Stacey Smart-Facilitator | Brand
Stacey Smart-Facilitator
Phone: +61 418 903 658
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25.01.2022 Apparently I didn't inherit the gene that made me the ideal housewife, whipping up hot dinners or keeping my bathroom mirrors spotless. I do, however, know how to create killer ambience with mood lighting and music, can (usually) remember people's names after meeting them once and sing my heart out whether it be at karaoke or a campfire! Knowing your individual strengths means you can celebrate who you are and not have to waste energy comparing yourself to others who are a...mazing in their own unique ways, but not the same kind of special as you. We all get caught up in the comparison trap sometimes, but here's a reminder that the world needs your particular flavour of magic. Full encouragement to shine. We need you! And remember there is no such thing as perfection, despite what those glamorous insta accounts would have you believe. The divine feminine expresses herself in myriad, marvellous ways. How does she dance through you? #justdoyou #goddess #divinefeminine #woman #iamasovereignbeing #bodywisdom #femininepower #empowerment #bewhoyouare #body #womensempowerment #sacredfeminine #shinebright
23.01.2022 FYI in that picture I posted of myself yesterday, I was wearing #Modibodi period underwear. Yes - underwear that catches your BLOOD when you are menstruating, because that's what WOMEN'S bodies do once a month. Since the above statement is considered a politically incorrect thing to say nowadays & Modibodi adds have now been banned from Fascist Book due to showing some actual blood, I just wanted to draw your attention to it.
21.01.2022 Last day of school! About to do a gig African drumming with my students !! Gro go do go, go do, PA TA PA!
21.01.2022 Happy full moon in Aries! Mars, the ruler of Aries is the masculine warrior archetype who knows who he is, what he wants and stops at nothing to get it. What do you truly #desire now after all this year has put you though?... This moon is also conjunct Chiron the Wounded Healer/ Medicine Man, so you're asked to have the courage to own who you are now, take up space and trust yourself. Where in your life can you have more courage to show up as your true, #authentic self, warts and all? Mar's lover is Venus (ruler of Libra, where the Sun is now), the epitome of the divine #feminine, who welcomes his fiery passion into her embrace and allows her #surrender to soften his edges, reminding us that we can catch more flies with honey. Often to get what we truly want we need to add some sweetness rather than more force. Like #dancing. What medicine do you need today to be the full expression of who you are, calling in your most desired vision and celebrate this Aries full moon? #throughmovementweremember #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #fullmoon #morningpractise #ritual
19.01.2022 Love this!! Keep dancing, Melbourne xo
17.01.2022 Back on the skins (after many months) for mid week jam with @spiffandfifi. #Gigs this weekend: Sat 5th Dec at @radiomargaretriver 2-2:30pm - Family fun! ... Sunday 6th Dec at Yalls Beach comp on the grass 12-3pm. Love to see you there for some happy #tunes and good times
17.01.2022 Posted with @DittoRepost #dittorepost @omdidgehealing Normal Yallingup Wednesday night Sound Healing will be online for first time tonight. Featuring special guest medicine drum woman Stacey Smart for the opening meditation. Energy exchange for this first special event to help people relax into their bodies and relieve the stress of the head, we have kept to $4.49 for easy access to all. Get on fb @omdidgehealing #onlinesoundhealing #medicine_drum #ground #centre #didgeridoo
16.01.2022 What a beautiful night we had sharing, #dancing, receiving the sacred #vibrations of #sound_healing #meditating together @yogaomperth ! Thank you to Puja and Moksha of Yoga Om Perth for inviting myself and Ty @omdidgehealing to their true #yoga essence school for our debut Perth event and so generously welcoming us into their home Life is such an #adventure when you follow the breadcrumbs of synchronicity and allow yourself to both give and receive. So grateful for al...l these beautiful connections, good conversations and human #connection on this path. Definitely not to be taken for granted in these times. Love #movementjourney #didgeridoo #medicinedrum #movementmedicine #sacredsound #sound
15.01.2022 I'm totally loving my new #ariajumpsuit ! Last night after an awesome night of #dancing and #chanting at ecstatic Kirtan @fremantleyoga an older man said to me "I enjoyed your dress" I totally agreed ... #comfortandstyle #luxurybamboo #movement
14.01.2022 #nomorefear #unity #unitedwestand #wearethe99percent #powertothepeople
14.01.2022 Did you know that you can still get hungover from non-alcoholic wine? Even just one glass with dinner?? Neither did I until this morning That old familiar fuzzy feeling with a slight headache was unmistakable and I instantly I realised it was the wine!! The preservatives to be exact. Geez, that was a shit deal. Lucky I only had one ... These were my hangover solutions: a drop of Frankincense under the tongue/pressed to roof of mouth= instant relief! rolled Past Tense / Tension blend over my neck, temples and jaw. Always good for a headache or to wake up! lime oil in warm water to drink. This is my usual daily morning ritual, but I could really feel the benefits today of this zesty oil bringing me back to life! (Also put some in the diffuser with some peppermint.) Ahhhhh... how did I survive my 20s without essential oils? Feel free to reach out if you're curious to know how to get some of these for yourself and learn how be your own medicine woman (*or man or human;.) #essentialoils #hangovercure #medicinewoman #plantmedicine #oils #doterra #nonalcolholicwineisatrap
14.01.2022 Life feels really #mental right now. Like literally. Last night I couldn't sleep. Tired but wired. Feeling the collective craziness. So much on my plate and in my brain! Monday's Gemini full moon #eclipse is going to be sitting right on top of my personal planets in a few days. Hence the awareness of the pull into this orbit. You have Gemini in your chart too, so will be feeling it somewhere. Gemini = the twins, duality, thinking, talking, communicating, paradox, air, quick,... movement, learning, short trips... Phew. I got up at 3am to attempt to meditate and breathe into my body, to feel my body connect to the #ground... and hopefully get sleepy enough to go back to sleep (in between random plannings in my head of various projected future conversations and adding things to my to-do list .) Far out this energy is intense! Anyone else feeling a need to Get Out of Your Head .... Into your Body right now? Because I teach what I have to learn myself, I'll be joining Ty @omdidgehealing in Mount Lawley @yogaomperth tomorrow night to offer a space for you to do just that! I'll be leading a guided #movement session with an especially awesome playlist curated for this theme followed by #didgeridoo #sound_healing and #meditation to #receive, #ground and #reconnect back to centre. We all need this right now! This #moon is a big one! Creativity, music and movement is the perfect antidote to bring #balance. If it's calling you, please join us for : "Get Out of Your Head into Your Body" Friday 27th Nov 6:15-8:15pm Yoga Om 147 Walcott St Mount Lawley Book your place via events page / @omdidgehealing - - - Beautiful handmade soy #candle by @jadelouisemenzeees
14.01.2022 <3 Thank you for the reminder, Andrea xo
13.01.2022 Yes it needs to be said. Can we please start replacing poitical correctness with common sense and basic respect and compassion for our fellow brothers and sisters? #unitedwestand... Posted with @DittoRepost #dittorepost @a_voice_for_vaccine_choice Now is not the time to be politically correct. Now is the time to be loud and proud about your opinions. Our children are literally relying on us to stand up and speak up #wechoosefreedom
13.01.2022 Shout out to @urbanbean6285 who not only served me promptly and pleasantly at my pit stop teaching break in Margs today, but who generously had a basket of free #broccoli to help yourself! Right now as I'm feeling the building intensity of next Mondays #fullmoon #eclipse alongside the complete lunatic craziness of the end of the school year, it's little acts of #kindness like this that can put a #smile on our face and a #spring in our step! Thank you Urban Bean #actsofkindness #bethechange #actlocal #breathe
13.01.2022 Looking forward to adding my drum and voice to this online offering of sound with Ty tonight! May we feel a sense of connection and our centre in these times of apparent chaos. Love you to join us xo xoxo
12.01.2022 Preparing for a beautiful evening of #sound and #movement @yogaomperth with didgeridoo by @omdidgehealing.
12.01.2022 The word I chose to guide me this year was AUTHENTICITY. What a year to sign up for that, especially given the rampant censorship and deception that many of us have had to learn how to wade through trying (but often not achieving) to tactfully communicate with others who often don't share the same views. In fact it's felt like the multiple various lenses that we see the world through are like ball bearings that have been dropped all over the floor going in different direction...Continue reading
11.01.2022 This makes SO much sense to me and why I've been pausing these last months. No idea what's coming next. Anyone else feeling this? You're needed xo
07.01.2022 What I'd do for a day off and all day naps right about now! Posted with @DittoRepost #dittorepost @jamieleespearsxo Stay woke friends ... #enlightenment #growth #spiritualawakening #thegreatawakeing #wokememes #meditation #5d #healing #lightworkersunite #instawoke #goodvibes See more
07.01.2022 I've had many enquiries about this Sunday's One Day Drum Retreat and I've been feeling into it. I've decided to go ahead as I know #self_care, finding our centre and connection with community is so very needed in these times (pending any lockdown extensions of course, in which case a credit or refund - minus the Eventbrite bf will be honoured.) Ticket sales will close 12 noon Saturday for catering purposes as lunch and refreshments are included, as well as a didgeridoo / mini sound bath with Ty @omdidgehealing. Open to all adults, men women and older teens who would like to go a little deeper into the power of drumming to reconnect with your creativity, intuition and voice. Some drumming experience is a bonus, but beginners are most welcome as you'll be met where you're at. This Sunday 7th Feb 9:30am- 4pm in #Dunsborough. Link for more info / booking at the link below and look forward to sharing the day with you if it's resonating. I hope those of you in the South West/Peel/Perth are making the best of this unexpected home retreat Sending love for now, Stacey xo #drum #drumming #drum_retreat
06.01.2022 Following on from my last couple of posts, this one goes another layer. It may not be a popular opinion, yet I share it because it resonates with my heart at the deepest level and I agree with the words written. It's time to speak our truth, fellow brothers and sisters and hats off to those that do, inspiring and paving the way for others of us to follow. May the divine feminine smooth the way and round the sharp edges so we can navigate peacefully through these challenging t...imes we are in that would seek to use division as a weapon against each other. It's okay to disagree, but let's proceed respectfully, with a bit less political correctness and bit more compassion and common sense. With love for you and for all of humanity xo
06.01.2022 Wow this is genius !! So many applications of improvisation for our current times being able to draw on life experience and respond to what is changing and unfolding for us. Thanks for sharing, Verge Manyen
05.01.2022 #Victoria, you were on my mind all night. This is not the Australia any of us know. I know you're badly suffering and feeling broken right now, because what's being asked of you is inhumane. I'm sorry we aren't doing enough for you. It's not right. You're not forgotten. I am praying for you and trust with all my heart that the light has already won. Hang in there, help is coming. We love you #unitedwestand
04.01.2022 This resonates so strongly. Our challenges are truly our gold.
04.01.2022 This is the Freo I remember! <3
04.01.2022 It's time to stand In my truth, on the ground. Unshakeable against malice & head-fuckery. Straight-shooting, quick. ... No bullshit. Call out the lies Unafraid of not being liked. Looking myself in the mirror Becomes the only criteria. Raw, unpolished but never rude. Roar - respectfully & listen too. Willing to be wrong & open to being shown. Staying curious as it all unfolds Heart-open and dancing, Upright, sovereign, standing. #scamdemic #idonotconsent #iamasovereignbeing #unitedwestand Pic credit: @freedomgarveyphotographer