Soul Centered Shamanism Traditional Spiritual Healing in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Soul Centered Shamanism Traditional Spiritual Healing
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 432 661 788
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25.01.2022 [T]he principal aim of psychotherapy is not to transport the patient to an impossible state of happiness, but to help him acquire steadfastness and philosophic... patience in face of suffering. Life demands for its completion and fulfilment a balance between joy and sorrow. But because suffering is positively disagreeable, people naturally prefer not to ponder how much fear and sorrow fall to the lot of man. So they speak soothingly about progress and the greatest possible happiness, forgetting that happiness is itself poisoned if the measure of suffering has not been fulfilled. Behind a neurosis there is so often concealed all the natural and necessary suffering the patient has been unwilling to bear. We can see this most clearly from hysterical pains, which are relieved in the course of treatment by the corresponding psychic suffering which the patient sought to avoid. ~Carl Jung, CW 16, Para 185 See more
23.01.2022 Do not pity me for the shadows you see in my eyes my love, for I have come through fires to be able to hold that darkness and not be scared by it. Do not feel... sorry for me that my tapestry of life is woven with many black threads, for those dark parts of the picture highlight the gold that also runs through the weave. Do not despair that my soul is made up of so many rips and holes. For they have been sewn together with self love; I have developed the heart of a medicine woman from tending them. Do not feel pity for what I have seen my darling, for it has made me see more life, more beauty and more gold than anything else. Do not worry about the shadows that seeped into my heart, it is these shadows that led me to my most rebellious act; the one of true, deep self love. Do not fear that my spine will break with what it has had to carry, for my spine is no longer a wish bone or a distorted compass, it has developed true guidance and strength from lessons learned. It has taken me years of courage, bravery and truth to be able to stand straight and use this darkness as a tool to embrace life, it has taken me fire and guts to hold both my light and my dark as the friends they have become. Do not fear for me my love, for I am both wolf and maiden, witch and queen and I hold my black and my white with threads of gold. ~ Brigit Anna McNeill : [Art: Yana Dhyana]
21.01.2022 This is an incredible initiative to add mental health crisis services to triple 000 in Australia. So when you call 000 fire police ambulance or mental health emergency would be added as an additional service. We know that those who are experiencing traumatic episodes in mental health need experienced caring responders to help calm the situation. So having weapons pointed and tasers used is exactly the opposite that those experiencing post-traumatic episodes need to feel c...alm and safe. This initiative is already used in the US 988 as a response to the suicide rate and has garnered success. Even the police and paramedics agree in the US they are not the best to respond to these kinds of incidences and are not trained to do so. It just creates a vicious cycle of re-traumatisation. They’ve even included peer support lived experience persons as part of the suggestion for the mental health team who would respond to such incidences which is a excellent idea. This is very close to my heart and I believe a very important step in the right direction for breaking the cycle of re-traumatising those who are not adequately supported in times of crisis. Please sign the petition and share widely. I’ve made a generous donation to promote the petition as I believe this could create a huge change in our community and involve a community response and healing for those who most need it. Please see the link below for the petition. Be safe everyone much love.
20.01.2022 We’re all weird. The normalpeople are just less honest about it.
19.01.2022 Staying calm and working with the Vegus nerve to reduce PTSD, depression, blood pressure, anxiety, inflammation and cortisol. Some fun very easy techniques to stimulate the Vegus nerve and create tone. Stay calm and stay in the
17.01.2022 15 MOST COMMON SPIRITUAL BYPASS THEORIES AS PER YEARS OF OBSERVATIONAL AND EXPERIENTIAL RESEARCH 'IT IS WHAT IT IS'- I am going to use the most obvious phras...e in the whole world to describe a situation where I refuse to take responsibility and claim my creative capacity 'IT WASN'T MEANT TO BE'- I took zero fucking action ,thus, obviously it did not occur 'IT DOESN'T ALIGN'- I am experiencing a challenge on the path and I am not willing to do the hard bit. 'IT'S JUST NOT FLOWING'- I am not willing to execute when it does not feel easy. I still did not get over the part where I was made to do things I didn't like in childhood. Actually I have a habit of using my past as an excuse. I call it a healing journey. 'YOU'RE SO IN YOUR MASCULINE'- it triggers the fuck out of me that you have a drive and can execute in your reality. You also seem to not subscribe to the ultra feminine agenda of hyper polarised reality. Chances are you don't use your pussy to trap reality. Weird. 'YOU'RE IN YOUR EGO'- fuck you for having an opinion and expressing what I am too afraid to express. Actually lets ignore that actually it's my own ego saying that. Sorry, I don't have an ego. It died during my mushroom ceremony last week. 'YOU ARE TRIGGERED'- the way you can express with force is making me feel uncomfortable and I feel challenged by you calling me out on my shit, when I say that you are triggered by what I said , I have a chance of taking control and it gives me an upper hand. 'HOLD SPACE FOR ME'- listen to me when I vent and go into a BS story, do not interrupt me and just let me marvel at my own misery 'HE'S JUST REFLECTING MY CHILDHOOD TRAUMA TO ME'- I am in a abusive relationship but I am so co-dependent and suffer from a Stockholm syndrome, so I actually talked myself into believing that I create how people show up. 'I AM ON AN ASCENSION JOURNEY'- I am addicted to feeling like shit and glorifying pain 'I AM ON A TWIN FLAME JOURNEY'- same as above plus : I do not believe I actually deserve love and harmonious relating 'MY GUIDES TOLD ME...'- I do not trust myself and my guidance. Also, I have no idea how ego works. 'LET ME FEEL INTO IT'- let me procrastinate and overthink whilst I do that 'I AM AN INCARNATION OF MARY MAGDALENE '- I pulled out the Mary Magdalene oracle card once. But somehow that makes me feel more significant 'I HAVE A MEETING WITH THE GRANDMOTHER'- I mean Ayahuasca, I have not seen my actual grandmother in years because I am too busy training as a shaman. So that I can call my adictions sacred medicine.
13.01.2022 The cognitive Neuroscientist, Julia Mossbridge also did a Meta-Analysis of Presentiment (phenomena where physiological reactions are manifested before a stimuli...) Experiments which showed a definite reading on "Effect Sze" which registered on the Cohen scale. A recent review of "numerous survey studies of "spiritual-psychic" experiences by the psychologists Park and Paloutzian revealed that somewhere between 1/3 to 1/2 of people have spiritual-psychic experiences. Fraser Watts pointed out that in one study, of the people who positively reported experiences, 24 % of them were atheists - which is consistent with recent research into the salience and significance of unconscious processes in motivation, perception and processing of information, by psychologists by Bargh and Kihlstrom into the Unconscious Psychology school of thought. A number of studies into the genetic hereditability of religiosity definitely indicate some traits of religiosity are inherited. After tens of thousands of years of religious and spiritual beliefs, it would seem an inescapable conclusion that the human mind would contain a fair number of unconscious spiritual processes. I asked a biology PhD why birds de-evolved and became flightless birds. It is surprising but there have been 57 flightless birds which have been positively identified. The Hawaiian islands is was a complete ecosystem, but, originally, the islands had No predators, and due to that and prey, herbivores and scavengers, some birds began taking over the also vacant scavenger and herbivore niches. themselves. Besides flightless rails which foraged in the forest, the moa-nalos de-evolved and mutated into large (16 lb) goose-like "ducks" which were herbivores mostly with a diet of very abundant ferns. The moa-nalos further 'evolved' toothlike, horny projections on their bills in order to properly forage and chew plants. The biology PhD responded to my question of how birds de-evolved into flightless birds, by saying that flight is very expensive when it comes to energy, so without a pressure or 'need' for flight the birds would gradually lose their ability to fly. To shed genetic materials was easier and faster than ordinary evolution and took much less time by evolutionary standards. So, it would stand to reason that, in light of the fact that psychologists have noted that spiritual experiences are expensive, that - if spiritual-psychic experiences did not perform a function then those experiences and behaviors would have been extinguished and become extinct.
11.01.2022 Talk about synchronicity.. I read this exert from Man and his Symbols by C.G. Jung this morning. I couldn’t help but notice the parallels to what is currently happening in our society due to the current pandemic. More introspection and reflection is needed in these trying times.
04.01.2022 Co-regulation and the mirroring of neurons is incredibly Important for those who are neuro divergent including those with PTSD. This informational research is excellent at explaining why connection is one of the best therapeutic approaches.
04.01.2022 Great interview from depth psychology alliance about the root traditions of animism and shamanism, there meaning, practices there purpose and personal pathways to finding your relationship with these things. To understand and seek to live into and heal your medicine (gifts) your purpose. To heal yourself, your family trauma your intragenerational and collective place and how these all intersect. ... So that one may get access to one’s personal truth and understand how to unfold that pathway through this traditional Animistic Philosophy and way of life. A wonderful intersection of family constellation, family psychodynamic therapy and how it relates to ancestral healing in the animistic and shamanic traditions. Also an understanding of the westernised idea of shamanism and the adopting of the roots of animism. One of the best explanations most grounded demystified humble explanations of these practices. Also the importance of integration of mental health and personal healing work and how this relates back to the animistic traditions of healings ones ancestral lineages, and the benefits of social justice, political evolution and cultural healing regardless of race.
03.01.2022 The work of the mature person is to carry grief in one hand and gratitude in the other and to be stretched large by them. How much sorrow can I hold? That’s how... much gratitude I can give. If I carry only grief, I’ll bend toward cynicism and despair. If I have only gratitude, I’ll become saccharine and won’t develop much compassion for other people’s suffering. Grief keeps the heart fluid and soft, which helps make compassion possible. ~ Francis Weller [Image: Lucy Campbell]
02.01.2022 Today I want to talk with you all about a part of my identity that affects every aspect of my life and work and relationships. I am a PDA-er. Pathological De...mand Avoidance is a medical descriptor for a specific type of autistic profile. (It may also be an ADHD and C-PTSD profile, as this neurotype is under-researched.) In the neurodiversity paradigm, we prefer these words for the acronym - Pervasive Drive for Autonomy Prime Directive: Autonomy This identity term describes a phenomena where any stimulus perceived as a demand signals danger to the unconscious mind, triggering a stress response. Commands and imperatives are the most obvious sorts of demands. No one likes being told what to do, but this goes far beyond that. For a PDA-er the statement no one likes being told what to do can feel dismissive of our disabling struggles. This is not about not liking something. The demands I struggle with the most are things which my conscious mind actually wants and desires but some part of my brain still perceives as demands. All of the following can be perceived by the unconscious as demands: direct instructions, schedules, school assignments, to do lists, constructive criticism, personal goals, aspirations, mantras, ambitions, deep desires, the proper way to do things, social hangouts, dates, getting to work on time, making and eating food, needing to go to the toilet, needing to go to sleep for the night, and the list could go on and on. For PDAers, the moment that our unconscious perceives our conscious will as an imperative or a should, the fight/flight/freeze response activates. Almost anything can be perceived by the unconscious as a demand. Whatever we PDA-ers perceive as a demand will unavoidably trigger our fight/flight/freeze stress response. This can manifest as aggression, mania, literally running away, depression, brain fog, nausea, pain, or executive dysfunction. If you don’t struggle with this or other disabilities, you may find it hard to imagine living with a body that seems to rebel against your conscious will at every turn. If I say I need to eat now, my body says No. If I say It’s time to take my medicine, my body says No. If I say I really want to meet my friend for coffee, my body says No. If I say, Yes I will do as you have asked, my body says No. If I say, I should really drink more water, my body says No. This operating system requires me to approach the world in a different way to most people. My work and self-care and relationships have greatly suffered from lack of understanding of how my body system operates. Learning about PDA helped me stop judging and shaming myself. (Here are my top two favorite articles about PDA if you want to learn more! Highly Sensitive Neuroception May Be At The Heart of PDA Pathological Demand Avoidance or Needing to Be Free Now that I understand why I am so frequently triggered by even my own mind, I am working on shifting my internal dialogue to respect the unconscious process of my bodymind. The more I shift my language, the more I feel able to navigate the world without being triggered by the demands of my own making. This shift requires a creative use of language to avoid making demands on myself. This is extra difficult as autistic person who relies on learned scripts for many processes. The scripts my parents and teachers and culture taught me are full of demands. The idea is to reframe everything as an option instead of an imperative so that my body doesn’t freak out and say No. Here’s what is working for me currently... Menus instead of to-do lists - I write down all the things I might want to or need to do. They are optional. I do not shame myself for not doing things that are written. I celebrate the things I do accomplish. If I finish a task that wasn’t on the menu, I often add it to the menu with a big check mark so I can see what I’ve accomplished. Encouraging open ended self-talk instead of positive commands - I have to or I need to is immediately a demand. I’ve been having success with phrasing things as I will ____ or How can I ____? Self-EMDR to shift how I perceive alarms and scheduled meetings - Things that were once demands may not always be perceived as demands. There was a time I could not use any alarm. I can now use musical alarms because I did a self-EMDR process around my fear response to auditory alarms. Meetings are still hit or miss for me. Some days my body says No to my schedule, other days my schedule feels comforting, and I’m still working on figuring out the difference. Heaps of understanding and kindness and gentleness for myself. - It can be so easy to fall into shame spirals because of PDA. The self-talk of why can’t I just do the thing, I’m such a failure is a very old record that my mind likes to play over and over again for old times sake. Learning how to escape those spirals and be gentler with myself is an evolving process. Somehow I’ve managed to create these infographics for you all: Talking with people about trauma, polyvagal theory, and/or neurodiversity gives me a special interest overrride where my excitement about the topic somehow prevents a stress response for a thing that would usually be perceived as a demand, so if you want to schedule with me, you can click here: I am eternally grateful to the patron supporters who helped me believe I could build my own vocation and avoid the disabling demands of traditional employment. #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #PDA
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