Simply Remedial | Massage therapist
Simply Remedial
Phone: +61 400 856 085
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23.01.2022 MASKS are now required to be worn to your appointments. As of Monday 3rd August 2020 in alignment with the rules set by the Victorian Government and the advice from our association Massage & Myotherapy Australia, both client and practitioner will be required to wear a mask during treatment. Those who have exemptions please have a letter from the relevant healthcare professional. This may be your GP, Psychologist, Counsellor, Physio, Respiratory specialist etc.... If you don't have a mask a bandana or scarf will suffice until you get one. Remember if you have been in Melbourne or surrounding areas and not self isolated for 14 days on returning home you will also be required to reschedule your appt. If masks make you really uncomfortable you may want to postpone your treatment for now. If we start making exceptions where do we draw the line? Thanks for your understanding during this challenging time. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
22.01.2022 Update regarding stage 3 restrictions, return to urgent care and a mental health check -
22.01.2022 Pregnant or breastfeeding? We now have in stock specially made herbal teas for you! Made by my friend Nellie a very experienced Herbalist who I met while living in Melbourne. Nellie answered my calls recently for a tea that would settle my tummy and so I ordered in some others to share with my clients!... Available in our online store over @thefunctionaljoint Look for Sisu Botanicals #breastfeeding #pregnancy #pregnancymassage #mildura #simplyremedial #thefunctionaljoint #giftideas #herbalteas @ The Functional Joint
22.01.2022 CONNECTION After a week off to recharge my batteries I have a renewed sense of gratitude. I said to Brent last night, I am so grateful that we have been able to continue working through this pandemic. If we were told we couldn't work, I'd be angry too.... I have had my moments. The fear, anxiety, anger, overwhelm and helplessness. The frustration! Oh the frustration. More at people rather than the situation itself. Anyway. I have come to value human connection the most. For the first time, and we have been therapists for 15 years now.. For the first time, seeing truly, how much of an impact our work has on people. When you take away people's freedom you realise what is most important. Human connection. Our work has without meaning to, become a source of connection for everyone. We might be the only person they have really seen properly for a week. The only human touch they have received in months! The change in these people when they leave fills my heart and really makes me value the gift we have - anyone who works with people - to help people heal. I hope this year has helped you to see that life was becoming too complicated, too complex. Whether you were ready or not the slow down of 2020 has been forced on you. I wasn't ready but I have embraced it fully. We have simple needs as humans. To feel loved, accepted and useful. Without purpose we spiral. We are continuing to do what we can for those we can book in. We are honouring our boundaries and limits, as a result we are working better than ever before. We have a long road ahead of us, full of twists and turns - life is what you make of it! Kimberley
21.01.2022 We have a new therapist, a welcome special, Christmas closure dates and a price change for 2021! -
20.01.2022 KIMBERLEY IS NO LONGER TAKING NEW CLIENTS*'s time. With the easing of restrictions in regional Victoria coming into effect Thursday. I realised that I have many clients who have been patiently waiting for their turn on the table.... With my hours gradually reducing as we head towards Christmas I have decided to close my books to new clients. *However - new PREGNANT clients are still welcome. Just be aware that if your due date is around Feb or later that I am unlikely to treat you up to your due date. As I get bigger my body really doesn't love standing to one side of a treatment table all day. Lesson learned from last time! -- Kimberley
19.01.2022 The look on our face when we are faced with trying to find you an appointment this month. We have had a lot of calls in the last few days asking if we are still open. Yes, we are.... However we are booked out until mid-late September. We do have a wait list, but please be prepared to wait. If your condition is urgent and you need help immediately please seek care from another health professional such as Matt @freedom_chiro_movement_studio or Hannah @themvmntconcept We are working hard and can only do so much. If you 'just need a massage' you will have to wait. We are currently prioritising those who need urgent care. Thanks for your understanding, you are all coping much better than you realise! #remedialmassage #musculoskeletaltherapy #myotherapy #prenatalmassage #pregnancymassage #mildura #simplyremedial #thefunctionaljoint #theweightbuffet #feelbetter #wellness #selfcare #moveyourbody #wellbeing #selfcare
18.01.2022 HAPPY NEWS So I admit that I have gained some weight this winter. Looks like I'm going to be getting a bit bigger yet! ... I have chosen to let everyone know early. I'm currently 9 weeks. 9 weeks was when our last baby died and 11 weeks was when I miscarried. To be honest, until a few days ago I was worrying myself sick that history might repeat itself. I decided to take control and share our news now. We are so happy. Let's break the old tradition of keeping pregnancy a secret until 12 weeks. The first trimester is incredibly challenging. Debilitating nausea and fatigue that you try and fob off as food poisoning or too many late nights. It isn't right! You need support in those early weeks, people to bring you salty potato chips, drinks you want but can't keep down and all the anti nausea remedies! You need understanding that after lunch it is highly likely people will find you asleep at your desk and not give you a hard time about it. That all clothing feels uncomfortable and thank goodness for staying home and being braless and in trackpants 24/7. Understanding that you will forget super important things and maybe forget to collect your child from daycare. (Hasn't happened yet but I'm sure it has happened to others!) This pregnancy feels different, feels safe. My body is undergoing many changes that didn't happen last time, for me early weight gain is one of them! My first ultrasound is on Thursday. Cross fingers & toes that all is as it should be Please understand that this is also affecting my ability to work. Quality over quantity is my aim. So unfortunately I am less available until I get my energy back.
17.01.2022 Flashback to the time I had a feature in Sunraysia Life #precovid Outlining the benefits of regular prenatal massage. I always feel so honoured when a Woman chooses me for her prenatal therapy needs. ... It is not only important for the alignment and functionality of her physical self but has a profound effect on her mental wellbeing as well. A safe space for you to speak your frustrations, your fears or even just relish in the joy of growing your child! A Mother who is in tune with her body will be able to listen to her intuition. A Mother who is heard will feel at ease. A Mother who has access to education and knowledge of birth and what her body is designed to do will hopefully experience less fear, allowing her body to open and bring her baby into the world - undisturbed. Taking bookings for prenatal massages, don't leave it too long ladies. Increase in demand for our services has left us with very few spots at short notice. You can now book pregnancy massages online! #simplyremedial #thefunctionaljoint #mildura #remedialmassage #pregnancymassage #prenatalmassage #musculoskeletaltherapy
15.01.2022 A MUST READ I found this gem at Target of all places back in March. I am struggling to put it down.... Dr Jenna Macciochi is an immunologist. Who writes really well. This book is easy to read and understand. Currently reading the section about chronic inflammation and the side effects of long term NSAID use.... things I knew a little about from my pharmacy days but it is really nice to have it explained fully. Highly recommend this one! #casualbookclub #books #health #wellbeing #immunology
15.01.2022 Booked out. So you are aware we are currently taking appointments for SEPTEMBER. We are grateful for the referrals from local health professionals but we are at capacity at the moment and are struggling to fit your referrals in.... We ask you to please be patient. If you have an appointment booked but are not in pain we ask that you postpone your appointment for a few weeks to allow us to fit in someone else who is perhaps struggling to get dressed in the mornings or can't work due to their level of pain. There is only two of us, doing what we can without burning out ourselves. We really appreciate these referrals though. Thank you Kimberley & Brent #remedialmassage #musculoskeletaltherapy #myotherapy #prenatalmassage #pregnancymassage #mildura
14.01.2022 10 YEARS of Simply Remedial! Wow! I have just spent the last hour creating a story so make sure you check it out before it disappears!... If you have been with me from the start. You know how far we have come. I look back and I can't believe how much we have achieved as it is so easy to get bogged down in present struggles. I'm not one to let things get me down for long and I always find a way to make things happen...somehow! Thank you, for being a part of our business. Your support, referrals, likes and shares all help us make it through to tomorrow. Small business life is not for the faint hearted. We may look like things are cruising along but there is a lot of hard work going on behind the scenes to keep the fire burning. So thank you, because without you there is no Simply Remedial! Cheers to the next 10 years! Are you ready?
12.01.2022 We have had to update our conditions of entry into our practice, a strange request and some exciting NEWS! -
10.01.2022 Casual book club Finished this gem too Highly recommended. ... #books #bookclub
10.01.2022 Belated celebrations for Simply Remedial's 10th birthday with my fav chocolate cake baked by Jacinta Macri! The rose gold glitter was an extra special touch. Feeling super pregnant now after having seconds but it was worth it!
10.01.2022 Online booking is back! - Business Update - hopefully the last for a while!
10.01.2022 CLOSED Melbourne Cup Day We hope most of you get to enjoy some time in the sun tomorrow, the weather is predicted to be amazing! Our day won't be this lush but remember if you are outside PUT SUNSCREEN ON! That UV is fierce (just ask Brent)... Back at it from Wednesday Photo credit Engin Akyurt via Pexels
07.01.2022 LISTEN to your body. Today has been a strange one for me. Woke up this morning ready to charge on as usual. Frankie had other plans, this robust girl of ours was complaining of feeling ill and didn't look so great either...... Well fast forward to 4pm and now it's me on the couch, exhausted while she is climbing the tree with Dad close by. Can you see her? Post lunch naps have been on my schedule since week 6 but today's was different I dribbled my way through Frozen 2, felt like it was only on for 5min. Week 16 now and baby is having a growth spurt according to the literature. I have been feeling flutters for weeks but now it's definitely movement. This one is very active! By listening to my body today I gave my system what it needed. Time out. I was meant to work today, Frankie's rough morning meant that I took today off and in the end it's what I needed. Fortunately my clients understand that life happens. Are you listening to your body? Can you understand when it needs rest and when it needs movement? If you find you can't quite get it right try changing things up and watch the response. Sometimes like me you need a lot of rest and others need a lot more movement. #pregnancy #rest #reset #recovery #remedialmassage #myotherapy #musculoskeletaltherapy #mildura
06.01.2022 Return to stage 3 restrictions We will remain open We are returning to urgent care mode.... We are still currently booked out for the month of August. Clients will have received an email with further information
05.01.2022 Ladies...did you ditch the bra this year? I often have a chat with women who have a larger bust about the effect their poorly fitting bra has on them. I have told clients to bin old ones or to go and get fitted again. If you sre wearing one it is important that it fits correctly! Dints in your traps and diaphragm restriction is not comfortable or functional. ... You are fortunate our retail shops are open again so this is your reminder to get fitted! Kimberley
03.01.2022 Are you a Massage Therapist? We are looking for another pair of hands to keep up with demand As you may be aware I will be going on maternity leave soon and it will be a while before I can return to the hours I currently do.... Brent is basically at capacity and so am I, so another pair of hands is needed! Remedial is preferred as this is what we specialise in. We are receiving a number of requests for a female Therapist but this is not essential. Good communication, active listening & problem solving skills are highly valued. We have a couple of ways we can approach this. 1. Hired as an employee of Simply Remedial. Benefits being you turn up, work your magic, we are available for mentoring if you need it and then you go home. No bookwork, no website maintenance, no overheads. 2. We have a room available for rent. The room has an electric table, sink, internet & plenty of storage. Available for either a session price or we can work out a rate depending on how many days of the week you plan to use the room. We're flexible! What matters most is that we find the right person. Not a RMT? That's ok! If you are a manual therapist of another kind and looking for a space please get in touch! We are looking for someone who is open to collaboration, willing to learn & network, believes in movement as medicine. Someone who brings skills to fill the gaps! Someone who doesn't mind the background noise of a gym and children. We don't run a spa retreat, we work in a movement & retail space/clinic. As a family run business our daughter is at work with us regularly. So being comfortable with children around is important to us. We have HICAPS and eftpos as well. If you are a Massage student we are happy to take you on also. We would just need to work out any particulars with your college. Interested? Please send your expression of interest to [email protected] Spread the word, tag friends or family who might be interested in joining us at Simply Remedial. Thanks! Kimberley #remedialmassage #remedialmassagejobs #employment #mildura #roomforrent #thefunctionaljoint #theweightbuffet #simplyremedial #maternityleave #positionavailable
03.01.2022 Casual book club I just finished reading this one after starting it in September last year I think reading this during my first pregnancy would have been too much. Subsequent pregnancies...a lot of this information makes sense. Birthing options, the effects of medication, why interventions are used. As well as a gentle parenting guide for that first year.... A chunk is dedicated to references at the back. If you don't mind reading medical type material I found this book very educational. #books #bookclub #pregnancy #prenatal #birthing
02.01.2022 For my preggy ladies, please read. This article was shared earlier today on the petition that is circulating. Your birthing partner can stay with you for the entire duration of your labour. Once they leave they are then subject to the visitation rules of that hospital. Prepare the hospital bag for your birthing partner too! The new rules aren't what I would say my ideal birthing situation would be like but having said that you have a choice here. You either empower your...self with exactly what is and isn't allowed and mentally prepare yourself to give birth in those conditions OR you panic. Stressful situations can slow down labour dramatically leading to further interventions. So PLEASE give the hospital a call and find out all you need to know ahead of time so you can be prepared. Your main priority on arrival at that hospital is birthing your baby. See more
02.01.2022 What can you use safely for sore muscles while pregnant or breastfeeding? You might not be aware that most over the counter sore muscle creams are not recommended during pregnancy. This is because the safety of most of these ingredients have not been tested on pregnant women and their developing baby. The good news is there are products out there that are safe, you just need to know what they are!... My go to combo at the moment is saltlab magnesium spray followed by Mother Nurture Muscle Soothe blend, and a heat bag to go the extra mile. To purchase the muscle soothe visit you will find it in the pregnancy section. Use the code REMED at checkout for FREE SHIPPING! Shop Salt Lab and Wili Heat Bags @thefunctionaljoint Local pick up or free delivery in Mildura for orders over $30 #remedialmassage #musculoskeletaltherapy #prenatalmassagemildura #pregnancy #soremuscles #selfcare #breastfeeding #simplyremedial #thefunctionaljoint #saltlab #mothernurturearomatherpy
02.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENT A loving Dad, supportive husband and the best business partner. Life is pretty good with you in it.... If you have Brent's number, send him a Happy birthday message! (Brent doesn't use social media)
01.01.2022 Look what arrived today! "Straight to the pool room"....if I had one the wall in the gym will do #ggs #girlsgonestrong #cppc #certified #pregnancy #prenatalfitness #postnatalfitness
01.01.2022 I did a thing. An interview to be precise! In the Spring edition of @milduralivingmagazine which is available now!... It is the first time I have EVER worn animal print. The tights were actually pretty comfy but I didn't buy them because - pregnant. It's a great issue, all about locals and hidden gems throughout our region. You'll also see our VIVOBAREFOOT shoes on the styling page opposite and an ad for @thefunctionaljoint at the back! #mildura #community #milduralivingmagazine #sunraysia #supportlocal #shoplocal #thefunctionaljoint #simplyremedial
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