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Steve Jobs in Surfers Paradise, Queensland | Business service

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Steve Jobs

Locality: Surfers Paradise, Queensland

Address: 13-15 Short St, Southport 4215 Surfers Paradise, QLD, Australia


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18.01.2022 Jobs died at his Palo Alto, California, home around 3 p.m. (PDT) on October 5, 2011, due to complications from a relapse of his previously treated islet-cell pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, which resulted in respiratory arrest. He had lost consciousness the day before and died with his wife, children, and sisters at his side. His sister, Mona Simpson, described his death thus: "Steve's final words, hours earlier, were monosyllables, repeated three times. Before embarking, he...'d looked at his sister Patty, then for a long time at his children, then at his life's partner, Laurene, and then over their shoulders past them. Steve's final words were: 'Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.'" He then lost consciousness and died several hours later. A small private funeral was held on October 7, 2011, the details of which, out of respect for Jobs's family, were not revealed. Apple and Pixar each issued announcements of his death. Apple announced on the same day that they had no plans for a public service, but were encouraging "well-wishers" to send their remembrance messages to an email address created to receive such messages. Apple and Microsoft both flew their flags at half-staff throughout their respective headquarters and campuses. Bob Iger ordered all Disney properties, including Walt Disney World and Disneyland, to fly their flags at half-staff from October 6 to 12, 2011. For two weeks following his death, Apple displayed on its corporate Web site a simple page that showed Jobs's name and lifespan next to his grayscale portrait. On October 19, 2011, Apple employees held a private memorial service for Jobs on the Apple campus in Cupertino. Jobs's widow, Laurene, was in attendance, as well as Cook, Bill Campbell, Norah Jones, Al Gore, and Coldplay. Some of Apple's retail stores closed briefly so employees could attend the memorial. A video of the service was uploaded to Apple's website. California Governor Jerry Brown declared Sunday, October 16, 2011, to be "Steve Jobs Day." On that day, an invitation-only memorial was held at Stanford University. Those in attendance included Apple and other tech company executives, members of the media, celebrities, close friends of Jobs, and politicians, along with Jobs's family. Bono, Yo Yo Ma, and Joan Baez performed at the service, which lasted longer than an hour. The service was highly secured, with guards at all of the university's gates, and a helicopter flying overhead from an area news station. Each attendee was given a small brown box as a "farewell gift" from Jobs. The box contained a copy of the Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, former owner of what would become Pixar, George Lucas, former rival, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, and President Barack Obama all offered statements in response to his death. Jobs is buried in an unmarked grave at Alta Mesa Memorial Park, the only nonsectarian cemetery in Palo Alto.

15.01.2022 Apple In 1976, Wozniak invented the first Apple I computer. Jobs, Wozniak and Ronald Wayne then set up Apple computers. In the very beginning, Apple computers were sold from Jobs parents’ garage. Over the next few years, Apple computers expanded rapidly as the market for home computers began to become increasingly significant.... In 1984, Jobs designed the first Macintosh. It was the first commercially successful home computer to use a graphical user interface (based on Xerox Parc’s mouse driver interface.) This was an important milestone in home computing and the principle has become key in later home computers. Despite the many innovative successes of Jobs at Apple, there was increased friction between Jobs and other workers at Apple. In 1985, removed from his managerial duties, Jobs resigned and left Apple. He later looked back on this incident and said that getting fired from Apple was one of the best things that happened to him it helped him regain a sense of innovation and freedom, he couldn’t find work in a large company. On leaving Apple, Jobs founded NeXT computers. This was never particularly successful, failing to gain mass sales. However, in the 1990s, NeXT software was used as a framework in WebObjects used in Apple Store and iTunes store. In 1996, Apple bought NeXT for $429 million. Much more successful was Job’s foray into Pixar a computer graphic film production company. Disney contracted Pixar to create films such as Toy Story, A Bug’s Life and Finding Nemo. These animation movies were highly successful and profitable giving Jobs respect and success. In 1996, the purchase of NeXT brought Jobs back to Apple. He was given the post of chief executive. At the time, Apple had fallen way behind rivals such as Microsoft, and Apple was struggling to even make a profit.

14.01.2022 Return to Apple Jobs launched Apple in a new direction. With a certain degree of ruthlessness, some projects were summarily ended. Instead, Jobs promoted the development of a new wave of products which focused on accessibility, appealing design and innovate features. The iPod was a revolutionary product in that it built on existing portable music devices and set the standard for portable digital music. In 2008, iTunes became the second biggest music retailer in the US, with o...ver six billion song downloads and over 200 million iPods sold. In 2007, Apple successfully entered the mobile phone market, with the iPhone. This used features of the iPod to offer a multi-functional and touchscreen device to become one of the best-selling electronic products. In 2010, he introduced the iPad a revolutionary new style of tablet computers. The design philosophy of Steve Jobs was to start with a fresh slate and imagine a new product that people would want to use. This contrasted with the alternative approach of trying to adapt current models to consumer feedback and focus groups. Job’s explains his philosophy of innovative design.

07.01.2022 Adoptive Parents Though Paul Reinhold Jobs (19221993) grew up with an often abusive alcoholic father, he developed a personality that was calm and gentle. He dropped out of high school and wandered around the Midwest working as a mechanic at various places before ending up in the Coast Guard. Paul Jobs earned commendations due to him being a good mechanic, but his inability to swim and tendency to get into trouble always kept him at the rank of a seaman. One day, when he and... his crew arrived in San Francisco after their ship had been decommissioned, Paul made a bet to his buddies that he would find himself a wife within two weeks. Clara Hagopian (1924 1986) was born in New Jersey and moved to San Francisco as a child. Her family sought refuge in the United States while fleeing the Turks in Armenia. Clara’s only secret was that she had been already married and her husband never came back from war. Her first date with Paul Jobs was partially a result of her desire to start a new life. Also, the fact that his mates had a car and hers didn’t. Surely his handsomeness, robust body build, and slight resemblance to James Dean had nothing to do with it. Ten days had passed since Paul asked Clara out, and they were already engaged and about to start a happy relationship that would last over forty years. Paul’s abilities as a mechanic made them decent money. He bought, restored, and sold old cars. Clara convinced him to move to San Francisco, a city she loved since she was a child. There, Paul got hired as a repo man, and his job was to pick the locks of cars whose owners failed to pay their loans, and repossess them for the company. After being together for some time, the couple decided they want a baby. Clara was unable to have one due to an ectopic pregnancy, which left her infertile. This situation caused them to consider adoption.

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