St.Bernard Club Queensland | Dog breeder
St.Bernard Club Queensland
Phone: +61 438 360 191
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22.01.2022 Getting them used to children young
21.01.2022 Reminder: Date Claim Saturday 22nd August 11:30 am arrive for 12 pm lunch, General Meeting to be held after lunch. Feel free to bring your best friend with you and enjoy some relaxing time with our puppies and each other. You don’t have to be a member to come along and join in some fun. Please remember COVID-19 rules will apply and if you could please rsvp by Thursday 20th August so that we can make sure we meet all rules and regulations.... Bring a plate to share. Come and enjoy!!!!
19.01.2022 Happy National Dog Day
18.01.2022 For all the dogs we’ve loved and lost
18.01.2022 St Bernard Club Meet Playdate yesterday. It was great to have dogs of different ages from 5 months to 10 years and coat types. Good to meet people and answer ...their questions to help them in their decision of whether The Saint Bernard is the right dog for them. Staggered well to conform to COVID regulations. See more
17.01.2022 People who love Saints are different. They are not superficial, they are in general some of the most tolerant people, and they always find beauty in the heart n...ot in the face. To love a saint bernard you must fall in love with the proud loyal creature within. The friend who without thinking would sacrifice their self to protect their family. The sensitive animal that knows when you're sick or happy. And they do this all for a pat and a good boy. To love a saint bernard you learn to ignore drool, you keep a lint roller in your car, your desk, your tool box, and sometimes your pocket. You'll buy a new vacuum even if it means making your shoes wait till payday. If the choice is going to the dentist or the vet the vet always wins. We put up with slobber and hair everywhere, scratched up bathtubs, wrecked upholstery (car and home). And when an "accident" happens we know it's not the dogs fault we were bad parents. Our furniture is always tattered, wet, and furry even chewed up. And if you look around you'll see teeth marks from past friends we keep as remembrances. We do this for the very special kind of love only a Saint Bernard can give. For a dog whose average life expectancy is little more than the blink of an eye. Many of us will have whole herds of friends waiting on the other side of the rainbow bridge. I know I will Yes Saint Bernard parents are a special kind of crazy.. See more
15.01.2022 The St Bernard Club Queensland needs new members and committee members to continue to function. Who can be a member? Anyone wishing to support the club and has an interest in the breed be it looking to purchase a St Bernard, wanting to find out more and if the breed is for them; what they are really like or someone who is already owned by a St Bernard and is looking for play dates and face to face encounters with other breed fanciers. Basically this is what the club doe...s. Of course the club still needs to run within Dogs QLD processes and procedures and abide by their rules as we are affiliated with them. We work hard to fundraise to cover operating costs and the unfortunate situation of assisting with any St Bernards needing to be rescued and rehomed; public events promoting St Bernards and a championship dog show. It tends to be a common misconception that a club is just for breeders. Yes definently breeders should be involved with the club in promoting and showcasing our breed but more importantly the everyday owner is needed so people know exactly what it is like to live with a St Bernard one on one and make the right choice. See more
13.01.2022 Omdat we de laatste tijd veel nieuwe pups binnen onze praktijk mogen knuffelen :) , hier het volgende ter informatie: Dit is een röntgenfoto van een pup van ee...n paar weken oud. Zie hoeveel de botten moeten groeien voordat ze een benige verbinding hebben met elkaar! Dit is waarom je nooit puppy's trappen moet laten lopen, springen, trainen en veel wandelen. Veel activiteit op jonge leeftijd kan problemen geven op latere leeftijd of zelfs op jonge leeftijd. Heupdysplasie en andere orthopedische problemen. Denk aan de puppy regel: voor elke maand 5 minuten MEER activiteit. Bijvoorbeeld een 8 weken oude pup heeft per dag slechts 10 minuten intensieve lichamelijke activiteit nodig, een pup van 6 maanden 30 minuten. Fysieke activiteit in de vorm van spelen met andere honden, wandelen, training, apporteren. Geniet van uw pup maar onthoudt: een goede start maakt de kans op een gezond beendergestel op volwassen leeftijd aanzienlijk groter!
08.01.2022 Meeting and Play Date This Saturday 22/8/2020: Meet at: 11:30am for 12pm Lunch Catch up and lunch with a General meeting for the Club afterwards.... We would really love new people and your loved ones to come and attend. New members welcome also. Please don’t be shy come along, Meet people with the same love for there Fur Babies. Please note that the St Bernard Club QLD is proudly sponsored by Royal Canin....We will have Stacy on hand to help with any questions on Royal Canin food for you BIG Babies.
08.01.2022 Come and have a great afternoon