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Sports Medicine Clinic in Parramatta, New South Wales | Medical service

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Sports Medicine Clinic

Locality: Parramatta, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 9890 5844


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25.01.2022 This is a great resource for expecting mamas out there from a very knowledgeable mama. Download the free eBook and give the page a follow if you want the most practical information on pregnancy and childbirth.

25.01.2022 One of the frustrating questions we often have to answer is: Are squats bad for your knees? This question often comes after somebody has been talking to their doctor or their trainer, or the butcher, maybe the mechanic, maybe even the guy down the street. Now obviously these people feel like they are authorities on the topic. And the advice given to them is that squats are bad for your knees. This couldnt be further from the truth. Find out more here: -SK-

25.01.2022 Pain on the inside bony area of the elbow is often refered to as Golfers Elbow. Its victims arent always only golfers. Anyone who grips and uses their forearm may be prone to this injury. Find out how you can manage this problem and beat the pain.

24.01.2022 A lot goes in to an ACL rehab. Both the pateint and the therapist commit to each other and help one another achieve the best possible result... If you want the best possible result, make the rehab a top priority and you will hopefully get back to your best.

24.01.2022 Here are our Top 3 Tips for dealing with Back Pain

22.01.2022 When considering Total Knee Replacements, the WHY part is actually pretty easy. Theres lots of wear and tear, theres lots of arthritis and theres an immense amount of pain. The WHAT bit is actually pretty stock standard. The procedure is done well these days, and youll get generally good outcomes. The WHEN question is actually a harder question to answer. When should I get the knee replacement? How long should I wait until I consider Total Knee Replacement? ... The conventional wisdom is that you wait it out as long as possible. You wait until you cant bear the pain anymore, and then you go and see your surgeon and he does it for you. I have a problem with that particular piece of advice. Watch the video to find out more!

21.01.2022 Stronger is Faster! Stronger is Agile! Stronger is Mobile! Stronger is Stable! Stronger looks better...and Stronger is Healthier! Point is... Dont be weak, get Strong! Your back will thank you for it.

20.01.2022 So youve suffered with an achy tender elbow for many months, and youve tried a few different therapies. Its been almost 6 months now and the damn thing just wont go away. You may need some "tough love" to bring on the healing mechanisms the body uses to repair. We may need to "trick your brain" into thinking youve just hurt yourself. This does the trick pretty much all the time...if you can grit your teeth and bear it

20.01.2022 Such is the importance of the gripping function, people with amputated hands, fingers, and/or nerve damage that reduces their gripping are often deemed disabled. Now before you go and start using the disabled car spaces, lets just discuss how youre able to overcome one of the main causes of painful gripping. Read more here: -SK-

19.01.2022 Why are we so inclined to only value our health when danger comes knocking on our door? In these trying times, the way we value our health has been tested. When freedom returns, will you just continue to survive or seek to thrive? Will you love yourself enough to seek the health you rightfully deserve? We hope that you do and we will be there with you along the way.

19.01.2022 Weve all either seen (and heard it happen), seen it on T.V, or had it happen to ourselves. Tearing an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in the knee is one of those injuries where you just know its bad. If youre an athlete, you can already see yourself sitting out the season, and if youre Jane Average, the shock and trauma of having it happen to you is a little unbelievable. The sound is like a gunshot going off, and the pain is sharp and knife like through the whole knee. Up until that point in time, its likely that you would not have experienced such pain. Nothing can prepare you, and nothing can be done then and there. YOURE OUT! Read more here on this shattering injury: SK

19.01.2022 Check out our the Pros & Cons for the different sleeping positions. Which one are you?

19.01.2022 Were often told by very unqualified people that squats are bad for your knees. To set the record straight, theyre not! And youve tried to squat and hurt your knees, its highly likely youre butchering the movement. Do them correctly before forming an opinion.

17.01.2022 When considering Total Knee Replacements, the WHY part is actually pretty easy. There's lots of wear and tear, there's lots of arthritis and there's an immense amount of pain. The WHAT bit is actually pretty stock standard. The procedure is done well these days, and you'll get generally good outcomes. The WHEN question is actually a harder question to answer. When should I get the knee replacement? How long should I wait until I consider Total Knee Replacement? ... The conventional wisdom is that you wait it out as long as possible. You wait until you can't bear the pain anymore, and then you go and see your surgeon and he does it for you. I have a problem with that particular piece of advice. Watch the video to find out more!

17.01.2022 Some people are blessed with healthy knee joints that arent riddled with Arthritis as they age. For these people doing squats will make their kness healthier and stronger. For those who ARE riddled with knee injury, squats done correctly will greatly improve their ability to slow down this process and IMMENSELY improve their quality of life.... well into old age

17.01.2022 Having sharp pains in your knee every which way you turn is neither fun nor sustainable. If you enjoy being active, having a knee thats painful, but otherwise stable, is really annoying. You just want the damn pain to go away! Most people would go to their GP who would then recommend them to a surgeon and they would recommend that they clean your knee out, otherwise known as an arthroscope. Now you have a decision to make. Do I do the surgery and tidy up whatever it is in there thats giving me pain? Or do I ride it out and maintain my knee cartilage? This is actually a bigger decision than you might think. Read more about this important decision here: SK

16.01.2022 When the inmates run the asylum We wouldnt have it any other way

16.01.2022 One of the main questions I often get asked in the clinic is what kind of bed should I buy. Should I buy a firm bed a medium bed or a soft bed? Before I answer that question, Im going to discuss with you some of the things you may feel when your bed is actually contributing to your aches and pains. Find out more here: If you have found this useful, please hit that like button. It will give me an idea to give you content like this -SK-

16.01.2022 COVID-19 CoronaVirus Update To all our supportive patients, we first want to thank you for the privilege you have always given us in helping you along your health journey. For most of you, we have shared many years together and Im sure we will endure these testing times with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to assure you that we are continuing to provide the same quality healthcare that we always have, with some minor yet important changes. We have been following th...Continue reading

14.01.2022 Icing is an integral part of inflammation management. Learn how to make the most effective (and cheapest) ice pack out there

13.01.2022 If youre suffering from pains and aches, especially first thing in the morning, you may need to consider replacing your mattress. How do you know that your mattress needs and find out. If you like these videos, please hit that like button. It gives me great feedback as to the content I need to provide for you

13.01.2022 Ok, so now youve decided you need to change your mattress, what kind of mattress should you buy. Soft, Medium, or Firm Watch below to find out If this has been useful for you, please smash that like button so I can prduce more like this for you... -SK-

12.01.2022 Weve discussed the topic of doing squats poorly and then complaining about them hurting your knees. Well... Take the advice in this video and youll be able to do the squat properly and actually fix your knees

09.01.2022 CoronaVirus got you stuck either working from home, or isolated at home? Heres a great strategy to keep you mobile. Plan these out throughout your day for maximum impact. Check it out below

08.01.2022 Its one of the most obvious pieces of advice we can give, yet so many people either create problems or stop their improvement by sleeping on their stomach

08.01.2022 Hey Facebook friends, Were sure youve seen Josephine around the clinic. Shes our main face out at the parramatta location. If you want to see her struggle, ask her to choose between coffee & cake or shopping...

07.01.2022 Stomach sleepers will have chronic upper back and neck complaints. Fixing your sleeping habits will go a long way to sorting out your aches and pains. And you look like the police sketch around the body in a bad murder movie... just stop it!

06.01.2022 These were fun years. With all the stress going on, remember those days.... and know that your children will see better days ahead!

06.01.2022 Dont be fooled! Given that you dont have a neurological disorder, your body (and all its parts) will work just fine IF YOU ASK THEM TO!

05.01.2022 Your knee surgery will have impact on you for the rest of your life. You only really get one chance to get it right. Follow these 3 tips and they should lead you to a great knee surgeon. And... you could always ask us in the comments below

05.01.2022 Contrary to popular belief, the squat (when done correctly) is not a primarily knee loading movement. It is a predominantly HIP DRIVE movement. Its Hip Centric and promotes Hip Drive. So if your squats cause you knee pain, its because you have failed to load the hips properly and are placing too much emphasis on the knee.

05.01.2022 One of the major obstacles to improving the upper back and neck pain that people often complain about, is getting their pillow right. Waking up in the morning with a stiff aching neck is not the first thing you want to be feeling after opening your eyes in the morning. A lot of people ask us to tell them what the best pillow is for them, and here I will attempt to at least explain to you what a good pillow should do and also, some of the problems we encounter when helping people get a better nights sleep. Read more here:

04.01.2022 Here we describe the procedure of a Total Knee Replacement. This is the process of taking away your old arthritic knee and replacing it with a combination of metal and plastic, giving you a new knee, less the pain.

04.01.2022 Getting your pillow right at best could mean the difference between a poor nights sleep and a good nights sleep. At worst, it could lead to chronic upper back and neck pain. The right pillow is personal to each of us. But if you follow some basic guidelines, you should be able to find the right fit for you. ... Watch below and find out more

03.01.2022 Genetic factors and wear and tear of the knee joint are largely responsible for the Arthritis in your knees. These are the main reasons you would need a knee replacement.

02.01.2022 Despite the birthday cake, getting old is rarely a cause for celebration. At least physically. Nobody ever said I cant wait till Im 70. Many joints ache, your bladder never really feels empty, and a full uninterrupted nights sleep makes up the bulk of your birthday wishes. If you add stiff, grindy arthritic knees to that equation, its easy to see why you dont like to leave the house without being a little grumpy. So when Total Knee Replacements became a thing, its no wo...nder your eyes lit up like a 30 year old. Finally, a solution to the knee pain that wakes you up multiple times a night. So now that this is an option for you, and many others of the vintage disposition, lets take a deep dive and answer the three main considerations youll have to think about before going under the knife. Find out more here:

02.01.2022 Follow these tips for a properly executed squat. Yes, there may be slight variations based on your individual body, but dont let anybody fool you that there arent basic guidelines to a great squat. So, here they are.

02.01.2022 Squatting is a natural human movement. It happens throughout your entire life. Learning how to squat and then doing them will mean that you perform a natural human movement that will beneficial for your long term health

02.01.2022 An elevated level of stress will add to list of things contributing to aches and pains. Stress can affect things like your heart rate and muscle tone. You can counter this using some methods on your own, or seeking out our help

01.01.2022 Sleep is the most under-rated recovery tool for your body. A great mattress is a key part of making sure you get a good nights rest, and waking fresh in the morning ready to crush the day! Follow our tips when deciding if you need to change old for new.... happy sleeping!

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