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St Joseph's Church- The Strand in Townsville, Queensland | Catholic Church

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St Joseph's Church- The Strand

Locality: Townsville, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 4721 3765

Address: 8 Fryer Street 4810 Townsville, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 The Priests of the Townsville Diocese are feeling isolated from their communities with these current COVID-19 restrictions. They gave a shout out to their communities to let them know that they are in their thoughts and prayers.

25.01.2022 Pray for the safety of our children

25.01.2022 As Parishes re-open for Masses this weekend. Here is a short video outlining things we must all do to keep everyone safe. Thank you to the staff and students Our Lady of Lourdes School Ingham for their assistance. Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish Townsville @St Joseph's Church- The Strand St Brigid's Parish: Stuart - Wulguru Holy Spirit Parish Cranbrook Ministerial Region of the Good Shepherd Sacred Heart Parish Ayr St Colman's Parish Home Hill St Anthony's Parish, Deeragun Ingham Region Catholic Parishes St Columba's Catholic Parish Charters Towers Good Shepherd Catholic Parish St.Mary Catholic Church,Bowen,Qld. St.Catherine's Catholic Parish

25.01.2022 Today we celebrated Confirmation and First Eucharist with our sacramental group for 2020. Blessings to each and every one of them.

25.01.2022 Join us online for the Year 1 Class Mass in our beautiful St Joseph's Church- The Strand. #JoinUsAtJoeys #JoeysOnTheStrand

24.01.2022 Hope you’re ready because Guy Sebastian is dropping into your loungeroom tomorrow! Guy hardly needs an introduction with being one of Australia’s most successfu...l solo artists, we are so excited to have him on the couch with the incredible all-star line-up. The singer, songwriter and producer is well known not only for his musical talent, but for his work in support of the most vulnerable and is walking with us tomorrow for our global community! Come walk with Guy by clicking the link below on Sat, May 9, 4pm AEST! #projectcompassion #walkwithme #caritasoncovid19

24.01.2022 Divine Mercy Sunday God Bless You After the death of Jesus, Apostles were sad, disappointed and discouraged. They were very close to Jesus, listened to His teachings witnessed His many miracles and heard Him telling that He would rise from death on the third day. They forgot all His assurances of coming back from death to be with them forever and gave themselves to fear, sadness and disappointment. They did not believe Mary Magdalene when she told them that Jesus is... alive. During these days of corona let us not be frightened and worried for we are an Easter People. Risen Christ is with us. Corona virus is a silly matter for Him who brought back to life even the dead. But. .. He will act only when we turn to Him and see Him in our brthers and sisters.Let us adhgere to the path He Has set for us. Let us be calm peaceful and rejoice for Jesus is alive to die no more and is with us. We will win over corona. See more

24.01.2022 Here is the latest Bishop's Bulletin #23 - There are a number of important issues happening in the Diocese at the moment. Read about them here.

21.01.2022 *Reflection* *_The Cross, the Eucharist and the Blessed Mother_* On March 3, 2018, Pope Francis announced that a new memorial would be celebrated on the Monday after Pentecost Sunday, entitled The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. Henceforth, this memorial is added to the General Roman Calendar and is to be universally celebrated throughout the Church.... *When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, Woman, behold, your son. Then he said to the disciple, _Behold, your mother._ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.* John 19:26-27 *Dearest Mother Mary, Mother of God, my mother, and Mother of the Church, pray for me and for all your children who are so deeply in need of the mercy of your Son as it was poured out from the Cross for the redemption of the world. May all your children draw ever closer to you and to your Son, as we gaze upon the glory of the Cross, and as we consume the Most Holy Eucharist. Mother Mary, pray for us. Jesus, I trust in You!*

18.01.2022 The ACBC and Catholic Religious Australia have today published an important and substantial document on the review of diocesan and parish governance and management in Australia.

18.01.2022 Today our Prep and Year 5 students attended Class Mass. Our Prep kids did an amazing job for their first Mass in the Church. Thank you to Fr Siby for celebrating the Eucharist with us.

15.01.2022 The Effects of the Holy Spirit Let's Reflect Today, upon the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. Look for the effects of the Holy Spirit to discern whether or not you are being truly led by God. Allow yourself to be led and moved by the Breath of God and anticipate great things in your life.... Let's pray *Come Holy Spirit, renew within me the grace of my Baptism and lead me each and every day in accord with Your divine will. I abandon myself to Your glorious care and trust in the promptings of Your presence in my life. Jesus, I trust in You.*


08.01.2022 This week we catch up with the 4th MCBS Priest in the Diocese Fr Siby Sebastian. As we have chatted to the Priests we have discover many hidden talents. What special gifts does Fr Siby have? St Joseph's School the Strand St Joseph's Church- The Strand

02.01.2022 Bishop Tim Harris is currently working with parishes to establish safe and practical ways to return to general Mass attendance. Parishes are required to submit ...a COVID Safe Plan to Bishop Tim for approval before reopening. Given the preparation that is required, CHURCHES MAY NOT REOPEN at this time. We will work together to find a safe path to reopening as soon as possible. Live stream Mass will continue to be available here and on YouTube. Mass is 10:00am each Sunday to Friday. Pray at home resources are available - Stay safe everyone. See more

02.01.2022 Happy Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus The Heart of Perfect Love and Self-Giving Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves._ Matthew 11:29 ... To some, this can seem like an old and outdated celebration in the Church. It can be seen as one of those ancient feasts that have little meaning in our lives today. Nothing could be further from the truth! The Sacred Heart of Jesus is exactly what we need to know, experience and receive in our lives today. His heart, that heart which was pierced by the lance and from which flowed blood and water, is the sign, symbol and source of the burning love of His very soul. The blood is an image of the Most Holy Eucharist and the water is an image of the cleansing waters of Baptism. This celebration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a celebration of Jesus pouring out on us His whole life and all of His love. He held nothing back which is symbolized by the pouring forth of the last drop of this blood and water from His Heart as He lay there dead on the Cross. Though it’s a very graphic image, it’s graphic to make a point. The point, again, is that He held nothing back. We need to realize that Jesus continues to give us everything if we are willing to receive it. *Reflect* If you are finding that you need to know His love more deeply in your life this day, try spending time reflecting on this Scripture: but one soldier thrust his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water flowed out (John 19:33-34). Spend time reflecting upon that last self gift, the gift of that water and blood flowing from His wounded Heart. It is a sign of His infinite love for you. Reflect upon it being poured out especially for you. See it, be immersed in it, and be open to it. Let His love transform and fill you. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. I thank You, dear Lord, for giving all to me. You held nothing back from me and You continue to pour out Your life for my good and for the good of the whole world. May I receive all You give to me and hold nothing back from You. Jesus, I trust in You.

01.01.2022 Mass returns to the new "normal" St Josephs, The Strand Mass times... Mon, Tue, Thu-Sat mornings 6:30am Wed evening 5:30pm Sat evening 6:00pm Sunday 8:30am A COVID-19 plan is in place to allow for up to 100 persons. Please follow all instructions and signage as you enter and exit the church.

01.01.2022 MCBS Priests with Archbishop Mark Colridge at Marian Valy Retreat center Brisbane.

01.01.2022 Please join us online with the wonderful students from St Joseph's School the Strand as they celebrate the Eucharist

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