SAVE Projects inc. in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Charitable organisation
SAVE Projects inc.
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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24.01.2022 Catch us on Facebook Live just after 11am this morning as we draw the winners of our Lucky Number Fundraiser!! Good luck to everyone who has supported us. Will it be you?
24.01.2022 Thanks for helping us change the world...
22.01.2022 Over in South Africa, CoVID-19 started slowly but is now spreading rapidly. At the beginning (about the same time as us) schools locked down. Even though our Uthando House kids were staying at home in the centre, masks were compulsory from the beginning, adults and kids alike. Trecy explained that they had some locally made masks, but to take the masks off for washing, the kids didnt have any spares. Our Chairperson, Vanessa, managed to discover a South African based compa...ny who made masks, Wonderbag, where she could order online and have them delivered. The masks are brightly coloured and arrived for the kids, as well as a pack for our friend Marina Visser at Horse Whispers for her family and staff. Some of the kids headed back to school about a month ago (only certain year levels). Unfortunately, masks can only do so much and some of our Uthando kids contracted Coronavirus from contacts at school. This means four of the children and two of the carers have been infected and one of the boys has been in hospital. We were excited today to hear that he is doing well and is nearly finished his 14 day quarantine in hospital, with everyone else also doing better too. We are hoping like crazy that no more cases raise their heads. Schools are closed again. We are hoping everyone we know in South Africa stays safe and we are sending virtual hugs to them all.
22.01.2022 So when we posted earlier in the week about our lounge room makeover at Uthando, we mentioned the cozy blankets. One of our regular supporters, Sue, asked whether or not we would have room to take some blankets that she made. Again with a number of us going we had room in our luggage. Sue loves to crochet while she is relaxing in the evenings and turns out she made these gorgeous blankets that not only add a warm place for the kids to snuggle, but they are big enough for t...he kids to share. They are also beautiful bright shades that really liven up the lounge room. Thanks for your gift Sue, full of heart all the way from Brisbane to our little village in Africa. We know that our kids there see the care and love that comes with gifts like this for them, a reminder that someone half way around the world really cares. Knowing how much work goes into them we were expecting just one or two, but Sue outdid herself and sent over seven! What a hit they were! Also thanks to Jodi and Vanessa for the stash of new books for the kids. The new cushions are a perfect place for the kids to read stories, snuggled under their new blankets.
19.01.2022 Just over 30 lucky numbers left! Only 100 tickets for sale so great odds. You have to be in it to win it! $10 tickets - 1st prize $300, 2nd prize $100, 3rd prize $50. Thanks to everyone for your support so far. See details in original post below.
19.01.2022 SAVE Projects inc is running a Lucky Number fundraiser to raise funds for Uthando House. Uthando House is a place of safety in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa for abused & orphaned children. SAVE Projects Inc supports them with essentials including food, water, education needs & building projects. This fundraiser will help us cover the quarterly water bill with some extra for food. Buy a number between 1 to 100 at a cost of $10 each. If your lucky number is drawn will win a cash prize: 1st Prize - $300 2nd Prize - $100 3rd Prize - $50 You can select as many numbers as you like - the more numbers, the more chances you have to win! We are using Volunteer Sign-up to allow you to register your number. Simply follow the web link below, select your number & register your details for that number. Once you have registered no-one else will be able to select the number. Pay for your number via Direct Deposit to: SAVE Projects Inc BSB: 034-083 Account: 277 835 Reference: enter the lucky number/s selected & your name Simply click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesnt work) to go to the signup sheet: Small Print! You must be 18 or older to buy a number Numbers will be sold until 12th July, unless sold out earlier. Winner Draw will take place on or before 16th July 2020. Tickets are $10 each Winners will be contacted via email registered for bank account details and prize money will be deposited to the account provided. Funds must be received into the SAVE Projects bank account within 3 days of registration. If funds are not received within this time the number will be released for reselection. Contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions. Good Luck!!
18.01.2022 Have you got your lucky number yet? Still numbers available for our fundraiser - help us pay the water bill at Uthando House in South Africa for this quarter. Only $10 a ticket and you could win $300!
17.01.2022 Im sure it will not be a surprise to any of you that we are going to postpone our Annual High Tea scheduled for next weekend. It is one of the highlights of our social and fundraising calendar, but with the current situation, we really dont have a choice. Stay tuned for the replacement date in the coming months. Also stay tuned for some updates about the situation at Uthando and how you can help.
16.01.2022 Here is the last post about our room makeover at Uthando House during our visit last year. We are always so grateful for the hospitality of the beautiful staff at the hotel where we stay, Protea Hotel Hazyview. When we were organising everything we mentioned to the Hotel Manager, Glenys and the HR manager, Michelle, that we wished we could find some new rugs for the floors as the ones in the main living area at Uthando were old and worn and very dusty. Glenys pointed out that... the hotel had recently replaced the carpet in some of the rooms and they still had the original carpet which was in reasonable condition (much better than what was already at Uthando!). With the help of Glenys and handyman Richman, we measured and cut two large pieces of carpet to fit and hauled them over to the car. As often happens in Africa, we have to think on our feet as logistics are not straight forward. We have a hire car which is not as big as a van and has to take 4 bodies too! We managed to jam the carpet in the length of the vehicle and squeezed the bodies around it for the bumpy ride to Uthando. It really was the finishing touch for the room and so much nicer for the kids when they want to sit on the floor and play. A huge thanks to Glenys, Michelle and the staff at the Protea Hotel Hazyview for their care and kindness. It certainly takes a village to raise our African children, and we are lucky to have so many in our village.
16.01.2022 A number of you have asked about the kids at Uthando House in South Africa and what CoVID19 looks like there. This infographic is from the South African Department of Health yesterday and gives a summary of the number of cases. Uthando is in the province of Mpumalanga, so you can see cases are relatively low in that area and there have been no deaths at this stage. For the safety of the staff and kids, and our other friends in Mpumalanga, we are glad for the low case rate. ...The kids have been out of school since March and will begin to return to school from next Monday 8 June. Many of you will have been glad to send yours back to school last week. Imagine a house with 25 children and limited resources (or technology for distraction!) Centre Director Trecy says that the kids are excited to go back and I am sure the staff will be looking forward to a little peace and quiet. See more
15.01.2022 Details and tickets to come soon!
13.01.2022 Just wanted to share this update about Rocky the baby rhino. They tranquilised the mother and took the baby back to her. Unfortunately she left the baby behind and so now Rocky will need to be hand raised. The amazing Ann Whittall from Humani -Turgwe River Lodge has had experience with raising many wildlife orphans including a rhino. Rocky is in amazing hands and it means that he will be protected from other wildlife and poachers until he is old enough to be released into the wild.
13.01.2022 Our friends at RizeUp are in desperate need of beds for homes they are putting together this week for families leaving domestic violence shelters. See the post below and shoot them an email if you can help!
09.01.2022 Last year clever Caity King came up with a creative project to keep our Uthando kids entertained and to make a lasting keepsake. Sarah painted their hands ready for printing onto a large canvas and Caity helped each one place it on the artwork and recorded their name next to their handprint. Once the kids put their handprints on the canvas Jodi helped them do their own handprint on paper that they could add to their journals (or hide it in their pillowcase with their other tr...easures!). Caity brought the paint and supplies all the way from Australia, although we did buy the canvas locally. We encourage those who travel with us to come up with a project they can share with the kids. It was the perfect project to brighten up our lounge room makeover and will remind us of the kids who were there when we visited in 2019. And also reminds the kids of us when we are not there! Great work Caity!
09.01.2022 Heres a great local event on Brisbanes northside, run by the Hills Womens Collective and supporting our amazing charity partner RizeUp, helping them to change the ending for so many victims of domestic violence. Not only do RizeUp furnish homes for those leaving shelter for a fresh start, they work closely with case workers to help pay for practical needs like educational expenses and other emergencies that arise when these women and children are at their most vulnerable. It sounds like a great day out for a cause close to our hearts. Head on over and grab your tickets for next weekend!
09.01.2022 An update on Uthando House and our African family in these COVID-19 times. In this photo are three of our Uthando family. Trecy on the right is the Director, Emmerentia (left) and Nonlanhla (middle) are the Social workers at the centre. Currently these three ladies plus the other carers and security guards are locked down in the centre. South Africa has closed all schools for a month so all 25 kids are home at Uthando all the time. The gate is closed so no visitors can come... in and it was considered too risky for staff to go home to their families and then come back. So these ladies are sleeping on mattresses in the office. Emmerentia is pregnant. The others all have young kids at home. When we spoke to Trecy yesterday she advised that the government there is proposing a shut down of all essential services, and just like here, everyone was rushing to the supermarket. While they have some supplies, they need to plan for feeding more than 30 people for who knows how long. The kids usually get lunch at school so that is an extra meal every day that they need to come up with. It is often April when their government funding doesnt come through so Trecy was scared and panicked about what she would do and how they would cope. Our funds are pretty low at the moment, and considering that we had to cancel our upcoming High Tea, there isnt any other way for us to fund them than to ask you all for help. Yesterday we sent through our regular payment for water for the next 3 months ($300 - and that doesnt allow for any extra that may be needed for handwashing). We also sent $500 and told them to go and buy as much food as they can for that money. They were so grateful. Some of our SAVE members also sent some money earlier in the week for hand sanitiser, soap and gloves. There are other things that will be adding to their stress. Entertaining 25 kids all day every day is challenging enough during regular school holidays and obviously more so during a month of no school. And if anyone does get sick, it is difficult to access good health care. They are in a rural area and the local clinic will be overwhelmed. If you can help us help them, please donate at our GiveNow portal. We know that these are difficult times for everyone so really appreciate anything you can give. It will truly make a difference. We want to put this smile back on all of their faces.
09.01.2022 Last week we had an update from Trecy at Uthando House in South Africa letting us know that their government lockdown had been extended by another two weeks. This means the kids are at home from school for another 2 weeks. For those of you managing your own kids, imagine a large house with 25 kids where you cant leave the grounds. There is no learning at home. They all have to share a loungeroom and limited books, toys and puzzles. No access or resources to buy craft su...pplies (we always take beads when we visit, like in the picture). No bikes or trampolines. No tents for backyard camping. The staff have had to take turns heading home to their own families but are very cautious when coming back to the centre, making sure they are handwashing and not symptomatic. While this is hard for all of us, we are very grateful here to be able to stay home with our families, with clean running water, access to food and entertainment options, and if we get sick, great healthcare. This is not the case for our Uthando family. A huge thank you to those of you who donated for their emergency shop last month when everything was shutting down. We are expecting to send more funds for food and other essentials in the next month but we will need the help of our village to do that (since social distancing = none of our regular fundraisers). We are conscious that many people in our local community (and our village here) are doing it tough with job losses or reduction of hours. We totally understand if now is not a good time to help. We have had a chat about ways people can help while still staying home and are working on some ideas. Here are some preliminary thoughts: 1, Make a donation - message us for the direct deposit details if you dont already have them. 2. Clean out your cupboards - books, toys or other things you can sell on marketplace and donate the money. 3. If you just recycle your cans, glass and plastic bottles but dont return them to a Containers for Cash outlet, save them in a garbage bag and we will collect them from you! Its amazing how this all adds up. (Collection from North Brisbane only and wine and spirits bottles cant be recycled!) 4. Organise your own fundraiser - maybe a morning tea at work for those who are still going to their workplace, asking for donations for your birthday instead of gifts or let us know of anything else you can think of! On behalf of our Uthando family, we will be forever grateful!
08.01.2022 Our Chairperson Vanessa and SAVE Projects Inc member Mel spent the day at the Hills Womens Collective event for International Womens Day Sweat Like a Girl - Exercise Marathon for Rize Up. It was so lovely to see a room full of women supporting our amazing charity partner RizeUp, who work to change the ending for women leaving DV situations by setting up their new homes with everything they need. It was such a celebration of the collective might, power and energy of women our community. A huge shout out to all the businesses who donated their time to run classes and amazing raffle prizes to support the cause. Special mention to Erin from Sweat Depot Fight Fitness who ran the boxing/self defence class. Her practical and inspiring class on how to take back the power during an attack of physical or sexual violence reminded many in the room of what the women who RizeUp support have often experienced on a daily basis. We would recommend it to every woman we know. We cant help think what a difference it would make for our young women and girls at Uthando, the Place of Safety we support in South Africa, many of whom have been the victims of sexual abuse. While they always live with their trauma, to be able to take back the power and shine bright for who they are would be an amazing thing
08.01.2022 So when we have colder weather, we know that our kids at Uthando House in South Africa are also feeling the cold. Last month we sent funds for new blankets for all the kids to keep them cosy. There was some leftover funds for sanitary items for the girls, on ongoing and important need. A huge thank you to our SAVE Projects inc members who stepped up to make sure we could meet these needs during a time when fundraising is so difficult. Couldnt do it without you Vanessa, Jodi, Lesley, Helen, Janette and Elizabeth. #ittakesavillage
07.01.2022 Rocky the Rhino update. Hes doing so well like a big kid!
06.01.2022 Only 9 numbers to go till we sell out our fundraiser and draw the lucky winners! Numbers available are 41, 53, 56, 57, 63, 63, 66, 70 and 80. If one of these is your lucky number, check out the details in the post below and grab it while you can. Or if you just want to help us make a difference grab any one of these! Youve gotta be in it to win it! Just $10 for a chance to win $300 and you have a 1 in 100 chance of winning! Proceeds allow us to pay the water bill for Uthando House, a Place of Safety in South Africa, so the kids have water to drink, water for cooking, water for teeth brushing, water for laundry and water for bathing. At the moment there is no running water in their community so we are filling their tanks. Thanks for helping us to help them.
05.01.2022 A truly inspiring woman and such a loss for our world
05.01.2022 On our very first trip to Africa in 2014 we stayed at the Humani -Turgwe River Lodge in the Sav Valley Conservancy in Zimbabwe, owned by the Whittall family. This baby rhino was recently separated from his Mum (stuck in a mudhole) and rescued by the Whittalls and their team who do amazing work with conservation. They are working on reuniting this baby with Mum. So adorable and one of the many reasons we love our trips to Southern Africa.
05.01.2022 Please head on over and vote for our friend, the fabulous Nicolle Edwards, CEO and founder of our charity partner RizeUp. Her work and passion has changed so many lives. $10,000 would make a huge difference for the work that RizeUp does furnishing homes for families leaving domestic violence. Voting link in original post.
05.01.2022 Since coronavirus has stifled any plans we had for our Africa trip this year, we wanted to share some of the work we did on last years trip that you havent seen. A few years ago we had benches built in the lounge room at Uthando and put some makeshift cushions on them. Couches are expensive and as you can imagine they get quite a work out with 25 little (and not so little) people constantly using them, and dont last long. So the benches were meant as more of a long lasti...Continue reading
03.01.2022 A huge thank you to the Black and Klose families who have been saving up all of their cans and bottles for SAVE Projects inc. We took the load to our Containers for Change depot and they deposited $101.20 into our account. For our family at Uthando House in South Africa, $100 is a months water supply, a security guards wages for a month or almost a weeks worth of food for 25 hungry mouths. If you want to drop your own recycling to a depot our Containers for Change code is... C10184343. Funds go directly into our SAVE Projects account. Or just message us if you would like to donate recyclables but need us to collect. Everyone can help make a difference in their own way.
03.01.2022 Our "International Projects" focuses on Project Uthando, supporting Uthando House in South Africa, a centre that houses 25 children who have been abused, trafficked, abandoned or orphaned. Uthando is their home. Some of them for a long time. Some "age out" and are not able to stay any longer. Some are lucky enough to find extended family who become their new home. With only two weeks until the end of the financial year, some of you may be looking for a place to make a donatio...n that is tax deductible. $30 covers uniforms for a child for the new school year. $50 helps us send food when the pantry is empty. $100 covers a month of water supply for the centre. Of course any amount is welcome. Donations can be made via direct deposit SAVE Projects inc BSB 034-111 Account Number 526 713 You can help us make a difference - thanks for being a part of our village.
01.01.2022 Things have been a little busy for our Executive team in 2020, but now our Chairperson Vanessa is planning the annual visit to Uthando House in South Africa this year. We know many of you would love to visit, not only for the amazing cultural and wildlife experiences but to help us work on projects at Uthando that benefit the children who call this "Place of Safety" home. Please message us if you would like more information about joining our trip later in 2020 and we can talk about dates and details!
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