Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Consortium | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Consortium
Phone: +61 437 726 279
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22.01.2022 Sharing and learning with residents of Bellthorpe. Get Ready Queensland Land for Wildlife South East Queensland Healthy Land and Water Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES Moreton Bay Regional Council
20.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE: 2020 Fire Science Seminar Series _ Facing Fire in a Changing Climate _ Nov 2020 - https://mailchi.mp//save-the-date-2020-fire-science-semina more info: http://www.fireandbiodiversity.org.au/events.html #firescience #fireecology #firemanagement
19.01.2022 https://facebook.com/events/s/book-launch-prescribed-burning/552655622063805/?ti=icl
18.01.2022 The South East Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Consortium (SEQFBC) has expanded its program reach to cover the whole of Queensland. Through the strategic planning process, supported by the partners of SEQFBC and, Healthy Land and Water, the decision was made to change the name of SEQFBC to Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Consortium (QFBC). This statewide expansion reflects the increased demand from landholders and stakeholders to receive the high-quality products and serv...ices provided by the QFBC. Established in 1998, one of the oldest collaborative fire programs in Australia, the success and value of the QFBC is underscored by the collaborative, tenure blind approach to fire management. The QFBC, comprise of a network of land managers and stakeholders committed to improving fire and biodiversity management outcomes, supporting and distributing fire ecology research, facilitating partnerships between key stakeholders and building the capacity of land managers and private land owners to address issues of fire management and biodiversity in the SEQ region and across Queensland. According to Dr Samantha Lloyd, Manager of QFBC, the focus will remain with current partners, the majority of whom are based in South East Queensland (SEQ). We have a number of state-based partners and requests for our services and resources outside of SEQ continues to increase. This change will allow us to better support stakeholders across Queensland and assist in facilitating improved fire management knowledge and practices, landscape health, and resilient communities across Queensland. The prospect of engaging with the wider Queensland community will enrich our network and strengthen our support base, Lloyd said. The QFBC is a flagship program of Healthy Land and Water. Healthy Land and Water is an independent not-for-profit organisation and the regional delivery body for the Federal Governments’ National Regional Land Partnerships program. Healthy Land and Water works in partnership with Traditional Owners, government, private industry, utilities and the community, to deliver innovative and science-based solutions to the challenges affecting the environment. One of the key strengths of the QFBC is the number and diversity of partners, who enabled the growth and reach across Queensland. We look forward to working with new stakeholders across Queensland and to help facilitate fire and land management outcomes for the environment and community, said Julie McLellan, CEO of Healthy Land and Water. Read more: http://www.fireandbiodiversity.org.au//fire-and-biodiversi Healthy Land and Water
18.01.2022 Thanks again to SQ Landscapes and Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Consortium for making last weeks fire planning workshops possible. Thanks also to Mayor Paul ...Antonio for opening the evening and to all who came along. Now the fun part starts with preparing country ready to burn at the right time, encouraging beneficial species to thrive, while lessening wild fire risk. See more
17.01.2022 Got your tickets yet?.. there is still time this weekend to get tickets to: QFBC Fire Science Seminar Series 2020, SEMINAR 1 Tuesday 10 November 2020 Register here: https://qfbcfirescienceseminarseries2020.eventbrite.com.au Opening Address by QFES Commissioner Greg Leach... Keynote Presentation Managing Forest Fuels and Smoke, Now and into the Future Assoc. Prof. Owen Price - Centre for Environmental Risk Management of Bushfire - University of Wollongong Overview of Queensland 2019 Bushfire Season Superintendent James Haig - Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Changes to Fire Weather in Qld Dr David Jones - Bureau of Meteorology & Brenton Phillips - Queensland Fire and Emergency Services 2019 - 2020 Fire Season Overview Nathan Connor Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service JIGIJA Indigenous Fire Training: Indigenous Fire Knowledge and Best Practice Contemporary Fire Management Murrandoo Yanner - Gangalidda and Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES Healthy Land and Water UOW: University of Wollongong, Australia Jigija Indigenous Fire Training Program #fireecology#firescience #bushfires #landmanagement #indigenousfiretraining
16.01.2022 QFBC recognised in Queensland Resilient Australia Awards A novel Queensland approach to be better prepared for future fire seasons has been recognised in the 2020 Get Ready Queensland Resilient Australia Awards. The Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Consortium has been highly commended for the lead role it has played in coordinating and providing much needed information and support on bushfire preparedness and property planning.... The Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Consortium was recognised for its Fire Management Planning workshops in the community award section at the recent 2020 Get Ready Queensland Resilient Australia Awards. It received the high commendation for its highly tailored workshop series, which arms landholders with locally relevant information and supports them to work together with their local Rural Fire Brigade, local government and other landholders in their neighbourhood to develop practical fire management plans for their properties. With the devastation of last year’s fire season still vivid in people’s minds, it is particularly pleasing to see the strong demand for information to better prepare for future fire seasons, says Julie McLellan, CEO of Healthy Land and Water - the natural resource management group for South East Queensland and home to the Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Consortium. The strength of the workshops is that they are interactive, collaborative, and held locally, says Ms McLellan. Read more here: http://www.fireandbiodiversity.org.au/news.html and https://hlw.org.au//queensland-fire-preparedness-recognis/ Healthy Land and Water Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES GetReady Queensland Queensland Reconstruction Authority Inspector-General Emergency Management #ResilientCommunities Land for Wildlife South East Queensland
15.01.2022 Check out our latest Enews for a general overview of international, national and regional media coverage, opinions and recent journal articles of fire and biodiversity-related issues.
15.01.2022 In light of the emerging COVID19 situation we have decided to postpone the 2020 Fire Science Forum set down for next Tuesday at the State Library. We believe this is in the best interests of all 300 participants, and can assure you that this decision was not taken lightly. http://www.fireandbiodiversity.org.au/events.html
14.01.2022 Thanks to the amazing Rural Fire Service Volunteers we have worked with over the last year. Those we work with have such a passion and drive to share the importance of community resilience and preparedness for all natural hazards. The Rural Fire Service Volunteers have delivered the prepare, act, survive message to as part of the QFBC fire information nights and fire management planning workshops for communities across SEQ. We look forward to this continued relationship. Happy National Volunteers Week. #NVW2020 The Workshops and Information nights are supported by Healthy Land and Water and co run with Local Governments, and supported by QFBC partners including Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES QPWS Powerlink Qld and Seqwater. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES Healthy Land and Water Powerlink Queensland Seqwater
13.01.2022 Fire Forum register TODAY! Royal Commission Submissions released plus lots more in QFBC Enews - https://mailchi.mp//fire-forum-register-today-royal-commis #bushfires #royalcommission #fireecology
11.01.2022 Your latest Fire and Biodiversity news via the QFBC Enews August 2020 - https://mailchi.mp//your-latest-fire-and-biodiversity-news
10.01.2022 We acknowledge that the place we now live in has been nurtured by Australia’s First Peoples for tens of thousands of years. We believe the spiritual, cultural and physical consciousness gained through this custodianship is vital to maintaining the future of our region. #InThisTogether2020 #NRW2020 #ReconciliationAustralia Healthy Land and Water
09.01.2022 The bushfire outlook we need right now ... unless you are in Queensland http://www.abc.net.au//spring-bushfire-outlook-is/12611648 from ABC online 31 August 2020 Check out how to create a bushfire survival plan here: https://www.ruralfire.qld.gov.au/Pages/Home.aspx
07.01.2022 https://us9.campaign-archive.com/
06.01.2022 QFBC Enews _ Royal Commission report now out, get tickets to fire science seminar series and lots more Late Oct 2020 - https://mailchi.mp//qfbc-enews-royal-commission-report-now #royalCommission #fireecology #firemanagement #bushfires #landmanagement
05.01.2022 There is still time this weekend to get a ticket at the QFBC 2020 Fire Science Seminar Series - Facing Fire in a Changing Climate: https://qfbcfirescienceseminarseries2020.eventbrite.com.au
05.01.2022 review of 2019/20 fires & its impacts, new resilience research funding plus lots more in QFBC Enews July 2020 - https://mailchi.mp//review-of-201920-fires-its-impacts-new #bushfire #fireecology #landmanagement
03.01.2022 Thanks to All the RFS Volunteers who we have worked with over the last year. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES #yellowribbonday #RFSVolunteers Thanks to ALL the RFS Vollies across the State
02.01.2022 [email protected] - https://mailchi.mp/66d0bbbe60ae/craigwhlworgau QFBC Enews Early June 2020 now out #bushfires #fireecology #firemanagement
01.01.2022 - https://mailchi.mp//qfbc-enews-early-sept-2020-your-latest Enews Sept 2020 _ your latest in fire ecology and management #fireecology #firemanagement #bushfire #landmanagement
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