Shantaylah lodge riding centre | Local business
Shantaylah lodge riding centre
Phone: +61 419 759 698
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25.01.2022 Shilahs Equine Enterprises has had amazing days with her horses DP Tokyo Overruling Shilah and Shantaylah lodge would like to thank our sponsors Judges Choice Australia... Lili Tamai and Equine collectives Karen George brow bands Equine Muscle Matters - Christine Thompson See more
24.01.2022 Thank you so much team and thank you Emily for taking memories of our time at EA Hoty
24.01.2022 Due to Covid 19 there will be restrictions on numbers please so booking essential
23.01.2022 Shantaylah lodge thanks our sponsors LT designs plaited by Lili Tamai Judges Choice Australia Equine Muscle Matters - Christine Thompson Karen marie George browbands ... Alison Tamai photos thank you DP Tokyo champion newcomer Make a wish reserve champion hunter Galloway See more
23.01.2022 Shilahs Equine Enterprises
22.01.2022 I just had to put this up everyone know how I hate me on video or photos but this captures a moment . I was so touched by this and shocked first time lost for words
21.01.2022 What a day we had barbie Rainer over practising for Hoty . Then we had saddle club that was great fun . Then you find your loving clients leaving you surprises in the sawdust pile . . Thank you everyone for making my day
21.01.2022 Shantaylah lodge in next couple weeks have spots available for training preparing for competition . Reasonable rates please pm if interested or ph Karen on 0419759698
21.01.2022 Just would like to take a moment to thank our sponsors Judges Choice Australia Equine Muscle Matters - Christine Thompson And Karen George browbands We had 2 of our team members smartest on parade and encouragement award .... Runner up childs large hack And all in top 10 placings All our horses presented by judges choice products See more
21.01.2022 Don’t forget get to book 2 spots left for saddle club this Sunday
21.01.2022 Well went back to Warwick for Showhorse today The Springfield Anglican college well guys you did bloody awesome everybody helping each other in the horrid wind . Zavana Fowler 2 nd primary show horse Aaliyah Fowler 4 th senior show horse And our team member Leila Alexander 3 rd primary show horse ... Awesome Job team equestrian TSAC See more
20.01.2022 Lessons we still have 2 spots on a Friday spare 5.00 and 530 please pm beginners to advanced your horse or mine
20.01.2022 Don’t forget to book Into Les Friend clinic just before GN and Toowoomba royal .A master at his job bookings essential
20.01.2022 Don’t miss out On these amazing activities for Xmas holidays we still have some spots for ladies afternoon bubbles and nibbles . Then we have 5 spots left for our last Xmas day stay for ages 5 to 12 beginners most welcomed .
19.01.2022 #shantaylahlodge #reachingforthestars You think you might want to reach for the stars you can contact me on 0419759698
18.01.2022 What amazing hack day at Moggill thank you to all the committee and sponsors for all your hard work . Shantaylah lodge had a very up and down day but overall great improvements with these newbies to the ring . Peyton McAlister 1st rider and leading rein and did some work on we own of lead very exciting peyton . Zavana Crockrane and her pony Flynn omg what a pair improving and trying so hard great day sweetie proud of you such a star Aaliyah Fowler what can I say you are getting better and better you are bloody amazing proud of you . Cant Wait for the future . As of the Shantaylah lodge family thank you supporting your children . And miss Lili Tamai . thank you sweetie for your help and you are improving every time babe See more
18.01.2022 Well exciting times here at Shantaylah lodge watch these spaces over the next day . Starting of with Casey Curlewis how lucky is this girl new float new car new horse ... Williwcroft So Posh thank you Rachel Monaghan for bringing her to us and trialing for this family One luck girl miss Casey See more
18.01.2022 Interschool state a quick trip up to Toowoomba then home to pack again of to Caboolture tomo for HOTY . Sorry no photos but our school team had a tuff day with Leila and Shilah had hiccups in the first ring but girls you did the Springfield Anglican college proud . With Leila 6 th overall well done sweetie good luck with the rest of the event . Shilah Morris with 4 th overall would have given her a spot on the state team for nationals . Our other students ... Casey Curlewis with 7 th overall missing out in the top 6 but I’m so proud big improvement sweetie Nakita Bryant a tuff day but Gid girl you can ride with 5 th overall Taylah Bryant in the lead rein hunter was third overall even though tay doesn’t ride much or have lessons you enjoyed your pony babe To the the support team Claire Power and Emily , Marissa Alexander ,shereen and Mel Craigo Apc and Erin Aaliyah ,zavvy my gosh guys drove all the way to Toowoomba to support your team and school just great help all of you I thank you from the bottom of my heart [ and that will be working better after next week ] See more
17.01.2022 EOI Upstate Promise
16.01.2022 Competing one day judging the next thank you my flash pony photography for this photo and thank you Hollie for having me .
16.01.2022 Day 2 Hoty when you dont win the ribbons but to your team this is a win with Lyndhurst Billie Jean and her little rider Nakita Bryant so happy that your pony just went around Lili you looked beautiful no big wins but man you have come along way . Amy what can I say you are my third child I love and are very proud of you and thank you for your support Shilah your rider class you rode beautiful nothing to be shamed of walked away with encouragement award well done tomorrow another day and thank you Kurt for helping Shilah love you long time .
16.01.2022 Thank you everyone Shantaylah lodge is full up at the moment we have started a waiting list but please come to our saddle club every second Sunday and learn horse care this will Certainly help you get started till we have some spots free . Bookings are essential limited spots .
15.01.2022 Ok tomorrow last day to book for saddle club this Saturday
14.01.2022 I told you lots of things happening at Shantaylah lodge . I’m very sad but very excited OVERRULING is SOLD Tuss will be staying at Shantaylah lodge . This horse has bought so much joy to Shantay Morris and Shilah Morris ... Looking after them both taking them to the highest of levels qualifying them Both for nationals and GN he is amazing horse a great childs and ladies horse can’t wait to see the combo in the future . Thank you Sam Devantier and Ella Devantier for this horse he is one in a million . See more
14.01.2022 Message to clients Due to many across the board of cancellations i will be putting a charge on for cancelling if with in 24 hrs ok but when you ring me 5 mins before full lesson charge will apply . Sorry but this is a business
14.01.2022 No lessons today due to the beautiful rain we are getting please fill the dam and our tanks be great
14.01.2022 We braved the wind showers at Warwick for Interschool dressage and CT wow what a day for Springfield college team . Shilah 3 rd overall dressage Aaliyah 9 th overall dressage And my favourite sorry girls zavanah at 8 years old your second ever comp you are amazing 8 th overall dressage ... And had fall on last jump but amazing chick keep working hard Qualifiers for all Back to brave it all again for show horse tomorrow See more
13.01.2022 Just a reminder to all clients and families we are Covid free zone so I would really like to keep it that way . If you are sick do not come and please everyone sanitize your hands before entering . Much appreciate #allinthistogether happy riding xx
13.01.2022 Thank you for the great response our saddle club this sat it is now all booked out thanking you
13.01.2022 Wow Xmas nearly upon us . Some day stays are nearly booked out so please get in fast lots fun to be had .bookings essential
12.01.2022 First day at Hoty sometimes its not all about the ribbons today Lyndhurst Billie Jean went around lovely at thats all we could of asked from her and Shilah you worked hard with this girl and yes she is a hot. Number but we havent given up on her . Make a wish coming third in childs gallloway love this mare. Well done Shilah . Nakita Bryant darling your name is certainly going to be known for a beautiful rider encouragement award for your rider and top ten was amazing and C...laire thank you thank you so much for your pony he is a beautiful Gem . Casey top ten in your rider at your first Hoty the nerves took over babe but In time you are a super star . To my team thank you for your support and help my first time in my life I didnt plait a horse or a tail . wow for me to let go like that is a big deal you guys rock Melanie , Claire ,Shereen ,margaret ,Shilah and Lili Emily amazing thank you so much from the bottom of my heart . See more
12.01.2022 Thank you Equine Muscle Matters - Christine Thompson for keeping DPTOKYO healthy here he is loving his massage .
11.01.2022 Merivale Park Cartier first Hoty show with our team and he didn’t disappoint You have a great pony Peyton Jason McAlister Chloe McAlister
11.01.2022 Spots on day stays are all filled thanking you
11.01.2022 22 nd September booked out Still have spots the first Monday .
11.01.2022 News flash The beautiful Upstate Promise This is my heart horse I have decided to retire her and most likely put her in foal when I confirm who with I will let everyone else know . Most people know Filly has been a difficult horse at times but the most loving horse you would know . And to all my clients who love her she isn’t going anywhere but hopefully breed a couple babies for us .
11.01.2022 Lovely Shantaylah lodge can sponsor a class at Hoty this year good luck to all
10.01.2022 The next bit of News Flash This will take me a bit with tears but happy tears . The semi retirement of MAKE A WISH This mare has been amazing inside and out has given so many people a lot of success including Shilah Morris thank you Brett Whiting for entrusting us with this mare. There is nothing this mare has not won in the Arab world also the showing world .... She is now in the very capable hands of Melanie Bryant . She will still live with us at Shantaylah lodge but with a lot less schedule enjoying most of her days in a big paddock . I know you will have fun trail riding and pleasure comps Mel with Mira . We thank you Mira we love you so much See more
09.01.2022 Holidays something fun for the kids to do for in this world of uncertain. So lets have some fun . Day stays are back for a short time on the holidays . Lunch and morning tea included and 6 hrs of fun
09.01.2022 Book in fast guys saddle club this Saturday
09.01.2022 Halloween saddle club this Sunday 3 to 4 pm beginners welcomed
09.01.2022 Day 1 Hoty DPTokyo so proud of this boy his second show in 2 weeks very excited for his future . Thank you to our sponsors @ Karen marie George @ Christine Thompson Judges Choice Australia ... Thank you. To my team at home organising horses for day 2 and at Interschool states thank you . Shilah Morris even though you had a moment you have a very special boy enjoy . Kurt Crowther you are my rock love you and for your help Dale Plumb thank you for your support and guidance . No photos as yet sorry . See more
09.01.2022 Our 2 Nd day at Hoty Pretty proud of all the gang with Marivale park cartier 5 th dirstbrideen with Nakita Bryant Then with Lili Tamai in merivale park cartier I’m a tuff field 5 th overall great job lili proud of you x. Then Lyndhurst Billie Jean no ribbons for her but wasn’t about ribbons did a fultless workout great work Shilah she is a tuff pony but you are doing a fantastic job .... Bring on the last day full on day for Shantaylah lodge kids See more
09.01.2022 Last minute spot for saddle club today at 3,00 please pm
08.01.2022 Wow just wow DP Tokyo First Outing with champion newcomer and winning the novice . Shilah Morris you are so lucky . Thank you Kurt Crowther my friend for all of today and every day with Shilah and this boy you are a star .... Thank you to Kim . Thank you Dale he is a star and Im sure he did DP horses proud today . For all those that believed in this horse came to watch and support Shilah and I are very thankful and certainly feel the love . Shilah I know you think there is pressure but my darling you are doing a great job keep working hard keep striving for the stars Lili Tamai today with Make a wish due to Shilah working on toks you did a awesome job and thank you for all the plaiting you are a star keep working hard . Racheal congrats in giving it a go today and going back in improving and getting a ribbon well done . Shantaylah lodge #reachingforthestars See more
08.01.2022 Georgia Tear happy 26 th. Birthday today sweetie In Heaven . Forever young You came to me when you were 7 or 8 .
08.01.2022 Last day what can I say well when the chips are down your team rally around thank you with a pony down . You were all awesome team work plus thank you so much to each and everyone . Jason McAlister Chloe McAlister Melanie Bryant Erin Craigo Apc Aaliyah, zavvy, nakita , tay all the grandparents and Kurt you are Shilah rock thank you Now I have to think about the week ahead bring it on and get it over with
07.01.2022 Booking essential please last one till after school holiday horse care
06.01.2022 Another Sponsor i would like to thank is Alison Tamai Photos for these beautiful moments in time at Hoty Toowoomba
06.01.2022 Wow where do I start this journey with Shilah and overruling . Runner up childs hack he is one of the most kindest always gives his best and a foot perfect workout . So many I need to thank Shantay for letting your sister ride your horse Her coaches that have been there for Shilah ,from the beginning Les Friend you are amazing . Kim Durante thank you ... But the one that has been there with Shilah through this Covid every week encouraging her by her side from start of class to finish. A friend that has been in my life for along time Kurt Crowther you bring tears to my eyes how you support Shilah and myself and my team I thank you . See more
06.01.2022 LESSONS we have some availability . Fridays every fortnight at 4pm Fridays at 530 every week If interested please PM Karen please . Shantaylah lodge ... # reachingforthestars See more
05.01.2022 Shantaylah lodge specialises in Riding lessons and training if you have a horse or not that’s ok . We do private lessons I have 3 spots left so Please contact me for days and times available. ph Karen Morris 0419759698
05.01.2022 Looking stunning Emily Power
05.01.2022 Wow what a day all the blood sweat and tears that goes with this sport . I am a very proud coach and mumma bear with all my kids Casey CerLewis Newbury park dark night Winner intermediate hunter Galloway Runner up newcomer hunter Galloway ... Top 5 childs hunter Galloway Nakita Bryant winner rider 9 and under 12 Grand National ticket Shilah Morris and Overruling 3 rd childs hack Winner rider 15 and under 17 last time and a grand national qualifier well done sweetie keep turning up babe . And last of all Kurt Crowther you are my rock with Shilah coming today and being by her side from start to finish love having you Dale Plumb I dont think your getting him back See more
05.01.2022 Urgent notice Due to the out break of Covid 19 * if you have visited any of the places at the same time that has had positive cases please get tested .... *again no parents aloud down past gate unless you have a horse to get ready until further notice . *sanitize your hands before entering * and if you have any cold symptoms do not come and get. Tested please . Lets jump on this out break take care and stay safe to all . Shantaylah lodge
04.01.2022 A year ago today we decided to buy DP Tokyo such a beautiful boy thank you Dale Plumb and Kurt Crowther we have a wonderful journey that has begun
02.01.2022 How could I not be proud of this team for Hoty 2020 Zavanah crockrane 8 years old has done 1 show and to be at Hoty and placed 4 th in your rider you did amazing job look out for the future . Casey Curlewis first season of ever showing and you are going to be a super star . Lili Tamai omg girl so glad your on our team as I start to set you up with your own horse you are amazing pony rider can’t wait what we can do in the future . Shilah Morris you have a amazing horses can’t ...wait what you and Kurt can do together In the future . Peyton mcAlister even though you didn’t get to compete you have a super star pony and you are the best helper . Nakita Bryant wow girl so proud of your pony you are getting better and better . See more
01.01.2022 Saddle club this Sunday Horse care with fun learning how to look after your. Pony beginners welcomed . Bookings essential please
01.01.2022 Proud of this girl so glad you are on our team
01.01.2022 So proud of this girl first Interschool states and did all by herself with great results and only be riding with me since January couldn’t even canter and now look at you . #reachingforthestars. Aaliyah
01.01.2022 Saddle club 18 th October bookings essential limited spots
01.01.2022 Last few days to book saddle club this Sunday at 3 to 4 on horse care ages 5 to 12
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