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Southern Canberra Soo Bahk Do in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Martial arts school

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Southern Canberra Soo Bahk Do

Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Address: Hughes Community Centre, Whittle Street, Hughes 2605 Canberra, ACT, Australia


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25.01.2022 Reminder there is no class tonight due to public holiday. See everyone on Thursday

24.01.2022 Hello everyone, due to some unforeseen circumstances (one of which is me being sick.) classes tonight have been cancelled. Apologies for any inconveniences and see you all on Monday.

24.01.2022 Hi everyone, classes for 2016 start tonight! Just running at adults class time of 7 till 8 during the remainder of the school holidays. Hope to see you all tonight!

23.01.2022 Very excited and humbled to be heading to Korea to represent Australian Soo Bahk Do as it's Youth Ambassador along with representatives from 15 (at last count) other countries.

23.01.2022 Region 3 held a training camp ober the weekend. Most of us were to busy training to take photos. This is nearly all that Derek Koina Sa Bom managed to take

23.01.2022 Hope everyone's making the most of the long weekend. And a reminder that there is no class tonight. See you all on Thursday!

23.01.2022 The seniors class for Region 3 on November 12 will be hosted at the Gungahlin Soo Bahk Do dojang from 9:00am for three hours. We look forward to seeing you all ...there. Soo Bahk Derek Koina

23.01.2022 Hope everyone has had a nice relaxing break, but we are back to training again for adults from 7-8 pm tomorrow night. Look forward to seeing you all there.

22.01.2022 Dan Shim Sa 25th of May 2019. Five Cho Dan candidates who all performed well.

22.01.2022 Message to the Moo Duk Kwan Membership from Kwan Jang Nim H. C. Hwang via Steven Lemner. To the Moo Duk Kwan members, I would like to extend my deepest thanks o...n a very successful 70th anniversary celebration in Korea. It is through your visible action, dedication and spirit that the Moo Duk Kwan has been a living example of Moo Do in the martial arts world. Our unification of brotherhood celebrating our history and tradition, though our visible philosophy in our technique of the demonstrations, has shown great respect to the founders vision, it has shown the world our deep connection to the founders principles and has made it continue to grow worldwide. I look forward to the future and the growth of the Moo Duk Kwan to create stronger human relations worldwide. Respectfully, H.C. Hwang See more

22.01.2022 Reminder: No class tonight due to public holiday. See you all at class on Thursday evening.

21.01.2022 Hello Everyone, A quick note to discuss changes to classes in light of the current Corona / COVID19 situation. Please do not attend the do jang if:... Are someone who falls into the "at risk" category Displaying flu like symptoms Have traveled overseas recently Or are sick with respiratory tract infection At this stage classes are continuing, but we will be adjusting the content covered in class to ensure that everyone is safe and we minimize any risk of exposure. As such for the next short period we will not be doing any partner work drills and will ensure that bags and mitts are cleaned properly before and after use. Also asking that everyone observes good hygiene and we will be ensuring that everyone properly washes their hands before and after classes. As an organization we are keeping aware of the developing situation and will close classes if it is deemed necessary for a period of time, but at this stage we are open as usual. Thanks Matt Heal

20.01.2022 Great class tonight! Could feel the strong energy and effort from everyone in the dojang.

20.01.2022 Ko Dan Ja results presentation for Kyo Sa Nim Ross will be held at the deakin dojang next weekend. Let's try and get a big group along to show congratulate him on this fantastic achievement.

20.01.2022 Some photos from today's Seniors Class at Gungahlin Soo Bahk Do! Great to see everyone at class!

20.01.2022 Hello Everyone, Due to the way escalation in the current Corona / COVID19 safety measures, unfortunately it has reached the point that we will need to cease classes for the foreseeable future to ensure everyone's health and safety. As such, Monday nights classes will be the last classes until the 4th of May (start of term 2) this return date is obviously subject to the changing times, any extension of the shutdown will be communicated.... If people are not at class tomorrow I understand, but for those that do wish to have one last class we will be adhering to the current social distancing guidelines. Thanks Matt Heal

20.01.2022 Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang working with children at the 2015 Moment with the Masters (Photo's by Kenneth G. Campbell)

20.01.2022 Well done to everyone last night at the kids and adult class gup testings. Results for the adults will be handed out at Monday nights class.

19.01.2022 So we only worked on the non-jumping version tonight, but something for us all to work towards?

19.01.2022 Hope everyone has had a fantastic holiday period. Looking forward to seeing the adults class back tonight from 7pm

19.01.2022 First class for 2017 is tonight 7pm. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

18.01.2022 May Seniors class 13/5/2017 will be hosted by Capital Soo Bahk Do Academy at the Florey location. A very busy schedule is in place for the morning. 9:00-10:00 -... Red belts, Cho Dans and E Dans going through Soo Bahk Do Gi Cho and a review of testing requirements. 10:00-10:30 - Dan Shim Sa Formal presentation of requirements. 10:30-11:20 - December Dan Shim Sa results presentation, training with newly promoted Dans and group photos. 11:20-12:00 - Sam Dans and up. Review of testing material for all potential Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Candidates. Formal dinner will be at 6:30 pm full details to be provided shortly. Kind regards in the Moo Duk Kwan Region 3 Regional Examiner

18.01.2022 Hi Everyone, I shared this as a reminder earlier in the week, but for some reason no one else was able to see. Training for Reds & Dan's is from 10am-12 then a BBQ where everyone is invited from 12-2pm. Should be a great event for the region so if you can make it please RVSP to the event and see you there.

18.01.2022 2nd video produced by international Youth Leaders group is coming very soon, here is a sneak peek!

17.01.2022 Some fantastic photos from Saturday mornings class and presentations.

17.01.2022 If you haven't joined the Australian Moo Do Community page already, make sure you do. The first online class is happening tonight and all the info for it and future classes can be found inside:

17.01.2022 Hope that everyone has had a fantastic Christmas and New Year period. Looking forward to seeing adults class back tonight from 7-8pm.

17.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Hope that everyone is keeping safe and healthy. We originally were hoping to be back to regular classes this week, but the continuation of the current COVID-19 restrictions mean this isn't possible yet.... As such we will remain closed "in person" until further notice. As Dojangs all over the country are currently experiencing the same situation, classes delivered via Zoom are continuing. If you haven't yet taken advantage of these and need info please let me know. Thanks Matt Heal

17.01.2022 Hope that everyone is enjoying their Easter long weekend. A reminder that there is no class tonight. See you all on Thursday night.

17.01.2022 Make sure you have your sparring gear with you tonight. Have something fun planned!

16.01.2022 Important Dates for Dec and the new year. 10th Dec - Dan Shim Sa + senior class at Deakin. 15th Dec - Gup Shim Sa for Kids & Adults class. 22nd Dec - Last class for the year 9th Jan - Adults class start... 30th Jan - Kids class start. See more

16.01.2022 Great class last night with Derek Koina SBN, focusing on partner work and some new kicking drills.

16.01.2022 Region 3 seniors class (1st gups and above) will be held at Hughes this Saturday 9-12. Hope to see everyone there.

15.01.2022 Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Moo Duk Kwan in Region 3

15.01.2022 9:00-10:00 - Red belts, Cho Dans and E Dans going through Soo Bahk Do Gi Cho and a review of testing requirements. 10:00-10:30 - Dan Shim Sa Formal presentation of requirements. 10:30-11:20 - December Dan Shim Sa results presentation, training with newly promoted Dans and group photos.... 11:20-12:00 - Sam Dans and up. Review of testing material for all potential Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Candidates.

14.01.2022 Nearly 60 people joined the first online class last night from all around Australia (and 1 from Japan!) See below for the schedule of online classes going forward, if you need more information Join the Australian Moo Do Community group or let me know.

13.01.2022 Southern Canberra SBD Shirts! We've put together a design (thanks to Jo Kyo Peralta for the design work) and ordered some t-shirts for a bit of advertising and for looking stylish too. They will cost $30, If you'd like to purchase one please contact Heal SBN or Jo Kyo Peralta and we can organize.... We have ordered an array of sizes, but it will be first in best dressed if sizes run out. See more

13.01.2022 International relations Korea.

13.01.2022 Hi all just a reminder that the junior classes won't be running during school holidays. But everyone is welcome in the adults classes from 7-8

12.01.2022 Reminder that while there is no formal class tonight, I will be there if people want to come down to practice their own hyung.

11.01.2022 If you have them, remember ro bring your weapons with you tonight!

11.01.2022 A reminder that Myself and a few of the seniors will be at the Molonglo Do Jang this evening. Would love to get a few others out there if people can make it. Class times are the same as ours (6:15-7 for kids, and 7-8 for adults) Classes are held at the Charles Weston Primary school in coombes, and access is from the carpark on Woodberry Avenue.... Hope to see some of you there.

10.01.2022 Reminder about the annual Region 3 Snow Training which is happening next Sunday! (28th) Information sheets will be handed out at class tomorrow but if you need more information please let me know.

08.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Our last class for the year will be on Thursday 17th of December, and to celebrate the end of a great year we are looking to head out to dinner after the adults class. We'll head to one of the local restaurants in Woden depending on peoples tastes/desires. Hopefully everyone can make it along.

08.01.2022 For anyone coming along to Coombes tonight the entrance is kind of hidden away at the side. Hope to see a few of you there

07.01.2022 Hi Everyone, I know everyone is keen to be back to regular training to get some sense of normalcy again, at the moment we are waiting on confirmation from the Hughes community centre that we are allowed to start using the hall again. As the community centre is also the home of Council On The Aging there are obviously some extra concerns around when that will be allowed to happen but I will keep you all posted as soon as I hear anything further. ... Hope to see you all soon. Matt

07.01.2022 Just a reminder there is no class tonight due to the public holiday. See you all on Thursday

07.01.2022 Very cool piece of Soo Bahk history!

07.01.2022 Good Afternoon Region 3 Members, We hope that this message finds you well? In the lead up to the World Moo Duk Kwan 75th anniversary celebrations Capital Soo Do Academy has arranged for access to our Hall at St John the Apostle Primary School for the opening Seminar and the Zone 1 seminar. All members in Region 3 are invited to register ( and to attend with us on the day. However, it is essential to ensure we comply with COVID19 requirements. Hall capacity: 40 individuals - Priority for participants o Currently 25 members have registered interest Attendees to sign in Temperature monitoring Hand Hygiene (Sanitizer available) If unwell do not attend Registration for the premium package is encouraged and this supports WMDK activities. It also provides access to the saved seminars for all events throughout the World which you can access and use for individual classes. Timetable for the day: Saturday the 7th of November 2020 11:30am - Hall opens 11:40am - Line up 11:45am - Bow in, Welcome to country and KDJSS results presentation 12:00pm - 75th Anniversary opening ceremony with Kwan Jang Nim 02:00pm - Zone 1 seminar with Lee Sa Bom Nim 04:00pm - End of training 04:30pm - Hall to be vacant for evening booking Please bring food (easy to eat) and water for the duration of the event. We are all looking forward to seeing you all there.

07.01.2022 Region 3 Dan class for July is tomorrow and will be held at Hughes 9 till 12. Focus is on partner work including Knife and Bong defence. See you all there!

06.01.2022 Hope everyone had a great holiday break. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday night for our first class back.

05.01.2022 Hi everyone, there is a event going on at the hughes shops this evening it turns out so car park seems to be fairly full. Recommend parking around the back then just sneak in through the side glass doors!

04.01.2022 Thanks everyone for another fantastic year. I hope that everyone has a safe and happy Christmas & New Year period. Look forward to seeing you all again next year when classes return on the 8th of January

04.01.2022 Volume 1 is finally getting a reprint! In a limited collectors edition to begin with, but if there is enough demand we may see regular reprints in future. Encourage everyone to try and get one as its a fantastic resource to have.

04.01.2022 Important dates for the end of the year. Monday 14th December - gup testing / final class of the year. Thursday 17th December - End of year BBQ (finalising details and will pass on soon)

04.01.2022 Hi everyone. Wild weather out there tonight. Please take it easy if you are coming to class tonight and dont rush. The do jang will be here (at this stage) when you get here.

04.01.2022 March 4, 2018: Happy Birthday Grandmaster HC Hwang! This video footage was taken in Korea right after the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa just a few months ago. Looking goo...d, Kwan Jang Nim! Best wishes on your birthday and look forward to spending many more with you in the future. SOO BAHK! #WorldMDK #HCHwang #Grandmaster # # # #MooDukKwan #SooBahkDo #MooDoLife #FiveMooDoValues #KoDanJaShimSa #Korea If you Like this, please share...

03.01.2022 Thanks to Molonglo Valley Martial Arts - MDK for a fantastic tournament this morning. Great effort by all the Hughes students present, and a special shout out to Emily for receiving one of 3 Moo Do awards, Well Done!

03.01.2022 Thanks to Derek Koina for joining us on Monday night for the adults class where we worked on connection in Gi Cho

03.01.2022 A challenge for our adults class tonight - grab a folded bit of paper off the ground without using hands and one foot in the air at all times. Idea courtesy of Sydney Moo Duk Kwan

03.01.2022 Hi everyone, I've been asked by Adamson SBN to assist with classes at Molonglo Martial Arts on Wednesday night. I think this would be the perfect time to return the favour and visit their dojang like they did during the holidays. Classes are at the same times as ours (7-8 adults) and are held at Coombes primary school. Let me know if you need more info.

03.01.2022 Wonderful morning presenting Ko Dan Ja and Yo Dan Ja results. Congratulations to those that received results, especially to Mr Gamosh from Hughes receiving his cho dan.

02.01.2022 Not a lot of photos of training unfortunately as was training too much myself.

01.01.2022 Some fun recording videos at Seniors class this morning.

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