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Simone Travers


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25.01.2022 People hear you on the level you speak to them from. Speak from your heart, and they will hear with theirs <3

25.01.2022 . . Loving others can sometimes be easier, than loving yourself.. Or so we often think. But as man...y wise people have said time and time again, it is in fact only when you first learn to accept and cherish your own essence that you can find the peace of mind to be truly present for your loved ones and for your own life. Self-love is not a luxury to be put off to focus on the real business of going after your goals or caring for others. There is a reason why when boarding a plane, the run-through of the emergency landing procedures always tell you to place your own mask on first Caring for yourself is the foundation of your strength and stability, without which you cannot give fully to anyone. And it’s the only thing that will propel you forward on your journey and hold you steady when you inevitably stumble. In order to be successful at anything in life, you need to first believe that you deserve to be. Those who mistrust their own abilities are being too harsh to themselves, discourage themselves rather than focussing on what they are learning or could be been excelling in. And the truth is, if you are good at discouraging yourself, it is hard to be a good leader, because leadership is built on inspiring others to face challenges. So lead yourself first by learning the art of accepting all that you are. Become your own cheerleader and adjust your self talk to focussing on what you are getting right, what lessons are you learning, recording your wins for the day. What we think about we become, so what would change in your world if you realised and loved how truely incredible you really are? See more

23.01.2022 Join Here:

23.01.2022 Have you ever noticed how the minute you achieve one thing, you are already looking for the next thing to do? So it is easy to forget to stop,... take a moment and celebrate your wins - big or small. Achieving the next thing is revered by society, so you can get into the trap of always pushing forward on to your next goal, your next win, the next thing on your list! I'm have been totally guilty of this! But this weekend I'm heading down to Sydney to stop and celebrate with other successful six & seven figure coaches. To not only acknowledge all the achievements and honour all the lessons, but also to be grateful for exactly where we are in this journey of life. I truly believe that we are gifted more when we appreciate what we already have - where we are, right at this present moment. When we stop, take a moment to breathe and simply enjoy. There will always be the goal you are still striving for that can feel light-years away or may just even fall into the trap of comparison that others are doing better than you. But one thing I have come to realise is those people, are not you. They don't hold the incredible lessons that life has gifted you and you alone. Their journey, like yours, is unique and we all have something magical to contribute. So take some time today to just be present with yourself. To stop and acknowledge the incredible person that you are, how far you have already come and let go of just seeing how far you have to go. Take time to look for all the wins during your days.. the discount on your coffee, the person who let you merge in traffic, the smile of a stranger that made you feel seen. - See more

20.01.2022 ... . So what do I mean by this? For years I was convinced that reading self-development book...s and implementing things on my own was going to get me the same results than hiring a coach. I mean why would I pay some to tell me what I could learn already.. Or so I thought.. but how wrong I was What I didn't yet understand is that personal development is like dressing yourself. It is much easier with a mirror to really see the whole picture For me having a coach, is like having a 360-degree mirror. They can see things that I am blind to no matter how hard I twist and turn. And they reflect an image back to me for me to look at objectively or shine a light on parts that I was quite content keeping in the dark. They point out patterns that keep me stuck and guide me through the icky dark bits until I see the light. They remind me of the beauty of who I am when I have become critical of myself, and encourage me when I want to just give up and go sit and sulk with my pup. And these are the same reasons I love being a coach. I was stuck trying to figure it all out on my own for so long. Making small incremental changes and it constantly felt like hard work. Until you really become conscious of your unconscious patterns - sometimes you don't really understand how accustomed to feeling off you have become. Somewhere it has just become who you are. Think of it a little like bad breath - everyone else notices well before you do! So I was incredibly humbled this morning to wake to this message of appreciation after only a few sessions of bringing out more of her beautiful magnificence that she has long kept hidden. I will be sharing more about unpacking our minds this year in my Becoming Unlimited group! So if you want in - put drop me your fav gif - to find out more! See more

17.01.2022 FEAR OF JUDGEMENT How much do you value growth! This weekend I have dived deep enough that I'm still currently feeling like a fish out of water...! I've come up against some of my most confronting limiting beliefs and broken through. Vulnerability has never been a strong suit for me, as I have always wanted to appear strong, independent and 'put together' to the outside world. So over the last few years, I have been trying to lean more into this. Learning the art of using it as strength and being okay with people seeing all of me. It has been challenging, uncomfortable and scary as hell! In truth was terrified of judgment. What will others think? They might think less of me? They won't respect me They will think I'm an idiot I will be seen as meek and weak And by doing this I was slowly shutting out the world and hiding. Scared to be really seen for all I am, owning of my life the good and the bad and it kept me playing small. This weekend I lent fully into being vulnerable and allowed myself to be seen for all that I am. I was invited to speak on stage and I was trying desperately to get it right, to make it memorable and inspiring. But when we came to practise, I flunked.. it sucked and I began to second guess myself, buy my old limiting beliefs surfaced and the fear of judgement was in full force. The people around me are next level and I was feeling inadequate. But being surrounded by so many incredible humans this weekend I opened up and made a decision to be vulnerable and just speak from the heart. To get on stage and just be vulnerable, open and real. To simply just connect with the hearts of the people in the room trying their best. And I did. I opened up to a room full of peers who I look up to and owned my limitations. I opened up to the other strangers and welcomed in any judgment they might have. I just opened and allowed myself to be seen. And the response I got was a standing ovation We are who we condition ourselves to be it is as simple as that. And stepping into our greatness is going to be uncomfortable and we will need to let go of buying everyone's limitations and judgement. But when you do I can assure you it is the most freeing feeling in the world! See more

14.01.2022 Now more than ever it is imperative we focus on who we want to be, and the future we would like to create! Because just by thought alone we are beginning to change our brain.

12.01.2022 Congratulations to the two beautiful souls that have chosen to take advantage of my !Congratulations to the two beautiful souls that have chosen to take advantage of my !

11.01.2022 The countdown is on and we are less than 12 days until Christmas But did you also know that today is... the Gemini Full Moon 333 The Revelations of New Thought! This moon is truly ‘full’ bringing the blessings of 333 which is richly symbolic of life, abundance and spiritual awakening to make manifest Divine Source Intelligence, the Wisdom, Power, and Love within you, to support your creative capacity to ‘change your thoughts’! A We are on the threshold of a new decade, which means we are bringing closure to this decade, and the air element of Gemini is guiding you to your heart and opening you to beautiful self-love so you can LOVE all that you are and all that you are becoming as you dance through new doorways of inspired direction with a lot more connection! It is powerfully perfect that this final full moon for 2019 is leading you in this window of awakening and preparing you for the enlightening energies of the Solstice, then the Solar Eclipse and into the Holy Heart vibration of 2020. * Quoted from Tanya Allison* So in the spirit of Christmas, and this transformational full moon I have decided to and something that will transform someone’s & . For lucky person, I am going to $ of my personal one-on-one coaching to help a business owner transform their life and business. . . : Who would like the harness the power of their mind Who want to feel more fulfilled and clear about their purpose Who simply just want more from life Who are struggling with overwhelm and are feel disengaged Who feel stuck & find yourself asking is this all there is? Who want to just feel more like themselves Who want more freedom to do things that light them up Who constantly feel like something is missing Who want to be more present with loved ones and life Who are tired of waiting & are ready to transform . If this is you and you're brave enough then give me a below to apply or alternatively, shoot me a DM . better yet if this sounds like a friend or family member that you want to help... . This is only for 1 special person, so shoot me a DM or recommend the person to this post . Happy Early Christmas & Full Moon blessings everyone! See more

08.01.2022 ‘BE’ and embody all that you wish to see in the world #become #embody #love #connection

07.01.2022 So over the moon reading this as this incredible soul is now is ready to OWN and BE SEEN for the absolute powerhouse they are! So often in life, we can try so hard to get it right, to avoid the judgment and step back from the fear.. and sometimes all we need is someone to guide us, remind us of the power we hold within and jump with us when we leap. ... You are never alone in this journey and sometimes it just takes that one person to believe in you - for everything to shift! ! CAN ! See more

06.01.2022 Take control of the end of the year; don’t let the season sweep you into a shopping, party-filled, too-much-to-do frenzy; live this December with intention and a focused mindset. If you need help or tips to help you finish the year strong - sing out

04.01.2022 My heart is litterally breaking for all those people and animals affected by the Australian bushfires.. and still today they are still bu...rning. It has burned an estimated 6.3 million hectares (16 million acres; 63,000 square kilometres; 24,000 square miles) so far, destroyed over 2,500 buildings (including over 1,300 houses) and killed 25 people as of 5 January 2020, with a further six missing in the state of Victoria. And it is estimated that close to half a billion animals were impacted by the ongoing fires, with reports that over half a million animals are already killed, including livestock. Our Facebook feed is full of pictures of devistation and heart wrenching pictures of charred animals and homes. There are people in the thick of it, and also those worried for those involved ..and even those miles away wanting nothing more to be able to give back in some way. The whole nation and far beyond, are feeling the effects of this disaster. But amoungst the devisation, its times like this you see the true essence of humanity, coming together to aid one another, fight fires, fundraisers going crazy with contributions and people volenteering to aid the wildlife fighting for existance. In the darkest times, we come together to support and give where we can. This is the true Aussie Spirit But if you are struggling, or have loved ones that are struggling the best thing you can do for them is hold space for them. Listen with empathy and be in allowance for them to process what is happening for them. For me when I was going through my darkest days when my whole world came crashing down and lost everything .. those closest to me, not wanting me to be in pain, would try saying things like 'focus on the positives' or least you 'at least your alive'.. and other well meaning advice, that at the time just made it worse for me. Now I'm not saying its not important to focus on the positives, but being able to be okay - not being okay is also an important part of the healing process. There is a time for processing and then a time for healing.. Being able to express everything you are feeling without judgement can allow them to feel heard, held and loved. They might feel angry and full of frustration, they might want to blame initially if they don't know how else to deal with it. Each of us have different strategies for dealing with stress, and some might not have felt stress to this degree so have compassion for the fact they are doing the best they can with the skills and resources they have at the time. It is incredibly important to understand that it is highly likely they are in the fight or flight emotions and reactions bilogically so are thinking within this chemical cocktail. So remind them that you are there for them, they are not alone, and to take things step by step. It is highly likely they might be placing unrealistic expectations on themselves so understanding and listening to what they really need from you right now is important. Lead them back into the present moment, by being present with them - so the anxiety of past or future - isn't influencing the only part of the story they can change which is right now. And most of all - just love them unconditionally. Which might be hard as the sea of emotions are sweeping over them, and they might be pushing people away - so simply ask them what they need and check in on them. Most of us just want to make someone feel better, but sitting in the uncomfortable ick they are feeling with them and holding space for them can be incredibly important. If you or anyone you know is struggling please feel free to call or send me a DM to chat. When I lost everything, talking to someone who had been through some of the emotions themselves helped me develop strategies to get through it. It made me feel understood, and gain some simple strategies to help make the road a little shorter And I still clarly remember when my parents were in Thailand when the tsunami hit, the incredible angst, anxiety and panic I felt waiting to hear if they were okay! So my hear goes out to family those effected or at the front line fighting the fires! If anyone has links to donate, volenteer or other ways to help please place in the comments below so we can all aid those in need. Lets continue to rally together in true Aussie style

03.01.2022 Happy Friday Who here agrees

01.01.2022 You have a unique gift to offer this world. Be true to yourself, be kind to yourself, read and learn about everything that interests you, and keep away from people who bring you down. When you treat yourself kindly and respect the uniqueness of those around you, you will be giving this world an amazing gift... YOU! #SteveMaraboli #Become #beyourself

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