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Shining Life Skills

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25.01.2022 Friends, listening to this short podcast will be one of the best things you’ll do for yourself this week. Enjoy!

21.01.2022 Parents be encouraged. Here is a free printable section of Mindful Parenting magazine courtesy of Lovatt’s magazines. It’s pretty AND pertinent, two wonderful things for reading material to be. Feel free to share widely.

20.01.2022 Having trouble staying calm? Smiling mind is research based, age appropriate guided mindfulness reflections for everyone in the family. They have a free app too. I highly recommend it.

18.01.2022 Can I tell you what it’s like to teach (or work with young people in a school)? It’s the moment a child’s face lights up when they have an ‘aha’ realisation. It’s a young person seeing a mentor who believes in them and says after class, Miss, can I talk to you? ... It’s the silent eye contact you identify across a noisy room when a child expresses I’m struggling. It’s seeing a lonely child be ‘adopted’ with joy by a group of children whom you have tasked with the role of looking out for others. It’s the energy in a room when 25 (give or take!) children are all focussed on trying to be the next first with their hand up. It’s reading a beautiful piece of writing aloud and watching young minds make connections with the characters. It’s encouraging the persistence and determination a child needs to after day over the course of a year. It might be a gentle smile, a high five at the right time or a you can do it in season, but they all add up. And here’s the challenge. At the moment, for the sake of our nation’s health, none of these critical elements of teaching are available the way they always have been. We need to keep children at home if it is safe for them, as much as we can, it’s absolutely the right thing to do, but it doesn’t mean that many teachers aren’t grieving. Their workload has escalated dramatically and their face to face connection with their students, the part of their job that comes from who they are, the part that will never, ever be able to be delivered well online, the part that frankly is the joy in their workday, has fallen out of their world. There’s nothing that can be changed. It’s all how it needs to be. And this is not whingeing. It’s just saying that teaching has always been more about human connection than content (although that part is really important too!) and now, while that human to human connection is unable to be present, maybe there’s a teacher you could check in with this week.

15.01.2022 Hi friends! I’ve decided to make some short videos to support parents in this tricky time! If you find them helpful, please like the posts, like my page, and share the love!!

10.01.2022 Song for today!! All credit goes to Ruth Brouwer for letting me know about it! Please teach your kids and share it far and wide!

06.01.2022 In light of the return to remote learning in Metro Melb and the Mitchell Shire can I remind parents and teachers that schools still have a duty of care to thei...r students regardless of whether at school or engaging in remote learning. If you have been following my page, you will know that many of you have had issues with teachers and schools using unsuitable and dangerous apps. Here is a quick list of things to be aware of. Zoom - no student under 18 can have a zoom account. If the school uses Zoom, then the teacher is the account holder and sends a meeting invite to the student. TikTok and other Social Media apps are not to be used. If a teacher sets a lesson or task on these apps you must refuse and contact the Principal. Also message me the details and I will report anonymously as well. All apps and platforms must have undergone a risk and privacy assessment prior to use. This is a legal requirement. Parents must give informed consent for the use of any app or platform. Teachers must provide clear guidelines and acceptable rules for use of apps and platforms such as no recording for example. Remember all my videos and FB live events are stored on this page - please share widely. Good luck and please don't hesitate to reach out with any concerns. Together we will succeed.

03.01.2022 Dear extroverts, people lovers and face to face communicators, I’m struggling and I know you are too. I see you. I love you. We know that there are people who currently have it literally a million times worse than us. We know we have so much to be thankful for and we know this will end. But all that doesn’t mean I don’t feel like crying because I love my family and friends and....I miss them. ... I miss buying them a coffee and handing it to them without fear, I miss playfully shoving my friends when they make a funny joke. I miss sneaking up behind friends when I would see them at the shops and hugging them and I miss putting my head on their shoulder when the moment demands it’s necessary. Thankfully, I had a turning point yesterday while I was asking myself how much longer I could actually do this. I have an amazing family and beautiful friends who ‘virtually’ check in on me, but I am craving sitting less than 1.5m from a friend and looking in her eyes and smiling. And then it dawned on me. Staying home won’t be seen by me as suffering anymore. I choose to see everyday I stay home as an act of love. Today I am choosing to stay inside my home as love for people with asthma so they don’t get sick. Tomorrow, it can be the elderly. The day after that, I’ll love the immunocompromised by hanging out in my backyard instead of at the beach. Everyday that I stay inside I will envision it as gift of protection to someone who needs my care. I may not be able to give them my preferred hugs at the moment, but I sure can love them by staying home. This evening, I came across the perfect clip to illustrate the point. It’s been around a while now but it sure is a goodie. We can all do hard things for love! In fact, we can do anything we put our mind to. Rick and Dick Hoyt are the perfect example of the mentality I can. Hope you enjoy their story as much as we do. Big love, from a distance to you all.

01.01.2022 Hello everyone! A little introduction video! Enjoy!!

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