit don’t know what’s available. Find out if you’re eligible:
15.01.2022 Update: In response to the 'circuit-breaker' lockdown, this event has been postponed until early December! We are excited to find out who will be the winner of the Social Impact category at this year’s Winnovation awards. The nominees Dr Selina Tually who is working to find ways to end homelessness in Adelaide’s CBD, Tanya Weiler who is boosting university participation and pathways for aboriginal people and Marion Vigot who has developed a 100% home compostable rye straw, are all doing brilliant work. Women in Innovation
15.01.2022 One of our very own staff members Patrick Giuffreda, who works in our Network Control Centre, plays for the Eagles WWTFC in the SANFL. The Eagles have made it into this year’s Semi-Finals and will be versing North Adelaide this Sunday 4 October, 3.15pm at Adelaide Oval. We wish Patrick all the best for the match! ... Also, if you are watching the game at home, keep an eye out for a clip featuring Patrick and a behind the scenes look at his role here at SA Power Networks. We will be sharing this across our socials next week too.
14.01.2022 It’s NAIDOC Week and the 2020 theme is Always Was, Always Will Be. SA Power Networks celebrates the rich history, culture and achievements of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities throughout this month. We recognise that First Nations people have occupied and cared for Australia for over 65,000 years and are spiritually and culturally connected to this country. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe
14.01.2022 We are looking forward to celebrating all South Australian essential workers at a special ceremony during this weekend’s National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant Our partnership with the Pageant involves an acknowledgement and moving tribute dedicated to all emergency services and the selfless frontliners who have faced their most challenging year to date. It is a way to say thank you to everyone who has worked tirelessly to keep our community safe - across the bushfires and pandemic. We will also be sponsoring some pyrotechnics occurring throughout the Pageant - so if you are watching in person or on the Channel 9 broadcast at 7pm - it is sure to be a night full of fun and excitement!
13.01.2022 Patrick Giuffreda is both electric on the field and off See how Patrick manages his time between working as a High Voltage Controller and playing footy at an elite level for the Eagles WWTFC in the SANFL
13.01.2022 Lightning strikes have caused outages across SA. Some outages may be extended due to ongoing weather conditions. Signing up for our free outage updates will keep you updated with restoration times throughout an outage, go to to register.
13.01.2022 Crews have done a great job working overnight to restore power amid our spectacular storm. High winds and more than 300,000 lightning strikes have had widespread impact and caused a large number of outages. We appreciate the patience of customers and will continue to work through the day to restore power. Estimated restoration times will be updated by our crews as they attend outages and assess damage and restoration requirements. PR.
13.01.2022 Would you like to be part of a group focused on helping us understand what it is like to have your power supplied by a Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) line? These 19,000 Volt lines serve many of our ‘out of town’ regional customers who live on rural properties across SA. Here is your chance to have your say >>
12.01.2022 We’re excited by today’s announcement of Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) funding for our flexible exports project this will help us double solar exports on our grid by 2025. It’s just one of the ways we are supporting South Australia’s energy transition. A big shout out to our project partners AusNet Services, Fronius Australia, SMA Australia, SolarEdge Technologies Inc. and SwitchDin.
12.01.2022 We have recently partnered with the Specialised Assistance School for Youth - SASY to help fund their Outreach Services to vulnerable students who are unable to attend school. SASY aims to re-engage disadvantaged and/or disengaged students and reignite their interest in education, with a holistic approach to learning. Thanks to this partnership with SA Power Networks, we are better able to connect with our most vulnerable and disengaged youth via our newly established Service. There can be significant barriers for some students to engage in schooling, in these cases we now can send staff to meet students in their homes, where we can help address these barriers, provide learning resources, and connect students with additional health and social service’s if required. This partnership provides us with the opportunity to reach even more students, and has already impacted our community in a really positive way. David Wild, CEO SASY Below are some SASY students meeting with staff from our CBD Operations Team. #EmpoweringSouthAustralia #Community
12.01.2022 A bare Stobie pole is a safe Stobie pole Nick, Asset Assessment Manager, talks to Outdoors Indoors about how vegetation around our assets presents a risk to safety and reliability to power supply.
12.01.2022 We are making some progress in assessing damage and restoring power for customers affected by the Blackford-Lucindale bushfire. Power has been restored on the network backbone to Lucindale substation and we have just restored supply for the town. Thank you to the community in Lucindale for your patience. We are now working on the next section from Lucindale to Kingston where we have about 700 metres of melted powerline. Repairs will continue well into tomorrow. ... Today we connected a temporary generator in Kingston SE and are supplying key facilities to ensure the hospital, food and fuel outlets are available until we restore normal town supply later tomorrow. Customers living in surrounding areas will have their power restored as crews work on branch lines that also have been damaged or affected by the bushfire. Further updates will be provided as work progresses tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and support. We are keeping those directly impacted informed through our SMS and email alerts service. If you're not receiving these from us, go to to sign up and stay informed.
11.01.2022 Can you guess what the recommended temperature setting is for your air-con during hot weather? Out of these options - leave your guess in the comments and we’ll let you know tomorrow! If you answered C, to last nights quiz, you would be correct!!! ... If you're using air conditioning to beat the heat over the next two days, make sure you set the correct temperature. The optimum range is 24-27 degrees. Every degree of cooling below that can add up to 10% to running costs.
11.01.2022 A big thank you to our customers for their patience and understanding this week. More than 300,000 lightning strikes put on a stunning show, however they also caused significant damage and power outages. Across the state, it was all hands on deck working day and night to safely restore power as soon as possible to thousands of customers.... Our crews have appreciated the assistance from helicopter patrols which we often use in regional areas it is a lot quicker to patrol over long distances than by truck or car so it helps get the power back on sooner! This helicopter patrol in the Port Pirie area located another damaged insulator further up the line and reported it to the crew so they knew exactly where to go next.
11.01.2022 We are excited and proud to partner with the Can:Do Group as they officially open the doors to Can:Do South. The Can:Do group support people who are deaf, blind, hard of hearing, have low vision or other sensory needs across South Australia. The newly designed facility located in the Colonnades Shopping Centre, will provide support services to residents of the southern suburbs and beyond, and is a safe space for clients and their families to engage and connect. ... We sponsored the state-of-the-art kitchen, which will give Can:Do’s clients the opportunity to learn, in a realistic space, the skills they need for a life without limits. The development of life skills like cooking, provide long-term health and wellbeing benefits, as well as enhancing social inclusion. CanDo4Kids #EmpoweringSouthAustralia
11.01.2022 Can you guess what the recommended temperature range is for your air-con during hot weather? Out of these options - leave your guess in the comments and we’ll let you know tomorrow! If you answered C, to last nights quiz, you would be correct!!! ... If you're using air conditioning to beat the heat over the next two days, make sure you set the correct temperature. The optimum range is 24-27 degrees. Every degree of cooling below that can add up to 10% to running costs. #EmpoweringEnergySavings
11.01.2022 Learn why problem trees growing around powerlines are helping some very tall animals over at Monarto Safari Park. Active Tree Services Outdoors Indoors #EmpoweringSouthAustralia #Treesday
10.01.2022 In exciting news, we have won a prestigious national Industry Innovation Award for 2020 for a trial we have undertaken with the Tesla VPP in South Australia. The trial has established a blueprint for maximising the integration and benefits of energy generated by customers with our network and the wider electricity grid.
09.01.2022 It’s long weekend! If you are going for a road trip, please drive safe. We'll be out and about keeping the power on all around South Australia throughout the weekend! This great of silo art was taken by Jamie of our Clare depot in Farrell Flat. It shows the sheer scale of the artwork compared to one of our trucks! #MyOfficeToday #EmpoweringSA
09.01.2022 If you answered C, to last nights quiz, you would be correct!!! If you're using air conditioning to beat the heat over the next two days, make sure you set the correct temperature. The optimum range is 24-27C. Every degree of cooling below that can add up to 10% to running costs. #EmpoweringEngerySavings
09.01.2022 We have a combination of heat and severe to extreme bushfire conditions to monitor over the next two days. Best to #beprepared for whatever Mother Nature brings us. We recommend people in bushfire risk areas consider what your back up plan is if the power goes out, and how this can also impact access to water. Keep smart devices and laptops charged and a battery powered radio close by so they can stay up to date should a power outage or bushfire occur. Sign up for outage ale...rts to keep up-to-date on restoration times. You'll get info direct to your mobile! Go to, And refer to the CFS website for important emergency service warnings and updates, go to
09.01.2022 Wishing everyone a happy 2021! While many of us are celebrating the new year, our crew and support staff are working to keep your power flowing. We’re always here when you need us with a range of ways to get in touch us on 13 13 66 or go to #HappyNewYear2021
08.01.2022 We’re excited that registrations are open for Little Athletics SA’s upcoming Summer Season! The Little Athletics community is all about having fun, trying new events, spending time with family & friends, and achieving your personal best! Come and Try athletics at a club near you today The perfect physical distancing sport #EmpoweringSouthAustralia #ProudSponsor
08.01.2022 This week is #RefugeeWeek, an annual celebration of positive contributions made by refugees to Australian arts, culture and society. It also recognises and honours the struggle, resilience, courage and strength of refugees and people seeking asylum. Here at SA Power Networks we’re lucky to have a diverse workforce which includes people from a refugee background. Earlier in the week we met with Anh Mai who is a Connections and Alterations Officer here at SA Power Networks. Anh Mai’s parents left Vietnam in the early 1980’s to seek a better life. He reflected on the challenges his family experienced in moving to Australia but is grateful that their sacrifice afforded him greater opportunities.
07.01.2022 Do you know how to prepare for power outages? While it’s true that this time of year brings plenty of sunshine, it’s also traditionally when we see more severe wind events and storms - the last few weeks have given us many! These can impact the network, from trees bringing down powerlines to lightning hitting equipment causing damage and outages. ... There are a few simple steps you can take to make sure you are prepared ahead of an unlikely power outage. Learn more about storm safety, go to
07.01.2022 This is our Network Control Centre, the main hub for monitoring and managing our network and our response to outages. Our team work hard to provide 99.97% reliability all year round to our 1.7million customers. And what better time to recognise the great work they do than in #CustomerServiceWeek.
07.01.2022 ATTN #Blackford, #Lucindale and surrounds. We now have access to all areas of our network, including the Lucindale firegrounds. We have mobilised additional crews, but it will take some time to inspect all lines for damage and safely restore power. Our priority is the main line supplying Lucindale township and on to #KingstonSE. All lines that run off this main powerline will need to be isolated and inspected inch-by-inch before we can restore power. We also are providing generation in Kingston SE to the local hospital and are now focused on restoring power for fuel outlets to assist travellers. We appreciate the significant assistance we are receiving from the SA Country Fire Service and trust everyone stays safe.
05.01.2022 Road traffic accidents involving powerlines or poles are more common than you think. Yesterday vehicles hit poles in Welland and Colonel Light Gardens. Thankfully no one was injured! If you are unfortunate to be in a road accident that results in a powerline draped over or next to your vehicle, your actions are simple: Stay where you are and don’t open the doors or get out of the car.... Call 000, then us on 13 13 66 immediately and wait for us to make the area safe. If you believe your life is threatened by staying in the vehicle (for example if there is a fire): open the door avoid touching the ground and the car at the same time and jump clear, landing with both feet together shuffle away with small steps, making sure you keep both feet on the ground at all times.
05.01.2022 In response to the SA Coronavirus lockdown, we are cancelling all non-critical work. Our focus will be to continue to undertake work critical to ensuring safe and reliable electricity supply. This means we will respond as necessary to power outages and will undertake emergency and bushfire-related work needed to keep the community and network safe. Wherever possible we will avoid attending your property unless it is requested or absolutely necessary. If we do attend, we will be observing COVID-safe protocols. The best way to keep up-to-date about power outages affecting your property, including any cancellations or changes, is via the free SMS and email messages. If you aren’t already registered for these updates, go to We hope everyone stays safe during these next few days.
05.01.2022 Final restoration update: Power has been restored to residents affected by the Blackford-Lucindale bushfire. Thank you again for your patience and appreciation for the work of our crew during this time. ___... Crews have nearly finished replacing damaged powerlines between Lucindale and Kingston SE, damaged in the Blackford-Lucindale bushfire. On the ground you can see the fire damaged powerlines and hanging above them have been replaced. It’s just one example of the damage #bushfires can cause to parts of our network resulting in power outages. We have re-energised the line and will be reconnecting Kingston and surrounding areas a little later this evening. We really appreciate the goodwill and support of the community during this time.
04.01.2022 Tip 2, to reduce your energy consumption, install energy efficient appliances. This may sound like a no-brainer, but purchasing energy efficient appliances can be confusing. A great way to compare like-for-like, is to look for the Energy Rating label on an appliance. This label shows you how the energy efficiency and running costs compare to other similar appliances. The Energy Rating label is regulated by government and has been used for about 30 years. Read all 10 of our en...ergy saving tips for winter, #energysaver
03.01.2022 Tip 4, to reduce your energy consumption, set the heater to the optimal setting. To save energy, run the temperature of your heating at the lowest most comfortable temperature. The recommended heater setting is between 18 C and 21 C. Every degree higher adds up to 10 per cent to the running cost of your heater. Read all 10 of our energy saving tips for winter, #energysaver
03.01.2022 Rain in 'the office' means there is a chance of seeing rainbows! Our crews have been very busy keeping the power on over the past few days, tending to over 150 outages in the challenging weather conditions. This beautiful was recently taken at our central warehouse in Angle Park by Danielle from the Pole Construction team. #MyOfficeToday #EmpoweringSA
03.01.2022 Ever wondered how to install a really gigantic Christmas tree?! The crew at our St Marys depot were more than happy to head down to the State Library of South Australia to help assemble the largest indoor Christmas tree in Adelaide. Located in the Mortlock Wing of the Library, watch the video below to see the tree come to life. ... If you would like to visit the tree in person, the State Library is open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm until 4 January, and free to all. #EmpoweringSouthAustralia #ChristmasAtTheMortlock
03.01.2022 We are facing some difficult conditions today with a mix of bushfire risk and follow up stormy weather. Fire danger conditions in the Clare Valley and Adelaide Hills are particularly concerning and if conditions accelerate we may need to consider disconnections to minimise the risk of a fire start. Be prepared for some extreme and changing weather conditions and the potential for outages. Remember to stay clear of downed powerlines and report them on 13 13 66. Click here for more information
03.01.2022 Have you booked yet? A few nights are already sold out! #LightCreatures #EmpoweringSA
03.01.2022 We’re with South Australia in trying to beat this latest outbreak of COVID. While we have cancelled non-essential work, we have crews ready to respond if there’s an outage or emergency. #AdelaideLockdown #COVIDSA #EmpoweringSouthAustralia
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