Standing Strong Hillarys | Brand
Standing Strong Hillarys
Phone: +61 400 630 733
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25.01.2022 Only one week to go until our Standing Strong Online programs commence... and we cant wait! Enrol ASAP to secure a spot .. We are so excited to be offering all of our Standing Strong programs online, enabling us to continue to provide support, connection and fun to girls from Year 3 through to Year 12. As an added bonus, the new online programs will run twice a week, with 8 sessions over 4 weeks. Session times will vary from morning to late afternoon.... Currently, we are all being faced with some big challenges and now more than ever, our mental health and that of our children must be nurtured. All of our programs help to encourage, motivate, uplift and empower our community to live happy, healthy and inspired lives by taking a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. We will be offering classes depending on school year, including Strong Primary Lower (Yr 3 & 4) Strong Primary Upper (Yr 5 & 6) Strong High School Lower (Yr 7, 8 & 9) Strong High School Upper (Yr 10, 11 & 12) To book please visit our website at or call us on 0400 630 733.
25.01.2022 Standing Strong Tweens What a way to spend a raining day! My heart is bursting with the vibe in here today while the girls are finding their voice
25.01.2022 SELF LOVE Body image is a huge topic, especially for our teens. Last week the teens spoke about body imagine, sharing stories, supporting one another and beginning to look at themselves in a beautiful and loving way.... The quote below is a great reminder to anyone one out there struggling with their appearance. We see you, the true you, and you are BEAUTIFUL. Today look in the mirror and tell yourself one thing you love about your body. Leave a comment below and let us know what kind words you told yourself today. Thanks to @katewas_ on insta for allowing us to share her photos and story!
24.01.2022 Strong Tweens Friendship changes....this is something that happens from a very young age and it can be pretty hard to avoid! Last week the girls shared their stories and experiences on this topic. They spoke about how it can make you feel confused, sad and lonely.......but in turn can also allow you to listen to your boundaries, surround yourself with people who have the same values as you, meet new friends and discover a lot about yourself. ... In the strong heart section the girls wrote friendship release letters, letting go of any friendship that they have been holding on to that may have caused them hurt. THEN..... We ripped these letters up, allowing the girls to let go, move forward, honour themselves and the friendships they deserve.
23.01.2022 Today at Standing Strong Hillarys, the girls were guided through a session on making new friends! When most girls arrive on the first day for Standing Strong they often say they are nervous and a bit worried. So this topic is the perfect start to the term as it helps break the ice and relieve some of the worry about doing something new and meeting new people. By providing a nurturing and supportive space they can learn how to make new friends with confidence. ...During the session they ask questions and find things in common with other girls in the group. They learn to discover how to listen to others, respect each others ideas and how to trust and support one another. They also get to sing and dance and connect through play! It is so amazing to hear the excitement and energy build in the room as they settle into the session! Its never to late to introduce your daughter to this experience, contact us to find out how!
21.01.2022 STRONG TEENS With so much happening in the world at the moment it is very easy to start to focus on things out of our control, rather then focus on the things we can.... for instance we can manage to a greater extent, our thoughts, our words, our actions. Last week the girls made there own personal affirmations to remind themselves of their worth, their love and to put a smile on their face. ... What affirmation are you telling yourself this week? Its the repetition of affirmations that leads to beliefs, and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. Please note: the above photo was taken prior to the new social distancing recommendations took affect!
21.01.2022 At Standing Strong Hillarys, we rise by lifting others And theres still time to get your girls involved! Book now for our online programs starting Monday!
20.01.2022 Are you feeling lonely at this unusual time? Loneliness.... is a very predominant topic with everything happening right now, and you are not alone in feeling this way. This was a topic we spoke about this week in all our age groups, and a very real topic for all the girls right now as they are struggling being away from family members, friends and other social experiences. Further to this the uncertainty of not knowing when this will be over has made it even harder for them.... We allowed the girls a safe space to discuss how they are feeling, we allowed them the space to feel sad and upset about being away from some family and friends and then they shared what makes them feel better at this time. We discussed other ways communication and connection can be had and the importance of alone time. The older girls created an Alone Time Love Folder. This folder consisted of affirmations, ideas and activities that make them feel good, which they can remind themselves to do when they feel alone. What are some things you would put in your Alone Time Love Folder? Here is whats on mine, feel free to borrow it as your own! Jodie Standing Strong Co-ordinator @Brave Heart Wellbeing
20.01.2022 Only a few days until we kick off these online programs and spaces for our Monday session are limited! Enrol ASAP to secure a spot
18.01.2022 Thats a wrap We are finishing up our 4 week holiday program this week, and despite being online we are still giving the girls the party they deserve with dress ups, food, laughs and celebrations. For the last 4 weeks we have been able to connect with all the girls twice a week, creating a safe space for connection at this unusual time in our lives. The girls adapted to the change of being online with open arms and an open heart. They have been brave, courageous, honest, supportive and caring. Its beautiful to see such a connection has still been formed despite physical distancing being in place.
18.01.2022 Services Update - Telehealth Are you concerned how you can access support if you are in isolation or we go into lock-down? As of March 13th the Federal Gove...rnment have allocated new item numbers for Psychologists so that telehealth facilities can be made available and you can seek mental health support via zoom, skype, phone or facetime. In order to access this scheme you have to meet specific (Federal Government) criteria including: People isolating themselves at home on the advice of a medical practitioner or in accordance with home isolation guidance issued by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC); People who meet the testing guidelines for COVID-19; People aged over 70; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged over 50; People with chronic health conditions or who are immunocompromised; and Parents with new babies and people who are pregnant. If you meet this criteria, the services are fully bulk-billed. Therefore, there will be no out of pocket expense to you! If you are self-isolating without meeting the above criteria, we can still provide the support, however you will not receive the rebate and you will pay your normal fee. If you are worried about this, please contact us to discuss options. We are here to support you and will do whatever we can, in line with health and government regulations to bring you these services.
17.01.2022 We understand and empathise that with so much constantly changing at the moment, a little break, breather and space is needed. As term 2 begins, we know it is going to look very different from family to family. We want to give you the space to figure out how term 2 will look for you and give you time to settle into these changes. With this being said we are not currently opening up a full term 2 program. We will be reassessing in a few weeks where we, as a community, are and ...make a decision from there as to whether we reopen for a shorter term online (or face to face). Expressions of interest have already been opened online, if you are interested in signing your daughter up please head over to our website to put your name down and be the first to know about our next program dates. For now, we are here to support you however we can and would love any suggestions about topics your daughter is really needing right now so we can plan the programs accordingly. Stay safe, and we will see you very soon
17.01.2022 STRONG Body The Strong Body section in our Standing Strong program is all about movement. Whether the movement be big or small, fast or slow, this is a time where we get the blood flowing, energy shaking, and start to connect as a group. We know that movement can vary for everyone, with some people loving it and others not so much. So we use this to not only move our bodies, but acknowledge the importance of movement and recognising what we love about our a and judgement free space! Our bodies allow us the ability to walk with our friends, run with our pets, swim in the sea, hug our family, smell, taste and store delicious food, see beautiful sunsets, feel love and compassion in our hearts, and so many more amazing things everyday day. Whats one body positive comment you can say to yourself today...?
17.01.2022 Just incase you missed the update below... heres a reminder
17.01.2022 Have you wondered what the Standing Strong Program is all about? Lets hear what some of the girls have to say about it....
16.01.2022 At Standing Strong Hillarys, we rise by lifting others And there's still time to get your girls involved! Book now for our online programs starting Monday!
15.01.2022 Seeking support during crisis In relation to the current outbreak of COVID-19 young people and families can experience increased stress and feel overwhelmed... with worry. This experience may be different for each individual and we may react and communicate our concerns in different ways. You will notice more media headlines in relation to COVID-19, there may be more exposure through conversation with our families and via community forums, your usual places to hang out may have restricted access or notices warning of the virus. Unfortunately, some of this information may give conflicting stories and it can be hard to know what to believe. Some tips to manage your worry at this time: Reach out to support networks (see numbers below); Talk to a trusted person about your worries; Stay active whenever possible; While it is important to keep up to date with current advice it is also ok to have a break from communication sources, such as social media or the news Introduce some mindfulness activities that can assist in lowering your stress and give you space to think logically about your specific risk; Make time for social connection (with good hygiene practices in place); Eat well; Make time for rest. You can reach out for support on the following numbers: Coronavirus Health Information Line 1800 020 080 Healthdirect Hotline 1800 022 222 Lifeline 13 11 14 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Headspace 1800 650 890 At Brave Heart Wellbeing we will be doing out best to provide a safe space for you to continue accessing support, including providing hand sanitiser and maintaining good hygiene practices. If you need support to manage the challenges during this time we are here to help you and your family. Contact us on 08 6118 6108 or
14.01.2022 ANNOUNCEMENT We have a new way to roll and we are so excited! In these uncertain times at Standing Strong we are looking for ways to continue supporting you! ... Stayed tuned for more information and dont hesitate to contact us if you have any questions! We are here for you!
14.01.2022 One week into our 4 week online program and we are loving it just as much as the girls Seeing the girls twice a week has been absolutely incredible. Last week we spoke about worries and anxiety, a topic all the girls had a lot to talk about. We loved that we could provide them a safe space to voice their current worries, provide them support and tools to practice in these times and have some high vibe connections and smiles.... Although we are one week down we still have six sessions left and we are excited to let you know that we are keeping our programs open so your daughter can still join in! We understand how hard this time is for not only parents, but also young people and this is why we believe that its so important to allow you to join at any time. If you wish to book your daughter in please dont hesitate to contact us, or simply follow this link Sending our love out there to you all! Stay safe Brave Heart Wellbeing family
13.01.2022 Just incase you missed this one... Check out the information belowand don't forget to LIKE Brave Heart Wellbeing Our services are NOT changing, just the way we communicate to you is!
13.01.2022 Just incase you missed the update below... here's a reminder
12.01.2022 so much for our new group of Tweens Today they are exploring group values and discovering what is important to them as a group and what they hope to get out of the program! The conversations are so encouraging and supportive!
11.01.2022 You are worth every bit of love We can fall in love with other people, with all living beings, but we so often forget to show love to the most important being, ourselves. We have been made to feel that we must earn our worth, we need to do something or be a certain way to be worthy of this love, but from the moment you took your first breath all your worth is there, it never leaves you, it is always there. This week we are talking about self love with the girls, what makes them uniquely them, what makes their heart sing, as we remind them of their incredibly beautiful selves and everything they are worth!
11.01.2022 Strong Juniors Today we are learning all about over coming challenges we are learning that sometimes we experience situations and events that can lead to worry and feeling scared and we talked about some strategies to work through this! We love watching the girls grow bonds of friendship in a safe space!
09.01.2022 STRONG TEENS Another amazing group session tonight...this time STRONG teens! We continued the group discussion on meeting new friends and developing ways to settle any nerves that may have been there when the girls arrived for their first session of the term! ... It didnt take long for the tik tok and chatting to begin with lots of laughs and good fun developing team values and setting the tone for the weeks to come!
09.01.2022 Just incase you missed this one... Check out the information belowand dont forget to LIKE Brave Heart Wellbeing Our services are NOT changing, just the way we communicate to you is!
09.01.2022 Hello beautiful community We just wanted to reach out and say hello, we are still here for you. We hope you are all settling in okay and adapting to the new school term, however that looks for you and your family.... Its so important at this time that we remember to take a moment to breath, sip a coffee or do absolutely nothing. We are so grateful to you all for being part of this amazing community with us and we cannot wait to see you soon. However for the time being, please keep in mind that we are here to support you however we can. Expressions of interest are open online, if you would like to be kept up to date with our upcoming programs, check out..... What are you grateful for today?
09.01.2022 Shared from Standing Strong, Bayswater
08.01.2022 C A N D L E G A Z I N G This week in our STRONG heart session we practiced candle gazing. This time allowed the girls to slow down, feel a sense of calm and focus on the flickering light. After a moment to themselves the girls bought to mind someone they loved, as they looked into the light they thought of this person filling them up with love, gratitude and a sense of grounding. It was so beautiful to hear that the girls have shared this practice of gratitude, love an...d grounding with their family What are some practices you do to feel grounded?
08.01.2022 That’s a wrap We are finishing up our 4 week holiday program this week, and despite being online we are still giving the girls the party they deserve with dress ups, food, laughs and celebrations. For the last 4 weeks we have been able to connect with all the girls twice a week, creating a safe space for connection at this unusual time in our lives. The girls adapted to the change of being online with open arms and an open heart. They have been brave, courageous, honest, supportive and caring. It’s beautiful to see such a connection has still been formed despite physical distancing being in place.
07.01.2022 Strong Teens We are loving this group of teens who are open, brave and so supportive of each other! Within two weeks the bonds that have formed are incredible and we couldnt be more proud! This week we have been discussing confidence....learning about what it means, how it feels and how to build confidence! ... How lucky are we to be meeting and supporting such amazing humans
07.01.2022 Standing Strong Online There is still time to connect your daughter to our online programs. To help her connect, have fun and feel safe and supported during these unprecedented times. She is welcome to join up to our online community with girls her age and discuss any concerns she may have about being isolated from friends and family, spending time alone, or managing her worry and stress. This week we are talking about worry and anxiety and understanding coping strategies t...hat can be done with ease at home. BOOK NOW at See more
07.01.2022 This is a beautiful post by one of our amazing facilitators Kaleigh Ovel following the session tonight with our Strong Teens Such a critical discussion and the girls were so open and supportive! ... We love our jobs
06.01.2022 We are no longer active on this account. Head over to Brave Heart Wellbeing and follow us to ensure you dont miss a thing.
05.01.2022 HQ visits We love it when we get to show off our space. Recently Kim.....amazing, brilliant and passionate owner of Standing Strong popped in to check it out!!!
05.01.2022 For all those students who are sitting OLNA this month..... Youve got this.....
04.01.2022 Nutrition and mindful eating Nutrition, balance and awareness of food plays an important role in how we feel, not just physically, but emotionally. It is important we see food in a healthy manner, rather than something we have to eat or something we over indulge on. For a lot of young people it can be quite hard to develop a healthy relationship with food. This week in our workshops we speak to the older girls about nutrition, and have a play with mindful eating. Mindful ...eating is such a powerful tool to use to allow for slowing down, becoming aware of what you are eating, enjoying the taste and feel of food and being present. We have 4 sessions left of this program and its not too late to enrol your daughter, we welcome her with open arms at any time! To enrol, visit our website at for all our contact details or simply message us from here
04.01.2022 *UPDATE* Our merge is now complete! Please make sure you like and follow our Brave Heart Wellbeing Facebook page to continue to receive information about our programs and workshops! --------------------------------------------------------------------- We are making a change We realise during the current changes to our community due to COVID-19 social media content has increased and at times it can be overwhelming.... We want to reduce this, so have decided to merge our pages to minimise traffic to your feed. We are currently running separate pages for: Brave Heart Wellbeing Standing Strong Floreat Standing Strong Hillarys At times this means you may be receiving the same information on multiple occasions. So over the coming weeks we will be encouraging you to like Brave Heart Wellbeing ONLY and move away from the other pages. All content and information will be available on Brave Heart Wellbeing and all the same services and programs will still be available. Our services are NOT changing, just the way we communicate to you is! We hope we can continue to support you and your family. With thanks, Michelle and the team at Brave Heart Wellbeing
03.01.2022 Standing Strong Juniors This week the topic was all about recognising and managing challenges with Frenemies.... So what better way to work through that tricky topic than a guided visualisation
03.01.2022 An excellent post from Standing Strong, Bayswater! While we will do everything we can to meet the hygiene standards....we will also continue to provide a safe and nurturing space for the community! M For Standing Strong Floreat or Hillarys please contact Jodie on 6118 6108 or Michelle on 0400 630 733...
02.01.2022 Have you wondered what the Standing Strong Program is all about? Let's hear what some of the girls have to say about it....
01.01.2022 Do you worry about your daughter's mental health in these challenging times? When she can't see her friends? Or do her sports and activities? Or see her grandparents or the broader community? Do you wish you could... Help her to feel connected, nurtured, and supported during this time of physical distancing? Help her to feel understood, seen and heard in a safe and supportive environment? ... Connect with other girls her age so she can share her challenges and experiences with like-minded people? Get support from experienced facilitators to navigate her way through this time? This is exactly what STANDING STRONG is designed to do! Standing Strong is a fun, interactive and easy-to-use online program designed to support girls from Year 3 through to Year 12. It's designed to uplift and to give your daughter tools and strategies to feel resilient and empowered. Each session includes all three Standing Strong components of; STRONG Body Movement STRONG Mind Mindset STRONG Heart Mindfulness Our program has helped hundreds of girls across different countries to feel supported and connected during their formative years. HOW DOES IT WORK? Standing Strong consists of two sessions per week over a four week period. YOUR INVESTMENT $150 total for four weeks (eight sessions). Program days and times are below: STARTING FROM MONDAY 6TH APRIL AND RUNNING UNTIL FRIDAY MAY 1ST Years 7, 8 & 9 Monday and Thursday from 3:00 4:30pm Years 5 & 6 Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 10:00am Years 3 & 4 Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 5:30pm Years 10, 11 & 12 Wednesday and Friday from 2:00 3:30pm Spaces are limited to 8 per class so secure your spot now! It's critical to help your daughter feel supported, connected and safe in these uncertain times REGISTER NOW at
01.01.2022 Do you worry about your daughters mental health in these challenging times? When she cant see her friends? Or do her sports and activities? Or see her grandparents or the broader community? Do you wish you could... Help her to feel connected, nurtured, and supported during this time of physical distancing? Help her to feel understood, seen and heard in a safe and supportive environment? ... Connect with other girls her age so she can share her challenges and experiences with like-minded people? Get support from experienced facilitators to navigate her way through this time? This is exactly what STANDING STRONG is designed to do! Standing Strong is a fun, interactive and easy-to-use online program designed to support girls from Year 3 through to Year 12. Its designed to uplift and to give your daughter tools and strategies to feel resilient and empowered. Each session includes all three Standing Strong components of; STRONG Body Movement STRONG Mind Mindset STRONG Heart Mindfulness Our program has helped hundreds of girls across different countries to feel supported and connected during their formative years. HOW DOES IT WORK? Standing Strong consists of two sessions per week over a four week period. YOUR INVESTMENT $150 total for four weeks (eight sessions). Program days and times are below: STARTING FROM MONDAY 6TH APRIL AND RUNNING UNTIL FRIDAY MAY 1ST Years 7, 8 & 9 Monday and Thursday from 3:00 4:30pm Years 5 & 6 Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 10:00am Years 3 & 4 Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 5:30pm Years 10, 11 & 12 Wednesday and Friday from 2:00 3:30pm Spaces are limited to 8 per class so secure your spot now! Its critical to help your daughter feel supported, connected and safe in these uncertain times REGISTER NOW at
01.01.2022 Hello!! I am Jodie and Im so excited to introduce myself to you as the Standing Strong Coordinator for Braveheart Wellbeing. After working with young people for a number of years, I can honestly say Standing Strong is one of the most important programs I have found for young people. A program that supplies them with life long tools for worry, aniexty, bullying friendship changes, body image, the list goes on, but most importantly allows them to have a safe space to be... unapologetically and authentically themselves! If you have any questions or just want to have a chat to find out more please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or (08) 6118 6108 I so look forward to meeting you all as our community continues to grow and we watch these young people take on the world!
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