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St Augustine’s Parish Narromine | Church

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St Augustine’s Parish Narromine

Phone: +61 2 6889 1021


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24.01.2022 Don’t forget our Parish Dinner tonight. Bring some food to share or just yourself as there is always plenty of food.

23.01.2022 MASS TIMES FOR THIS WEEK (25 to 30 May 2020) Monday: 5.00 pm Tuesday: 10.00 am Wednesday: 10.00 am... Thursday: 5.00 pm Friday: 10.00 am Saturday: 10.00 am See more

21.01.2022 A beautiful Chrism Mass tonight, unfortunately the faithful could not be with us tonight but be assured that we prayed for you all!

20.01.2022 Today is the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. During Mass this morning Father Manoj spoke to the children about the special blessing of the Sacred Heart that is used in many homes around the world.

18.01.2022 Today we farewelled a wonderful lady, Thelma Carlin, at a Requiem Mass celebrating her life and her contribution to our community. She really was an inspiration to us all. Thelma was farewelled in style with the most beautiful floral arrangements by Lyn Wallace adorning the church.

18.01.2022 We were very happy with the roll up at the church this morning for our annual pre-Christmas clean up. Many hands achieved a lot of those extra jobs we don’t normally have time for.

18.01.2022 A small group of parishioners enjoyed each other’s company at the Parish Dinner this evening. Good food and good fellowship. We also recognised the contribution that Eva Swane has made to the parish as she prepares to leave town next month.

16.01.2022 Yesterday, 25th of May 2020, first anniversary of Fr Jordan Perry OP. Prayers and Mass were offered in remembrance of Fr Perry.

15.01.2022 Please do come and join us in prayer

15.01.2022 I always encourage my clergy to be at the forefront of peoples lives out in the bush and i always ask them to bring Christ to them no matter where they live. we have Father Sabbas (Cobar Parish) and Fr Manoj (Narromine Parish) out on the land helping out and bringing Christ to our farmers. Well done Fathers, a great inspiration! +Columba See more

15.01.2022 At their recent conference meeting, the Australian Bishops decided that on May the 24th (The Solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christans-Patroness of Australia and the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord), all the Bishops will Entrust Australia to the care of Our Lady Help of Christians. Please join with other Australians in praying the following prayer:

15.01.2022 Special Event Announcement: Mass & Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament with Fr Mano Manuel (30/10/20) Please join us for Mass and Adoration on the 30th o...f October (this coming Friday). All welcome. Confession: 4:30pm Mass: 5:00pm Adoration: 5:30pm-6:30pm Location: Parish of St Augustine and the Blessed Sacrament - 20 Dandaloo Street, Narromine. Intention: Praying for the world to be strengthened to fight against evil forces. We are asking for Jesus to have mercy on us. If you cannot join us at the Church, feel free to make a spiritual communion with us from wherever you are at that time or whenever you can. Let’s build an army for spiritual warfare! Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. May God bless us all, our families and our world. Amen. Thank you for your time.

15.01.2022 Masses on the weekend celebrated the Solemnity of Our Lady of Perpetual Help who is the Patroness of our Diocese. Father Manoj explain the significance of the different elements of this iconic artwork.

13.01.2022 Thanks be to God and to the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary! We have 2 new Priests! What a solemn, amazing, emotional and grace filled night! The Church is alive and well here in Wilcannia-Forbes. Congratulations Father Ravi and Father Getulio on your Ordination! +Columba

12.01.2022 WELCOME FATHER RAVI. This evening we welcomed Father Ravi to our parish to celebrate Mass. Father Ravi was recently ordained at the Cathedral in Broken Hill.

12.01.2022 This evening we had a wonderful gathering at the Bowling Club to farewell Father Manoj and to welcome Father Sabbas to our parish.

11.01.2022 Welcome back to Mass. Father Manoj prepares the Church for the return to weekday Mass (10 people per day). Barriers in place, social distancing sorted, hand sanitiser available and disinfectant spraying in place. Please ring Father if you would like to come to Mass on any day Monday to Saturday at 10am.

10.01.2022 WELCOME BACK! St Augustine’s Parish welcomes you back to Mass this weekend for the Mass of the Holy Trinity. Saturday vigil Mass: 6pm Sunday morning: 8am We are following all government and diocesan guidelines to keep parishioners as safe as possible during these Covid 19 times.

08.01.2022 This evening, members of St Augustine’s Parish joined in the celebration of Mass with Bishop Columba. After Mass we shared a meal in the Parish Hall.

07.01.2022 Colourful rainbow of Narromine. Photos taken at St Augustine's this afternoon. (Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him, James 1:12).

07.01.2022 Announcement: Latin Mass is on again this coming Sunday! (7th of June, 2020) PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION REGARDING COVID-19 Please join us for Holy Mass with B...ishop Columba Macbeth-Green, Sunday afternoon at 2pm. (St James’ Catholic Church, Peak Hill) Here is a timetable for this Mass: *1:30pm - Recitation of the Rosary *Anytime after 1/1:30pm, the Bishop usually hears confessions before the Mass. *2:00pm - Tridentine Mass COVID-19 Changes: *Please message us to confirm your attendance and how many people will be with you. We need to keep the final tally at 50 or under. If your plans change, please let us know so we can consider others who would like to attend. We will try our best to accommodate both locals and visitors in this tally. *Please keep to spacing guidelines as discussed with parishioners/Sacristans on arrival. *Donations and/or planned giving envelopes can be given at the door instead of the normal collection plate being passed around. *There will be no afternoon tea at Boatswain House. We can’t have a large amount of people in a small, confined area. *There will be a sign-in sheet for attendees at the back of the Church. *We need to be careful to follow these rules to avoid the spread of the virus. The parish/Diocese can’t afford any fines as well. The Bishop is very keen to get back to celebrating the Holy Mass and we look forward to seeing you all there. God bless!

07.01.2022 A very enjoyable evening was had by parishioners who gathered in the hall after Mass for our Christmas gathering. We enjoyed sausages, hamburgers, ham and salad and many delicious homemade desserts. I little bit of Christmas music bought the best out in some of us!

06.01.2022 Grateful parishioners return to Mass to celebrate Trinity Sunday. Thank you Father Manoj for celebrating such an uplifting Mass (with all Covid measures in place).

06.01.2022 Father Manoj opens the doors of the Church with a welcoming smile after some parishioners assist him with preparing the church.

05.01.2022 Father Manoj took time out today to celebrate his birthday. Happy Birthday Father.

03.01.2022 THANKSGIVING MASS on 5th December, 6 pm, at St. Augustine's. Please do join us to thank God for the fruitful harvest. "You shall keep the feast of harvest, of the first fruits of your labour, of what you sow in the field. You shall keep the feast of ingathering at the end of the year when you gather in from the field the fruit of your labour" (Exodus 23:16)THANKSGIVING MASS on 5th December, 6 pm, at St. Augustine's. Please do join us to thank God for the fruitful harvest. "You shall keep the feast of harvest, of the first fruits of your labour, of what you sow in the field. You shall keep the feast of ingathering at the end of the year when you gather in from the field the fruit of your labour" (Exodus 23:16)

02.01.2022 Tonight the Holy Father has announced that Bishop Mark Edwards OMI Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne will be the next Bishop of the Diocese of Wagga Wagga. Welcome to country Australia Mark I am glad to have you as a neighbour! +Columba

01.01.2022 Tomorrow, Thursday, Bishop Columba will be visiting St Augustine’s Narromine. He will spend some time in our parish school before celebrating Mass at 5pm. Following Mass parishioners are invited to join with the Bishop for a meal in the Parish Hall. It is BYO drinks and food (to share, where possible, prepared in individual serves). COVIDSafe protocols will be followed including social distancing and hygiene guidelines.

01.01.2022 Magnificent & picturesque St Augustine's, Narromine. God bless us all.

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