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25.01.2022 What is your heart and soul whispering out for you to do? My soul had been talking to me for over 7 years yet I had been ignoring the whispers, the pulls to live life differently, chalking it down to an unrealistic dream, getting caught up on the how and the timing and all the reasons why it wasn’t possible. There was this inner knowing that there was something else out there for me, that there was more to life than the existence I was living. Yet I was so stuck in my comfor...t zone, doing what I thought I was supposed to do that I couldn’t see the trees for the weeds. It wasn’t until my body started screaming at me, doing whatever it could to force me to pay attention, to slow down and give myself the time and space to really listen to my heart that I gave myself permission to really go for it. That something is exactly what I’m doing now, empowering women to become financially free and live the life they’ve always dreamed of. What is your heart and soul whispering out to you to follow? What is the one thing that lights you up so much whenever you speak about it, where you are in flow and totally lose track of time. Focus your time and attention on that, because true success and abundance will come when you follow your passion. Don’t get to 80 years old and wonder what if and have regrets, take one small step to move forward today, then every day after that. This all starts in your mind, with your thoughts, beliefs and patterns. Our conditioning around money plays a huge role in this, master your relationship with money and you’ll master your life! Are you tired of feeling anxious and are ready to get rid of your fear, lack and scarcity mindset around money and transform it to feeling confident and empowered. I invite you to a money manifestation and abundance call. This is for you if you’re a service based entrepreneur or coach with your heart set on 6 figures, into the law of attraction but take action consistently and are coachable. Send me a DM, we’ll chat to ensure it’s a fit and them organise a call.

20.01.2022 Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work it’s way into your consciousness Caroline myss It’s the process of unbecoming and removing all the barriers, blocks and limitations we’ve placed on ourselves that enables us to truly shine. Of digging deep into our shadows, our stories and our beliefs, healing them and doing the work to truly transform them.... What stories and beliefs about money are you holding onto? Money is simply responding to you on an energetic level. Upgrade your neural pathways, recode your stories and beliefs and watch your life transform. It’s time to create thoughts and beliefs around money that support your wildest dreams and desires. I truly believe as empowered, financially free women we will impact and change the world! In order to do this we first need to transform our own relationship with money. Are you ready to master your relationship with money, get rid of your limiting beliefs once and for all and call in your every desire. Are you tired of feeling anxious and are ready to get rid of your fear, lack and scarcity mindset around money and transform it to feeling confident and empowered. If you want money and the choices to live in the area you really want to live, travel to the destinations you actually want to go to, buy organic food, have amazing experiences and support the charities closest to your heart. I invite you to a money manifestation and abundance call. This is for you if you’re a service based entrepreneur or coach with your heart set on 6 figures and are into the law of attraction but take action consistently. Send me a DM, we’ll chat to ensure it’s a fit and them organise a call.

20.01.2022 6 things I’ve learnt from over a decade of working with people and money! A few years ago I was hiking the absolutely stunning Kalalau trail to Hanakpiai Falls in Kaui, Hawaii with a good friend. He’s quite entrepreneurial and I was talking about my dreams and visions of travelling the world, being location independent and supporting women to transform their relationship with money. ...Continue reading

18.01.2022 What does success look like to you? Have you defined what success looks like to you? Does it mean fulfilling, purposeful work? What causes are close to your heart? Are you really clear on your desires? Where you want to live? The people you surround yourself with? The experiences and adventures you have? How much time you spend doing things you love and adore? How much time you spend with family and friends? ... The first step to creating financial freedom is getting really, really crystal CLEAR on this! If you don’t know what success looks like for YOU, you won’t be able to attract it into your life. I’m curious, what does success look like to you? Let me know in the comments below!

17.01.2022 Are you following your dreams or what everyone else expects of you What would you absolutely love, love, love to create in your life? What would be so amazing that you get goosebumps thinking about? If money wasn’t an issue, what would you be doing? Where would you be and who would you be surrounded by? ... Those dreams and desires, every single one of them, even the crazy ones are possible for you! Do you know what is blocking you? Yourself! You’re getting in your own way. Your subconscious beliefs and patterns are in the drivers seat and calling the shots. Are you ready to reprogram them so you can move from feeling anxious, overwhelmed and stressed about money to confident and empowered If you want money and the choices to live in the area you really want to live, travel to the destinations you actually want to go to, buy organic food, have amazing experiences and support the charities closest to your heart. I invite you to a money manifestation and abundance call. This is for you if you’re a service based entrepreneur or coach with your heart set on 6 figures, into the law of attraction but take action consistently and are coachable. Send me a DM, we’ll chat to ensure it’s a fit and them organise a call.

13.01.2022 STOP PUSSY FOOTING AROUND THE TOPIC OF MONEY! Ignorance and burying your head in the sand is not going to achieve anything, in fact by the time you actually do something about it you would have dug yourself into a deeper financial hole. If you can’t own your financial situation, if you don’t know your numbers and you can’t even talk about money, how the hell do you think you’re going to get more money and live a more abundant life? ... And before you say I just want to help people and look after my family, the same applies! How are you going to support your family if you’re constantly stressed about money? How many poor people do you know who have made an impact and really served people? So accept that money is needed to get stuff done, own it, form an empowering relationship with it and watch your life blossom. Are you ready to master your relationship with money, get rid of your limiting beliefs once and for all and call in your every desire. I invite you to a money manifestation and abundance call. This is for you if you’re a service based entrepreneur or coach with your heart set on 6 figures, into the law of attraction but take action consistently and are coachable. Send me a DM, we’ll chat to ensure it’s a fit and them organise a call.

12.01.2022 Are you ready for more? To embrace your very own outrageous success? A new more prosperous chapter in this book we call life? We can all consciously create success in our lives not through hustle, the grind and burnout but by taking the right action, inspired action and having a steadfast belief that we are worthy and deserve to experience true abundance in all areas of our lives. I’m not talking about money for money’s sake, I’m talking about abundance in time, energy and ...wealth. What’s the point in having money if you’re chained to work you hate that drains you, a stressful environment where you’re not connected in your relationships and are letting your health go. True abundance is about having it all, whatever that means to you. Having time freedom, being full of energy, healthy, having amazing deep connected relationships, time for play and joy and happiness as well as having money! It’s time to unravel your money stuff and create a clean slate, some blank space for you to fill with empowering money beliefs. All those contradictions, I want that item but I can’t afford it or it’s too expensive, I want to earn more money but what will my friends and family think? I can’t have that amazing dress and save for a house/holiday/investments. You’re sending out mixed messages, there’s so much doubt and no clarity. I help you get out of your own way and clear your money blocks, no matter where you’re starting from, if you’re willing to dig deep and uncover your blocks, unravel all those stories you’re telling yourself about money and how it’s hard or bad or evil to have money or that you have to do xyz in order to be worthy of having money. Newsflash, you are worthy exactly as you are, in this very moment. You just need to believe that it in your core. Decades of limiting beliefs and self doubt about money can be dissolved in a moment if you’re willing to go back there, uncover them and heal them. Master this and you’ll become magnetic and attract all the abundance you desire. The creation of your dream life will become joyous and effortless. Cont in comments

07.01.2022 ALIGN YOUR FLOW OF MONEY WITH WHAT YOU VALUE IN LIFE! How intentional are you being with how you earn, spend, save, invest and splurge money? Is it being directed into things that you value both in the short term and long term? ... Or is it being used for instant gratification and a way to escape? Look at where your money and time is flowing and then see if it aligns with your values and what brings you joy. Do something every day to get your flow of money more and more in alignment with your values and watch your feeling of abundance grow! If you’re ready to align your flow of money with your values and clear what is blocking you around money once and for all, then I invite you to a money manifestation and abundance call! In the call we will, create a crystal clear vision of how much money you’d like to attract and what it’s for. We will uncover hidden challenges that could be sabotaging your ability to become financially free. You will leave the session renewed, energised and inspired to finally clear your money blocks and attract and hold onto true wealth and abundance. If this is hitting home for you, send me a DM and we’ll organise your money manifestation and abundance call!

04.01.2022 Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches." - Napoleon Hill Don’t underestimate the power of your mind, the power of your thoughts and beliefs. When was the last time you considered how you speak to yourself about money? ... You don’t deserve to have that! Who are you kidding, you can’t afford that? I’m never going to reach my goals. Would you say these things to other people? Of course not, we can be our own worst enemies at times. Are you expecting your financial situation to change without changing your thoughts and behaviours that are influencing it? It’s like wanting to be a lawyer or a doctor but not going to university to study and not believing it’s possible for you. Or wanting to get fit and healthy but not exercising or eating nutritious foods and dealing with the ways you are sabotaging yourself. It’s time to look at money differently, to create a new paradigm about being wealthy and abundant AF. It’s time to reject the beliefs that in order to be wealthy you have to sacrifice, be burnt out and exhausted. The beliefs that says it’s not possible for you, it’s hard, rich people are snobs, or evil or bad. It’s time to change the story that’s on repeat. The first step is to identify what limiting thoughts and beliefs you have around money. Pick a goal, something that you really truly want, then list all of the limiting beliefs that come up around why you can’t have that. This is what you need to clear, one by one go through and ask yourself if they are your beliefs or if you’ve picked them up from someone else? From a neutral perspective ask if they are true (we get to choose our thoughts and beliefs every single day), then create a new more empowering belief, one that will propel you forward. Learning to be abundant AF in all areas of your life is an ongoing journey, a constant evolution of continuously examining your thoughts, beliefs and patterns and whether or not they are serving your higher self and moving you towards your goals. Cont in comments

02.01.2022 Chunk your financial freedom goals down into bite size pieces and create micro goals! Sometimes when we’re looking at the bigger picture, the huge vision that we have for our lives we get overwhelmed trying to work out how we’re going to get there. The truth is we don’t need to know how, we simply need to believe in our core that it’s possible. But If you’re currently living pay check to pay check and have credit card debt, it’s hard for your brain to get behind being able t...o stay in amazing places all over the world doing work you love with a completely different lifestyle. Often what we can get behind is smaller, more incremental upgrades. Create micro goals that will get you closer to that bigger vision. What is the next step you can take? How can you pay down the credit card debt and save an emergency fund? How can you allow yourself to receive more money or abundance in other forms? What are your thoughts, beliefs and patterns about money? Don’t take no action because you don’t know how how to get to your ultimate end result. Take the step that you can now, then the next one and the next one! Are you ready to change your financial reality but need some support? I invite you to a money manifestation and abundance call. This is for you if you’re a service based entrepreneur or coach with your heart set on 6 figures, into the law of attraction but take action consistently. Send me a DM, we’ll chat to ensure it’s a fit and them organise a call.

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