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St Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church Sydney in Arncliffe, New South Wales | Religious centre

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St Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church Sydney

Locality: Arncliffe, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 9597 1413

Address: 72 Wollongong Road 2205 Arncliffe, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 @st.mark church

21.01.2022 Today's Quiet time: 22-Nov-2020 Read: Esther 4:7-17 (Prayer as a Problem Solver) Commentary: But what use is there to recall all the examples of those who, because they prayed as they ought, received great favours from God? Everyone can choose for himself many examples from the Scriptures. Anna obtained the birth of Samuel, who was reckoned with Moses, because when she was barren, she prayed to the Lord with faith. Again, when, as a result of a single order arising from the intrigues of Haman, the people were about to be destroyed, the prayer and fasting of Mordechai and Esther were heard, and hence there arose, in addition to the feasts ordained by Moses, the festival of Mordechai for the people. ~ Origen Reflection questions: Q1) How often do we use prayer to solve our problems or hardships and how often do we try to solve them on our own? Which of these scenarios is more common in our lives?

17.01.2022 Our youth cooking up a storm with Fr Aug today

15.01.2022 Today's Quiet time: 21-Nov-2020 Read: Matthew 26:36-46 (Being Alone with God) Commentary: His disciples were clinging to Him inseparably. So, He said to His disciples, Sit here, while I go over there and pray. For it was usual with Him to pray apart from them. He did this to teach us how to pray, how to use silence and solitude to pray for great matters. And taking with Him the three, He said to them, My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me. Why does He not take all of them with Him? That they might not be more sorrowful. He took only those who had been spectators of His glory. ~ St John Chrysostom Reflection questions: Q1) What do you think are the benefits of spending time alone with God, particularly during troubled times?

13.01.2022 A blessed day out with our youth at Watsons Bay

11.01.2022 Today's Quiet time: 24-Nov-2020 Read: Psalm 91 (No One Can Frighten You) Commentary: He said these things about the just and wise person and these are said in the blessings, You will sleep and there will not be anyone who frightens you. For if I am made just, no one can frighten me; I am afraid of nothing else, if I fear God. For it says, the just is confident as a lion, and for this reason, he does not fear the lion, the devil, or the dragon, Satan, or his angels; but according to David, he says, I shall not be afraid of the nocturnal fear, nor the dart which flies during the day, nor the terror which walks in the darkness nor the ruin and the midday demon. And he adds that the Lord is my light and my Saviour, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defender of my life, at what shall I tremble? And again, If an army stands against me, my heart will not fear. You see the steadfastness and vigour of the soul that keeps the commandments of God and has confidence in the freedom that God gives. ~ Origen Reflection questions: Q1) What are your greatest fears in life? Make a list of them and consider for each one if this is too much for God to handle?

09.01.2022 Congratulations Mina and Marynet! The Lord bless your life together!

09.01.2022 When I passed by you again and looked upon you, indeed your time was the time of love... Ezekiel 16:8 Praise and prayer meeting every Wednesday at St. Mark's church from 7:00pm to 8:30

08.01.2022 Today's Quiet time: 30-Nov-2020 Feast: The Holy Nativity Fast Read: Ephesians 6:10-20 (Spiritual Warfare)... Commentary: We are waging war against the fiercest of enemies. He is skilled in every deceit. We must therefore keep on the lookout, with all circumspection and care, that wherever they test out resistance they will find us protected and ready Against earthly foes the body must be strengthened with food and the mind aroused by drink to become bold enough to fight back. So, against the spiritual weapons of iniquity we must fight spiritually. But our weapons must be sobriety and abstinence, that, having been filled with the Holy Spirit we may vanquish the unclean warring. ~ St Ambrosiaster Reflection questions: Q1) What are the weak points or the gaps in our armour? How can we protect theses gaps from the attacks of the adversary?

08.01.2022 Today's Quiet time: 23-Nov-2020 Read: James 1:12-18 (Bearable Burdens) Commentary: James does all he can to encourage people to bear their trials with joy, as a burden which is bearable, and says that perfect patience consists in bearing things for their own sake, not for the hope of some better reward elsewhere. He nevertheless tries to persuade his hearers to rely on the promise that their present state will be put right. The person who has fought the hard battles will be perfectly able to handle anything. Someone who comes through his troubles in this way will be duly prepared to receive his reward, which is the crown of life prepared by God for those who love Him. ~ St Didymus The Blind Reflection questions: Q1) How do you think you can have joy in your trials and tribulations? Do you think this is possible?

02.01.2022 MONDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY It’s time! New book Fresh speaker ... Hot-off-the-press study guide Tonight we begin our study on The Epistle to the ROMANS We are very blessed to have theologian Samuel Kaldas take us through Romans Introduction and Chapter 1 Haven’t picked up your Bible in a while? Never really understood Romans? Want a spiritual kick with some hangs and snacks Come and try out Monday Night Bible Study It might be just the thing for you! At 7:30pm SHARP! In the English Church with prayer meeting and snacks afterwards See you there

02.01.2022 Today's Quiet time: 27-Nov-2020 Feast: The Holy Nativity Fast Read: Romans 5:1-10 (Producing Traits)... Commentary: Endurance produces character, which contributes in some measure to the things which are to come because it gives power to the hope which is within us. Nothing encourages a man to hope for blessing more than the strength of a good character. No one who has led a good life worries about the future.Does our good really lie in hope? Yes, but not in human hopes, which often vanish and leave only embarrassment behind. Our hope is in God and is therefore sure and immovable. ~ St John Chrysostom Reflection questions: Q1) What traits of your character have been produced by tribulation? What hope have you gained from your tribulations?

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