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Serena Dot Ryan | Public figure

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Serena Dot Ryan

Phone: +61 437 016 395


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to load big map

25.01.2022 It's easy to forget everyone starts at the beginning without really having a clue. They start and learn, tweak and adjust along the way. If you're struggling to start, this video is for you.

25.01.2022 Its easy to forget everyone starts at the beginning without really having a clue. They start and learn, tweak and adjust along the way. If youre struggling to start, this video is for you.

25.01.2022 I looked up and look what I found! Its so easy to be caught thinking about to do lists and thinking about what you should be doing next. Theres great power in changing our routine and making the most of the moment we are in. This is true in life and business.... So many moments can be missed when we dont look.

25.01.2022 Such a cold and soggy Winters day. Its the best to rug up and get out anyway. An awesome start to the day and week for that matter. #healthyhabits

25.01.2022 5 years ago today I started using my middle name every day and registered Serena Dot Ryan. At the time I wanted to create a job for myself, and looked for every opportunity to help others with my knowledge and be paid to do it! To say its been a steep learning curve is an understatement. You can be smart, good at what you do and not survive in business. Shifting from an employee mindset to owner mindset still to this day is one of the most challenging and rewarding things ...I have done. Some key learnings along the way: ALL businesses have overheads Businesses are a living being that needs to be invested in to grow No one will value what you do unless you do Little did I know at the time, qualifications werent what I needed to make my business work it was realizing my experience is my biggest asset. My lived experience. I teach others from my experience. I empower others to learn and hold others accountable. Im thankful I took a chance 5 years ago to create the life I wanted and have the opportunity every day to enable others to do the same. Sometimes you wont know what is possible unless you try it for yourself. #alwayslearning

25.01.2022 Discover the basics of how to set up Zoom Video Calls and uncover some fun functionality to turn calls into great experiences.

24.01.2022 23 May 2019 I decided to gain public accountability on my journey to become debt free. Adding Up, The Podcast was created. 8 months later we have exceeded 1,000 downloads. Not breaking any records, but the consistent downloads, reviews, messages of support have kept me focused and motivated to continue to share my money story and journey to become debt free. Knowing that there is a community out there wanting to listen to what Im sharing means so much. Theres still a long way to go, but Im so much further in front than when where I started. Im grateful for the support to start. #debtfreejourney #moneystory

24.01.2022 What motivates you? On Friday my kids had a playdate. It was the last official day of school holidays. Having a Mum to Mum chat whilst the kids played, inevitably the conversation went to what the plans were for the next school holidays over Christmas and New Years, officially known as the Summer School Holidays. Something so jarring and simple was said. ... You get 18 summers with your children if you’re lucky. Reality hit. My kids are 6 and 8 years old in a blink of an eye. 6 years ago (this week!) I created Serena Dot Ryan to have the opportunity to create my own life and spend quality time with my family. I have never been more motivated in my life to have a flexible life, Friday playdates and make the most of the next 12 Summers. #disconnect2connect #worklifebalance

23.01.2022 Looking forward to an interesting early morning chat.

21.01.2022 For most of my life I was convinced I wasnt creative. I lived in awe of those like Art by Celeste Wrona who can express themselves with visual arts. Such a valuable lesson to learn, theres more than one way to express yourself.

19.01.2022 Kids are back at school today. First day in 9 weeks. Im incredibly grateful for their amazing teachers. The highlight today was seeing how happy they are, the teachers and the kids!

19.01.2022 The judging process for each Awards Program is quite varied. The special thing I have noticed with AusMumpreneur Awards is how they involve a diverse range of experts and peers in the judging process for each category. To me this is so much more than winning an award. The process in itself is a learning and growth opportunity for all involved.

18.01.2022 A wonderful initiative to be a part of.

18.01.2022 You dont have to have it all figured out. Just take another step forward. Grateful to be listening to Brianna Shelko singing Take another step on todays daily walk. Music can be a positive powerful force. #SMMW20

18.01.2022 The unexpected joy I gained today was setting up a play date with my sons school friends. Unsure if it would work or if anyone would turn up. In the end, 18 x 6 year olds showed up. On all kinds of devices (iPads, Tablets, Laptops, their parents phones...), all talking at once having multiple conversations. Together figuring out how to Zoom. It was gold. Technology as a connector is powerful at any age.

17.01.2022 Im on my way to San Diego for Social Media Marketing World. What do you want to know about the latest trends in Social Media? #SMMW20

17.01.2022 6 years ago today, consumed with fear, I pushed the button and started Serena Dot Ryan. I didn’t know if it would work, I definitely wasn’t clear on how it would work, but with the words of my husband and no.1 cheerleader Bee Ryan ringing in my ears ‘You won’t know if you don’t try;’ I decided to give it a red hot go. I didn’t even clean my camera lens when I took my first official business selfie So many learnings along the way. It has been quite the roller coaster! ... My tips to anyone thinking about pursing your dreams: Make the most of technology; Get surrounded by people who can challenge you; Never stop asking questions (and listening). Your curiosity and vulnerability are your most powerful assets. Feel the fear and do it anyway. #alwayslearning #businesssustainability

17.01.2022 "Just because you can borrow the money doesnt mean you should." -- One of the hardest lessons to learn.

17.01.2022 How do I make the world a better place? There are so many things I can do, to the point of overwhelm, then I saw what I needed to right in front of me. Teaching my kids to clean up after themselves. To contribute, to be there for others, to know that if they do their part, it makes it better for everyone around them. There are a lot more lessons for me to teach them, but this is a start. #mumlife

16.01.2022 I keep saying I’m not a gardener and then this happens. Watering the garden daily, pruning and using fertilizer. 3 simple things done consistently have been adding up. #gardening #newhabits #addingup

15.01.2022 One of the aspects I love about my job is that I teach digital marketing skills every day. Every day I see people at their most vulnerable learning something new. They are outside their comfort zone. A reminder every day, to learn every day you risk failing. If you try more than once you have the opportunity to not only learn something new, but in the process you get closer to achieving your goals. #yougotthis #alwayslearning

15.01.2022 Almost 10 years ago thanks to the information provided by Social Media Examiner it helped me in my job in Digital Advertising get my head around the new trends in marketing. Little did I know at the time it would lead to me developing my career in Social Media. Becoming a contributing writer in 2017 was an incredible highlight.... So much to celebrate and this is just a snapshot of my story. Join me as I tune in to this very special show tomorrow. So many have been positively impacted by an incredible company and website.

15.01.2022 Being a part of Mari Smiths community led me to attend my first Social Media Marketing World. A catalyst for growth and opportunity beyond what I thought possible. And then I attended my 2nd. And then I attended my 3rd! Each year continues to deliver. I am grateful. This time next month I will be in San Diego for my 4th Social Media Marketing World. #thebestisyettocome #SMMW20

14.01.2022 Unconscious spending in all areas of our life can limit the opportunities to have the life we really want. Im glad this week I had the opportunity to contribute my voice to an important conversation around housing affordability this week on the ABC 7.30 Report.

14.01.2022 One of the best things Ive done is to continuously seek out and do things that challenge me. Attending Social Media Marketing World in 2017 by myself was such a leap of faith. A leap that transformed me personally and professionally. This weekend will be my 4th time at this incredible event. It motivates me to keep being curious and keep being challenged. #SMMW20 #alwayslearning

14.01.2022 What do you think of the Certification Badges rebrand?

13.01.2022 Its easy to say do more video. But what happens if youre camera shy? Thank you Celeste Wrona for opening up and talking about your challenges of being on camera.

13.01.2022 How big do you dream?

10.01.2022 I'm not a fan of being on camera, there's many things I’d rather be doing, and yet I do it because it makes cents.

10.01.2022 Im not a fan of being on camera, theres many things Id rather be doing, and yet I do it because it makes cents.

09.01.2022 Thank you Mari Smith for the opportunity to participate in the Pilot Program to be certified by Facebook in the fundamentals of Facebook and Instagram Ads. If you work in the Social Media Marketing space, especially Facebook and Instagram, I highly recommend the training and certification.

08.01.2022 A lot of things in my life have changed. Running every morning before work used to be a number 1 priority. I still carve out time every single morning for me, but its now at a slower pace. Its been hard to not feel like Im failing. Its only when I slow down that I can see the value of every step I take towards my goals and sometimes those goals change. Walking every morning is magic for my health and my focus.

08.01.2022 Thank you Debbie Roberts and Camden Region Economic Taskforce Limited for the opportunity to be a part of the #90DaysOfHope initiative. I know its not easy for many in business right now. Lots of change, but if theres one thing Id recommend right now is start creating and sharing videos. Have fun with it, its a skill you wont regret developing for now and beyond the pandemic. If you are in the Camden and Macarthur Region, make the most of the incredible opportunity to ...share your video with Debbie Roberts and be featured on the Camden Region Economic Taskforce Facebook Page. Plus, if you would like free resources and tips to create your videos, comment below.

07.01.2022 Do you believe in serendipity? I know one thing, it will not happen unless you take action.

07.01.2022 This is the kind of footage that usually ends up not making the cut.

07.01.2022 The power of working with what you have, instead of automatically needing more money for what you want is powerful. I have paid off $10,600.69 in 12 months by being creative with what I have. Ive had fun doing this too! Find some of my favorite tips in Money Magazine Australia Issue 228

06.01.2022 You will never know what you are capable of unless you speak up. Thank you Cliff Ravenscraft for the opportunity to share the number 1 tip that was the catalyst for me to be found online. Clarity of what you want to be known for is key, then putting that message online in key places unlocks the power of SEO. Its not meant to be complicated. Pro tip: Try clarifying what you want to be known for in a Tweet, then put that in your meta data and bios on your Social Media platf...orms. --- Serena Dot Ryan, Marketing Strategist and Financial Education advocate who helps accounting professionals and their clients see the numbers in Social Media. Pauline Stockhausen

06.01.2022 Showing support can happen in many ways. In last 24 hours I have been tagged or messaged by incredible women. Im grateful for their support and the opportunity to support them too. #challengeaccepted

06.01.2022 I almost didnt publish this video. In just a few days I will be traveling to Melbourne for my 4th AusMumpreneur Conference. Attending my first National Conference in 2016 was an immense catalyst for personal and professional growth. It gave me the confidence to think, dream and do bigger. ... It also gave me the priceless opportunity to see how other women (who happened to be mothers) were forging their own path, having a career and family. SInce 2016 I continue to push myself, to learn, grow and share my knowledge at the same time. I have been living outside my comfort zone continuously. Creating videos along the way, (in fact over 3,400 to date) some videos are great, others, well, theyre good learning experiences. This video I was nervous to share, because I felt I could have got better footage. I felt I let Tererai down by not doing so. Today, almost 12 months later, Im sharing it because I realise just how priceless this footage is. The more I do videos, check analytics and optimise, I realise production quality pales in comparison to documenting real, authentic connection. Thank you Peace Mitchell for being an incredible connector for me to realise a dream to meet Dr Tererai Trent when she was in Australia. What I love most about Tererai, failure never stands in her way.

05.01.2022 Last night I got the opportunity to meet the new students! One of the most rewarding things I do is to mentor and support women to create and develop their own businesses. Im looking forward to working with the 2020 intake of the Womens Business School.

05.01.2022 How do you discover new things?

05.01.2022 Dear Serena, Congratulations on building your business to support more women to work flexibly using digital. You have proven that through digital education we can work where we want doing what we want without compromising being a mother. You have successfully inspired women internationally to create the life they want. xxx Dotti... - 01 September 2016 --- Never underestimate the power of writing a letter to your future self. Thank you AusMumpreneur for the inspiration and tradition of this life changing event. It is the catalyst for so much change and opportunity in my world.

05.01.2022 2019 - Sydney - Melbourne - San Diego -Honolulu - Los Angeles - San Francisco - Franklin - Nashville - Atlanta - Toronto - Las Vegas - Port Macquarie - Albury Travel is a wonderful teacher. Breaking your routine, meeting new people and having to work with the unknown, helps discover and remind of skills you have. The beautiful irony of travel, to discover what you have within. 2020 so many opportunities #alwayslearning

03.01.2022 My first trip to Las Vegas was a success. 10 hours in party central and I had a great nights sleep! Im still in awe, the bed was comfy and the sound proofing in the rooms absolute gold!

01.01.2022 When in late 2017 I decided to no longer have official office premises for myself and employees I struggled with the thought of failing. Feeling like if I was working from home it was a step back. Little did I know it would open doors to become global. Often working from home but also giving me the opportunity to work anywhere in the world. #flexiblework #speaker

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