Skola Maltija Sydney in Greystanes, New South Wales | Public & government service
Skola Maltija Sydney
Locality: Greystanes, New South Wales
Phone: +61 414 604 495
Address: Ringrose PS 2145 Greystanes, NSW, Australia
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04.05.2022 DON'T DELAY. ENROL TODAY! Term 2 classes commence on these dates: Wednesday 4 May Primary K-6 @ 3:45pm (Llandilo PS) Thursday 5 May Adult Beginners/Intermediate @ 7:00pm (online) Saturday 7 May Primary K-6 @ 9:30am (online) Saturday 7 May Adult Beginners/Intermediate @ 1:00pm (Ringrose PS)... To request an enrolment information pack email: [email protected] IDDEWWEMX. IRREISTRA LLUM! Il-klassijiet tat-tieni term jibdew f'dawn id-dati: L-Erbga 4 ta’ Mejju Primary K-6 @ 3:45pm (Llandilo PS) Il-amis 5 ta’ Mejju Adult Beginners/ Intermediate @ 7:00 pm (online) Is-Sibt 7 ta’ Mejju Primary K-6 @ 9:30am (online) Is-Sibt 7 ta’ Mejju Adult Beginners/Intermediate @ 1:00pm (Ringrose PS) Biex titlob enrolment information pack ibgat email: [email protected]
20.04.2022 Term 1 2022 classes commence on these dates: Monday 14 February Primary K-6 @ 4:00pm (online) Wednesday 16 February Primary K-6 @ 3:45pm (Llandilo PS) Wednesday 16 February Adult Beginners/Intermediate @ 6:00pm (Llandilo PS) Thursday 17 February Adult Beginners/Intermediate @ 7:00pm (online)... To request an enrolment information pack email: [email protected] __________________________________________________ Il-klassijiet tal-ewwel term jibdew f'dawn id-dati: It-Tnejn 14 ta’ Frar Primary K-6 @ 4:00pm (online) L-Erbga 16 ta’ Frar Primary K-6 @ 3:45pm (Llandilo PS) L-Erbga 16 ta' Frar Adult Beginners/ Intermediate @ 6:00 pm (Llandilo PS) Il-amis 17 ta’ Frar Adult Beginners/ Intermediate @ 7:00 pm (online) Biex titlob enrolment information pack ibgat email: [email protected] See more
24.01.2022 Presentation Day!! Skola Maltija had a fantastic year, hope we see you all there!! Thank you to all the students, members, teachers, family & friends for all your hard work throughout the year.
24.01.2022 A big thank you to the Ringrose students and families for sharing with us your fabulous homemade figolli. Grazzi kbira lill-istudenti u l-familji ta' Ringrose talli qsamtu magna l-figolli tagkom.
24.01.2022 End of year celebration for the students learning Maltese in Wollongong at the George Cross Falcons Community Centre. Prosit
23.01.2022 Exciting news! The Saturday School of Community Languages is considering giving the Maltese community an opportunity to run an online Maltese language class for Years 7-10 starting 2021. This means that no matter where they live in NSW, high school students would be able to study Maltese for free in a government supported program. Parents of any school-age student, please click here - to complete a very quick survey about this pilot program, and... if youd like to enrol or would like more info contact Albert Vella on 0407 925 151 or [email protected] The SSCL currently offers a face-to-face Maltese language class on Saturday mornings at The Hills Sports High School, Seven Hills. If you would like to enrol in this class please visit or contact Charles Galea, the teacher, on 9674 2970. Due to several factors, especially distance, many students cannot attend the face-to-face class, so the online class would be a unique opportunity for students of Maltese background, no matter where they live in NSW. There are many benefits from learning Maltese. Of course, you get to learn about your culture, its history and language. It will also help you get a deeper appreciation for Malta whenever you travel there, and a deeper connection to your family and its past. But the benefits go further. You can increase and improve opportunities for study and work both here and abroad. If youre interested in working in health, welfare, law, trade or commerce, having a sound knowledge of Maltese will give you chances to work in spaces that support people of Maltese background or with international connections, particularly through Europe.
22.01.2022 Join us on Saturday 7th December at Ringrose Public School for Skola Maltija Sydney's Celebration of Learning. Presentation Day Assembly commences at 1:30pm at Ringrose Public School in the library. Our Maltese language students will be showcasing their talents and scholastic achievements.
22.01.2022 More marvellous figolli from the students of Rouse Hill. We hope you are staying safe during the school holidays. Aktar figolli meraviljui mill-istudenti ta' Rouse Hill. Nisperaw li qegdin ommu siguri waqt il-vaganzi tal-iskola.
21.01.2022 We are delighted to announce that Skola Maltija Sydney is now an approved Creative Kids provider. Details on how parents can take advantage of this NSW Government rebate is included in our term 3 enrolment information. Classes commence on Sat 27 July at Cobbitty, Cringila and Seven Hills (Saturday School of Community Languages high school class), while classes at Greystanes and Rouse Hill begin on 3 August. To request an enrolment information package email: [email protected]
20.01.2022 Gheziez genituri u studenti, We encourage you to attend the feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul (L-Imnarja) on Sunday 30 June at The Good Shepherd Parish Hall, 130 -136 Hyatts Rd, Plumpton. 1:30 - 6:00pm. In Malta, this feast marks an important event in the calendar of Maltese customs and traditions. It is a country harvest and folk festival as well as a religious holiday. Discover more:
20.01.2022 Term 3 classes commence on these dates: 25 July at Cobbitty and Seven Hills (Saturday School of Community Languages) 30 July at Cringila (George Cross Falcons Community Centre) 1 August at Greystanes and Rouse Hill. To request an enrolment information pack email: [email protected]... Il-klassijiet tat-tielet term jibdew f'dawn id-dati: 25 ta' Lulju fCobbitty u Seven Hills 30 ta' Lulju fCringila 1 ta' Awwissu fi Greystanes u Rouse Hill. Biex titlob enrolment information pack ibgat email: [email protected] See more
20.01.2022 Term 1 classes commence on these dates: 1 February at Cobbitty and Seven Hills (Saturday School of Community Languages) 8 February at Cringila (George Cross Falcons Club) 15 February at Greystanes and Rouse Hill. To request an enrolment information pack email: [email protected]... Il-klassijiet tat-term 1 jibdew f'dawn id-dati: 1 ta' Frar fCobbitty u Seven Hills 8 ta' Frar fCringila 15 ta Frar fi Greystanes u Rouse Hill. Biex titlob enrolment information pack ibgat email: [email protected]
20.01.2022 Dear parents/carers and students, In response to escalated measures to help contain the spread of COVID-19, the teachers of Skola Maltija Sydney will be delivering their remaining lessons for term one either online or via correspondence. An emailed letter will be forthcoming. Stay safe, stay well and stay home.
19.01.2022 Dear parents/carers and students, We have been notified by the NSW Department of Education, that the Community Languages Schools Program will need to implement new measures to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission for students and staff across all host sites. Advise from NSW Health is that students are not to travel outside of their local community area and we are not to mix students from many schools and local areas onto public school sites. This restriction also for schools using private premises. These measures will be in effect from tomorrow, Monday 31 August 2020, for the remainder of term 3. Therefore the teachers of Skola Maltija Sydney will be delivering their remaining lessons for term 3 online. An emailed letter will be forthcoming. Grazzi mill-qalb (a heartfelt thanks) for your understanding as we navigate these changes together to keep all our community safe and healthy.
15.01.2022 Ejjew u ngaqdu magna gall-festa tal-Vitorja (il-Bambina) nhar il-add 15 ta' Settembru 2019. ib il-familja u l-bieb tiegek! 2pm Purissjoni / 3pm Quddiesa / 4pm - 8pm Festi . Come and join us for the 2019 Our Lady of Victories Festival on Sunday 15th September 2019. Bring your family and friends! 2pm Procession / 3pm Mass / 4pm - 8pm Festivities. Church Location: 1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park
15.01.2022 Minn Malta gall-Awstralja / From Malta to Australia - In Term 3, students were given the opportunity to explore their family history by interviewing a grandparent or relative about their migration experience. The project aims to enable our third generation Maltese-Australian children to develop a deeper appreciation for their family history which plays an important part in understanding their unique identity and culture. ____________________________________________________...________________ Fit-Term 3, l-istudenti ngataw l-opportunità li jesploraw l-istorja tal-familja taghom billi jintervistaw nanniet jew qarib dwar l-esperjenza tal-migrazzjoni taghom. Il-proett gandu l-gan li jippermetti lit-tfal Maltin-Awstraljani tat-tielet enerazzjoni jiviluppaw apprezzament aktar profond gall-istorja tal-familja taghom li gandu rwol importanti biex jifhmu l-identità u l-kultura unika taghom. See more
15.01.2022 students at cobbitty practising their speaking skills!
14.01.2022 ii, produced by @TribeCreativeMalta, is a new daily programme broadcast on Television Malta (TVM) aimed at preschoolers to help them engage with the Maltese language. You can watch all of the episodes of ii on YouTube. The format provides a blend of animation, videos, activities, songs and games presented in clear and simple Maltese. The Instagram and Facebook pages also contain a wealth of resources, games and learning to do with your children or grandchildren! Instagram: Facebook:
14.01.2022 Avvi tal-komunità mingand Skola Maltija Sydney. A community notice from Skola Maltija Sydney.
14.01.2022 A fantastic day having Parents and grandparents joining the Maltese adult class @ Cobbitty . We played Tombla (Bingo) & some trivia games. We hope you enjoyed it . It was a pleasure to have you in our classes!
10.01.2022 Konna onorati li attendejna avveniment ta preentazzjoni mill-istudenti tal-klassi primarja ta' Cringila nhar is-Sibt 6 ta Lulju. Bil-kburija preentaw Iz-Zifna tal-Maltin, immexxi mill-galliema, is-Sinjura Annemarie Theuma. ommu l-idma tajba! We were honoured to attend a presentation event by the students of the Cringila primary class on Saturday 6 July. They proudly performed Iz-Zifna tal-Maltin (The Dance of the Maltese), directed by teacher, Mrs Annemarie Theuma. Keep up the good work!
09.01.2022 Term 2 classes commence on Saturday 9 May. To request an enrolment information pack email: [email protected] Il-klassijiet tat-term 2 jibdew is-Sibt 9 ta' Mejju. Biex titlob enrolment information pack ibgat email: [email protected]
09.01.2022 Gidilna kif it-taglim tal-Malti jagmel differenza galik u irba! L-entrati jaglqu s-27 ta' Settembru. Tell us how learning Maltese makes a world of difference to you and WIN! Entries close 27 September.
08.01.2022 Term 4 classes commence on these dates: Saturday 12 October at Cobbitty Friday 18 October at Cringila (George Cross Falcons Club) Saturday 19 October at Greystanes, Rouse Hill and Seven Hills (Saturday School of Community Languages) To request an enrolment information pack email: [email protected]... Il-klassijiet tat-term 4 jibdew f'dawn id-dati: Is-Sibt 12 ta' Ottubru fCobbitty Il-imga 18 ta' Ottubru fCringila Is-Sibt 19 ta Ottubru fi Greystanes, Rouse Hill u Seven Hills. Biex titlob enrolment information pack ibgat email: [email protected]
07.01.2022 How beautiful are these figolli made by our primary students with the help of their parents, grandparents and aunties. Thank you for your hard work. Happy Easter everyone! Kemm huma sbie dawn il-figolli magmulin mill-istudenti tal-primarja tagna bl-gajnuna tal-enituri, n-nanniet u z-zijiet taghom. Grazzi gax-xogol iebes tagkom. L-Gid it-Tajjeb lil kuladd!
07.01.2022 Our latest newsletter which features a round-up of our Maltese school community's achievements this year. Thank you for your continued loyalty and support of Skola Maltija Sydney.
07.01.2022 Learn Maltese with Skola Maltija Sydney. Classes start on Saturday 17th October Rouse Hill Public School 9am to 11:15am
06.01.2022 Il-Karnival Parti se jsir nhar il-imga d-diela! Ana eitati li nielebraw din it-Tradizzjoni Maltija f'Illawarra. Tinsiex tirrierva l-post tiegek permezz tal-Pana tal-Avveniment! The Karnival Party is on next week! We are excited to celebrate this Maltese Tradition in the Illawarra. Dont forget to reserve your spot through the Event Page!
05.01.2022 ENROLMENTS OPEN SSCL MALTESE ONLINE CLASS (Years 7-10) Geie enituri / Dear parents, As you are aware, the Saturday School of Community Languages (SSCL) is considering giving the Maltese community an opportunity to run an online Maltese language class for Years 7-10 starting in 2021. The response to the survey (posted 7 September) proved that there is a strong interest.... The principal of the SSCL now urges all students (Years 7-10) who wish to attend the Maltese online class to submit an application form by 30 NOVEMBER 2020 so that the class can be finalised. You can download the enrolment application form here: Page 6 of the form is to be completed by the student's weekday high school principal. It is important that you write: MALTESE ONLINE CLASS at the top of the form as well. Completed applications are to be emailed to [email protected] If you live in the vicinity of the The Hills Sports HS (Seven Hills), the face-to-face Maltese language class is offered there on Saturday mornings which would be the preferred mode for students. For enquiries about the enrolment process, please contact the SSCL on (02) 7814 2115.
05.01.2022 Titkellem bil-Malti? Inti tattendi skola sekondarja u tixtieq tistudja il-lingwa Maltija gall-Higher School Certificate (HSC)? Bala student adult int qieged/qiegda tfittex opportunità biex ittejjeb il-kapaità tiegek fil-lingwa Maltija u tkompli takwista tagrif kulturali? Mela ikkunsidra li tirreistra gall-Kors Stage 6 (HSC) fil-Lingwa Maltija gas-sena 2020.
03.01.2022 Dear parents/carers and students, We would like to reassure you that classes are still going ahead tomorrow (Saturday 21st March) across our Sydney campuses Cobbitty, Rouse Hill and Greystanes. An emailed letter will be forthcoming this evening. Geie enituri / carers u studenti, Nixtiequ nassigurawkom li l-klassijiet se jkomplu gada (is-Sibt 21 ta' Marzu) madwar il-kampusijiet tagna ta' Sydney - Cobbitty, Rouse Hill u Greystanes. Ittra b'email se toro illejla.
03.01.2022 The Consul General of Malta in NSW, Mr Lawrence Buhagiar, has shared a message encouraging people to learn Maltese, especially high school students across NSW who can learn Maltese with the Saturday School of Community Languages (NSW Department of Education). For more information about enrolling contact Albert Vella on 0407 925 151 or [email protected] Il-Konslu enerali ta’ Malta fi NSW, is-Sur Lawrence Buhagiar, qasam messa li jee lin-nies jitgallmu l-Malti, spejalment studenti tal-iskola sekondarja madwar NSW li jistgu jitgallmu l-Malti mas-Saturday School of Community Languages (NSW Department of Education). Gal aktar informazzjoni dwar ir-reistrazzjoni ikkuntattja lil Albert Vella fuq 0407 925 151 jew [email protected]
01.01.2022 Ser ikollna information stall fi-entru George Preca gand il-Festa tal-OLQP, Greystanes nhar il-add 29 ta Settembru mill-5.30pm. Ejjew u kellmu lill-galliema tagna dwar it-taglim tal-Malti. Skola Maltija Sydney will have an information stall in the George Preca Centre at the OLQP Festa, Greystanes on Sunday 29 September from 5:30pm. Come and talk to our teachers about learning Maltese.
01.01.2022 There is no end to education! It is not that you read a book, pass an examination and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born is a process of learning. Learn as if you were to live forever. We had a successful term and hoping for many more... Well done to the adult class at Ringrose & Cobbitty. The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you! Keep up the good work everyone.
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