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SDS Griffith- Shannon's Dance Studio in Griffith, New South Wales | Performance & event venue

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SDS Griffith- Shannon's Dance Studio

Locality: Griffith, New South Wales

Phone: +61 415 819 590

Address: 13 Altin Street 2680 Griffith, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Have you paid your costume deposits and returned your size sheets for this years concert? All deposits and size sheets are due by this Friday. To ensure your costumes are ordered over the term break both items need to be handed in. Thanks

24.01.2022 2 days till tickets go on sale!! The show WILL go on!! Tickets available from Griffith Regional Theatre box office from 10am Wednesday 25/11/2020 or online at ...

23.01.2022 Mmmm I think this is a accurate description what do you think kids!! #danceteacher #onemoretime #sdsgriffith #again

23.01.2022 Tiny Wednesday tap! Working on our ankle taps #sdsgriffith #sdstap #sdstinies #sdsfamily #idanceatsds

23.01.2022 Happy smiling faces at the end of the fabulous workshops with @balletworkshopsaustralia #sdsgriffith #holidayworkshops #dance #griffithnsw #happykids

23.01.2022 HAVE A TERM FOR FREE ON US!! Do you have a tiny 2-4 year old who wants to dance? Want to try classes in Jazz, tap, Acrobatics or ballet in term one for FREE?... Join our dynamic dance family in 2021 for fun, fitness, friendships or a future in performing arts. Join a studio with proven results, a qualified teaching faculty who specialise in their fields, Australian and international guest teachers, and teachers with a professional performing background so your child has room and opportunities to grow! Classes are held in our state of the art studios with professional dance specific sprung flooring for your child’s safety, glassless mirrors and dance cam for 100% transparency. This way you can see your child is learning in a safe space at all times. Classes are limited to 20 per class due to covid so contact us today or check out our website for more information to reserve your tiny dancers FREE spot today. The only cost will be $20 annual registration/insurance fee which is applicable to all students. #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily #sdsminis #sdsbabies #sdselitestudios #safedancepractice #freeterm

20.01.2022 2021.. want to dance? Want to be part of a dynamic dance family that caters to all abilities, ages and styles? Do you want to dance for fun, fitness or for a future? Want to know more..... hit up our website or send a message. ... Shannon and team of qualified/experienced teachers look forward to welcoming you into our family friendly state of the art studios soon!

20.01.2022 Jazz hands Our beautiful juniors at the @balletworkshopsaustralia with the fabulous @nat_foti #sdsminis #sdsgriffith #dance #holidayworkshops #griffithnsw

19.01.2022 SDS Griffith is introducing a new program to our timetable soon!! New mums (and dads) stay tuned!! More information SOON!... #sdsbabies #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily #newclassescomingsoon #superexcited

19.01.2022 Term 3 starts back this Monday on the 12th Of July and in line with the current health orders from NSW Health we ask the following: Non essential visitors are not allowed to sit in the waiting areas of the dance studio. For our Tiny classes where parents need to stay we ask that only one family member attends, QR code in and wears a mask while waiting. Masks are recommended for staff and mandatory for visitors to the studio who are 12yrs and over as per current health or...ders for people being at indoor venues Anyone who isn’t a enrolled student at SDS Griffith must QR code in upon entering the studio. If any students have flu like symptoms they need to stay home, get a COVID test and can only return when they receive a negative result. Any further information will be provided as we receive it. Thank you in advance for your understanding. #staysafe #covid19 #sdsgriffith

19.01.2022 What an AMAZING few days we all just had with @balletworkshopsaustralia The students had such a fantastic time and learnt so much! It was great seeing students from Di-Salvatore Dance Academy, Jodi’s Dance Company and SDS Griffith dancing alongside each other doing what they all love most! A huge shoutout to those studio owners for supporting these opportunities to continue bringing this event to Griffith So many smiling faces at the end the 3 days! Much needed during this crazy Covid year! #happiness #allinthistogether2020 #cometogether #dance #fortheloveofdance #fantastickids #2020 #danceworkshops

19.01.2022 Wednesday Junior Tap barre work #sdsgriffith #sdstap #sdsjuniors #idanceatsdsgriffith #sdsfamily #dance

18.01.2022 Eisteddfod ready duo final pose!! Mr Dave it was awesome to see you after a long 7 years! @thedavidcamm #dancefriendsarethebestfriends #crazyteachers #workshops #sdsgriffith

17.01.2022 Happy bday to one of our AMAZING senior teacher Ms Chantelle We hope you have a fantastic day and thank you for being part of our dance family x Chantelle Scott #happybirthday #sdsteam #sdsteachers #sdsfamily #itsyourbirthday #sdsgriffith

17.01.2022 All of us at SDS Griffith would like to wish you and your family a Merry Xmas and safe holidays! To all our beautiful students we hope Santa found you well and we would like to say thank you for making 2020 a very special year! Your dedication and love of dance kept us going through what was a difficult year for all! ... Enjoy your break and we cannot wait to see you back in the studio soon! #merryxmas #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily #sdsrepresent #dance #griffithnsw

17.01.2022 OMG Cuteness overload! So the junior girls got to do a music clip on location today with the fabulous @thedavidcamm directing, filming, choreographing as well as editing!! Check out the end result #toocute #filmshoot #sdsminis #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily #loveit #griffithnsw #dance

16.01.2022 Happy world ballet day 2020!! Post your favourite dance photos and don’t forget to tag @sdsgriffith #worldballetday2020 #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily #ballet #dance #griffithnsw

15.01.2022 Shannons Dance Studio is super excited to introduce to Griffith MUMMY AND ME DANCE! Do you want to make amazing connections with your baby through the art of dance?... Mummy and Me Dance is now at SDS Griffith! Mummy and Me classes are designed specifically for children aged 9 months-2 years old. Mummies, Daddies and carers can enjoy a 30 minute dance class with their baby that promotes growth and development. This program allows you to: Bond with your baby Interact with other children Create a sense of belonging Be in an Encouraging environment Develop social, fine and Gross Motor Skills Classes will be on Saturday mornings: Classes start Saturday 17th July 2021. Baby Stars 9mths-walking 9.00-9.30am Super Stars walking -2years 9.30-10.00am Contact us today for your FREE trial! details

15.01.2022 @harry_crotty looooove it #sdsboys #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily

14.01.2022 CANT STOP US 2020.. The show will go on! Tickets go on sale in 3 days!! Don’t miss out with the limited numbers due to Covid! ... Celebrate the end of a year like no other with us proving nothing can stop what we do together! Tickets available from 10am from the Regional theatre box office or online

11.01.2022 Progressions from the corner with Miss Chloe #sdstap #sdsgriffith #sdsinters #sdsfamily #idanceatsdsgriffith #griffithnsw #dance #tap

11.01.2022 SDS GRIFFITH now offering adult beginner Jazz/Hip Hop classes in 2021! Why should you try adult classes! * Dancing is great for overall physical health! It is great for your heart and muscles as well as improving flexibility and reducing stress. Dancing regularly can also help increase your daily energy level, which can make other daily activities much more enjoyable.... * Adult dance classes can offer a great place to socialize. You can make new friends who also enjoy dancing, and being social can also reduce stress and lead to greater overall happiness. * Dance can also help you feel more creative on a regular basis. This can help increase confidence and desire to try and learn new things. There are also many skills and lessons learned in dance classes that can apply to other areas of your life to help you enjoy a more fulfilling life. Join us in 2021 on Wednesday’s 6.30-7.30pm with the AMAZING Marie Loseli taking you through the basics of dance in a fun inviting environment. Classes are pay by the week and numbers will be restricted due to covid! Contact us today for more information or to reserve your place! #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily #dance #adultclasses #griffithnsw

10.01.2022 WHAT IS DANCE SPECIFIC FLOORING? The floors that you dance on need to be sprung, semi-sprung or cushioned, and, if possible, specifically designed for dance. Dancing on hard surfaces such as concrete, concrete with a mat overlay or on tiles can cause serious damage to dancers. The cushioned underpad of the high density foam included with tarkett flooring helps absorb the shock impact required for dancers' safety and is why tarkett is the preferred flooring for many dance com...panies around the world including The Australian Ballet, Jason Coleman’s Ministry of Dance, Sydney Dance Company and Brent Street. Dancing involves a complex interaction between the dancer’s foot and the floor. The surface finish of a dance floor is the part that differs most for different dance techniques and can be the most difficult aspect to get right. Ballet requires a floor finish that produces a good degree of grip while allowing the foot to slide in a controlled manner. Dance in bare feet requires a finer finish to avoid friction burns, while still providing sufficient grip for the dancer to move in a dynamic manner. Tarkett and a sprung floor provides this balance between dance styles and safety for your children’s growing bodies and this is why at our studio we invested in this dance specific flooring. #education #safedancepractice #safetyfirst #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily #stateoftheartstudio #griffithnsw

10.01.2022 Quick combo at the end of senior tap tonight! #sdsgriffith #tapdance #allaboutcontrol #griffithnsw

10.01.2022 The studio elf Alfie arrived, decorated and wrote on the blackboard to announce he’s here!!! Bring on the good behaviour #sdsgriffith #elfieselfie #elfontheshelf #sdsfamily

08.01.2022 Little Peggy came to visit us in Senior Elite tonight #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily #schoolholidays #catsofinstagram

07.01.2022 Mr Dancing Dave tries to take Ms Shan out of the picture @thedavidcamm #over40women #dance #backbends #sdsgriffith #crazyteachers

07.01.2022 Prize alert on World Ballet day 2020 with a huge thank you going @verveportraits and @balletworkshopsaustralia for always going above and beyond in the name of dance! Congratulations to @geegurls Tayla & Jacinta for working so hard at the recent Ballet Australia Workshops and being awarded a @verveportraits package #balletworkshopsaustralia #verveportraits #sdsgriffith

06.01.2022 Can’t wait to have some more amazing musical theatre classes with this beautiful talented lady soon! @nat_foti #musicaltheatre #talented #dance #sdsgriffith

06.01.2022 Intermediate tap on a Thursday stunning lines Sienna #sdstap #sdsgriffith #sdsinters #sdsfamily #idanceatsdsgriffith #griffithnsw #dance #tap

05.01.2022 Hip hop with the fab @thedavidcamm #dance #fortheloveofdance #unitedindance

04.01.2022 Peggy you stole the show tonight @sharoncurrie67 @_amiieecurrie #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily #kittensofinstagram #petfriendly

04.01.2022 Flipping into the holidays!! Awesome work Janna!! So much improvement since stepping into senior this year #acrobaticarts #sdsacro #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily

03.01.2022 End of term craziness with our senior elites and Alani #sdselite #sdssnrs #sdsfamily #godaddygo #craziness

03.01.2022 Progressions from the corner. Miranda showing concentration and style #sdstap #sdsgriffith #sdsinters #sdsfamily #idanceatsdsgriffith #griffithnsw #dance #tap

01.01.2022 Smile!!! It’s a new week and the last week of term 2 #sdsgriffith #sdsjuniors #sdstap #lastweek #term2 #griffithnsw #dance

01.01.2022 Term 4 starts tomorrow!! Who is excited #sdsgriffith #sdsfamily #term4 #dance #dancerlife

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