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Stepping Sideways with Amanda | Medical and health

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Stepping Sideways with Amanda


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25.01.2022 432 Hz V 440 Hz. That is the question.... Having delved into frequencies over the last 18 months, I have recently discovered that the vast majority of songs we listen to toady are tuned to 440 Hz. I didn't have a problem with this at all until I heard what songs sound like at 432 Hz!! On doing some further investigation, it turns out that songs tuned to 432 Hz have a more natural, healing frequency. So I put this theory to the test, by listening to two songs, exactly the s...ame, but played at the different frequencies. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I could tell straight away which was playing at 432 and which was at 440. Maybe it's my acute senses at play, or maybe it is the same for everyone!? But I much prefer my music at 432 Hz any day!! So I am now on a personal mission to only play music tuned to 432. And surprisingly, I have found many songs which are! A simple search of 432 V 440 will help you to find your perfect frequency too. We need to start paying attention to this sort of stuff and use it to our advantage. Happy days listening to Cold Play’s Viva La Vida xx

23.01.2022 Apologies for my lack of interaction on the page lately. I have been quietly watching, listening and following along with what has been happening in Victoria. You know what still gets me at the core... In almost 6 months, I have yet to see any of the mainstream media talk about the ways we can boost our immune systems naturally. Instead, all of the directions being given to us (esp for those who are in Melbourne) actually go against everything that supports a healthy immune ...system. And this really worries me for our long-term health and immunity. As we continue to take the directions given to us, we need to be super conscious and mindful of what we are doing to ourselves. We must do our own due diligence, take the time to read the peer reviewed literature on wellness, and ask ourselves how we can best navigate this situation to maintain our immunity. I'll just end by saying that sunlight, movement, social interaction, laughter, oxygen and good nutrition are all pivotal for building a healthy immune system. Outside play is a must every day in our family!! Love and light to all xx

20.01.2022 Paddy absolutely LOVES his green’s juice in the mornings. Rory... not so much. So he doesn’t feel like he is missing out, we invented him ‘yellows’ juice and he is completely owning it!! It’s got one apple, one orange, filtered water and a drop of doTERRA’s grapefruit oil all blended up together. I specifically chose grapefruit out of all the doTERRA citrus oils as it’s packed full of the chemical constituent Limonene, which is cleansing and soothing to the gastrointestinal tract. Rory just asked ‘is yellows juice a sometimes food or an all the time food?’ When I told him it was an ‘all the time food’ he was over the moon!! xx

19.01.2022 Just a reflection on a rainy day as I sit and ponder... Back when I was studying nursing, we were briefly introduced to the concept of 'Complimentary' therapies. According to the mainstream literature, these are therapies which are used alongside conventional medicines or treatments. 20 years into my nursing career, and I'm actually starting to wonder if these therapies are actually 'complimentary' or if there is more to them? Are they actually the way forward? Why are they... constantly being suppressed? As a nurse, it has been my job to pop pills from big pharma to my patients. Regardless of the listed side effects (and there are many as we are seeing with the latest warnings around Pregabalin), if the medication is written on the paper by a higher authority, I have to administer it. If I do not, then I will be out of a job. This is something that is really starting to grind at my conscience. You see the deeper I go down the big pharma rabbit hole, the more I am aware of the big business surrounding it. Knowing that there are other options out there that are being suppressed, I am finding myself pulling away from my profession. Like my good friend Naomi has also said, I became nurse because I care deeply for others, but I can no longer be a nurse because I care deeply for others. This has become the BIGGEST moral conflict for me over the past few years. I know that my time in nursing is limited based on my conscience. I also know that I am not the only nurse in this position of moral conflict. Just needed to share, as this great awakening we are all experiencing in our own unique way, will no doubt put a mirror up to many aspects of our lives. Love to all xx

17.01.2022 Radiation awareness is a huge passion of mine, and something that I enjoy teaching others about. As a society, we love our wireless devices and fill our homes with them. We carry them in our pockets, attach them to our bodies, give them to our children to play with, and put them next to our sleeping babies. We pretty much rely on them for our everyday existence. But how much do we really know about our devices and the radio-frequency radiation they emit? Unfortunately due to... wireless radiation being relatively new technology, there are no long-term studies on the health impacts. We do not know what the consequence of this long-term exposure will be, hence why I choose to take a precautionary approach to the way my family and I use technology. After years of personal research in this area (and I am by no means an expert), I am expanding my business to offer my value to others in terms of understanding your devices better, and how to reduce your RF exposure in the home. Our world is increasingly being blanketed by radiation, much of which is now involuntary exposure. But the good news is that we do have some control over the exposure in our homes, and this is where it's going to count. I am offering confidential in-home consultations for a small fee to cover costs (Geelong residents only at this stage due to the Covid restrictions). So please get in touch if you would like to chat about making an appointment. At the end of the day, I just want to see families enjoying their technology safely. Love and light xx

16.01.2022 I don't know, but something just seems really wrong about the way they are taking our temperatures... This is how they actually explain the process of how to use the infrared thermometers... 1) Aim the gun to the object or person. Make sure there is nothing blocking the gun and target.... 2) Get close to the object or person between one and two feet. 3) Pull the trigger which gives an instant infrared reading on the gun’s display. Why are we accepting this as OK? Why are we normalising this to our children? That it's OK for someone to point something at their heads, right between their eyes, and for them to just stand there and take it? (Never mind that the infrared laser is actually being aimed right over our pineal gland..) Did you know that these devices do not need to be pointed at our heads? Next time someone comes at you or your children with this device, stick out your wrist instead. Love to all xx

14.01.2022 I have just put on my 'Speak your Truth' oil blend (Bergamot, Lavender, Spearmint and Frankincense), as I actually have something really important to say. These doTERRA oils are helping so many to manage the stressors of the situation we are in. They are not going to solve all of our problems, but the natural compounds when inhaled actually reset our brain chemistry to a place where we have clarity and calm. I know it may sound hokey to many, but when I gift samples of oils those who need them, I am ALWAYS blown away by the impact they have. So who I am to keep doTERRA quiet. This stuff needs to be shouted from the rooftops! My top four (4) oil blend suggestions to support with the stress and anxiety of our situation are: Adaptiv - The Oil of Tranquility Balance - The Oil of Grounding Lavender Peace - The Restful Blend (it supports quality sleep) Peace - The Reassuring Blend I am handing samples of these oils out to anyone who is feeling the pressure/stress/anxiety of what we are going through. I will talk you through exactly how to use them and when to use them. Everything between you and I is kept in confidence, so please DM me if you are struggling and let these oils support you. Love to all xx

13.01.2022 As far as I'm concerned, winter's time is up!! It's done in my world! So bring on spring!! This week I am continuing to transform my front yard into a glorious, organic food bowl! I really enjoy my time in the garden, something therapeutic about it. But it's more than that. It's about having good nutrition at our fingertips, being more self-sufficient in an ever-changing world, learning new skills that I will have for life, and being able to pass all of this practical knowledge down to my kids. What should I be planting next?? Time to dig up more garden!! Have a lovely Sunday! xx

12.01.2022 Well clearly amoxycillin doesn’t agree with me!! The other night I took two doses and my face blew up like a tomato! Rather than reaching for an antihistamine (which I didn’t have any of anyway), I went straight to my doTERRA oils to fix this situation! I took a combination of lemon, lavender and peppermint in a soft gel capsule, then applied the same oil combination topically. Conclusions: ... 1) the swelling subsided 2) I threw out my antibiotics in favour of my oregano oil Feeling much better now xx

11.01.2022 There are two primary choices in life, accept conditions as they are, or take responsibility for changing them - Denis Waitley Being an activist on issues that are important to my family, alongside running a Wellness Advocacy business, has seen me on the computer WAY more than I would like to be. I need to create a better balance. I'm glad I've recognised this and can work towards introducing some small changes. Have a great Thursday xx

06.01.2022 Exciting news coming out of doTERRA today!! BOGO week (Buy One, Get One FREE) is back!! This is such a great opportunity to get some quality essential oils into your home. So each morning this week (Mon-Fri), doTERRA will be releasing a new BOGO offer. Today's offer is: ... BUY one Green Mandarin oil (15ml) GET one Juniper Berry oil (5ml) FREE!! Then around midday each day, I will be placing a group order for anyone wanting in on that deal!! So if you are keen to learn about what's on offer each morning (with the prices and a little write up on each oil), then please comment below or send me a direct message, and I will keep you in the loop!! It's a super exciting week!! xx

05.01.2022 Forget the ‘Greens’ juice, and step aside ‘Yellows’ juice! Rory has just made up his very own ‘Reds’ juice!! It’s an organic mix of beetroot, carrot, apple, lemon and ginger. Fighting disease and improving immunity all starts in the kitchen. It’s a pity it took me so long to really grasp this concept!! Nevermind, we are on the right path now

02.01.2022 We must respect each other’s view of this world. We are all unique and are influenced by our own life experiences. So we all see things differently. For me, I am very passionate about freedom of choice and maintaining my rights as a woman. It is up to me to decide what I want for my body. So rather than protest for what I want, complain about it, or get depressed, I instead choose to be proactive. When we are silent on any issue that directly effects us, we are actually sayin...g ‘I’m OK with this.’ So if something isn’t right for you, you need to let them know that you simply ‘Do Not Consent.’ Being silent in this world IS consent. What an empowering feeling it was to send off my letters to Scott Morrison and several other ministers that I ‘Do Not Consent’ to any forced / mandatory injections. I just wanted to let them know incase they try it on me!! It’s now officially on record. If you would like to do the same, you can. You can stand up for anything that you do not consent to. You just need to say it. Love to all and have a wonderful weekend xx

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