Springfield Lakes Nature Care Inc. | Community
Springfield Lakes Nature Care Inc.
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25.01.2022 Threatened Species Day is celebrated on 7 September . our Spotlight Night tonight will be raising awareness about our endangered species and what you can do to help them, so why not come along, starts at 5.45 pm but you will need tickets. Click the link at the bottom of the story.
24.01.2022 We had a go at making the Landcare symbol Landcare Australia #BushcaresBigDayOut
24.01.2022 Just in case you didnt know Foxes are invasive pests and can actually climb. This fox was found quite high up nesting in an old tree hollow. What hope do our native threatened species have when invasive predators, eat them & take over their breeding nesting hollows. #ThreatenedSpeciesDay https://www.flickr.com/phot/bosscocky//72157715740006466/
23.01.2022 For those of you who might not know, Im on the Ipswich Council Community Reference Group for the Environment. Our first meeting was tobe 27th August but was cancelled due to Covid but we have a Zoom meeting instead. Ive submitted these questions to our Forum in response to the Agenda In relation to issues & Challenges for 2040 Love About Ipswich - Now & into future With regards to Koalas Conservation Strategy 2019-24 . Given that Koala numbers have decreased between 5...0-80% in Key habitat areas & 74% of habitat has been as a result of land clearing in SEQ. 1) People love seeing Koalas in the wild. What future plans will council have in protecting core habitat? With regards to challenges: The problem is that core Koala habitat is being cleared for development which also has an impact on other keystone endangered species. 2) Some fauna surveys are not thorough. Can Council review how developers put in environmental fauna & flora surveys & put in some tougher measures & stricter guidelines? Wildlife Corridors, With habitat loss, road kill & dogs impacting on existing Koala core habitat listed as a cause in numbers declining. The Problem, conservation zones along riparian zones, creeks, gullies & areas used for connectivity to larger reserves& need to be wider than the existing 30 m. 3) How can Council implement a sustainable corridor, (suggesting least 100 m equivalent to 50m each side ) that is Koala-friendly so that all infrastructure, including road/bridges, enable crossing points for koalas &/or includes a NO DOG Zone? There are ways through covenants (electronic fences) to control dog free corridors. Future Vision: We need growth & development but we need it to include green zones rather than the wholesale bare earth clearing that currently exists. The problem is the Offset policy is not putting a true value on Koala habitat and in areas where substantial land clearing & development is taking place. We need to take this into consideration, especially in light of Climate Change. Ipswich is substantially hotter than Brisbane, Gold Coast & Bayside suburbs. Old Growth forest contains existing ecosystems, that includes tree hollows, and provides a significant cooling effect. New suburbs should have large green spaces from the start, not small trees that take many decades to grow. Its not just a matter of planting new trees as per the Koala Conservation draft plan, its also about protecting old growth forest. Tree hollows take up to 80 100 years to form thats the vision for the future. 4) How will council mitigate for climate change & protect current Koala habitat and other habitat where endangered or vulnerable species of plant & fauna exist. 5) Is there a plan to purchase any key core koala habitat so the current Koala population doesnt decline further or become extinct by 2040? https://www.manningrivertimes.com.au//new-koala-protecti/ See more
22.01.2022 Such a lot of variety. We cld start our own frog photos of local frogs. Gillian Egan you probably have the most.
21.01.2022 Spotlight on Threatened Species night through White Rock Spring Mountain last night saw 9 different species & were rewarded with seeing 2 sugar gliders leave the nest box one in full flight stopping at a nearby tree. A brush tail possum, 2 galahs, 2 butcherbirds, 1 tree creeper bird in nest box, roosting in tree, 1 tawny frogmouth, 1 barn owl, 1 rednecked wallaby ,1 eastern grey kangaroowith Joey. Kids were happy with hot chocolate, cookies & certificates after a quick play in park at the end.
20.01.2022 Last week was Keep Australia Beautiful Week, a week dedicated to engaging Australians to care for their local environment. This years campaign has been slightly different, due to unexpected challenges as a result of COVID-19. Protecting ourselves from the spread of COVID-19 has resulted in some knock-on effects that we now need to manage with regards to litter & waste items like single-use food & beverage containers, face masks, hand sanitiser containers & gloves. The 2020... Keep Australia Beautiful Week tackled this important issue by promoting a few simple tips to reduce and recycle some of the goods were using more of. Their website gives more information on: How to protect you and your loved ones without the cost to our planet? How to keep good hygiene practices that dont cost the Earth? How to reduce and recycle the single-use consumables from takeaway food and drinks? See more
20.01.2022 Last week when walking through Opossum Creek I found a Whip Vine (Flagellaria) growing out of the creek up into a tree. This interesting vine with large leaf blades grows in gallery & lowland rainforests throughout Australia, Asia & Pacific. Its fruit is eaten by fruit pigeons which Ive heard calling & vine is a host for Darter & Common Tit butterfly. The plant has also been used for medicinal purposes in other countries ; active against tumours & was used as a contraceptive but could cause sterility.
19.01.2022 September 13th is National Bilby Day. It was officially launched in 2005 & the Bilby is the only Australian animal which has its own day. Celebrations are held annually on the second Sunday of September. Bilbies, or rabbit-bandicoots, are desert-dwelling marsupial omnivores. There are two subspecies of Bilby: Lesser Bilby (extinct) and Greater Bilby (vulnerable), listed according to the EPBC Act (1999). https://savethebilbyfund.com
19.01.2022 Hope we dont see to many of these big ants at Bushcare Revegetatation site in Opossum Creek. They move quick & I bet they hurt when they bite.
19.01.2022 Interesting facts about our mammals.
18.01.2022 Recently, two of our Rangers were out-and-about at Toorbul completing #shorebird signage audits when they came across ‘Traveller’ 6RYBR a migratory Bar-tail G...odwit. They were able to record the leg tag for this bird and informed the Queensland Wader Study Group, who shared the story of Traveller. Without ado let us share the story with you! ‘Traveller’ was originally banded with a metal band in 2010, and later tagged with coloured flags and bands in Feb 2013 at Manawatu estuary North Island, New Zealand. Researchers have been monitoring her for the last eight years. Traveller was photographed on her return journey on Sep 10 at the Toorbul Roost then later recorded on Sep 23. She had stopped over to rest and feed for just under a fortnight. Where is she returning from you may ask? She is likely to be returning from the Kuskokwim Shoals, near the mouth of the Kuskokwim River, in Alaska. So far she has made at least a 10,000km nonstop flight, and still has 2,500km across the Tasman Sea to make it home. All in all, she will have a return migration of 25,000km, following an endless summer. Her survival connects and relies on related protected areas, even when they are oceans apart. Australia and New Zealand have signed to the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (RAMSAR). Across the Tasman Sea, Manawatu River mouth and estuary is a sister RAMSAR site. Some 10,470km away in the north, in Alaska, Travellers northern hemisphere summer breeding site and success, is assured by the protection provided by the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge. Thank you Maggie for your great picture, the Queensland Wader Study Group for cataloguing this fantastic information and networking it with the New Zealand Researchers from across the Tasman, who started recording her story. Undisturbed feeding and resting is essential for the success of migrating shorebirds http://ow.ly/WZQa50CucgC | #qldenvironment
16.01.2022 Now theres a new chocolate - Bilby Poo Might not be everyones favourite but I heard its very similar to chocolate bullets. https://savethebilbyfund.com/fancy-eating-some-bilby-poo/
16.01.2022 Just 3 people at bucket brigade watering the plants. We used the new pump with 2 hoses. Just took a while to set up pump so Gillian & I found a few celtis plants to pull out. Saw one really big bull ant next to white paper.
15.01.2022 Busy day today planting 600 native rainforest plants at Opossum Creek Revegetatation & rehabilitation site. Shayne Neumann MP helped unveil storyboard detailing the work undertaken as part of funding received $20k Australian Governments Communities Environment Program. Cr Russell Milligan Chairperson for Environment & sustainabilty.. Cr Kate Kunzelmann Division 4 & Cr Sheila Ireland attended on behalf of Ipswich City Council.
13.01.2022 We hear the tusked frogs in Opossum Creek Revegetatation rehabilitation site but they are hard to photograph. Listed as endangered!
13.01.2022 Platypus Watch program attaching flagging tape to sites Moggill Creek so volunteer participants can find their survey site. While we surveying spots found a python sunning himself & another green tree snake.
13.01.2022 Had an email from a contact of mine, who works as Co-ordinator for Land for Wildlife. She lives in Goodna & she is keen to start a Bush Care group for Rick Nattrass Environmental Park. She asked if anyone in our group who live in Bellbird Park might be interested, can you email [email protected] so I can forward your details to her. If you had her on your team she would be excellent. She has worked for Healthy Land & Water & is knowledgeable about birds, plants, weeds. She would even help assist many Bellbird Park residents who have properties over 1 hectare whod be interested in becoming Land for Wildlife properties
12.01.2022 Python found sunning himself while a water dragon watches close by.
12.01.2022 Our Community Planting Day to celebrate Bushcares Big Day Out was a huge success. Heres just a few photos of the event. Thanks to Shayne Neumann MP, Cr Russell Milligan, Cr Kate Kunzelmann, Cr Sheila Ireland, Martin Bennett, Keith McCosh, Girl Guides North Ipswich, residents & SLNC members, who came to plant & water 600 native plants, consisting of large & mid story trees, grasses & ground covers.
12.01.2022 Everyone enjoyed the community planting day at Opossum Creek Revegetation Rehabilitation site #BushcaresBigDayOut
11.01.2022 This might just be the answer to create more nest hollows for Powerfull Owls & other tree hollow dependent birds & animals. Even dead trees are useful. Tree hollows are valuable real estate for wildlife.
11.01.2022 Sustainability Week from August 23 - 29th. This is a great story about Chris Wiley who transformed his Pine Mountain property from a weed infested degraded piece of land into a beautiful haven and habitat for wildlife. I think Chris has the right idea, that the wildlife are welcomed into his space rather than he invade their space. In 4 years hes restored his property by propagating native seeds and planting native plants, installing nesting boxes and bee hotels to help pollinate his native plants. Great job Chris!
11.01.2022 Isnt this the cutest picture of a Greater Glider. There are reports of these being found in Greenbank and in sections of White Rock Spring Mountain. But these guys need tree hollows in order to survive.
10.01.2022 For those volunteers who attended the #BushcareBigDayOut A white drink bottle was found on the Camphor Laurel seat & a blue watering can. Please let me know if it yours & I will message via Facebook inbox instructions on how to collect. Thanks you again to the 41 volunteers & Girl Guides from North Ipswich you all did a fabulous job.
08.01.2022 Plover Lovers you cant not love this ball of fluff.
08.01.2022 Tomorrow Thursday 10 September at 1pm- Ipswich Councils Enviro-Forum is holding FREE Enviromental talks by guest speakers, the expert team at Hidden Vale Wildlife Centre will showcase their research projects involving koalas. Dr Andrew Tribe & Karmen Butlers project involves tracking koalas to develop a thriving koala population that could bolster regional populations. Dalene Adam explores the impact of climate change on koalas. Registration via Eventbrite. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/enviroforum-changing-landsc
08.01.2022 A platypus sighted at Ric Natrass Creek The late Ric Natrass a local Environmentalist Qld Parks Wildlife would be pleased. Shows that looking after creek catchment can help wildlife.
08.01.2022 Threatened Species Day is a time to reflect and take small actions to protect our threatened & vulnerable species from following the same fate as over 100 Australian animals & fauna that have disappeared from our landscape in the last 200 years. #ThreatenedSpeciesDay #EndangeredSpecies #SavetheKoala #BringBackRichmondButterfly #PlatypusWatch #environment
07.01.2022 Theres a lot of variety involved in volunteering for a Bushcare group. On September 13th well be hosting our 2nd community planting day and your welcome to attend our Bushcares Big Day Out.
07.01.2022 The wildlife return when weeds are removed.
06.01.2022 We need more people like Chris Wiley. Its taken 4 years but hes restored a weed-infested property & planted natives from propagating providence seeds added nest boxes & bee hotels. Come & look at the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XXwzUfF-_Y
06.01.2022 From our Member & Vice President Gillians Dam, I would caption this saying "This frog is climbing his way to the top & is the Boss of the pond." Or Draining the Swamp -Tips on how to get rid of your competitors." A little Friday Funny. Sound on & you can hear Gillian having a chuckle.
04.01.2022 Koalas are definitely on the Agenda, with the recent release of SEQ Koala Conservation Strategy 2020- 25 & amending the state planning framework, to stop the clearing of koala habitat areas within a koala priority area, Its interesting to see that researchers at the Hidden Vale Koala Project are working hard & studying koalas in a bid to bolstering koala populations across the Little Liverpool Range. The 3,100 hectare nature reserve is home to many rare and threatened species, have a listen to a strange little creature.
03.01.2022 Doing a reconnaissance for Moggill Creek Catchments Platypus Watch with Chris Hosking to learn the behind the scenes process for organising & running a platypus Watch program. Some beautiful spots in Kenmore & Upper Brookfield.
03.01.2022 September is Biodiversity Month, this video has some gorgeous images and an important message. That we are interconnected & we depend on biodiversity for sustenance, health, well-being & enjoyment of life. Its in our bushland. Its in our waterways and oceans. Its in our towns and cities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSVXD0kHgAQ&feature=youtu.be
03.01.2022 The photo submitted by @LuiseManning to Landcare has been selected to be one of the top 5 but in order for our Landcare group to get $500 we need as many people to vote for it in the poll before it closes on 10th September, Were currently in 3rd spot. So please vote for us. Thanks.
03.01.2022 Have to love this gorgeous Myzomela or Scarlet honey-eater.
01.01.2022 Bucket brigade today. Ladies team- Jill Gillian & Rose were the hose Queens & David was the pump supervisor & bucket filler 1000 plants watered. Our new pump was purchased with funds from the project received grant funding from Australian governments Communities Environment Program @envirogov definitely quicker.
01.01.2022 Anyone able to water our revegetation Site at Opossum Creek on Sunday, 8.30 am? So far I have one little froggy to help water 1000 plants @DavidManning We have the pump working but it does take a bit to set up the hoses.
01.01.2022 Any Koala sightings should be recorded on Atlas Living Australia. The recording provides data to show decline or increase of sightings.