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Speak Up in Longreach, Queensland | Specialty School

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Speak Up

Locality: Longreach, Queensland

Address: 127/2 emu street 4730 Longreach, QLD, Australia


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15.01.2022 By anonymous It doesn't matter how much love you have around you, when your in that frame of mind the darkness will always creep in. It took me so long to climb out of that whole I put myself in. At one point when a stranger smiled at me I burst into tears. I didn't know how to react. Kindness from someone I didn't even know had stirred so many feelings inside me. I felt trapped in an abyss of depression. I would hide my feelings from them and express my grief by cutting mys...elf. I thought about suicide so many times just for the pain to be over. If it wasn't for one person to notice how dark I had gotten I probably wouldn't be writing this right now. I still have dark thoughts when life gets to be too much to handle but somehow I pull myself out of it knowing now who I will be leaving behind. From us at speak up: Depression isn't something you can hide from or something you can hide. It hurts and I understand the grief your feeling in that dark place. I was there once, and sometimes i still feel like I am there. It's just recognising the good people in life just as much as the bad. What you go through is who you are. It's what makes you a strong person. And it's what makes you able to help those that surround you.

13.01.2022 To the people that have liked this page thankyou. We would like to ask what type of activities you guys and girls would like to see around your local area.. ? Please comment below.

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