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22.01.2022 There are some irrefutable laws if you are serious about taking your speaking to the next level - whether you are aiming to be a professional speaker, a professional who is paid to speak, or speak to build your business and your profile - and one of those is that you must have superb collateral for marketing purposes...and it must meet what the bureaus, conference organisers, event managers and speaker seekers are looking for. Not just a video, not just a one-sheet, but integrated collateral that will support your brand wherever you look. And the centrepiece for most people is their speaker reel. Introducing Speaker Reel 2 of 5 from Hot Speaker Track, our Accelerated Collateral Creation Program - the fabulous Jonathan Lincolne
21.01.2022 The Uncommon Advantage of a Speaker Speaking is a contact sport; no matter how much you train, & prepare it is not until you are speaking in real life with people listening, or not, that you know if you are any good Those who speak well have done the work to understand how to shape words & stories which entrance; & in amongst the applause & accolades they have all been critiqued, slammed, subjected to unsolicited feedback, & retreated to tweak iterate & emerge again... Giving an uncommon advantage in times of extreme change because 1. They are crystal clear in their identity, they know who they are 2. They understand what & why does not need to pivot just how 3. They find a way to readjust & are not grabbing new ideas, new products, fast promotion 4. They know how to deliver one message at a time-relevant, digestible mastering scripting 5. Which in turn means they are skilled in writing, giving them multiple communication channels 6. And because they have been in the arena & taken the hits they know how to hold space when there is chaos & criticism swirling Build the muscle of speaking, of skilled communication, because your future state of influence depends on it
19.01.2022 Join us for our next Webinar SERIOUSLY SPEAKING. Working with 100s of emerging and established speakers across Australia and the USA, its time for a no holds barred webinar where I will get up close and personal with: 1. Just why hearing youre so good is stopping you from being a great speaker... 2. How to make sure being authentic doesnt make you self indulgent 3. The fastest way to crystalise your message and make it stick 4. The absolute BS you are currently being fed, including you have to be funny 5. My secret to holding ANYONEs attention for at least 45 minutes from ANY stage Link to register in the comments Jacqueline x
19.01.2022 I’m THRILLED to share my podcast interview with you on Kelly O'Neil Marketing to Millionaires PODCAST! Have you listened to her podcast before? Kelly doesn’t pull any punches and goes straight for the truth about building a profitable business. She is committed to each of her guests providing exceptional value and my interview was no different! On the podcast I talk about How to Reach Affluent Clients Through Speaking. LISTEN IN + SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS Check it out here: https://podcasts.apple.com//marketing-to-mill/id1507237451 #marketingtomillionaires
18.01.2022 And thats a wrap on 2019! What an incredible year weve had! From the team at SpeakableYOU, we wish you the happiest of holidays. Thank you for being a part of our world this year, we cant wait for all that 2020 will bring. Our office will close today at midday, back in business January 6, 2020.
17.01.2022 Not every story should be about you; unless you are a cinematographer, a national geographic photographer, a news journalist with frontline experience, you have (real) celebrity status and your speech is auto biographical. In the structures we work with with our clients a maximum of 30% of the content is your personal stories, and it is often less; this is not about you, it is all about the people listening to you and in stripping the amount of you out of your stories you actually strengthen the personal stories you do tell. And the second part of getting over yourself? Use structure. #storycrafting #communication #speakableyou
17.01.2022 Are you hanging out with us in the Speakables Group? You really should join us...were kicking off a video conversation series with the phenomenal Troy & Zara Love tomorrow morning : ) Set time aside tomorrow to listen once the episode is published and stay right to the very end to find out exactly how Jerry Seinfeld can improve your speaking : ) ... Link to join in the comments xo
16.01.2022 Your ability to communicate well is inextricably linked with your story telling skills; being able to create pictures in the minds of your audience through the words that you use. Skilled communication is your most powerful tool right now; stories are the fastest way to create belief, trust and connection and must be told on purpose, particularly now. But remember the people in your circle of influence are always interested in just two questions when you speak in story mo...de. 1. Who are you? 2. How do you know what you know? And in times of extreme change there is a third question you must answer with every breath you take, every word you speak: 3. Can you show me the way / can you teach me? Be generous with your insights, your certainty, and your ability to share and teach. Be mindful of telling stories just because you love them. Which may just mean killing some of your favourite children when it comes to the stories you choose right now. #speakingcoach #professionalspeakers #storytelling
16.01.2022 It is not enough to simply tell a story; for people to remember the stories we tell, and maybe to share the stories with others we have to FULLY engage them. And we do that through igniting the senses. Make sure each story takes the listener into what you can hear, see, feel, and yes smell, in each of the scenes. Enrich it; dont limit the story to just what you can hear around you, but what you can hear within; when you describe what you see dont just say the sun shining is it clear, blazing, through a smoky haze. When it comes to what you feel it can be tactile, what you can physically touch, or emotional. Bring my senses to life. #storycrafting #communication #speakableyou
15.01.2022 Now, I would love you to be completely honest for the benefit of human kind! Maybe not quite :) BUT when we are not showing up authentically and weve all been there what has happened to create it, how did it feel, what did you notice? What was the one thing you wish you could change? CANNOT wait to hear your thoughts, and Ill share mine first in the comments below... #speakableyou #waronauthenticity
15.01.2022 The words you use in communicating story & strategy are critical & YOUR words have never mattered more than they do right now. Remember: 1. De-escalate your language; take responsibility for the emotional contagion transmitted through the words that you use & the words you adopt from those around you 2. Dont be lazy with your words. Are you really furious, or just irritated. Are you devastated or simply sad. Are you ecstatic, or happy... 3. Know when to shift to the modal operators of necessitywhen you need to use your words to deliberately focus attention. You must, we have to, I need you to 4. Be swift & deliberate in shifting people into possibility thinkingwords which indicate there is choice. Maybe, might, could, can, what if we 5. Change your view & take the people surrounding you, swiftly when you need to change from what has to be done to what could be donesimply by changing your key language between the modal operators of necessity & possibility above Great speakers communicators & negotiators are skilled in the deliberate use of language - & they now have an uncommon advantage over those who left it until later to invest in the ability to speak, pitch & present with strength & power Do you hold an uncommon advantage or do you know you need to invest?
14.01.2022 If you love the photo below, as a speaker, then thank you. It is one of what we call a hero shot of someone speaking from stage, but in recent weeks it has come to represent to me something that is fundamentally wrong for emerging and - sometimes established speakers. And that is the rise of photographers and videographers who are staging environments to create speaker reels for those wanting to go to the next level in their speaking career with no idea and often no int...erest in just what makes a great speaker reel. The only ones I have seen get it right in 2020 is The Rebecca Taylor Visibility Makeover and Michael Hanson, who deploy videographers and photographers to live events their clients are speaking at to create real assets. A speaker reel is not a sizzle reel; it is not what you believe you can do given the chance it is what you are capable of with demonstrable proof. A number of my clients put together interim speaker reels at home on IMovie with better results than the programs I am seeing churn out speaker reels for the unsuspecting. And this is why.
13.01.2022 Authenticity. Being an Authentic Speaker. Something we all claim to want. Something we all strive to be. So if we can clearly articulate what it means to be authentic, how do we know when we are seeing/hearing someone who is inauthentic what are the tells? Come on, you know you want to, let it rip ... #speakableyou #waronauthenticity
13.01.2022 When you dont name places and people then I (as the audience) will default, often unconsciously, to thinking you have made it up. Move beyond he/she/they; name the characters, make them real. Make them someone I could say hey, Julie, I know you if I were to meet them as a character in real life. Name the location; where are you, where is it; does the town have a name, are you on a street, inside a hotel, give me hooks through specificity that I can sense that you know this story that you havent just made something up. #storycrafting #communication #speakableyou
11.01.2022 I want to declare a war on Authenticity. What I call directive authenticity especially when it comes to speaking. BUT to know where we are going, especially when we say we want to change something, we really do have to know where we are right now. So What does authenticity, being an Authentic Speaker, mean to you?... #speakableyou #waronauthenticity
11.01.2022 LOVING the conversations so far! Next Question : ) So, when we are being truly, authentically ourselves, what happens? What do we notice, how and what do we feel? What is being said? How do we KNOW we are showing up authentically? My thoughts in the first comment x... #speakableyou #waronauthenticity
10.01.2022 Be Prepared to Kill Your Favourite Children This statement makes people laugh, sometimes nervously, whenever I bring it into our training and coaching work but it is the fastest way I know to make the point that sometimes your favourite stories, the children you love, are not useful for the message you want to convey, no matter how entertaining and funny it is. Evaluate the stories you ALWAYS tell; be critical. Do they set the scene. Do they frame the experience. Do they ...underscore the core message. Are your favourite lines irrelevant in context, even if they get a great laugh. Do they take your audience off on a tangent, or do they bring them further in. Are ALL your stories about you. And be prepared to kill your favourite children; the stories that really dont add value, support, strengthen, and light up the core message. #storycrafting #speakableyou
09.01.2022 The programs at SpeakableYOU are not for the feint of heart. We truly believe in the privilege of the platform, that when we speak we are looking to create a moment of transformation inside the minds of our audience. We want to shape what we know to be true about the world our deepest expertise, our fought-for experiences, our deep way of thinking & share it with the people surrounding us to improve their world, to jolt their thinking, to consider an alternate reality. ... We are for the speakers, the entrepreneurs, the purpose driven professionals, the people determined to make a difference in the world. The people, quite often, that world does not know about. YET. We will not immerse you into a room full of rah rah, on your feet pump-ups and thunderous applause that only exists in that one moment. We will clear the space to bring out everything you know to be true about the world. Crystalise your message in the most powerful way possible. Unpack your core identity & how to step into that. To turn you to story shaping mastery. To be remembered by any audience at a cellular level. To embed the way you speak most powerfully so it is delivered with the same ease with which you hold conversations And if thats of interest, then reach out, connect, lets chat. Jacqueline x
09.01.2022 Its almost 9am on the first working day of this week and that means it is almost time to get into conversation with the fabulous Nic Hayes of Media Stable. It is a cracker of a conversation and a must watch if youve even thought about building a media profile...which if you are serious about making an impact must become part of your mix - and Nic clearly explains why, amongst other things : ) The code to access the video is in the Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/authenticspeaking - Enjoy!
08.01.2022 I have a mantra looping through my mind that I prefer to train the speakers than be the speaker...to be the king maker rather than the king...and I love what I get to do with all of you each and every day; then testimonials like this land in my inbox and consolidate the sense that it really is time to own the stage again
08.01.2022 Story telling has NOTHING to do with YOU There is only one REASON for using story when you speak. It is not to tell people how good you are, how important your lived experience, how great your insights, and it most certainly is not about using Im being real and raw as an excuse for insisting on doing your therapy from the stage. It is not about you at all. The only reason we use story is to create connection, rapidly. To invite an audience in to share our world for a momen...t, to create trust and belief. It is to get them to understand we know our world, we see where it matches theirs, and to have them saying to themselves I believe him. #storycrafting #speakableyou
07.01.2022 The simplest story structure in the world is none the less a great one to use to ensure you are telling your story in a way your audience can easily follow. First, throw a light on a challenge, or a problem, or a specific situation; and then take us through in no more than three key points what you needed to do on the way to solving that challenge/problem/moving out of that situation, before wrapping up with the resolution. And if you think your work deserves more complexity remember there is an astro-phycisist with a fanatical following on twitter because he knows how to simplify his ideas, his stories and his language. Just humour us, try it ;) #storycrafting #communication #speakableyou
05.01.2022 So how is 2020 panning out for you I must admit that as we screamed into 2020 SpeakableYOU was really coming of age - we were at the tipping point that every start up makes it to at the 3 year mark and the world was seriously bright. Until a pesky little global pandemic descended on life as we know it! The reality of Covid-19 and all it has wrought means the business model which underpins SpeakableYOU is not viable without a substantial pivot, and so yesterday, August 31,... was quietly the last day for SpeakableYOU. It is not however the last day for Jacqueline Nagle : ) Because here is a confession...I have not ever stopped the consulting, advisory, and strategy work that lies at the heart of what I love to do. I have continually iterated a signature piece of work and frameworks to support what I have long wanted to do with resilience - shifting us past our obsession with the one time recovery story to creating true foundational strength, the kind necessary in developing long-term, sustainable impact. There has been a huge amount of freedom for me in the changes Covid has delivered; time to sit, to think, to be, and to remember what work it is that lights me up, that transforms the organisations and individuals who trust me with their time, their aspirations and their roadblocks, and I could not be more excited about what the future holds. You can find out more by connecting with me on LinkedIN, visiting the very new (read...may have bugs) website, seeing the super quick introductory clip here, and by reaching out to set a time for a quick chat about all things in your world right now and how I just may be able to help. Oh and what you really need to know for all things speaking is below Jacqueline x If you are still serious about creating your killer keynote, signature speech, or business building presentation there is ONE more virtual intensive running - go to https://speakableyou.com/virtual_int/ and register or DM me This group will close in three weeks...feel free to raid the videos, documents and resources and download whatever you can find in that time : ) Stay tuned for a phenomenal Webinar announcement tomorrow - where we speak with the owner of a Speaker Bureau and a Speakers Coach about just how their clients are actually, for real, making money in the era of Covid...its SO Good!
05.01.2022 We can no longer think of speaking as simply from a stage; it is throughout whatever medium our market most likes to engage in. Which means speaking, powerfully, with strength and grace, is now the most critical skill you can build. And if you dont have a speaking-driven-strategy, all your marketing efforts may fail to deliver to expectations. Sharing my thoughts on why speaking is the ultimate skill when you are serious about getting what you want, and just what a Speaker D...riven Business is. #keynotespeaking #entrepreneurship #speaking
03.01.2022 Last but not least. We have to be very careful about the questions we ask, and when. When we do ask the audience a question from the stage we absolutely have to ask them the right way. And the right way does not necessarily mean the audience has to physically answer you. A simple example instead of asking How Many of You - which is general and about the collective ask Do You a question which will have the audience go inside of themselves to answer it; it is one mor...e touchpoint where they bring you inside their world. #storycrafting #communication #speakableyou
03.01.2022 Jacob Aldridge, delivering his signature keynote On Being A Deep Generalist, his culmination of the 90 day Hot Speaker Track program. Jacobs raving fans turned up to hear the funny guy and were first stunned, and then enthralled, with his deep exploration of something he has always been incredibly passionate about, but never given voice to. An incredible job Jacob Aldridge and I could not be more proud to have worked this through with you. Introducing Speaker Reel 3 of 5 x
02.01.2022 The second of the seven structures we use with our private clients is loving the Heros Journey. Arguably one of the oldest story-telling formats, the reason most movie writers still use it is simple; it works. In simple terms it was life was great, life was terrible, then life was great again. But if you want to be a hero and not just asking an audience to jump into the ditch with you in sympathy then you need to understand what is often missed. It is not simply that l...ife is good again; the hero is someone who has been through the fire, survived the trenches, and returns with the lessons and insights to share. Remember that and your audience will truly think you are a hero. #storycrafting #communication #speakableyou
01.01.2022 In the lead up to Christmas, wed love to end the year with a bang. Over the next two weeks, were going to give you 10 tips to take your story telling to the next level. Because GREAT story telling is a game changer! Number one Go beyond just simple story telling. Type the importance of story telling into Google and you will have in excess of 44,000,000 hits returned to you in less than a second. Open any blog from any marketer, communications expert, branding strategist,... and yes, speaker, and somewhere, sometimes frequently, they will be extolling the virtues of story telling, and its importance in being a great communicator. And yet in the rush to show understanding the importance of story-telling we seem to be landing in a sea of self-indulgent, real and raw story telling which DOES NOT look after our audience we fail to realise it is not just about telling a story. It is about shaping the stories to be on purpose and on target for the core message we want our audience to leave with. It is about stripping out what is not relevant and dropping them into moments that make sense, that lead them in the direction we want to move them in. About realising the same story can be told different ways to convey different messages and it is knowing the reason for telling the story that matters. It is about honing the craft of story-telling, rather than simply telling a story.
01.01.2022 Weve already touched on the ONLY reason for telling stories, and that it is nothing to do with you. Lets take this one step furtherthe specific stories you choose to tell have to answer just two questions in the minds of your audience. What is it that you know, and how did you come it to know it? And if your stories dont answer either of those questions? You guessed it they need to go. #storycrafting #communication #speakableyou
01.01.2022 Finally, none of us are perfect. We will all default. One of my clients, crafting his second keynote to build on his signature keynote, sent through his draft script for review. I opened it and responded within seconds with the question: where do you think your first mistake may be?. He responded with a string of frustrated, laughing emojis and the sentence the first d^^n line! He had made the mistake of taking the first lines to introduce himself and list his backgroun...d. You will eventually eliminate the unconscious apology. But, like with most muscle builds, this does take practice. In the meantime, just get quicker at catching it and ditching it. #completelyunapologetic #speakableyou
01.01.2022 Resilience is not a one-time Recovery Story Recovery Stories: * Have a cataclysmic event death, near death, trauma, an accident... * Are characterised by difficulty accepting a new reality from months to years * Take us into the depths of despair, emotion, & loss of hope * Completely reshape & redefine our values, who we are in the world * Follow the path of the Heros Journey; I have been through the fire & have lessons to share They are powerful & inspirational, igniting our faith in the strength of the human spirit. Resilience is founded in: * A staunch, almost immediate, acceptance of reality * A deep sense of self, established values & identity which doesnt shift * A deep sense of purpose, that life has meaning, that events are simply events * The ability to apply previously acquired skills & knowledge to new situations * An uncanny knack to rapidly synthesise new information & adapt * No single event, but a tapestry of experiences which can be drawn from Resilience is iterative; it is a muscle built over time, & provides frameworks, strategies, & approaches that move us forward. Both use the power of words, to create connection, belief & trust. Both are powerful. Both are necessary.
01.01.2022 The SpeakableYOU team created full Speaking Collateral for 5 speakers through our signature program Hot Speaker Track in November- the centrepiece is their speaker reel...introducting Speaker Reel 1 of 5 Participants x
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