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25.01.2022 It’s time to spread your wings and live your life to the fullest. Are you ready? #spreadyourwings #butterfly #holistic #counselling #mindbodysoul #meditation #discoveryourhappiness
24.01.2022 Affirmations are so powerful and this little girl is affirming herself like a pro...and she is super cute Happy Sunday!
21.01.2022 Sending you LOVE this morning #love #growth #nourishment #loveyourself #mindfulness #awareness #mindhealth #mindbodysoul
20.01.2022 Here's just one example of an 'inherited limiting belief' that will cause IMMENSE suffering and you won't even realise it. It might be said with the intent to make them stand on their own 2 feet and realise for every choice there is a consequence BUT there is a consequence to THE WORDS THEMSELVES because of the non-intended associated meaning as well. For women this can be worsened because of our unique filters and hormones. The belief:... "You made your bed you lie in it" Here's a list of ways this one crippling and limiting belief will cause needless suffering if it were said to you (or to your kids if you pass it on). 1. You won't ask for help when you most need it. That desperate need to do it alone can cause depression anxiety and even suicide. 2. You will stay in toxic relationships even if they include infidelity or domestic violence situations because you made that one poor choice of a partner. This will lead to you feeling like a piece of worthless shit (to put it bluntly) who is meant to suffer. 3. A sense of hopelessness, stuck and trapped. No way out. (btw- this is the final feeling when someone decides to suicide). 4. The need to self-punish. This can be more torturous than any external punishment could ever be. This creates SHAME and believing you are flawed and stupid for making a dumb choice even if you made it ever so innocently (as all humans make mistakes as part of being human). You have false expectations of yourself to get things right the first time or else. 5. Fear ever making choices in life in case it's a bad one. So they live in a very small comfort zone that has no adventure, no thrills, no love even. 'Better the devil you know' (another limiting belief often inherited) They live a very sad existence unable to say yes or no for their own highest good and empowerment. That's an example of the power of just ONE belief you may not even realise is 'limiting' and in this case will be 'inherited' because where did YOU hear it from? So when you see me talking about epigenetics and you feel it has no relevance, that's one very small example of what we mean. So when we Creatrix that one belief, we are helping the SHAME, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, THE ENTRAPMENT, THE SELF ABUSE, THE SELF-FORGIVENESS COMES THROUGH AND KNOWING YOU ARE ALLOWED TO MAKE MISTAKES AND LEARN FROM THEM AND YOU CAN NOW EXPAND YOUR COMFORT ZONE. The power of one belief when we release dozens, what is the value of Creatrix you ask? Only you can determine that. #creatrixit #settingheartsfree Author: Maz Schirmer
19.01.2022 Make your life like a book you just can’t put down. How will you change your ending?
18.01.2022 Meditation has been proven to have many health benefits. Did you know meditation can help increase dopamine & serotonin levels and help you feel happier?
18.01.2022 What are you allowing? Are you giving your power away? . .... . #awareness #holdyourpower #mindhealth #mindbodysoul #mindfulliving #mindsetmatters #mindset #youarepowerful See more
16.01.2022 It’s time for a reboot.
16.01.2022 How we see things all comes down to how WE perceive them. Your perception may not be the same as someone else, much like our taste. What we find delicious may taste terrible to the other person. Quote: ‘The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body’ - Dr Bruce Lipton
16.01.2022 Repeat after me.... ‘I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.’ - Louise Hay
15.01.2022 Perception is Powerful. What do you see? A weed or a wish? . .... . . #perception #power #weedorwish #makeawish #mindfulness #mindbodysoul #happiness See more
14.01.2022 I’m just going to leave this here..... #creatrixit #iowi #transformology
14.01.2022 THIS. This is what makes my heart burst, knowing that I can help women remove their emotional blocks and set HER heart free to live her best life, happy and whole. #creatrixit #settingwomensheartsfree
14.01.2022 YES YOU DO! . . #readandrepeat #mantra #affirmation #youhavethepower #desires #mindbodysoul #holistic
13.01.2022 Have you ever made up an excuse to get out of something that you said ‘yes’ to weeks ago but now it’s making you feel anxious so you don’t want to go? When you were asked to attend you were keen.....because at the time you genuinely thought it would be fun. But then a few days pass and now you’re in a different headspace and all you want to do is veg out at home and watch you think ‘I’ll say one of the kids is sick?’ Or ‘ I’ll send a text that I’ve got a bad migraine....’ So many of us have been there. But how many times can you (or the kids) have a tummy bug or the flu in a space of 6 months? Then, after you get yourself out of it, you sit there thinking ‘I’m a shit friend. Why did I say yes to begin with? I knew this would happen. What is wrong with me?’ You’ve tried so many different types of ‘self help’ techniques and modalities to help you get past this anxiousness because you REALLY DO want to be a better person, a better friend, a better Mum, a better wife/partner. Everything you tried worked....for a little while....but then you revert back and go looking for the next ‘thing’ to try. BUT, you still struggle with the beliefs you have of yourself rolling around in your unconscious that you don’t quite know WHY they are there, but they are and they are holding you back in EVERYTHING you do and everything you WANT to do with your life. You know you have these issues, but you don’t want them anymore. They aren’t doing you any favours and you’re not comfortable anymore. You NEED change. You WANT change. Can you relate? Does this sound familiar to you? Then let’s have a chat to see if Creatrix is what YOU need. Uniquely designed BY a woman FOR women, to set yourself free from all the painful BS that’s holding you back, so that you can take your life in the direction you always wanted to. #iowi#creatrix#transformoligist#transformology#personaldevelopment
11.01.2022 Do you ever have days where you just want to curl up into a ball and hide away from the World and HOPE that when this ‘funk’ passes and your motivation switches back, you would pick up where you left off? And you think to yourself; ‘This time I am NOT going to let myself fall back into that way of ‘dealing’ with whatever it was that I felt crappy about. Nope. Not this time. I’m not letting myself.’ HA!! Yeah whatever........ Your mind has other ideas. You fight with yourself inside your OWN head which is constantly crippling you and holding you back. Then come the thoughts of ‘What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I turn this off?’ WELL. There IS a way. You CAN remove those crippling beliefs and get out of that funk. If you are ready and reeaalllyy want to say ‘bye bye’ to feeling like you want to hide away then let’s chat. Your emotional breakthrough is waiting just around the corner Creatrix Transformologist #creatrixit #liveyourbestlife
11.01.2022 I’m off to training. Who’s with me?
10.01.2022 Is work stressing you out? Have you lost motivation? Would you like help coping with that stress and remaining calm at work? Workplace Stress Management courses are available. 1.5hr sessions over 6 weeks. ... Let’s burst that stress bubble and get you back on top of your game
10.01.2022 Yes it was hard. Anything that is worth it usually is harder BUT it was also THE BEST step I could have ever taken. Are you ready to own your BS?
09.01.2022 #loveyourself - A short but sweet message for you today my friends
08.01.2022 You are not your thoughts and you don’t need to try and control them to feel more at peace with yourself. Meditation can help you take the first step toward acceptance. Are you ready?
08.01.2022 #enough #youareenough #loveyou #mindbodysoul #strong #believeinyourself
05.01.2022 And just imagine how you would feel if you speak kindly to and about yourself. Do you need help with changing how you speak to yourself? Book in a session and we can work on this together.
05.01.2022 Have VS Are We have so much power behind our perceptions. Just one small change in how we perceive something can mean so much for your mind’s health.
02.01.2022 Today and every day. . . . .... . #bepresent #todolist #liveinthemoment #zen #meditation #mindfulnessisadailypractice #holistic #happyvibes #mindbodysoul See more
02.01.2022 Just 3-5 minutes of meditation can make all the difference in managing daily stress. Research shows that stress can cause health problems like increased heart rate and hypertension, not to mention increasing the risk of anxiety and depression. Need help with how to meditate or finding which is the right style for you? Book in a session.
01.01.2022 Benefits of Positive Affirmations . . . #positivity #benefits #positiveaffirmations #affirmations #dailymotivation #believeinyou #mindset #mindsetmatters #meditation
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