Birdlife Shoalhaven in Nowra, New South Wales | Community organisation
Birdlife Shoalhaven
Locality: Nowra, New South Wales
Phone: +61 497 868 471
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25.01.2022 There were over 150 Double-banded Plovers at Shoalhaven Heads this morning taking shelter in the small dunes and behind driftwood on the beach. Soon they will return to New Zealand for their breeding season. They migrate here for winter. The inlet is now closed so access to Comerong Island from the inlet is an option. There is good birding along the trails on the island this time of year.
25.01.2022 Coolendel Lookout today. Some slow bush regeneration taking place. Four birds recorded within 20 min 2ha survey site. Highlight was the Superb Lyrebird singing up a storm on the rocky outcrop shown in first photograph. I have heard them below the lookout in the past however never seen one on top before today. No sight or sound of the Rockwarblers I found there after the bushfires. See list and comments in photographs.
24.01.2022 This Wednesday September 16th is Plover Appreciation Day. You can learn more of what it is all about here.
24.01.2022 A few more of the birds I observed at Lake Wollumboola on Friday. Just a small sample of those currently at the lake. Open photos to see bird species names.
24.01.2022 The #AussieBirdCount starts today! It runs for a week (until October 25th). It's not too late to register - at
23.01.2022 Birds build their nests in the strangest locations. This is the Comerong Island Ferry Australian Magpie family with their nest built on top the electricity pole transformer next to the Shoalhaven River. I captured these while waiting for the return ferry this morning just as a gale of wind came up and it began to rain. Tough little birds. There were four chicks in the nest with two adults taking turns feeding them.
23.01.2022 It's a tough life being a Hoodie ...
22.01.2022 A few birds I observed out on Comerong Island and surrounding beaches this morning. I ended with over 50 species on my list. Three pairs of Pied Oystercatchers were observed on the beaches around the island. All had protective fencing erected by the shorebird volunteers and National Parks staff. Please respect the fencing and the birds. They are an endangered species and may abandon their nests if disturbed. With the inlet wide open there haven't been too many shorebirds on ...the Shoalhaven Heads side, so I decided to go to the island side where I previously observed many shorebirds roosting with a scope. Today the tide was in, however a wind was coming up from the north and there were no Godwits, Curlew or Terns there. I did find a large number of terns and cormorants, later roosting on a rocky reef between the breakwater and Orient Point. Worth the ferry ride over to the island. The ferry begins running at 6am. See more
21.01.2022 On Friday while visiting Comerong Island I came across a pair of Pied Oystercatchers (an endangered species) directly where the Nature Reserve walking track meets the beach. One was inside a fenced area which would have been erected by NP workers or Shorebird Recovery team volunteers. The birds must be nesting. As not to disturb them I made a large circle away from the region and lied down on the sand with my telephoto lens. I observed their behavior from a distance for a whi...le and then suddenly both birds began to run towards me. On looking up to the sky I spotted a Swamp Harrier, circling around us several times and then flying off over the island. The Oystercatchers immediately went back to their normal routine once it left with one on the dune and the other on the sand just to my right. They will abandon their nest if threatened to take attention away from it. I crept away after this leaving them to their business...there is probably a nest up there judging by their behaviour. Hopefully the breeding will be successful and the Swamp Harrier and other predators stay away. Ravens and foxes are also a danger for the birds out there. With the changing landscape out on the beach at Shoalhaven Heads this year, after the floods and the opening of the inlet for the second time, it was nice to observe three pairs out on the beach, all with protective fencing in place happily getting ready for the breeding season. Open photos to follow the story. Kim Touzel. See more
21.01.2022 Share the Shore! From August to March, the beaches of NSW become a haven for threatened beach-nesting birds as they settle in to raise their chicks. It's also one of the busiest times for human visitors, which can put these precious birds at risk.
20.01.2022 A few more photos from Tuesday's birdwatching at Twin Water - courtesy of Jenny Donald
19.01.2022 Approximately 10 months ago after the bushfires devastated the Coolendel Lookout area in Budgong, I found two Rockwarblers amongst the debris. One appeared a bit sooty at the time. Survivors against all odds. They live in rock crevicies and this must be where they went when the fires passed through. For a month or so I took mealy worms out and left them for the birds. I saw them there again one other time. The last few visits they haven't been around. Today while doing my Bus...hfire Recovery bird surveys at the lookout..I heard one calling...then two popped up from behind the rocks and hiding behind a tree I watched them for a while hopping along over the rocky cliffs. There were plenty of insects around out there today and water pools everywhere. It made my day knowing they have survived. They are endemic to the state of New South Wales and are only found along a small area of the eastern coastline. We are fortunate to have them here in the Shoalhaven. See more
18.01.2022 The link below will take you to an interview with Dr Martine Maron, the new BirdLife Australia President. We recommend you read the interview and watch the 50 second video of Martine - it defines what BirdLife is all about! The link is
17.01.2022 The #AussieBirdCount is a great way to connect with the birds in your backyard, no matter where your backyard might be whether it's a suburban backyard, a local park, a patch of forest, a farm, down by the beach, or the main street of town. All you need to take part is 20 minutes and your favourite outdoor space - you don't even have to leave home, making it the ultimate Covid-safe activity! As well as contributing to BirdLife Australia's knowledge of Aussie Birds, you will have the chance to win some great prizes! Head to the website and register as a Counter today.
17.01.2022 It's not too late to join up for the #AussieBirdCount - it starts tomorrow (October 19th) and runs for a week (until October 25th). You can register today at -
17.01.2022 The image from the BirdLife Australia Facebook page post below was taken by BirdLife Shoalhaven member Warren Wilson!
16.01.2022 Dinner with the Birds - video available !!! The first webinar on "Birds for beginners" aired last Thursday night. A video of this webinar can be downloaded from but be warned - the video is 353 megabytes and runs for almost 70 minutes - so you will need a good internet connection and a decent data allowance to download it! You would probably be better off actually watching the webinar! Tonight's webinar features Rob Dunn asking the question "The Shoalhaven - is it still a Mecca for Birds & Birdwatchers?" at 7pm. You may still be able to register at
15.01.2022 A few more of the birds at Shoalhaven Heads today.
15.01.2022 Some birds seen in the Southern Shoalhaven in the last few weeks.
14.01.2022 Only 2 day to go to the #AussieBirdCount - head to the website and register today -
14.01.2022 Eastern Curlew 18, Bar-tailed Godwits 84 at Shoalhaven Heads today. Our BLS Secretary Michael was contacted with an inquiry to do a talk on Shorebirds for our local Nowra U3A group with limited numbers of 12 due to COVID-19, which he asked me to do. Here are a few shots of the inlet and a phone shot of a few of the 80 or so slides I used. Currently U3A meetings are all being held using Zoom. However today they had a walk planned at Shoalhaven Heads. I prepared a presentation... which we did in the shade of trees on the grass near the Flyway carpark. Improvisation in COVID times. Afterward four of the members and I went for a bird walk out to the Inlet which is wide open once again. The inlet is quite messy after recent flooding with debris everywhere and walking tracks a mess. The Shorebirds were hanging out on the Comerong Island side of the Inlet. My list is on Birdata. Due to COVID, I did not bring a spotting scope along as social distancing was required. Unfortunately the Heads are not looking very hospitable for the soon to return migratory shorebirds. See more
13.01.2022 20min, 2ha Bushfire Recovery bird survey out at Abernathy’s Road, Budgong this morning. Large numbers of Yellow-faced Honeyeaters are migrating south in flocks of 10-25. In just 20 minutes I counted 72. Four of these were in the trees, others passing through. The bush is recovering and there are a few more birds around than just a few months ago. The Casuarinas, where Glossy Black Cockatoos have previously been observed near the creek there have unfortunately been destroyed by the January fires. List at end of photos. (Photo of YFHO was not taken today, it was from my backyard).
13.01.2022 A good opportunity to learn more about our shorebirds.
12.01.2022 Join the fight to save unburnt bushland at Manyana from development - billions of creatures depend on it!
11.01.2022 Great to hear! The critically endangered Eastern Curlew cannot afford to lose more habitat along our East Asian-Australasian flyway.
11.01.2022 Great to see the migratory shorebirds have returned to Lake Wollumboola. On friday there were good number of Bar-tailed Godwit, Red Knot, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Little Tern, Caspian Tern, Crested Tern, Pacific Golden Plover. A Curlew-sandpiper. One Red-necked Avocet, Red-necked Stints, Red-capped Plovers, Little and Great Egret, Great Black Cormorant and a White-bellied Sea-Eagle that made several passes disturbing the birds. These were all approximately 500 m offshore so if... planning a visit a spotting scope will come in handy. I crawled out in a wetsuit to get closer to the birds without disturbing them. They were all busy feeding after a recent long flight from breeding grounds in the north as far away as Alaska and Siberia. (On Sunday I was out at the lake while participating in the NSW/ACT Twitchathon. It was raining, windy and difficult to observe the birds however water levels in the lake were a bit higher and some shorebirds were closer to shore). See more
09.01.2022 Here's a link to a bird talk on Kiama Community Radio featuring Ralph Stadus from the Illawarra Birders talking about his favourite birdwatching spots in the Kiama area, Yolande Cozijn from Birdlife Shoalhaven talking about the Aussie Backyard Bird Count which started today, and Carla Jackett talking about her upcoming participation in this year’s Twitchathon. Great listening! The link is
09.01.2022 The photo below shows the BirdLife Shoalhaven images on display at the New Leaves, New Lives exhibition in Ulladulla which finishes at the end of this weekend (January 10th)
09.01.2022 This duck is pushing its luck!
08.01.2022 Today while out at Lake Wollumboola I accidentally came across a nesting Little Tern and a nesting Red-capped Plover outside the protective fencing. I was alerted to their presence when I heard a disruption and the little RCPL was having an altercation with the Little Tern. The nests are less than a metre apart. They went back to their nests and I circled around as not to disturb them. Fortunately Frances Bray arrived shortly afterwards to check on the nesting terns and prot...ective fencing around the lake. Frances and Michael who was assisting her today flagged the nests and adjusted the fence line so the nests are now within the fenced area, where many birds are currently nesting. I photographed the eggs with permission from Frances while she was setting up flags near the nests. It took some time to relocate the nests as the birds were off the nests when we returned to look for them. Frances quickly located them with her trained eye...while I was still searching, the eggs barely visible on the sand. Please take caution when out on the beach. There are larger numbers of shorebirds at the lake than there have been for a few years and lots of birders coming out to observe a few rarities that have arrived. We hope everyone can get to observe the birds while helping them have a productive breeding season. See more
07.01.2022 New Leaves, New Lives Bushfire Anniversary Art Exhibition - January 4th to 10th, 2021 Ulladulla Civic Centre, Lower Level Auditorium Facebook Page: New Leaves, New Lives Art Exhibition This free art exhibition starts this Monday and will feature bird photography from BirdLife Shoalhaven friends and members, plus free educational workshops conducted by members of the BirdLife Shoalhaven committee.... For more information on this upcoming event, visit our website at Registration links for the workshops are provided on the page. Shoalhaven Landcare will be conducting five free talks at the event, with details of topics, times and registration available at or
05.01.2022 One clever bird! The bird is apparently a Green Heron (Butorides virescens) - a small heron of North and Central America!
04.01.2022 This excellent article by BirdLife Shoalhaven Conservation Officer Chris Grounds has recently been published in the New Bush Telegraph ...
03.01.2022 The birdwatching outing to Bayswood this week was well attended and a good variety of birds were seen despite the main birdwatching area being part of a suburban development. 38 species were seen, including the ones shown below - thank you to Jenny Donald for sharing your photos!
03.01.2022 Our ongoing Bushfire Research Project has received recognition by head office ...
01.01.2022 Just in case you haven't had a look at this very worthwhile website showing a Peregrine Falcon nest on a building in Melbourne, here's the link -
01.01.2022 Today is Threatened Species Day.
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