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Spinal Flow with Mashenka
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24.01.2022 One of my besties and I have created this gorgeous natural health first aid kit. Its on special and I wanted to share the joy. https://www.facebook.com/2375479966069256/posts/2708571459426770/?d=n
24.01.2022 Boom! What a journey and I am blessed to have Spinal Flow as such a blossoming part of my growth. Thank you Dr Carli, for your healing philisophy, your work, our community...
24.01.2022 NEEDING PROTECTION FROM 5G? There is a lot of talk on the health impact of 5G. The good news is that there is an affordable, Australian made Protection option and I offer the entire product range at a discounted price. Pick up is free from my clinic in Ashmore! Happy to post! The plug-in home device called the Geoclense. ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 Ah shucks. I started working with a new client today and she left this beautiful review on the square portal. I get to meet such amazing courageous souls! She had been in such pain when she arrived and we managed to get a good amount of ease into her body today.
23.01.2022 Although living in sunny Qld it really is a holiday destination in its own right and Coolangatta is delicious!
21.01.2022 In my healing practice, I work with some absolutely amazing people and today I had the most breathtaking trio spend their morning with me. When I asked them how their week had been they shared that they had just recorded this powerful song and made this video: Thank you Tuheka Hetet, you and your beautiful family are an inspiration. ... It is so timely and deeply moving. The Pacifika Trio write: For the African American, American Indian , the people of the Pasifika to The Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander People of Australia. This injustice, in its many forms, is one in the same but respectfully not the same as being killed over routine police traffic stops or jogging in your neighbourhood all the while the whole world watches on through our mobiles phones. What is the same, are our shared fears, shared anger, shared hurts, the same intergenerational trauma, the same concerns and the same battle of balance between western colonial ideals and OUR own. Floyd left us with the painful remembrance of Breathe? The Maori culture (Indigenous of New Zealand) its "Mauri" (The breath of life) when we press our noses together (Hongi) in greeting, there is an exchange of breath (Mauri). This powerful sentiment of exchange one to another means: "I respectfully see you, I acknowledge you". So We have to ask: Do you see me and others not like you? Do you respect me? Do you acknowledge me? https://www.facebook.com/108615567169041/posts/281022476595015/
21.01.2022 OPENING YOUR HEART. Every moment is the most important moment of your life. No future time is better than now ... to let down your guard and love. Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone. Your posture can shine your heart, or transmit anxiety. Your breath can radiate love, or muddy the room in depression. Your glance can awaken joy. Your words can inspire freedom. Your every act can open hearts and minds. Opening from heart to all, you live as a gift to all. In every moment, you are either opening or closing. Right now, you are choosing to open and give fully, or you are waiting. ~ Ghandi Book your SPINAL FLOW INTRODUCTION SESSION https://calendly.com//spinal-flow-initial-assessment-healt
20.01.2022 How is your life going & flowing? Time to expand your self care & healing focus Let me help you! Sessions are only $50!
20.01.2022 "Push yourself to get up before the rest of the world - start with 7am, then 6am, then 5:30am. go to the nearest hill with a big coat and a scarf and watch the sun rise. Push yourself to fall asleep earlier - start with 11pm, then 10pm, then 9pm. wake up in the morning feeling re-energized and comfortable. lie in your garden, feel the sunshine on your skin. Get into the habit of cooking yourself a beautiful breakfast. fry tomatoes and mushrooms in real butter and garlic, fry... an egg, slice up a fresh avocado and squirt way too much lemon on it. sit and eat it and do nothing else. Stretch. start by reaching for the sky as hard as you can, then trying to touch your toes. roll your head. stretch your fingers. stretch everything. Buy a 1L water bottle. start with pushing yourself to drink the whole thing in a day, then try drinking it twice. Buy a beautiful diary and a beautiful black pen. write down everything you do, including dinner dates, appointments, assignments, coffees, what you need to do that day. no detail is too small. Strip your bed of your sheets and empty your underwear draw into the washing machine. wash, then hang them in the sunshine with care. make your bed in full. Dig your fingers into the earth, plant a seed. see your success as it grows everyday. Organise your room. fold all your clothes (and bag what you dont want), clean your mirror, your laptop, vacuum the floor. light a beautiful candle. Breathe. practice your deep breathing. ground yourself. Have a luxurious shower with your favourite music playing. wash your hair, scrub your body, brush your teeth. lather your whole body in moisturiser, get familiar with the part between your toes, your inner thighs, the back of your neck. Push yourself to go for a walk. take your headphones, go to the beach and walk. smile at strangers walking the other way and be surprised how many smile back. bring your dog and observe the dogs behaviour. realise you can learn from your dog. Message old friends with personal jokes. reminisce. suggest a catch up soon, even if you dont follow through. push yourself to follow through. Think long and hard about what interests you. crime? sex? boarding school? long-forgotten romance etiquette? find a book about it and read it. there is a book about literally everything. Become the person you would ideally fall in love with. let cars merge into your lane when driving. pay double for parking tickets and leave a second one in the machine. stick your tongue out at babies. help an animal. compliment people on their cute clothes. challenge yourself to not ridicule anyone for a whole day. then two. then a week. walk with a straight posture. look people in the eye. ask people about their story. talk to acquaintances so they become friends. Lie in the sunshine. daydream about the life you would lead if failure wasnt a thing. open your eyes. Take small steps to make it happen for you... Author: Emma Elsworthy
18.01.2022 FREE GRATITUDE JOURNAL My gorgeous friend Melanie Spears creates the most beautiful Gratitude Journals. As a gift to community she is offering free 2020 journals and the only thing you pay is postage to your home! I have had these journals for a few years now and they are magnificent. There is a page a day plus weekly and monthly reflections. ... She also write inspiring discourses. Now you get the opportunity to have your own. I also have some free at my home if you want to pick up in Ashmore and perhaps even book in for an exploratory Spinal Flow assessment and session. The link to order the free journal is - Expires 1st July 2020 https://givingthanks.com.au//2020-gratitude-diary-giveaway/ To book a session click here: https://calendly.com//spinal-flow-initial-assessment-healt Or pm me for pick up.
18.01.2022 I know anxiety is a relevant topic for many people. There is an upcoming Anxiety Summit with some amazing free resources and links. As a Spinal Flow Practitioner and kinesiologist, I see that Anxiety it unfortunately very common. I trust that these resources can benefit some of our members. https://theanxietysummit6.com/?idev_id=22&rh=f49xgl5ljg
17.01.2022 GRATITUDE JOURNAL 2021 $33 *Limited Available* I have just received my bulk order of the new 2021 Gratitude journals. They are sooo beautiful. I make them available for my friends and clients. ... They are $33 instead of retail $40/$49.50, They are created by the beautiful Melanie Spears from Byron. They are available for pick up at my clinic in Ashmore. I have been buying bulk for my community for a few years now. They are beautiful, powerful and inspirational! They make great xmas gifts! Melanie Writes: Each day you will be asked the following question: What am I grateful for? This one very simple question will prompt your psyche into noticing everything that is good in your life. It will illuminate what is working and help you notice and anchor more deeply into the things that are of fundamental value to your life. But there's more! Another intention I held dearly in my heart, when creating this Diary, was to help both men and women attune to, and be nourished by, the ebbs and flow of the moon's cycles. This year we, also, look to the cosmic conversation between Venus and Mars. It was my secret mission. Simply by becoming aware of the moon and her cycles, which are indicated every seven days, helps support the balance of your masculine and feminine. When you live in tune with the planet's rhythms, you begin to notice that you are, also, living parallel to the cycles and seasons of life, and it is the awareness and acceptance of this, that creates Peace. The diary includes * A day to a page organisational Diary * Daily space to give thanks for your life experiences * Moon orientation guide * Monthly Astrological overview Uplifting quotes * Venus and Mars astrology updates * Inspirational and reflective quotes from the great teachers of our time * 13 worksheets that begin on each new moon * Inspired art Stunning images RETAIL PRICE - $39.95 / $49.95 MY CLINIC PRICE- $33 Great way to start this year! Comment below or pm me
17.01.2022 FOLLOW YOUR BLISS!! I am currently assisting on the 10 day Spinal Flow Certification program with my teacher Dr Carli Axford! It is gobsmackingly brilliant! The room is filled with people who are committed to making a huge difference to the planet by becoming a healer. ... Today is day 5 of the program. I am waking up to a beautiful sunrise from the apartment that I am staying at. I feel so blessed. My heart is full with all the growth, transformation and shedding I am witnessing in the participants. All the old stories and blockages people have been holding in their bodies for decades are being released. We hold so much crap in our bodies, it holds so much and it is focused on keeping us "safe". It is so magical to watch what happens when we expand what is working in a body and we allow a body to truly connect with itself and all the old patterns get released Healing and magic happens. Have you watched the Gwenneth Paltrows Netflix doco series called the Goop Lab? There is an episode called the Energy Experiment with John Amaral. John & Dr Carli trained together and Dr Carli went on to develope Spinal Flow as an expansion on that. Its a distinct seperate modaility and it is amazing. These are the kinds of results we are seeing in our training. Its the episode called the Energy Experiment! How amazing that it is possible to learn this modality right here on the Gold Coast. https://www.netflix.com/title/80244690?s=i&trkid=13747225 I want to truly encourage everyone in hln to live their passion. Freedom comes from doing the things you love. Making a difference, creating a life and world that works. In our current world the biggest gift you can give yourself is to follow your bliss. I am forever grateful that a friend introduced me to Spinal Flow. It was one of those sliding door moments. I am so glad I did not let my fears stop me. Can I encourage you to really connect in with yourself and follow their bliss. Whatever it is! It will change your life. I am so glad I did! Oh and if anyone is interested in a Gold Coast spinal flow Practisioner or about the certification: Please pm me. I am back on deck as of 4 th August.
16.01.2022 ARE YOU IN PAIN? If you are in pain, its because one of your 7 Spinal Gateways has become blocked. When a Gateway is blocked, pain, illness, and disease will result. What you need to learn to begin healing is to identify: ... WHERE is the blockage in your body? Come and have an assessment and I can demonstrate where they are. WHY did it become blocked? There are three main causes: emotional, chemical, and physical. Emotional could be a past trauma that is stored in your body - yes, stored there - the body goes into fight/flight mode and it stays stuck there, sometimes for years. Chemical could be pollution, processed foods, household chemicals, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Physical could be too much sitting, not enough movement, repetitive movements, childbirth - there are many. If theres one thing you must understand before you can begin healing it is to understand your pain first. You must make the connections between your past, and present life to understand your pain. If you are looking for support in your health journey please book in a session so we can create a health support package for you. https://calendly.com//spinal-flow-initial-assessment-healt
16.01.2022 If you are in pain, as a Spinal Flow Practisioner we say it is because one of your 7 Spinal Gateways has become blocked. When a Gateway is blocked, pain, illness & disease will result. So what would you need to learn to begin healing? In a Spinal Flow session I can help you identify WHERE there are blockage in your body. ... As a Practisioner we can show you how to assess yourself to discover which one is blocked in your body. We help you uncover WHY it has became blocked. There are three main causes: emotional, chemical, and physical. Emotional could be a past trauma that is stored in your body - yes, stored there - the body goes into fight/flight mode and it stays stuck there, sometimes for years. Chemical could be pollution, processed foods, household chemicals, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Physical could be too much sitting, not enough movement, repetitive movements, childbirth - there are many. If theres one thing you must understand before you can begin healing it is to understand your pain first. You must make the connections between your past, and present life to understand your pain. As a Spinal Flow Practisioner I can help you assess the body to start you on your road to health & vitality. Pm me if you would like to book a session.
16.01.2022 SPINAL FLOW GATEWAYS. In Spinal Flow we assess to the body according to 7 gateways. If there are blockages in any of these gateways these are the kinds of symptoms that may develop. BASE GATEWAY... Common Ailments if you have blockages in this Gateway Depression Fibromyalgia Insomnia Poor Sleep Chronic Fatigue Epilepsy Motor Neuron Menstrual Cramps Polycystic Ovaries Sciatica Haemorrhoids Prostate Impotence FOUNDATION GATEWAY Common Ailments Back Pain Infertility Knee Pain Menstrual Cramps Polycystic Ovaries Sciatica Haemorrhoids Prostate POWER GATEWAY Common Ailments Bloating Colic Constipation Disc Flatulence Kidney Problems Bladder Infections Indigestion Ulcers CENTRE GATEWAY Common Ailments Asthma Shortness of Breath Heart Conditions Chest Pain Palpitations High Blood Pressure Low Blood Pressure Heartburn PAUSE GATEWAY Common Ailments Headaches Anxiety Energy low Migraines Stress Tinnitus Whiplash Eye disease Hearing loss Difficulty concentrating Poor memory Spacey Dizzy Brain fog Earaches Nosebleeds Vertigo Dyslexia ADD ADHD PASSION GATEWAY Common Ailments Allergies Cough Snoring Sore Throats Colds Food Sensitivity If you are looking for support in your health journey please book in a session so we can create a health support package for you. https://calendly.com//spinal-flow-initial-assessment-healt
16.01.2022 INTERESTED IN PURCHASING A NEW HEALY RESONANCE FOR AU$1775 INSTEAD OF AU$3793? I am willing you to offer you the chance to buy the new genuine Healy Device at the current special price & to also get the commission back! So not only do you get the current special price of eg the Resonance for only $2275 instead of $3793 but you also get the $500 (would be commission) returned to you after payment is cleared and sent to me. I will pop it straight back into your account. ... In order to purchase please follow link and then pm me so I can return the commission https://www.healy.shop/de/partner/?partnername=Mashenka Ps the special should have closed so if you are serious about this I suggest you hurry up! The purchase is done in Singaporean currency, please remember to put in the discount code! https://www.healy.shop/de/partner/?partnername=Mashenka COMMUNITY SUPPORTING COMMUNITY
16.01.2022 Healing with Spinal Flow: The body connecting back in with itself!
15.01.2022 The Mountain If the mountain seems too big today then climb a hill instead if the morning brings you sadness... it’s ok to stay in bed If the day ahead weighs heavy and your plans feel like a curse there’s no shame in rearranging don’t make yourself feel worse If a shower stings like needles and a bath feels like you’ll drown if you haven’t washed your hair for days don’t throw away your crown A day is not a lifetime a rest is not defeat don’t think of it as failure just a quiet, kind retreat It’s ok to take a moment from an anxious, fractured mind the world will not stop turning while you get realigned The mountain will still be there when you want to try again you can climb it in your own time just love yourself til then Laura Ding-Edwards 2019
14.01.2022 A fun afternoon at Colores in Coolangatta where Antoinette creates customised natural cosmetic make up blends! All natural pigments designed to keep your skin healthy and looking fabulous! Great education and I am completely inspired. Great prices too! I am certainly at an age and stage where I need a bit of extra help! ... Www.colores.com.au Let her know Mashenka recommended you!
14.01.2022 Oh I have been having such an amazing clinic day! I am just loving my Spinal Flow clients and the journey we are on together. I have an eclectic playlist and this came on and it was a great song for in that moment. Share your favourite healing tracks on your playlist. Or pls share you play list ... Xx M https://open.spotify.com/track/3pP8pyWvQX6vbrpEcRYgqa
12.01.2022 I have some Spinal Flow booking times available this Friday morning if anyone wants a 10 am or 11 am.
12.01.2022 SPINAL FLOW GROUP SESSIONS: I am now running group Spinal Flow sessions both in the mornings and some afternoons. Group sessions are a beautiful, intentional supportive way to participate in your healing journey! ... Plus it makes it affordable. Group Sessions are only $50 each. We start off with a personalised intake session where we do a full assessment, history intake and create a healing treatment plan for you and your body. This costs $120 Then we book you into group sessions that work for your schedule. We will work together to get you from "survive to thrive, from contraction to flow"! All I need from you is focus and commitment. Please pm me to book in or follow this link https://calendly.com//spinal-flow-initial-assessment-healt
12.01.2022 SPINAL FLOW TO RELEASE UNRESOLVED EMOTIONS Are you aware of the ways in which all the things that you have experienced in your life have been stored in your cellular memory and impeding your body? Perhaps things like: Burdened heavy shoulders, a sore neck, lower back pain, headaches, a bloated belly? What might be the trapped fear in your body? ... - who I am is not enough? - I dont belong? - I am all alone? Unresolved emotions get trapped in our body where they build and fester, draining our energy, leading to burnout, emotional imbalance, and eventually disease. When we chronically repress emotions, we create toxicity in our body, mind, and heart. This unprocessed emotional energy is stored in our organs, muscles, and tissues. It leads to inflammation and chronic health problems, and it undermines our overall well-being. Spinal Flow allows us to identify the ways in which you store your emotions and the ways it inhibits your fullest expression of vitality and freedom. Together we will create a treatment plan that supports you to release these stored emotions from your body and spine. For an initial assessment please book. Your health can flow vitality! https://calendly.com//spinal-flow-initial-assessment-healt Art I Molly Gur
11.01.2022 MISCARRIAGE AND WHAT TO EXPECT. * trigger warning* In the last week I have been contacted twice by beautiful souls whom I know, who just found out that there is no longer a heart beat in their first trimester pregnancies. ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS WEEKEND? This evening Dr Carli and our Spinal Flow Team will start the beautiful Spinal Flow Weekend Retreat and I am so excited to be working with her as a head healer. It is a sold out event! The weekend will compromise of a multitude of Spinal Flow Healing sessions, a juice detox cleanse, beautiful discourses on health and well-being and healing and reflection time. ... I have worked at her retreats many times and its always such a thrill to see the difference as people walk in to how they walk out. It is truly a transformational process. I am blessed to be working along side Dr Carli Axford. SO WHAT IS SPINAL FLOW YOU ASK? Spinal Flow is a healing modality that is a very powerful blend of cutting edge science and the healing arts. It uses natural access points to access our own bodies innate healing intelligence, by focusing on what already works within the body and breaking up blockages (stress related) within and around the nervous system of our spine. Stressors in our life include physical, emotional and chemical stress. These store in the nervous system of the spine and decrease our overall health and wellbeing. These blockages lead to Ill health, dis-ease, disease and ailments within the body and mind. I move the chi, prana, life force, god energy, universal energy... whatever you want to call it, through the body, which creates a wave within the clients body. When this wave occurs, our bodies naturally know what they need to do, to heal themselves. Your body is way smarter and its capacity to heal way more potent, than most people are ever lead to believe. Some of the things it can help with, include: Anxiety, depression, thyroid issues, weight gain, aches and pains around the body, insomnia and sleep issues, high/low blood pressure, back pain, fibromyalgia, digestive issues, reproductive issues, sexual problems, migraines, fatigue and a lot more... Spinal Flow facilitates a full rewiring of the brain and your body relearns what it already knew, to begin with how to self-heal! WHERE CAN I FIND OUR MORE? I will be running some information sessions in the next few weeks to introduce people to the benefits of Spinal Flow and I run a clinic in Ashmore. Let me know if you are keen to attend. It is also possible to book in for an initial one on one health assessment to start your spinal flow healing journey with me. https://calendly.com//spinal-flow-initial-assessment-healt
10.01.2022 What Is the Biggest Possible Number If You Move Only 2 Match Sticks
08.01.2022 SPINAL FLOW CERTIFICATION TESTIMONIAL: I am part of the team under Dr Carli Axford that supports her in the Spinal Flow Certification training. The students have been doing the level 1 training and its a beautiful dance between the theory of Spinal Flow Technique & practical application.... One of the gorgeous women who joined recently is Fiona Sillis and with her permission I have added her testimonial. She has been working on her husband and its already making a HUGE difference to his vitality and ease. He has previously been in pain for a long time. So excited for Fiona and her family and I am so blessed to have such an amazing team and mentor in Dr Carli Axford. If anyone is interested to know more about Spinal Flow Certification training please let me know and I can send you some links. I love working on my clients and people are traveling from far and wide for sessions.
07.01.2022 So grateful for my Spinal Flow Family. The philosophical underpinning of the work developed by Dr Carli Axfords so clearly reminds us of the wisdom of the body and that the body is designed to keep us safe. All contractions and blockages are part of our Defense mechanism. Releasing these blockages does not start with working on what is wrong, but focusing and expanding on what it right! The body knows how to heal itself. ... I am in such gratitude for the Spinal Flow community and all my clients. If you would like to experience Spinal Flow please book in for an initial health review. https://calendly.com//spinal-flow-initial-assessment-healt
07.01.2022 GEOCLEANSE EMF WHOLE HOUSE DEVICE at the discounted price of $155 INSTEAD OF $187 from "Spinal Flow with Mashenka". I have 5 extra ones. Who wants? I have ordered a 5 spare ORGONE EFFECTS house protection devices called The Geocleanse and its 5 G protection compatible! They are really amazing ... If you want any of their other products please let me know as I stock that also! https://www.orgoneffectsaustralia.com.au The Geocleanse Neutralizes over 30 noxious EMR fields unique to buildings in the home and workplace. The Geoclense is a healthy, negative charge resonance field generator designed to balance the noxious, unhealthy positive charge resonance created by all forms of EMR, RF, Wi-Fi, Earth Radiation and Bioplasmic Radiation. The Orgone products may be beneficial for neutralizing the effects of the following harmful, noxious energies: Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) produced by Digital TVs Smart Meters Baby Monitors Bluetooth Devices Microwave Ovens Laptops and Tablets Fluorescent Lighting Electrical Appliances Mobile Phone Towers High-Voltage Power Lines 4G & 5G Tower Emissions Wi-Fi Routers and Modems Cordless and Mobile Phones Artificial Heating and Cooling Noxious Resonance from Mold and Fungus Earth Radiation (Geopathic Stress) produced by Seismic Fault Lines Underground Water Veins Drinking water, sewer, storm and gray water pipes Radioactive Geological matter (i.e. Uranium and Coal) Hartman, Curry, Benker & 400-meter Earth Magnetic Grid Lines Bioplasmic Radiation (Human Generated) imprints produced by Juvenile emotional stress Illnesses and diseased organs Death imprints/ Paranormal Activity (Read our Blog Spooky Photos) Previous occupants’ emotional distress Negative Psychic impressions/Psychic attacks Solar & Planetary Radiation imprints produced by Planetary Retrograde influences Beta Gamma from X, C & M-class Solar Flares/Solar Winds Beta Gamma Radiation from Cygnus X3 (for people in the Northern Hemisphere) Read about them https://www.orgoneffectsaustralia.com.au/how-do-you-test-a/ What the experts are saying https://www.orgoneffectsaustralia.com.au/what-the-experts-/ How to device protects against 5G radiation https://www.orgoneffectsaustralia.com.au/5g-radiation-dan/ Digital Tv and how to protect yourself https://www.orgoneffectsaustralia.com.au/digital-tv-effects/
07.01.2022 A beautiful guided meditation
06.01.2022 I love Spinal Flow! Learning this technique has changed my life and my healing practice. Here is a video on learning the Spinal Flow Technique created by the Founder, and my mentor Dr Carli Axford. The fun news is that a few things have changed and it is now possible to learn all the modules of level 1 online and via zoom calls where Dr Carli Axford can support learning whilst we are in Covid-19 isolation. ... Dr Carli also offers a year long marketing & business support. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsvFms6EE3c&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsvFms6EE3c&feature=youtu.be)
06.01.2022 I am working with a graphic designer to get a new logo made. What do you think of this?
05.01.2022 I love my clients. I had another beautiful clinic day today. Such courageous souls connecting to themselves, healing, growing, expanding. Such a privilege to witness and facilitate! Thank you!! Truly. I get to fulfil on my... Lifes purpose of powerfully making a difference! See more
04.01.2022 Spinal Flow is just that: going within so you can connect with your body, and your body can heal itself. Heal & realign Book for a session: https://calendly.com//spinal-flow-initial-assessment-healt
04.01.2022 Beautifully reminding us of the healing power of the love that is mummy.
04.01.2022 WHAT ARE ARE YOU DOING TO UNWIND YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM? Spinal Flow is the art and science of working with the body to expand health, vitality and wellbeing! Do you need partnership in supportive your nervous system in these challenging times? ... I run affordable regular group Spinal Flow Sessions. Pm me
04.01.2022 If you want expansion, connection & healing... Track breath... Spinal Flow is the art and science of tracking breathe, movement and perception of the body along the spine. ... The body is brilliant and can heal itself. Its the most beautiful thing to witness. No matter what the diagnosis or prognosis, the journey of going within, tranforms. I just spent the last 5 days working on a Spinal Flow intensive. 10 healing sessions within 5 days. The chronic pain of people with auto immune diseases lifted. Clarity returned, ease, joy! What a privilege to facilitate and witness.
04.01.2022 Healing looks like this:
03.01.2022 KIDS & WORMS When the kids start doing that itchy scratchy thing you know its time to deworm! Some common symptoms of worm infestation in children can be:...Continue reading
01.01.2022 WHO IS YOUR LIFE PARTNER? Mom? Dad? Wife?... Son? Husband? Daughter? Friends? Not at all!! Your real-life partner is your body. Once your body stops responding no one is with you. You and your body stay together from birth till death. What you do to your body is your responsibility and that will come back to you. The more you care for your body, the more your body will care for you. What you eat, What you do for being fit, How you deal with stress, how much rest you give to it; will decide how your body going to respond. Remember, Your body is the only permanent address where you live. Your body is your asset/liability, which no one else can share. your body is your responsibility. Because you are the real-life partner. Be fit. Take care of your self. Money comes and goes. Relatives and Friends are not permanent. Remember no one can help your body other than you. Pranayama - for Lungs Meditation - for Mind Yoga - for Body Walking - for Heart Good food - for Intestines Good thoughts - for Soul Good Karma - for World written by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar I am offering spinal flow intake sessions. Please pm me