Sharon Styman | Business consultant
Sharon Styman
Phone: +61 438 415 935
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18.01.2022 Your Secret Fears? Crash tackling strangers in the aisles of the local supermarket and suspiciously leering at those who sneeze into their elbow are actions that overtly speak of our own deep seated (secret) fears. Coles and Woolies need wide load signs on the trolleys so we can pass each other in the aisles without feeling like we have leprosy. Fear is rampant. Well particularly for the last 5 or so weeks ago when the toilet roll epidemic was out of control and the hand sa...nitiser in short supply. The word went out to the manufacturers, make more; diversify. Its unpredictable behaviour like these that speaks volumes of a rampaging fear of not enough and survival of the fittest. Right now, some behaviours are way out of hand, and we may not recognise even our own behaviour at times. Uncertainty will do that to you. Behaviours that we may not be proud of, show up. Charles Darwin says ‘the human race struggles for its existence and allows only those with favourable traits to survive’, well blow me over with a feather, if those are the favourable traits we saw on TV of toilet paper turf wars. It’s just something that I don’t get. I know that fear will drive you to actions that sometimes we cannot envisage happening, but this is where conscious directed thought is best used. Business owners face uncertainty pretty much every day in their business and right now that uncertainty is heightened due to the unprecedented situation. But it’s not time to panic and create havoc. It’s time to be measured and responsive. Considered action is your best strategy, not the raping and pillaging born from terror. Dormant fears will play havoc if not faced. Your demons always wait for the weakness, the crack in your armour and then your dragon will pounce. Look for the favourable traits that you want to see around you. They will be there. Conspiracy theories are rampant but stay tuned to your best mindset and what you can do each day to further your situation. My local farmers’ market has been extraordinary in their attitude to COVID. The first week, action was taken for distancing and stall owners could continue to trade. The organisers made it very clear to stall owners and frequenters, abide by these new rules for now and we won’t be closed down. It was excellent. No panic, there was order, calm and intention to get us through in the best way possible. How will you remember your time when you reflect back on 2020, the year that wasn’t? Will you be able to reflect on how your measured, well planned actions during this time were fundamental to building a stronger, more profitable, more resilient business or will you see the negative impact of the knee-jerk, fear based decisions you made during all this uncertainty? If you enjoyed this article please like my page, And remember, sharing is caring so if you know someone else who may like to read this please share it on to them. Sharon :)
15.01.2022 Top up with these tips from this week's blog.
14.01.2022 This week I wrote on theFuture You - so here is some tips at a glance for you to think about whilst designing Future You. :-)
13.01.2022 Thriving Under Fire It’s not every day that we have to wrestle with a great white shark, unless it’s like the day in 2015 when Mick Fanning, our illustrious local world champion surfer (for those that don’t know who Mick Fanning is), had to fight for a miraculous get away. At the time Mick was locked into a world title battle in the waters of South Africa but all too quickly Mick’s priorities changed dramatically. For Mick on that fateful day, his battle was to control his...Continue reading
12.01.2022 The Power of Your Circle Who you hang out with will say a lot about you. As a business owner, surrounding yourself with people who you admire, respect and who are doing things well is to your advantage. ... To influence others in the best possible way means you have to be influenced in the best possible way. Business owners lead. It’s their job, your job. Teams follow leaders they admire. And you are no different. How you think, how you speak, your rituals, your habits speak volumes about your character. Jim Rohn says; ‘you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.’ Look around and see who you hang out with the most. Are they people who challenge you? Think the same as you? D they love to be in happy relationships? Do they whinge and complain a lot? Are they active, not active, extrovert, introvert, are they a mixture of these or are they all very similar? If you are lucky enough to be able to count your closest and most trusted friends on one hand do a check on who you hang out with the most, it will tell you a lot more about yourself. What if the people you spend most of your time with are everything you don’t aspire to? Preferably your closest circle are people you like to spend time with because you admire them in some way. You enjoy the conversations; you get challenged to do things that sometimes you may never have done, or you quite simply, just have fun together. Your circle is your most influential power group. If you can’t talk to your close friends on business, then look for some you can. Seek out those you look up to for some reason that you aspire to, because they eat super healthy, they train like you would like to train, or that they lead an awesome team and hit the mark regularly with what counts in their business. Even sourcing people who have incredible personal relationships all these influences will shape you. Choose resourceful circles. Who is in your circle will power you up. Decide who you want to be. Don’t get there by default, by definition, that’s the default... Be deliberate in who you are becoming, only you can choose that, having aspirational people around you will get you there. For more value to put into your business follow my page. And if you know someone who you think could benefit from this article please share it with them. Want to know more? Keep an eye out for my monthly group chats where I talk in more depth about the value adds that I cover each week, everyone is welcome. PM me if you are interested to be part of the conversation. :) Sharon.
11.01.2022 Progress: Backwards, Sideways, Forwards We all know what it means when we hear ‘Flattening the curve’. We know the cost it has been to ourselves, our family, our lives and to our country. It’s been bloody hard work and the ‘iso’ idiosyncrasies made this linear progression work for our best outcome, our livelihood. ...Continue reading
09.01.2022 The Future You The past you, the present you, you who are ever changing. Sounds a bit random, doesn’t it? A bit out there?... But Future You is just as real as Past You. The TV series ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ on SBS reviews the foundation of people’s lives by revealing their ancestry. Genealogy they say, breaks through walls to uncover personal family history and helps to discover more of our innate selves. For some, family histories bare unanswered questions. They have the ability to lull you to a contemplative turning point in your life. Which can dynamically shift your future direction. In our modern world of dissecting, refining and forward planning our lives have been built on where we have been. This in turn, helps to determine where we want to go. In business, financial forecasting and planning, are viewed through a lens of historical perspectives and analyses. Monthly and quarterly evaluations occur to ascertain what actions worked and what actions didn’t. We place a lot of focus on our past, so we can figure out our future. It seems the right way to do it. But what if; designing your future had nothing to do with your past? What if Future You was nothing like Past You? Regardless of what age you are right now, think back on who you were 10 years ago, 5 years ago, even 1 year ago. Do you recognise that person, or maybe some traits of that person? There is only a faint trace of who I was at 20 now with me in my 50’s. Every day we get the opportunity to start anew. Yes, we can review our yesterday to tweak our tomorrow, but is that enough? Is that everything you need to really begin shaping and designing Future You? We know the fairy tale starts with ‘Once upon a time’ and it finishes with ‘happily ever after’ and what happens in the middle is dependent upon a lot of different and emergent settings. Same is true in our businesses. The combination of dynamic circumstances can alter our course and catapult the trajectory into unknown waters. The point I make, is, we can change Future You. Yes, a lot of factors are based on our past, our family’s history and our actual experiences. Yet, we can alter our course by deliberately choosing new habits, new values, new ways of being. Creating Future You need not be hard or painful, it can be as simple as honouring yourself. Sometimes who we have become is more a result of our past and less the result of conscious decision making. Who we want to become on the other hand has the potential to be an expression of our innate desire to live a more honest, deeper and aligned expression of who we really are. Enjoy creating Future You it’s coming your way, anyway. For more conscious business perspectives like my page. And if you know someone who would appreciate my article please share it with them. : ) Sharon
09.01.2022 Thriving Under Fire Part 2 So how do we start to do that? If you’re a boss, a worker, a mum, a dad, a sister, a brother, a daughter or a son, then I reckon there’s some tips worth knowing that could help you to deal with the next (deemed) emotional threat. ...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Many blessings and please stay well.
05.01.2022 Hauling Rocks This week I am copying a story that I heard many years ago. I love the story because it talks about the meaning on how we view the things we do. Whether it be with our work, our hobbies or being in a relationship. For a long time now, I have advocated for living a deliberately designed life. That’s why I love business so much. It is a vehicle for creating a lifestyle that you desire. Working for yourself is difficult, but with the hard work comes rewards. ...Especially if you aim to provide quality products and services. This story about hauling rocks is a metaphorical story and how your perception can help or hinder your outcomes and your motivations. How you perceive a task can be inspiring or deflating, it is all in your attitude. The story goes like this a man walks by a construction site and sees three workers and each of them are pushing a wheelbarrow filled with rocks. Out of curiosity the man asks one of the workers what they are doing. What does it look like? he says with a sneer. I’m just hauling rocks. Unsatisfied with that answer, the man asks the second worker with a wheelbarrow the same question. Without even bothering to look up, this man says, We’re putting up walls. Frustrated, the man tries one last time. I say there, he asks the third worker, can you please tell me what you men are doing here? Unlike the other two, this man stops, puts down his wheelbarrow, wipes the sweat from his forehead and says with a big smile, We are building a castle and it’s going to be magnificent . Your perception makes all the difference. Here are three different men; all doing the same work, but one says he is hauling rocks, one says he is putting up walls, and one says he is building a castle. This story is about the attitude and the commitment that each of us bring to our lives. Fundamentally this story is about personal truth and commitment to building a business that is going to be magnificent. And the definition of magnificent will be entirely up to you. There are important steps to follow when building castles. Contact me to find out about the essential steps to take to streamline the building of your own magnificent castle. And if you know someone who would be interested in this article or who is building a castle, please share this post with them. :)S
02.01.2022 What did you say? Most small business owners don’t have a degree in communications but are expected to be a master at it. And as we know communications are not all that straightforward when it comes to getting the right message across. ... There can a lot of mixed messages and misinterpretations that can be a minefield for the under-prepared. Yet not every message is going to be a beautiful one, nor an easy one and sometimes they are just downright tough. Imagine having to lay off a large percentage of your employees over a zoom call? That’s what Uber did. 3500 workers. Naturally, you would hear a chorus from the team, of; ‘I would have liked to have been prepared for this news’. But how would you prepare? How do you let all your staff know that you are about to sack them over a zoom call? As a business owner what would you have done, and would you have done it differently? The actions you take are even more powerful than the words you speak. Words can appear hollow and empty. The US President is a terrific example of poor communications. Shane Fitzsimmons, the commissioner of the Rural Fire Services, is a master at communications and he consistently walks his talk and demonstrates communication in its finest multi-tiered expression. You see it in his manner and hear it in his tone. You don’t have to be championing a cause to be a communicator who influences. A business owner spends all day influencing outcomes. Often through no words at all. How you communicate is a much bigger concept than merely sending and receiving messages. It is made up of a network of transactions. Sending, receiving, verbal, non-verbal, words, no words, actions, no actions. You can start to understand why communications is made up of intricate contradictions. The very nature of communication suggests that you cannot not communicate. So what gets in the way of poor communications? That’s easy it’s usually our self. The bookshops are filled with shelves of books on tips and techniques about the art of communicating. What if the solution was so basic that we were overlooking it? Take the time to develop your own communication ability, start with having a clear message, have empathy and know your outcome. Take all the fuzz away by setting up your environment so your receiver can interpret your message as best, they can. Value your message and value the person who is to hear your message. If you don’t value the way you communicate, no one else will either. For more insights into better managing your business click like on my page. And if you know someone else who may appreciate this article please share it along. DM me if you would like to know more :) Sharon
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