SleepFit Group | Medical and health
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22.01.2022 Great post from @oliviaarezzolo DO YOU KNOW IF YOUR PILLOW IS CAUSING YOUR SLEEP PROBLEMS Had a few questions around pillows, so wanted to follow up and help you understand what you specifically need, and ensure you’re sleeping on the right one for you. WHAT TO ASK YOURSELF (in a nutshell)... 1. Am I a back sleeper or side sleeper? Side sleeper = softer pillow Back sleeper = harder pillow 2. Am I small framed? Yes = softer pillow No = harder pillow 3. How do I know it’s right? It will feel right! Test out to see what resonates. The guys from @sleepfit_group - a pillow I’m currently trialling - have a 100 day money back guarantee. No risk! Just rewards! See for yourself too! Love to hear your thoughts #oliviaarezzolo #sleepexpert See more
21.01.2022 The lovely DEEP with a cotton white cover. This pillow is great for those who prefer a thicker pillow and lots of support for their head and neck. The cover is specifically designed to fit the pillow and be your pillow cover. Just gorgeous
03.01.2022 Hands up who loves graphic design Thoughts on this new package design? We are in love with our sleepFIT boxes as much as our pillows
02.01.2022 WE CANT CONTAIN OUR EXCITEMENT!!! The next generation of sleep enhancement is here... we are in the final stages of trialing our scent pack. This will deliver well over 3 months of sleep inducing scent designed to help you sleep deeper, dream more vividly and wake feeling more refreshed than ever... not long now gang!!! Can’t wait to get this project finished for you all!!... COMING SOON . . . . . . #sleepfit #dreamharder #sleep #fit #rest See more