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Solveit Solutions Life Coaching

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25.01.2022 Says it all really...

24.01.2022 Well, life has very graciously provided some opportunities for growth over the last 18 months. A bit stop start but always learning, growing and making the most of those opportunities. My own growth has had a few big hits, but as I've engaged with my support network it's certainly improved my resilience. Continuing to support that network promotes it's own growth and nurtures strong bonds from which everyone benefits. My paid public service career of 24yrs is quickly comin...g to an end and my new full time commitment to taking the things I love are about to be embraced. Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. I guess I'm about to test that out. And I'd welcome anyone to help me along this new path, cos it's always more fun when you can share the good and the not so good. New business outlook. Refreshed personal outlook. What could be better than seeing good things manifested for others as you manifest your own. I look forward very much to sharing more along the way and please share my posts and page with your friends. Tim

24.01.2022 Hi Everyone - a friend found this on a computer at uni, so I thought I'd share it with you. I think it highlights something we're all guilty of - forgetting to be nice to ourselves. Self care is critical no matter what you do for a crust, whether you're a mum, dad, school student, whatever or whoever you are. Be nice, to others and most importantly to YOURSELF! You're number 1, and if you aren't tip top then you may not be as effective to others. And guess what? That's ok..., cos every single one of us is allowed to not be ok all of the time. Life can deal us some crappy cards and ultimately we need to be able to deal with these. Some choose to meditate, do yoga, exercise, write their negative feelings down and then throw them in the bin to excise them from their brainspace. Whichever healthy method you choose, just remember, be kind to yourself as you are with others, and if you can't, find someone who can be kind to you and remind you of at least 3 nice things about you. Get your pit crew together, and make sure you use them. If you or anyone you know needs help with this please contact me or forward them my Facebook page details so we can find a solution...Cos that's what I do, lol.

23.01.2022 Some food for thought here...imagine what you could achieve if you have the exercise component and a fantastic life coach...

20.01.2022 NZ Honeymoon!!!

19.01.2022 Hi Everyone, After a longer than anticipated hiatus I'm back on deck and raring to get stuck into this year we call 2017! Firstly, a scholarly articles on the benefits of nutrition and mental health. We're all familiar with the usual banter about more fibre, adequate hydration etc and how it impacts physical health, but what about mental health and diet. There is a growing body of global research supporting a healthy diet contributes directly to good mental health. Here's... a link to and ABC article citing research from Deakin University in Australia... Love to hear your comments...

18.01.2022 A reminder for all that body image doesn't differentiate....

17.01.2022 As I sit here with this view for the next 3 days, it is my intention to enjoy the thought this is now my the life I I haven't retired. However, it does provide a great opportunity to reflect on all the good things that have happened that have started my new chapter. Reflection is a wonderful tool to use especially when you have a low stress environment to do it in. It allows you to focus on those things that don't serve you and figure out a an effective way to... offload them, as well as identify those that continue to serve. The next few days will recharge my batteries, reaffirm my positive self beliefs, do away with any negative ones and help me to prepare for a new work life which will be like nothing I've ever had before. Right now I'm watching my beautiful daughter walk along the beach in this picture as she often stops to readjust her hair and gaze out to sea across to Fraser Island. Back to basics. Back to a connection to mother earth and reconnecting with self. It is my intention to visit beautiful places to reflect and reconnect to make sure I maintain myself better than I have in the past. I have the tools and the time to do this now and I don't want to miss out on living a more fulfilling life. If you or someone you know would like to discuss how you can achieve your life goals or even just take the first step and identify some goals, please contact me via this page or share this post/link with them.

17.01.2022 Food for thought here I'm not making political statement about the rights and wrongs of the whole terror thing, but rather focus on what is said about the bad days, not bad life...and for those of you that have a series of bad days, they're still just will get through them...get out n about, call up a friend, go shopping, sit in the park and watch the world around you, smile at the kids playing, dif out your old vinyl record from 1988 and give it a spin...I'm here, and happy to chew the fat and catch up or just listen and give the space you need...

17.01.2022 Some food for thought on why I and a growing number of people are screaming for more supports in this area...

16.01.2022 Hi Everyone, This morning one of my new friends posted a question that stirred a deeper response than I thought possible prior to 9am and no coffee, lol. But I thought I'd share the question and my response with you too. If you'd rather just share your response privately send me a message. I'll collate and theme the responses. I'd really like to hear your responses to this as I think it's important to acknowledge such things in your life. ... Your response is unique and there is no answer that is better than anyone elses. Why? Because it's your answer, there's only one you. And it's not a test. The question is this: What would love do today in your life? My response: Ok, what would love do today in my life...Well, for any day in my life it stirs the fire in my soul knowing that another person wants to connect...If there happened to be multiple days of this connect then I'd be heading down Bliss Ave...Hmm, copious multiple days that seem to join together, hmm, I haven't found a word to describe that feeling yet...The fire is my core being, that great big ball of good stuff that I just have to let out and share otherwise I'd pop! But then again everyone would share then, lol. But I'd like to be able to keep some for me too. The fire feeds every part of me, feed the fire and I live to give. That's my calling I think...Seems to be a popular theme throughout my life so far and I don't see it ending soon. Hmm, this is deep for 9am...So, the fire, my soul, the supplier of the love would have me forever. I'm an old soul...Can be tricky sometimes, but not difficult and when the balance is found, a richness beyond fertile soil. Nourishing the relationship, feeding each other's soul, keeping those embers warm, ready to fan into passion and joy and happiness. That's what love would do for me today or any other day.

16.01.2022 Hi everyone... I've just published my new life coaching website and I'd love to hear your feedback...if u like it please share it around.

15.01.2022 Hi Everyone Hope you're all doing well amid this COVID-19 visitation. I thought I'd share this short video on the impact of sleep deprivation given the impact COVID has had on our daily routines. It's in really easily digestible language and highlights the need to look after yourself especially with getting enough sleep. Peace Out!!...

14.01.2022 Need a new perspective on where you are in the forest of life? Want to feel more confident in decision making? How about just having a safe space to talk about the good, the bad and the ugly in your life? No matter where you are, who you are, what you do, we all need a safe haven to deal with life's shit, and gain more control of things. Give me a hoy on Instagram or Facebook and we can set up a time to get nut out a plan...look forward to hearing from you...

12.01.2022 Living the dream? Nope, just making it reality. If you want to turn your dreams into reality please contact me and we'll get you there.

12.01.2022 When you don't know you need a loving hand and nature has it's way to say you're loved, needed, appreciated...oh, and, don't forget to feed me, lol. Lola has claimed my hand so often as if to say "Hey big fella, I think you need to give ne a rub to chill out and relax. I'm happy to let you know when you're relaxed enough by retracting my claws from your hand and finish realigning your arm hairs with deft use of my raspy tongue". Lol. She is a beautiful companion and these l...ittle moments each day remind me how important taking time out for self care. Especially now that we have so much more time available it's important we use it to our advantage. Spend time with the kids, your partner but don't forget to spend time with yourself - hang out with a book, read something about history or a sci-fi adventure. The real world will still be that to tell you what you've missed in the last hour. You are the most important person in your life - nurture your relationship with yourself and I'm sure you'll flourish despite the changes happening around you. Peace out people!!

12.01.2022 A beautiful sunset...and a walk wiff da wifee, lol. So nice to get oot n aboot this evening. People don't forget to take advantage of moments to get out of the house and experience nature. It's easy and is a great way to relieve stress. Peace out! @ Newport

12.01.2022 Hi Everyone, I'm in the process of updating my website This means my email [email protected] is also out of action. However, my Facebook page is always up and I can be easily contacted using the message function, or you can call me. Have a great day!!

10.01.2022 Thank you to all who have liked my post and page and now follow my page... It is my aim to provide an authentic and easily digestible content on the stuff of life that can make a difference in your life. Most of it will be based on my real life experience, but all of it will be adaptable to your situation....if not, please let me know what content you'd like to see on my page to discuss. I like to be interactive as it makes the content more interesting and applicable to people's lives. So, please put up your suggestions/comments on the page and I'll get put up some content up there for us to chew on.

09.01.2022 Ever feel like life is just a series of walls, valleys and obstacles? I know I've experienced this... But you know what? The hardest thing is asking for help. Yes you could just ignore the issue and hope it goes away, or ruminate on it and remain in the current state or misery. OR, you could ask for help. By doing this you immediately share the load and have a second brain to develop a roadmap out of the valley or around that mountain that life often throws in our way. S...ometimes it's an easy solution, other times it requires help. Connecting with someone who is willing to help you can be quite liberating. A life coach can help you by helping you define the issue, set achievable goals, work with you to kick the goals. If you've got an issue you need to discuss, a desire to improve an aspect of your life, then please leave me a message. My goal is to help you get to where you want to go. See more

09.01.2022 Living the life... Heard that line just a few times? Ever thought What does that mean? I thought this might be a great topic to reopen my discussions...even tho theyre a long time apart, lol. As Ive travelled throughout the world and shared life experiences with many different people from all walks of life, Ive come to the conclusion that Living the life can and does mean so much to people in so many ways. Its no different to someone preferring white bread to mult...i-grain, as long as its bringing value to the individual. Often, it specifically refers to having some level of wealth that allows them access to the riches of life that is restricted. However, we all know (global sweeping statement there), that there are so many riches in life that are accessible to everyone any time, anywhere, any level of wealth. For some, it may be as simple as being able to have coffee with a friend, the love of a pet, a warm bed. Others may be in a position in life to own their favourite car, explore the outdoors and travel. How does this fit with life coaching? For many, these examples may be a chosen life goal or one of many on their bucket list. To work out whether youre living the life needs some kind of reflection or review of where youre at in life and what you want to achieve later if youve pretty much reached your goals so far. Life coaching involves having a conversation with a group or individual to create a safe space for such discussions. I like coffee, and find the combination of having these kind of conversations with a cuppa in hand to be a super way to have a safe and comfortable space to facilitate reviewing achievements and setting new goals. It doesnt really matter what the goals are some common ones are work-life balance, time management, and motivation. No goal is more important than any other. Youll probably find theyll naturally sort out an order if they are sequential goals that depend on other goals to be completed first. All that being said, being able to have a chat with a life coach that can stimulate your thinking, help you articulate your goals and support your efforts to achieve them is a real bonus. Ive been lucky enough to have assisted so many people to simply get a handle on what it is they want to change, brainstorm some ways to achieve them and then, well, achieve them. It can be that simple. Its a mindset that may not always be easy to work through, but it is possible. If youd like to bounce a few ideas around, feel free to message me through this page, and Ill reply as soon as possible. My aim is simply to get you from where you are today to somewhere better tomorrow. See more

08.01.2022 Oot n aboot on a superb winter morning...

07.01.2022 The ultimate example of resilience. A very useful skill for life... If you'd like to explore how you can increase your resilience to life's challenges please contact me to book an appointment.

07.01.2022 Something we should all mention to ourselves daily...

06.01.2022 Now here's an idea...go out and be great, and wonderful...

06.01.2022 Need some motivation for change? Check this guy out...just goes to show the value of having support to achieve and a positive attitude can have on your life.

04.01.2022 Woohoo!! On a roll people!! Hands up all those who want to feel good about themselves, their lifestyle and turbo boost your overall health and well-being?? Cool. Here's some info that may just help...Comments and discussion is actively promoted especially from the male of the species - I especially want to hear from you... Ways to wellbeing A pioneer of positive psychology, Professor Martin Seligman, tells us that wellbeing is made up of five main factors that contribute t...o human flourishing. He believes we should choose to maximise all five elements to achieve greater wellbeing, and in turn flourish. Five main factors that contribute to our wellbeing These building blocks of wellbeing are easily remembered as the acronym PERMA: Positive emotion Feelings of pleasure, happiness, satisfaction, comfort. We can take responsibility for our feelings, cultivating happiness and gratitude. Engagement Living an engaged life, being absorbed and connected to activities to the point where we lose track of time and effort (flow). Relationships Connections to other people and relationships give us support, meaning and purpose in life. Positive relationships have been found to have enormous influence on our wellbeing. Meaning Being part of and working towards something thats much larger than yourself rather than purely pursuing material wealth, it might be a political party, a charity, leading your local soccer team, helping your religious group, school council, or being a passionate bush regenerator, refugee advocate or volunteer in a shelter. Spiritual people have been found to have more meaningful lives, because they believe in something greater than themselves. Accomplishment Pursuing success, achievement and mastery of things for their own sake can build self-esteem, self-efficacy (useful in tough times) and a sense of accomplishment. Working on each of these factors (positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment) can help us flourish in all aspects of life. Thanks to You Rock!!

03.01.2022 Sound advice...

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