SSAA Tas Deer Stalkers T10 | Community organisation
SSAA Tas Deer Stalkers T10
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23.01.2022 Good news, we have permission to resume bookings from this weekend. Preference for this weekend has been given to all who had previous permits cancelled due to lock down. NATIVE TIER IS FULLY BOOKED.... Availability is Bellevue Tier or Mt Connection only. To arrange bookings for this weekend, application forms (including payments and copies of licences if you havent hunted with us yet this year) MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 6pm THURSDAY 4th June. Any future hunt applications must be received by 6pm on the Thursday prior to the weekend to allow time for permit processing.
22.01.2022 Hoping everyones 2019 season has been a success so far! We have been working behind the scenes and have now redeveloped our booking system process and forms. Please note that, effective immediately, the current lease permit is now obsolete. You will now be required to use our new form that can be downloaded from our website, or contact Emma at [email protected] or 0428555038.
22.01.2022 RANGE will REOPEN on Wed 24 June 2020 shooting commences at 10am Our range roster will then continue as published. The second shoot is Sunday 28 June.... We are restricted to 18 shooters at shooting lines plus 2 range officers. There are some covid-19 protection requirements which we will publish over the next few weeks.
22.01.2022 Because of the Virus, we will not open the range on Wednesday 25th March or Sunday 29th March. It is unlikely that the range will open again before May or June 2020, however please continue to check this facebook page for updates. Pistol shooters might not need to complete participation cards for 2020, we will keep you informed on that issue.... the committee
22.01.2022 Heres the new process... pretty sure its simple enough!! You will now receive a seperate permit per trip.
21.01.2022 Great clip produced by SSAA with some simple tips for staying safe and keeping the surrounds enjoyable for all. Please always remember that YOU are not the only person to use our leases. ALWAYS remove any rubbish you create. WE as a collective need to ensure this land is looked after to assist in ensuring ongoing access is continued in years to come. Block boundaries are set for a reason. Not just to allow everyone a fair go, but also for YOUR safety when there are multiple ...people/groups in the area. So it is your responsibility to ensure you know how to read a map and identify where those boundaries are. If you are not familiar with the area you wish to go, we are always happy to assist with helping you with hard copies of maps if needed. Deer fever is never an excuse to ignore safety or general respect for your surrounds and fellow hunters!
20.01.2022 I hope everyone who hunted during Stag season had safe and successful trips!! Now that its over, be advised that any previously supplied dash cards are now void and obsolete!! Heres a reminder of the new process, and new form that is now required.
20.01.2022 With the Stag season now in full swing: Just a friendly reminder for hunters to ensure they are familiar with the mapped areas and be mindful of their block boundaries. Also be aware that any reports of unlawful activities will NOT be tolerated and WILL be reported!... Now the serious side is dealt with, we wish you all safe, happy, and successful hunting trips!!
20.01.2022 We have noted some comments about membership fees and lease access fees and thought we would take the opportunity to provide some information for clarification on both of these. Membership fees are paid for SSAA membership and paid directly to the national body. The national body pay a proportion of those fees to the SSAA Tas state body and a smaller proportion again of these fees are paid to individual clubs like Tas Deerstalkers. Some clubs need to then charge additional me...mberships fees to keep their clubs running. Tas Deerstalkers does not do this. We only collect range fees and the lease access fees. The range fees help in the running and development of range facilities and the lease access fees help cover the cost of the large fee we pay to STTAS each year for the privilege of our hunting leases. We have already paid STTAS fees for the year and rely on the access fees paid by hunters to cover this cost. The current situation is unfortunate but we hope we will be able to issue permits at some stage. We have also pointed out to STTAS that some members rely on access to our leases to harvest food and in our view this is essential. It is possible that restrictions on hunting on our leases will be lifted before the end of the year, so please be patient, as all might not be lost. This club is committed to improving the services we provide for our membership and we encourage members to support the club both by using the range and hunting leases when we are back up and running again. Arthur Brown Senior Vice President
20.01.2022 continual improvement
18.01.2022 This is Constable Dan from Liawenee Police Station. We work closely with him especially during deer seasons, and he often performs checks on our hunting leases throughout the year so never be surprised if you see him in the area. If you do see him, be sure to stop and say hi!
18.01.2022 2019 range shooting roster is done, please click on this link to our website:
18.01.2022 Wednesday 24 June 2020 The range will be open, we will be checking the road in around 0830 and we will advise further on this facebook IF we find the road too damn wet. If there is NO facebook notice by 0850 the road is open.... Coming back up the hill to get out is really the only problem, we suggest 4 wheel drive vehicles only No facebook notice by 0850 Wednesday, we are open.
17.01.2022 In preparation for the upcoming deer season, here is the process of how to gain access. We are in the process of updating our website with current maps, and will advise when this is complete. Application forms are available from the downloads & links page on our website.... Please note that no permits for deer season will be confirmed or supplied before copies of the 2020 game licences are provided.
17.01.2022 Heres a few ideas for anyone who needs to get into shape before next year!
16.01.2022 The Range is now back to rostered shooting days. Next shoot is Wednesday 8 July 2020.
16.01.2022 Dear stakeholder Game Services Tasmania will be hosting information evenings in Longford, Avoca, Ross and Bothwell to discuss changes to the management of fallo...w deer in Tasmania. Please see attached a flyer with locations and further information. Please also see attached information relating to these changes. Please share this email, and attached documents with your members, clients and/or colleagues. If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further please contact Game Services Tasmania on 03 6165 3225.
15.01.2022 The range will be closed if a Total Fire Ban has been declared
15.01.2022 Anyone else feel the same?? And just a reminder that we still have blocks available for Doe season....
15.01.2022 Range will now re-open on Sunday 14th June. 9.30am We are restricted to 17 shooters and 3 club officials. We are required to continue with social distancing and also some basic hygiene requirements.... We will provide hand sanitizer and surface disinfectant. If you require face masks or gloves please provide your own as our stocks of same are limited. Our range officers will police the covid-19 requirements
14.01.2022 Range roster available: follow this link:
14.01.2022 HUNTING LEASE UPDATE We are hopeful that hunting will resume after 15 June, however we can not yet confirm dates or accept bookings until we receive official notification from Sustainable Timbers that we are permitted to resume. We will advise when bookings are open again as soon as we have confirmed approval.
14.01.2022 OPEN today 24 june 2020
12.01.2022 Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year! Here is the 2021 range roster for anyone who might have been visited by Santa and now have something new to sight in! Alternatively, time to clean the dust off your old faithful and come and say Hi
12.01.2022 Forgot to also mention, If you are expecting an email and dont see it come through, lease check your junk box as they often end up there!
11.01.2022 Because the Glenorchy RSL has closed, we will now hold the AGM on Monday 26 August 2019 from 6.30pm at the CLAREMONT RSL, 9 Bilton street, Claremont
11.01.2022 For those that are unfamiliar with our lease blocks, here are the 3 leases available. Application forms are available via the links and downloads page of our website, or email [email protected] to request one. Fees and payment methods are listed on the application. Native Tier - access off Bashan Road, Victoria Valley.... Bellevue Tier - access off Brown Marsh Road, London Lakes. Mt Connection - access off Long Marsh Road, Lake Leake.
10.01.2022 If you would like an information pack emailed to you for the upcoming deer season, either comment or message through your email address. In addition, if you know anyone who is interested in arranging a hunt but has no internet access (ie the older generation ), please message through their details and well ensure they receive the information they need. Thanks
09.01.2022 We will provide hand sanitizer and you will be required to sanitise your hands on arrival, prior to departure, regularly whilst at the range including before and after handling targets, before and after using another persons firearms or accessories. Please do not bring non participating friends or family to the range unless you expect them to remain in your vehicle within the car park.
08.01.2022 NATIVE TIER and BELLEVUE TIER are now available. For bookings please contact Sam on 0488 443 869 or Emma on 0428 555 038
07.01.2022 We will be running a RANGE OFFICERS Course on Saturday 24 November 2018 at the Glenorchy RSL (Croquet Rooms) at 10am. There are 6 spots available. If you are interested in becoming a certified range officer and are prepared to officiate at our range at least once every 6 weeks, please email Arthur Brown ([email protected]) before the 16th of November.
06.01.2022 *** HUNTING CLOSED *** We regret to inform hunters that all STTAS managed land that our leases are on is also closed to recreational activity including camping and hunting until further notice. Any permits that have been issued are now cancelled.
06.01.2022 The AGM will be held on Monday 26 August 2019 from 6.30pm at the Glenorchy RSL (croquet rooms). If anyone would like to nominate for a committee position you must do so by July 22. Nomination forms are available on our website within the links page. Send completed forms to our Secretary (Liz Murray) (email address on our website)
06.01.2022 Hunting Lease Update: Hi All Whilst we still havent received official confirmation on the exact extent and impact of the Central Plateau fires, here are some updates with the information we have: Bellevue Tier: It appears that Bellevue Tier has been directly affected by the fire and therefore it is safe to say that this area will not be accessible. ... Native Tier: Although at this stage, the fire does not appear to have reached Native Tier, we are being warned that for safety reasons, it is likely that this area will still be off limits. Arthurs Lake North: Access to Arthurs Lake North is still uncertain, however, we are continually negotiating with Hydro regarding access possibilities. We are acutely aware of your frustration that this situation is causing with hunters wanting to plan for the season fast approaching, however these matters are completely out of our control and your understanding and patience is greatly appreciated! Just a reminder that Mount Connection is available for bookings, so: Jump over to the lease page of our website and check out the link to maps of the area if youre unfamiliar with it, Sort out your game licence if you havent already, Send in your booking request, Clean your guns, Head to the range to check your sights, Pack your bags, and Get hunting!!
04.01.2022 Attention Hunters: Please be advised that due to the current fires in the Central Plateau area, this is impacting and affecting the Native Tier and Bellevue Tier leases. Be advised that these leases WILL NOT be available for hunting during the first season. We will advise post fire if there is any unburnt land/available access for the second season at a later date.... Access to Arthurs Lake is at this stage is also uncertain and will be advised in the coming weeks. As such, no bookings will be taken for this area at this stage. This leaves only Mt Connection at this stage which will be available for bookings from 4th Feburary. We are endeavouring to find alternative areas and will advise accordingly as these may arise. Feel free to download the hunting permit from our website to get the ball rolling on bookings for Mt Connection only.
04.01.2022 Regardless of any announcements/news in relation to covid-19 restrictions being eased earlier than first planned, our position still remains the same: Our leases remain closed until we have received direct approval from Sustainable Timbers to resume bookings.
03.01.2022 2020 range roster
02.01.2022 AGM is being held at the Claremont RSL at 6pm on 24 August 2020 If you would like to join the committee, nomination forms are available on our website, link here:
02.01.2022 Today, wednesday 5 august 2020: road in to range is very wet and yucky, so maybe not a good day to come to the range. Certainly 4 wheel drive only.
01.01.2022 IF a total fire ban is in place, the range will be closed.
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